void PropagatedDeformableModel::computeNewBand(SpinalCord* mesh, CVector3 initialPoint, CVector3 nextPoint, int resolution)
	CMatrix4x4 transformationFromOrigin;
	double angle;
	CMatrix3x3 trZ;
	CVector3 point, normale;
	CVector3 directionCourante = nextPoint-initialPoint, lastNormal = (nextPoint-initialPoint).Normalize(), directionCourantePerpendiculaire;
	if (lastNormal[2] == 0.0) directionCourantePerpendiculaire = CVector3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
	else directionCourantePerpendiculaire = CVector3(1.0,2.0,-(lastNormal[0]+2*lastNormal[1])/lastNormal[2]).Normalize();

    CVector3 stretchingFactorWorld = image3D_->TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(CVector3((1-1.0/stretchingFactor_), 0.0, 0.0))-image3D_->getOrigine();
	int offsetTriangles = mesh->getNbrOfPoints()-resolutionRadiale_;
	for (int len=1; len<=resolution; len++)
		CVector3 pointIntermediaire = initialPoint + len*directionCourante/(double)resolutionAxiale_;
		Referential refCourant = Referential(lastNormal^directionCourantePerpendiculaire, directionCourantePerpendiculaire, lastNormal, pointIntermediaire);
		transformationFromOrigin = refCourant.getTransformationInverse();
		for (int k=0; k<resolutionRadiale_; k++)
			angle = 2*M_PI*k/(double)resolutionRadiale_;
			trZ[0] = cos(angle), trZ[1] = sin(angle), trZ[3] = -sin(angle), trZ[4] = cos(angle);
			point = transformationFromOrigin*(trZ*CVector3(rayon_,0.0,0.0));
            CVector3 vecPoint = initialPoint - point;
            point[0] += stretchingFactorWorld[0]*vecPoint[0];
            point[1] += stretchingFactorWorld[1]*vecPoint[1];
            point[2] += stretchingFactorWorld[2]*vecPoint[2];
			mesh->addPoint(new Vertex(point,(point-pointIntermediaire).Normalize()));
		// Ajout des triangles - attention � la structure en cercle
		for (int k=0; k<resolutionRadiale_-1; k++)
		// Ajout des deux derniers triangles pour fermer le tube
float PropagatedDeformableModel::computeContrast(Referential& refInitial)
	// Calcul du profil de la moelle et du LCR perpendiculairement au tube
	CVector3 pointS, indexS;
	vector<float> contrast(resolutionRadiale_);
	float angle;
	CMatrix3x3 trZ;
	CMatrix4x4 transformationFromOrigin = refInitial.getTransformationInverse();
	float factor = image3D_->getTypeImageFactor();
	for (int k=0; k<resolutionRadiale_; k++)
		vector<float> profilIntensite;
		angle = 2*M_PI*k/(double)resolutionRadiale_;
		trZ[0] = cos(angle), trZ[1] = sin(angle), trZ[3] = -sin(angle), trZ[4] = cos(angle);
		for (int l=0; l<2.5*rayon_; l++) {
			pointS = transformationFromOrigin*(trZ*CVector3(l,0.0,0.0));
			if (image3D_->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(pointS,indexS))
		float min = 0.0, max = 0.0, maxVal = 0.0, valCourante;
		unsigned int m = 0;
		for (unsigned int i=1; i<profilIntensite.size(); i++) {
			valCourante = profilIntensite[i]-profilIntensite[i-1];
			if (maxVal <= valCourante) {
				maxVal = valCourante;
				m = i;
		if (profilIntensite.size() > 0)
			min = profilIntensite[m];
			for (unsigned int j=0; j<m; j++) {
				valCourante = profilIntensite[j];
				if (min > valCourante) min = valCourante;
			max = profilIntensite[m];
			for (unsigned int j=m+1; j<profilIntensite.size(); j++) {
				valCourante = profilIntensite[j];
				if (max < valCourante) max = valCourante;
		contrast[k] = abs(max-min);
	float result = 0.0;
	for (unsigned int i=0; i<contrast.size(); i++)
		result += contrast[i];
	result /= contrast.size();

	return result;
Example #3
// read data in packet starting at byte offset and return number of bytes parsed
int AvatarData::parseDataFromBuffer(const QByteArray& buffer) {

