Example #1
void MainWindow::resizeItem() {
for (int i = 0;  i < 10;  i++) {
    QGraphicsRectItem* theFrame = item1;
    QPointF P1(100 - (7.0 * i)/3.0, 50 -(5.0*i)/3.0);

    graphicsSheet->addPoint("P1", P1);
    graphicsSheet->addPoint("pos", theFrame->pos());

    QPointF P2i = QPointF(theFrame->rect().width(), theFrame->rect().height());
    QPointF P2 = theFrame->mapToScene(P2i);

    qDebug() << "P1:" << P1;
    qDebug() << "P2:" << P2;
    graphicsSheet->addPoint("P2", P2);

    QTransform t;
    t.translate(-P1.x(), -P1.y());

    QPointF P2t = t.map(P2);

//    qDebug() << "P2t:" << P2t;  // OK

    QPointF P3(P2t.x()/2, P2t.y()/2);
 //   qDebug() << "P3:" << P3;

    QTransform t2;
    t2.translate(P1.x(), P1.y());
    QPointF P3t = t2.map(P3);
////    qDebug() << "P3t:" << P3t;      // OK

    graphicsSheet->addPoint("P3t", P3t);

    QTransform t3;
    t3.translate(P3t.x(), P3t.y());
    t3.translate(-(P3t.x()), -(P3t.y()));

    QPointF newPos = t3.map(P1);
    QSizeF newSize = QSizeF(P2t.x(), P2t.y());

    graphicsSheet->addPoint("newPos", newPos);

    RectItem* item1 = new RectItem(QRectF(newPos.x(), newPos.y(), newSize.width(), newSize.height()));
    qreal angle = 30;
    QPointF center2 = QPointF(item1->rect().width() / 2, item1->rect().height() / 2);

Example #2
void SymbolDataEditor::rememberChanges()
    if (scene->items().isEmpty())

    if (itemToChange == Item::InPoint)
        QGraphicsEllipseItem* inPointItem = static_cast<QGraphicsEllipseItem *>(scene->items(Qt::AscendingOrder).at(Item::InPoint));
        inPoint = inPointItem->rect().center();

    if (itemToChange == Item::OutPoint)
        QGraphicsEllipseItem* outPointItem = static_cast<QGraphicsEllipseItem *>(scene->items(Qt::AscendingOrder).at(Item::OutPoint));
        outPoint = outPointItem->rect().center();

    if (itemToChange == Item::LimitsRect)
        QGraphicsRectItem* limitsRectItem = static_cast<QGraphicsRectItem *>(scene->items(Qt::AscendingOrder).at(Item::LimitsRect));
        limits = limitsRectItem->rect();

Example #3
QList<Manifold *> Element::detectCollidingObjects(void) {

    collidingItemsList = scene()->collidingItems(this);

    QList<Manifold *> mList = * new QList<Manifold *>();
    for (int j = 0; j < collidingItemsList.size(); j++) {
        mList.append(new Manifold());
    int i = 0;

    // While detect colliding items
    while (!collidingItemsList.isEmpty()) {

        // Pop the first item from the list
        QGraphicsRectItem * rectB = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsRectItem*>(collidingItemsList.takeFirst());

        mList[i]->second_object = dynamic_cast<Object2d*>(rectB);

        // Vector between two colliding objects A and B
        QPointF dist_AB = rectB->mapToScene(rectB->rect().center()) - this->mapToScene(this->rect().center());

        // x overlap between two colliding objects
        qreal overlap_x = std::min<qreal>(mapToScene(rect().topLeft()).x() + rect().width(), rectB->mapToScene(rectB->rect().topLeft()).x() + rectB->rect().width()) - std::max<qreal>(mapToScene(rect().topLeft()).x(), rectB->mapToScene(rectB->rect().topLeft()).x());

        if (overlap_x > 0) {
            // y overlap between two colliding objects
            qreal overlap_y = std::min<qreal>(mapToScene(rect().topLeft()).y() + rect().height(), rectB->mapToScene(rectB->rect().topLeft()).y() + rectB->rect().height()) - std::max<qreal>(mapToScene(rect().topLeft()).y(), rectB->mapToScene(rectB->rect().topLeft()).y());

            if (overlap_y > 0) {
                if (overlap_y > overlap_x) {
                    if (dist_AB.x() < 0) {
                        mList[i]->normal_x = -1;
                        mList[i]->normal_y = 0;
                    } else {
                        mList[i]->normal_x = 1;
                        mList[i]->normal_y = 0;
                    mList[i]->penetration = overlap_x;
                } else {
                    if (dist_AB.y() < 0) {
                        mList[i]->normal_x = 0;
                        mList[i]->normal_y = -1;
                    } else {
                        mList[i]->normal_x = 0;
                        mList[i]->normal_y = 1;
                    mList[i]->penetration = overlap_y;
    return mList;
Example #4
void GraphiItemCtrl::OnDrawEvent()

