Example #1
void BinaryFormatter::writeAttr(std::ostream& into, const SumoXMLAttr attr, const RGBColor& val) {
    BinaryFormatter::writeAttrHeader(into, attr, BF_COLOR);
    FileHelpers::writeByte(into, val.red());
    FileHelpers::writeByte(into, val.green());
    FileHelpers::writeByte(into, val.blue());
    FileHelpers::writeByte(into, val.alpha());
Example #2
void EffectsGenerator::gradientSigmoidTransition(int transitionSize, std::string &os)
	RGBColor tempColor;

	for (int j = 0; j < (int)colors.size() - 1; j++)
		vector<double> RedOperations = SigmoidCalculator(0, transitionSize, colors[j].getR(), colors[j + 1].getR());
		vector<double> GreenOperations = SigmoidCalculator(0, transitionSize, colors[j].getG(), colors[j + 1].getG());
		vector<double> BlueOperations = SigmoidCalculator(0, transitionSize, colors[j].getB(), colors[j + 1].getB());

		for (int i = 0; i < transitionSize; i++)

			//Envoyer les valeurs aux leds, ajouter un delais ou changer le transitionSize
            os += to_string(tempColor.getR()) + " "
				+ to_string(tempColor.getG()) + " "
				+ to_string(tempColor.getB()) + " ";
			//A remplacer par:


void TetrisWidget::drawTextRightAligned(const Rect & inRect, const std::string & inText, int inFontSize, const RGBColor & inColor)
    if (!mPainter.get())
        throw std::logic_error("Painter is not set.");

    RestorePainter restorePainter(*mPainter);
    QPainter & painter(*mPainter);

    painter.setPen(QColor(inColor.red(), inColor.green(), inColor.blue()));

    // Paint the stats title
    QFont textFont(painter.font());

    int textWidth = painter.fontMetrics().width(inText.c_str());
    int textHeight = painter.fontMetrics().height();

    int x = inRect.right() - textWidth - margin();
    int y = inRect.top()  + (inRect.height() - textHeight)/2;
    drawText(x, y, inText);
Example #4
RGBColor MultiObjects::TraceRay(const Ray& ray) const
    HitRec sr(*world);
    double t;
    double tmin = FLT_MAX;
    GeometricObject* obj_min = nullptr;
    HitRec sr_min(*world);
    for (auto obj : world->GetObjects())
        if (obj->Hit(ray, t, sr))
            if (t < tmin)
                tmin = t;
                obj_min = obj;
                sr_min = sr;
    if (obj_min != nullptr)
        RGBColor col = AssetStore::Instance().GetMaterials().get(qui::Hash(obj_min->GetMaterial().c_str()).value)->shade(sr_min);
        return col;
    return RGBColor::black;
Example #5
GUIPerson::drawGLAdditional(GUISUMOAbstractView* const parent, const GUIVisualizationSettings& s) const {
    glTranslated(0, 0, getType() - .1); // don't draw on top of other cars
    if (hasActiveAddVisualisation(parent, VO_SHOW_WALKINGAREA_PATH)) {
    if (hasActiveAddVisualisation(parent, VO_SHOW_ROUTE)) {
        if (getCurrentStageType() == MOVING_WITHOUT_VEHICLE) {
            RGBColor current = GLHelper::getColor();
            RGBColor darker = current.changedBrightness(-51);
            MSPersonStage_Walking* stage = dynamic_cast<MSPersonStage_Walking*>(getCurrentStage());
            assert(stage != 0);
            const SUMOReal exaggeration = s.personSize.getExaggeration(s);
            const ConstMSEdgeVector& edges = stage->getRoute();
            for (ConstMSEdgeVector::const_iterator it = edges.begin(); it != edges.end(); ++it) {
                GUILane* lane = static_cast<GUILane*>((*it)->getLanes()[0]);
                GLHelper::drawBoxLines(lane->getShape(), lane->getShapeRotations(), lane->getShapeLengths(), exaggeration);
void TetrisWidget::drawTextCentered(const Rect & inRect, const std::string & inText, int inFontSize, const RGBColor & inColor)
    if (!mPainter.get())
        throw std::logic_error("Painter is not set.");

