Example #1
QString Playlist::convertPath(QString filename){
    QString filepath;
    QUrl url(filename);
    filepath = url.toLocalFile();

    QDir file;
    filepath = file.toNativeSeparators(filepath);

    return filepath;
QString MediaStorageDlg::getFolder()
    QFileDialog dlg(this);

        return QString();

    QDir dir = dlg.directory();
    return dir.toNativeSeparators(dir.absolutePath());
// Move image to a project path "img"
// @input:
// - QString - unempty full image file path
// @output:
// - empty QString - can't move image
// - same QString - image is already in project folder
// - new unempty QString - copied image path
QString ImgFilesService::MoveImageToProject(const QString &t_imgPath)
	if ( true == t_imgPath.isEmpty() )
		qDebug() << "MoveImageToProject(): Error - invalid arguments";
		QString empty;
		return empty;

	if ( false == CheckImgExist(t_imgPath) )
		qDebug() << "MoveImageToProject(): Error - nothing to move";
		QString empty;
		return empty;

	// Images have to be stored in directory PROJECT_IMG_PATH
	QDir directory;
	QString pathToImgDir = directory.currentPath();
	pathToImgDir = directory.toNativeSeparators(pathToImgDir);

	QString imgToMove;
	imgToMove = directory.toNativeSeparators(t_imgPath);

	// We should check if user choosed image from PROJECT_IMG_PATH
	if ( true == imgToMove.startsWith(pathToImgDir) )
		qDebug() << "File" << imgToMove << "is already in project";
		return t_imgPath;

	QFileInfo imgCopyInfo(imgToMove);
	QString imgCopyPath;
	for (int i = 0; imgCopyInfo.exists(); i++)
		imgCopyPath = pathToImgDir + imgCopyInfo.baseName();
		if ( 0 == i )
			imgCopyPath += QString(".%1").arg(imgCopyInfo.completeSuffix());
			imgCopyPath += QString("_%1.%2").arg(i).arg(imgCopyInfo.completeSuffix());


	bool fileCopiedSuccessfully = QFile::copy(imgToMove, imgCopyPath);
	if ( false == fileCopiedSuccessfully )
		qDebug() << "MoveImgToProjectPath(): error - cant copy file" << imgToMove;
		QString empty;
		return empty;

	return imgCopyPath;