			QGraphicsLineItem* pLine = o_ItemScene.addLine(o_PointA.x(),o_PointA.y(),
				o_PointB.x(), o_PointB.y(),o_CurrentPen);
			int iKey = GetNextItemKey();
			QLineF oLine = pLine->line();
			map_LineItems.insert(iKey, pLine);
			emit NotifyLineAdded(iKey,oLine);
			double dWidth = o_PointB.x() - o_PointA.x();
			double dHeight = o_PointB.y() - o_PointA.y();
			QGraphicsRectItem* pRect = o_ItemScene.addRect(o_PointA.x(),o_PointA.y(),
				dWidth ,dHeight,o_CurrentPen);
			int iKey = GetNextItemKey();
			QRectF oRect = pRect->rect();
			map_Rects.insert(iKey, oRect);
			emit NotifyRectAdded(iKey,oRect);
			double dWidth = o_PointB.x() - o_PointA.x();
			double dHeight = o_PointB.y() - o_PointA.y();
			QGraphicsEllipseItem* pElipse =	o_ItemScene.addEllipse(o_PointA.x(),o_PointA.y(),
				dWidth ,dHeight,o_CurrentPen);
			int iKey = GetNextItemKey();
			pElipse->setData(CUSTDATA_KEY, iKey);
			QRectF oRect = pElipse->rect();
			emit NotifyElipseAdded(iKey,oRect);

Example #5
void SymbolDataEditor::moveItem(const QPoint pos)
    if (itemToChange == Item::NoItem || scene->items().isEmpty())

    if (itemToChange == Item::InPoint || itemToChange == Item::OutPoint)
        QPointF itemPos = mapToScene(pos);
        QGraphicsEllipseItem* item = static_cast<QGraphicsEllipseItem *>(scene->items(Qt::AscendingOrder).at(itemToChange));
        item->setRect(itemPos.x() - pointWidth / 2,
                      itemPos.y() - pointWidth / 2,
                      pointWidth, pointWidth);

    if (itemToChange == Item::LimitsRect)
        QGraphicsRectItem* item = static_cast<QGraphicsRectItem *>(scene->items(Qt::AscendingOrder).at(itemToChange));

        QPointF scenePos = mapToScene(pos);
        QRectF newRect = item->rect();

        if (sideToChange & Side::Top)
        if (sideToChange & Side::Bottom)
        if (sideToChange & Side::Left)
        if (sideToChange & Side::Right)

        if (sideToChange == Side::AllSides)
            newRect.moveCenter(scenePos + dLimitsCenter);

Example #6
void SymbolDataEditor::calculateSideToChange(QPoint pos)
    sideToChange = Side::NoSide;

    if (itemToChange != Item::LimitsRect || scene->items().isEmpty())

    QGraphicsRectItem* limitsItem = static_cast<QGraphicsRectItem *>(scene->items(Qt::AscendingOrder).at(itemToChange));
    QRectF limitsRect = limitsItem->rect();

    QPoint topLeft = mapFromScene(limitsRect.topLeft());
    QPoint bottomRight = mapFromScene(limitsRect.bottomRight());

    if (QRectF(topLeft, bottomRight).adjusted(-10,-10,10,10).contains(pos))
        if (abs(topLeft.x() - pos.x()) < 10)
            sideToChange = static_cast<Side>(sideToChange | Side::Left);
        if (abs(topLeft.y() - pos.y()) < 10)
            sideToChange = static_cast<Side>(sideToChange | Side::Top);
        if (abs(bottomRight.x() - pos.x()) < 10)
            sideToChange = static_cast<Side>(sideToChange | Side::Right);
        if (abs(bottomRight.y() - pos.y()) < 10)
            sideToChange = static_cast<Side>(sideToChange | Side::Bottom);

    if (sideToChange & Side::Left && sideToChange & Side::Right)
        sideToChange = Side::Left;
    if (sideToChange & Side::Top && sideToChange & Side::Bottom)
        sideToChange = Side::Top;

    if (sideToChange == Side::NoSide && limitsRect.contains(mapToScene(pos)))
        sideToChange = Side::AllSides;
        dLimitsCenter = limitsRect.center() - mapToScene(pos);
Example #7
bool ZipplXmlReader::read( QIODevice *dev )
  setDevice( dev );
  bool res = true;
  bool metaMode = false;
  mCurrParent = 0;
  mCurrSpot = 0;