    RestorePainter restorePainter(*mPainter);
    QPainter & painter(*mPainter);

    // Set the new pen
    painter.setPen(QColor(inColor.red(), inColor.green(), inColor.blue()));

    // Paint the stats title
    QFont textFont(painter.font());

    int textWidth = painter.fontMetrics().width(inText.c_str());
    int textHeight = painter.fontMetrics().height();

    int x = inRect.left() + (inRect.width()  - textWidth)/2;
    int y = inRect.top()  + (inRect.height() - textHeight)/2;
    QRect theTextRect(x, y, game()->gameGrid().columnCount() * squareWidth(),squareHeight());
    painter.drawText(theTextRect, inText.c_str());
void TetrisWidget::paintSquare(const Rect & inRect, const RGBColor & inColor)
    if (!mPainter.get())
        throw std::logic_error("Painter is not set.");

    RestorePainter restorePainter(*mPainter);

    QColor color(inColor.red(), inColor.green(), inColor.blue());
    int x = inRect.x();
    int y = inRect.y();
    int width = inRect.width();
    int height = inRect.height();

    mPainter->fillRect(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2, color);

    mPainter->drawLine(x, y + height - 1, x, y);
    mPainter->drawLine(x, y, x + width - 1, y);

    mPainter->drawLine(x + 1, y + height - 1, x + width - 1, y + height - 1);
    mPainter->drawLine(x + width - 1, y + height - 1, x + width - 1, y + 1);
Example #8
void Bitmap::SetPixel(int x, int y, const RGBColor &c)
    CheckCoordinates(x, y);
    data_[y * bi_.width + x].red = c.r();
    data_[y * bi_.width + x].green = c.g();
    data_[y * bi_.width + x].blue = c.b();
Example #9
/* Test the method 'interpolate'*/
TEST(RGBColor, test_interpolate) {	
	RGBColor color1 = RGBColor(1,2,3);
	RGBColor color2 = RGBColor(3,4,1);
	RGBColor colorResult = RGBColor::interpolate(color1, color2, 0.5);
	EXPECT_EQ(2, colorResult.red());
	EXPECT_EQ(3, colorResult.green());
	EXPECT_EQ(2, colorResult.blue());
Example #10
JSValue jsRGBColorBlue(ExecState* exec, JSValue slotBase, const Identifier&)
    JSRGBColor* castedThis = static_cast<JSRGBColor*>(asObject(slotBase));
    RGBColor* imp = static_cast<RGBColor*>(castedThis->impl());
    JSValue result = toJS(exec, castedThis->globalObject(), WTF::getPtr(imp->blue()));
    return result;
Example #11
/* Test the method 'interpolate'*/
TEST(RGBColor, test_interpolate) {	
	RGBColor color1 = RGBColor(1,2,3);
	RGBColor color2 = RGBColor(2,4,2);
	RGBColor colorResult = RGBColor::interpolate(color1, color2, 0.5);
	EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(SUMOReal(1.5), colorResult.red());
	EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(SUMOReal(3), colorResult.green());
	EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(SUMOReal(2.5), colorResult.blue());
Example #12
void Bitmap::SetPixelImageCoordinates(int i, int j, const RGBColor &c)
    CheckImageCoordinates(i, j);
    const int image_coordinates_i = height_ - i - 1;
    data_[image_coordinates_i * width_ + j].red = c.r();
    data_[image_coordinates_i * width_ + j].green = c.g();
    data_[image_coordinates_i * width_ + j].blue = c.b();
Example #13
/* Test the method 'interpolate' with a weight of 1 and higher*/
TEST(RGBColor, test_interpolate_weight_1) {	
	RGBColor color1 = RGBColor(1,2,3);
	RGBColor color2 = RGBColor(2,4,2);
	RGBColor colorResult = RGBColor::interpolate(color1, color2, 1);
	RGBColor colorResult2 = RGBColor::interpolate(color1, color2, 1000);
	EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(SUMOReal(2), colorResult.red());
	EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(SUMOReal(4), colorResult.green());
	EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(SUMOReal(2), colorResult.blue());
Example #14
/* Test the method 'interpolate' with a weight of 0 and lower*/
TEST(RGBColor, test_interpolate_weight_0) {	
	RGBColor color1 = RGBColor(1,2,3);
	RGBColor color2 = RGBColor(2,4,2);
	RGBColor colorResult = RGBColor::interpolate(color1, color2, 0);
	RGBColor colorResult2 = RGBColor::interpolate(color1, color2, -1000);
	EXPECT_EQ(1, colorResult.red());
	EXPECT_EQ(2, colorResult.green());
	EXPECT_EQ(3, colorResult.blue());
void TetrisWidget::drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int inPenWidth, const RGBColor & inColor)
    if (!mPainter.get())
        throw std::logic_error("Painter is not set.");
    RestorePainter restorePainter(*mPainter);