  QGraphicsScene *scene = mGraphWidget->scene();
  int spotID = 0;

  while (!atEnd()) {

    if( isStartElement() ) {
      qDebug() << "XML name: " << name();

      if( name() == "presentation") {
        // presentation mode: debug & presentation
        QString mode = attributes().value("mode").toString();
        if( !mode.isEmpty() ) mMode = mode;

        mPath = attributes().value("path").toString();
        if( !mPath.endsWith('/') ) mPath += "/";

        qreal dx = qrealAttrib("width") / -2.0;
        qreal dy = qrealAttrib("height") / -2.0;
        QRectF rect( dx, dy, -2.0*dx, -2.0*dy );
        scene->setSceneRect( rect );
      } else if( name() == "meta" ) {
        metaMode = true;
      } else if( name() == "title" && metaMode ) {
        mPresentationTitle = readElementText();
      } else if( name() == "description" && metaMode ) {
        mPresentationDescr = readElementText();
      } else if( name() == "date" && metaMode ) {
        mPresentationDate = readElementText();
      } else if( name() == "name" && metaMode ) {
        mAuthorName = readElementText();
      } else if( name() == "email" && metaMode ) {
        mAuthorEmail = readElementText();
      } else if( name() == "tocentry" ) {
        if( mCurrSpot ) {
          mCurrSpot->setData( TOCENTRY, readElementText() );
      } else if( name() == "spot" ) {
        if( mCurrParent != 0 ) {
          qDebug() << "Strange: Current Parent should be zero here!";
        QGraphicsRectItem *rectItem = new QGraphicsRectItem( );

        rectItem->setPen( pen( rectItem->pen(), QColor("#aeaeae") ));

        mCurrParent = rectItem;
        mCurrSpot = rectItem;
        mCurrParent->setData( ID, QVariant( spotID++ ));

        mCurrParent->setPos( position() );

        rectItem->setBrush( brush( rectItem->brush() ) );

        scene->addItem( mCurrParent );
        mSpots.append( mCurrParent );

        // Prepare the hidden items list
        GraphicsItemList list;
        mHiddenItems.insert( mCurrParent, list );

      } else if( name() == "hidden" ) {
        QGraphicsRectItem *rectItem = new QGraphicsRectItem( mCurrParent, scene );
        rectItem->setPen( QPen( QColor( 240, 240, 240 )));

        // append this hidden item to the list of hiddens of the parent spot.
        GraphicsItemList list = mHiddenItems[mCurrSpot];
        list.append( rectItem );
        mHiddenItems[mCurrSpot] = list;

        mCurrParent = rectItem;
        mCurrParent->setData( ID, QVariant( spotID++ ));

      } else if( name() == "rect" ) {
        if( mCurrParent ) { // within a spot
          qDebug() << "Creating a rectangle!";
          QGraphicsRectItem *rectItem = new QGraphicsRectItem( mCurrParent, scene );

          qreal width = qrealAttrib( "width" );
          qreal height = qrealAttrib( "height" );

          QPointF pos = position();
          if( width > 0 && height > 0 ) {
            rectItem->setRect( pos.x(), pos.y(), width, height );
          } else {
            rectItem->setPos( pos );
          rectItem->setPen( pen( rectItem->pen() ) );

          mCurrParent = rectItem;
      } else if( name() == "circle" ) {
        QPointF pos = position();
        QGraphicsEllipseItem *ellipse = new QGraphicsEllipseItem( mCurrParent, scene );
        // ellipse->setBrush( getBrush() );
        qreal r = 2.0 * qrealAttrib( "r" );

        QRectF rect( pos, QSizeF( r, r ) );

        ellipse->setPen( pen( ellipse->pen() ) );

        ellipse->setRect( rect );

      } else if( name() == "text" ) {
        QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *textItem = new QGraphicsSimpleTextItem( mCurrParent, scene );

        QString font = attributes().value("font").toString();
        QString size = attributes().value("size").toString();

        QFont currFont = textItem->font();
        if( !font.isEmpty() ) {
          currFont.setFamily( font );
          textItem->setFont( currFont );
        if( !size.isEmpty() ) {
          currFont.setPointSize( size.toInt() );
          textItem->setFont( currFont );

        textItem->setPos( position() );

        // set the brush
        QBrush b( textItem->brush() );
        b.setColor( color() );

        textItem->setBrush( b );

        QString text = readElementText();
        textItem->setText( text );

      } else if( name() == "image" ) {
        if( handleImg( scene ) ) {

    } else if( isEndElement() ) {
      qDebug( ) << "XML CLOSE: " << name().toString();
      if( name() == "spot" || name() == "toc" ) {
        QRectF rect = mCurrParent->childrenBoundingRect();
        qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsRectItem*>(mCurrParent)->setRect( rect);
        mCurrParent = 0;
      } else if( name() == "rect" ) {
        QGraphicsRectItem *item = qgraphicsitem_cast<QGraphicsRectItem*>(mCurrParent);

        if( item->rect().isEmpty() )
          item->setRect( mCurrParent->childrenBoundingRect() );
        mCurrParent = mCurrParent->parentItem();
      } else if( name() == "hidden") {
        mCurrParent->setOpacity( 0.0 );
        mCurrParent = mCurrParent->parentItem();
      } else if( name() == "meta" ) {
        metaMode = false;

  createToc( scene );

  return res;