    mPainter->setPen(QColor(inColor.red(), inColor.green(), inColor.blue()));
    mPainter->drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
Example #16
/* Test the method 'interpolate' with a weight of 1 and higher*/
TEST(RGBColor, test_interpolate_weight_1) {	
	RGBColor color1 = RGBColor(1,2,3);
	RGBColor color2 = RGBColor(3,4,1);
	RGBColor colorResult = RGBColor::interpolate(color1, color2, 0.5);
	RGBColor colorResult1 = RGBColor::interpolate(color1, color2, 0);
	RGBColor colorResult2 = RGBColor::interpolate(color1, color2, 1);
	EXPECT_EQ(2, colorResult.red());
	EXPECT_EQ(3, colorResult.green());
	EXPECT_EQ(2, colorResult.blue());
static v8::Handle<v8::Value> blueAttrGetter(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::AccessorInfo& info)
    RGBColor* imp = V8RGBColor::toNative(info.Holder());
    RefPtr<CSSPrimitiveValue> result = imp->blue();
    v8::Handle<v8::Value> wrapper = result.get() ? v8::Handle<v8::Value>(DOMDataStore::getWrapper(result.get(), info.GetIsolate())) : v8Undefined();
    if (wrapper.IsEmpty()) {
        wrapper = toV8(result.get(), info.Holder(), info.GetIsolate());
        if (!wrapper.IsEmpty())
            V8DOMWrapper::setNamedHiddenReference(info.Holder(), "blue", wrapper);
    return wrapper;
RGB24Buffer * alphaBlend(RGB24Buffer *in1, RGB24Buffer *in2, G8Buffer *alpha)

    RGB24Buffer *result = new RGB24Buffer(in1->getSize());

    for (int i = 0; i < result->h; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < result->w; j++)
            RGBColor maskEl   = in1->element(i,j);
            RGBColor faceEl   = in2->element(i,j);
            int a = alpha->element(i,j);
            int b = 255 - a;

            int r1 = maskEl.r();
            int g1 = maskEl.g();
            int b1 = maskEl.b();

            int r2 = faceEl.r();
            int g2 = faceEl.g();
            int b2 = faceEl.b();

            RGBColor resultEl( (r1 * a + r2 * b) / 255, (g1 * a + g2 * b) / 255, (b1 * a + b2 * b) / 255 );
            result->element(i,j) = resultEl;
    return result;
Example #19
HSVColor RGB2HSV(const RGBColor & rgb)
	double r = rgb.red() / 255.0;
	double g = rgb.green() / 255.0;
	double b = rgb.blue() / 255.0;

	// Calculate chroma
	double maxColor = Max(r, g, b);
	double minColor = Min(r, g, b);
	double chroma = maxColor - minColor;
	// Calculate hue
	double hue = 0;
	if (chroma != 0)
		if (maxColor == r)
			hue = (g - b / chroma) * 60.0;
		else if (maxColor == g)
			hue = (2 + (b - r) / chroma) * 60.0;
		else // maxColor == b
			assert(maxColor == b);
			hue = (4 + (r - g) / chroma) * 60.0;
		if (hue < 0)
			hue += 360.0;
		assert(hue >= 0 && hue < 360);

	double saturation = 0;
    if (maxColor != 0)
        saturation = chroma / maxColor;
	assert(saturation >= 0 && saturation <= 1);

	double value = maxColor;
	assert(value >= 0 && value <= 1);

	return HSVColor(static_cast<int>(0.5 + hue),
				    static_cast<int>(0.5 + 100.0 * saturation),
					static_cast<int>(0.5 + 100.0 * value));
Example #20
GLHelper::drawTextBox(const std::string& text, const Position& pos,
                      const double layer, const double size,
                      const RGBColor& txtColor, const RGBColor& bgColor, const RGBColor& borderColor,
                      const double angle,
                      const double relBorder,
                      const double relMargin) {
    if (!initFont()) {
    if (bgColor.alpha() != 0) {
        const double boxAngle = 90;
        const double stringWidth = size / myFontSize * fonsTextBounds(myFont, 0, 0, text.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr);
        const double borderWidth = size * relBorder;
        const double boxHeight = size * (0.32 + 0.6 * relMargin);
        const double boxWidth = stringWidth + size * relMargin;
        glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
        glTranslated(pos.x(), pos.y(), layer);
        glRotated(-angle, 0, 0, 1);
        Position left(-boxWidth * 0.5, 0);
        drawBoxLine(left, boxAngle, boxWidth, boxHeight);
        left.add(borderWidth * 1.5, 0);
        glTranslated(0, 0, 0.01);
        drawBoxLine(left, boxAngle, boxWidth - 3 * borderWidth, boxHeight - 2 * borderWidth);
    drawText(text, pos, layer + 0.02, size, txtColor, angle);
Example #21
void PaintImageWidget::childRepaint(QPaintEvent *event, QWidget *who)
    AdvancedImageWidget::childRepaint(event, who);
    if (mImage.isNull())

    /* Now the points */
    QPainter painter(who);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < mFeatures.mPoints.size(); i ++)
        SelectableGeometryFeatures::Vertex *vertex = mFeatures.mPoints[i];
        painter.setPen(vertex->isSelected() ? Qt::red : Qt::green);
        if (vertex->ownerPath == NULL)
            drawCircle(painter, imageToWidgetF(vertex->position), 5);
            drawSquare(painter, imageToWidgetF(vertex->position), 5);

        if (vertex->weight >= 0.0)
            RGBColor color = RGBColor::rainbow1(vertex->weight);
            painter.setPen(QColor(color.r(), color.g(), color.b()));
            drawCircle(painter, imageToWidgetF(vertex->position), 7);


    for (unsigned i = 0; i < mFeatures.mPaths.size(); i++)
        SelectableGeometryFeatures::VertexPath *path = mFeatures.mPaths[i];
        painter.setPen(path->mSelected ? Qt::yellow : Qt::green);
        for (unsigned i = 1; i < path->vertexes.size(); i++)
            Vector2dd point1 = path->vertexes[i    ]->position;
            Vector2dd point2 = path->vertexes[i - 1]->position;
            drawLine(painter, imageToWidgetF(point1), imageToWidgetF(point2));
SignalDisplay::DrawSignalField2d( const PaintInfo& p )
    int sampleBegin = 0,
        sampleEnd = mNumSamples;
    if( p.updateRgn )
    {   // We restrict drawing to the actually requested update region.
        QRect clipRect = p.updateRgn->boundingRect();
        sampleBegin = PosToSample( clipRect.left() );
        sampleBegin = max( sampleBegin - 1, 0 );
        sampleEnd = PosToSample( clipRect.right() + 1 );
        sampleEnd = min( sampleEnd + 1, mNumSamples );
    for( int i = 0; i < mNumDisplayChannels; ++i )
        for( int j = sampleBegin; j < sampleEnd; ++j )
            bool draw = true;
            double dataValue = NormData( i + mTopGroup * mChannelGroupSize, j );
            if( dataValue < 0.0 )
                dataValue = 0.0;
            else if( dataValue > 1.0 )
                dataValue = 1.0;
            else if( IsNaN( dataValue ) )
                dataValue = 0.0;

            QRect dotRect(
                SampleLeft( j ),
                ChannelTop( i ),
                SampleRight( j ) - SampleLeft( j ),
                ChannelBottom( i ) - ChannelTop( i )
            RGBColor rgb;
            if( mDisplayColors )
                rgb = RGBColor::FromHSV( dataValue - 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0, dataValue );
                rgb = RGBColor::FromHSV( 0.0, 0.0, dataValue );
            p.painter->fillRect( dotRect, QColor( rgb.R(), rgb.G(), rgb.B() ) );
# ifdef _WIN32
        ::Sleep( 0 );
# endif // _WIN32
TextField::DoPaint( const GUI::DrawContext& inDC,
                    RGBColor inTextColor,
                    RGBColor inBackgroundColor )
#if USE_QT

  QPainter* p = inDC.handle.painter;
  QRect rect(
    static_cast<int>( inDC.rect.left ),
    static_cast<int>( inDC.rect.top ),
    static_cast<int>( inDC.rect.right - inDC.rect.left ),
    static_cast<int>( inDC.rect.bottom - inDC.rect.top )
  QBrush brush;
  brush.setStyle( Qt::SolidPattern );
  if( mColor != RGBColor( RGBColor::NullColor ) )
    QColor backColor( mColor.R(), mColor.G(), mColor.B() );
    brush.setColor( backColor );
    p->fillRect( rect, brush );

  QFont font;
  font.fromString( QString( "Arial" ) );
  font.setPixelSize( static_cast<int>( mTextHeight * ( inDC.rect.bottom - inDC.rect.top ) ) );
  font.setBold( true );
  QColor textColor( inTextColor.R(), inTextColor.G(), inTextColor.B() );
  QPen pen;
  brush.setColor( textColor );
  pen.setColor( textColor );
  p->setPen( pen );
  p->setBrush( brush );
  p->setFont( font );

  QString text = QString::fromLocal8Bit( mText.c_str() );
  text.append( " " ).prepend( " " );
  p->drawText( rect, Qt::AlignCenter, text );

#endif // USE_QT
Example #24
TraCIServer::readTypeCheckingColor(tcpip::Storage& inputStorage, RGBColor& into) {
    if (inputStorage.readUnsignedByte() != TYPE_COLOR) {
        return false;
    unsigned char r = static_cast<unsigned char>(inputStorage.readUnsignedByte());
    unsigned char g = static_cast<unsigned char>(inputStorage.readUnsignedByte());
    unsigned char b = static_cast<unsigned char>(inputStorage.readUnsignedByte());
    unsigned char a = static_cast<unsigned char>(inputStorage.readUnsignedByte());
    into.set(r, g, b, a);
    return true;
SignalDisplay::DrawChannelLabels( const PaintInfo& p )
    p.painter->setFont( p.labelFont );
    if( mShowChannelLabels && mChannelGroupSize > 1 )
    {   // Draw channel labels when channels don't coincide with groups.
        p.painter->setBackground( p.backgroundColor );
        p.painter->setBackgroundMode( Qt::OpaqueMode );
        QRect legendRect;
        for( size_t i = 0; i < mChannelLabels.size(); ++i )
            RGBColor textColor = ChannelColor( mChannelLabels[ i ].Address() );
            if( mInverted && textColor == RGBColor::White )
                textColor = RGBColor::Black;
            p.painter->setPen( QColor( textColor.R(), textColor.G(), textColor.B() ) );
            p.painter->drawText( legendRect,
                                 Qt::TextSingleLine | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::TextDontClip,
                                 mChannelLabels[ i ].Text().c_str() );
            legendRect.setTop( legendRect.top() + p.painter->fontMetrics().height() );
Example #26
GLHelper::drawText(const std::string& text, const Position& pos,
                   const double layer, const double size,
                   const RGBColor& col, const double angle, const int align,
                   double width) {
    if (width <= 0) {
        width = size;
    if (!initFont()) {
    glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.5);
    glTranslated(pos.x(), pos.y(), layer);
    glScaled(width / myFontSize, size / myFontSize, 1.);
    glRotated(-angle, 0, 0, 1);
    fonsSetAlign(myFont, align == 0 ? FONS_ALIGN_CENTER | FONS_ALIGN_MIDDLE : align);
    fonsSetColor(myFont, glfonsRGBA(col.red(), col.green(), col.blue(), col.alpha()));
    fonsDrawText(myFont, 0., 0., text.c_str(), nullptr);
    bool operator()(RGB24Buffer *buffer, int x, int y) {
        if (mMask->element(y,x) == 255)
            return false;

        if (!mLimit.contains(x,y))
            return false;

        RGBColor currentColor = buffer->element(y,x);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < mStartColor.size(); i++)
            RGBColor &color = mStartColor[i];
            int r = (int)currentColor.r() - (int)color.r();
            int g = (int)currentColor.g() - (int)color.g();
            int b = (int)currentColor.b() - (int)color.b();

            int sum = abs(r) + abs(g) + abs(b);
            if (sum < mTolerance) {
               return true;
        return false;
Example #28
HSVColor::HSVColor(RGBColor color) {
	float r = color.getR();
	float g = color.getG();
	float b = color.getB();
	float min, max;
	min = getMin(r, getMin(g, b));
	max = getMax(r, getMax(g, b));
	if (min == max) 
		h = 0;
	else if (max == r && g >= b) 
		h = 60.0f*((g-b)/(max-min)) + 0;
	else if (max == r && g <  b) 
		h = 60.0f*((g-b)/(max-min)) + 360;
	else if (max == g) 
		h = 60.0f*((b-r)/(max-min)) + 120;
	else if (max == b) 
		h = 60.0f*((r-g)/(max-min)) + 240;

	if (max == 0) s = 0;
	else s = 1 - (min/max);

	v = max;
Example #29
QString ScColor::nameRGB(const ScribusDoc* doc)
	if ((m_Model != colorModelRGB) && (!doc))
		qDebug("calling nameRGB with a cmyk color");
	int r, g, b;
	RGBColor rgb;
	QString tmp, name = CommonStrings::None;
	ScColorEngine::getRGBValues(*this, doc, rgb);
	rgb.getValues(r, g, b);
	tmp.setNum(r, 16);
	if (tmp.length() < 2)
		tmp.insert(0, "0");
	name += tmp;
	tmp.setNum(g, 16);
	if (tmp.length() < 2)
		tmp.insert(0, "0");
	name += tmp;
	tmp.setNum(b, 16);
	if (tmp.length() < 2)
		tmp.insert(0, "0");
	name += tmp;
	return name;
void BaseMesh::SetColor(RGBColor Color)
    MeshVertex *V = Vertices();
    UINT vc = VertexCount();

    // rgba to bgra
    Color = Color.FlipBlueAndRed();

    for(UINT i = 0; i < vc; i++)
        V[i].Color = Color;