    // lazily allocate memory for HeadData in case we're not an Avatar instance
    if (!_headData) {
        _headData = new HeadData(this);

    // lazily allocate memory for HandData in case we're not an Avatar instance
    if (!_handData) {
        _handData = new HandData(this);

    const unsigned char* startPosition = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(buffer.data());
    const unsigned char* sourceBuffer = startPosition;
    quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();

    // The absolute minimum size of the update data is as follows:
    // 50 bytes of "plain old data" {
    //     position      = 12 bytes
    //     bodyYaw       =  2 (compressed float)
    //     bodyPitch     =  2 (compressed float)
    //     bodyRoll      =  2 (compressed float)
    //     targetScale   =  2 (compressed float)
    //     headPitch     =  2 (compressed float)
    //     headYaw       =  2 (compressed float)
    //     headRoll      =  2 (compressed float)
    //     leanForward   =  2 (compressed float)
    //     leanSideways  =  2 (compressed float)
    //     torsoTwist    =  2 (compressed float)
    //     lookAt        = 12
    //     audioLoudness =  4
    // }
    // + 1 byte for pupilSize
    // + 1 byte for numJoints (0)
    // = 51 bytes
    int minPossibleSize = 51;
    int maxAvailableSize = buffer.size();
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qCDebug(avatars) << "Malformed AvatarData packet at the start; "
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        // this packet is malformed so we report all bytes as consumed
        return maxAvailableSize;

    { // Body world position, rotation, and scale
        // position
        glm::vec3 position;
        memcpy(&position, sourceBuffer, sizeof(position));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(position);

        if (glm::isnan(position.x) || glm::isnan(position.y) || glm::isnan(position.z)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::position; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;

        // rotation (NOTE: This needs to become a quaternion to save two bytes)
        float yaw, pitch, roll;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &yaw);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &pitch);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &roll);
        if (glm::isnan(yaw) || glm::isnan(pitch) || glm::isnan(roll)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::yaw,pitch,roll; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        if (_bodyYaw != yaw || _bodyPitch != pitch || _bodyRoll != roll) {
            _hasNewJointRotations = true;
            _bodyYaw = yaw;
            _bodyPitch = pitch;
            _bodyRoll = roll;

        // scale
        float scale;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatRatioFromTwoByte(sourceBuffer, scale);
        if (glm::isnan(scale)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::scale; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _targetScale = scale;
    } // 20 bytes

    { // Head rotation
        //(NOTE: This needs to become a quaternion to save two bytes)
        float headYaw, headPitch, headRoll;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &headPitch);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &headYaw);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &headRoll);
        if (glm::isnan(headYaw) || glm::isnan(headPitch) || glm::isnan(headRoll)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::headYaw,headPitch,headRoll; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
    } // 6 bytes

    { // Head lean (relative to pelvis)
        float leanForward, leanSideways, torsoTwist;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*)sourceBuffer, &leanForward);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*)sourceBuffer, &leanSideways);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*)sourceBuffer, &torsoTwist);
        if (glm::isnan(leanForward) || glm::isnan(leanSideways)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::leanForward,leanSideways,torsoTwise; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _headData->_leanForward = leanForward;
        _headData->_leanSideways = leanSideways;
        _headData->_torsoTwist = torsoTwist;
    } // 6 bytes
    { // Lookat Position
        glm::vec3 lookAt;
        memcpy(&lookAt, sourceBuffer, sizeof(lookAt));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(lookAt);
        if (glm::isnan(lookAt.x) || glm::isnan(lookAt.y) || glm::isnan(lookAt.z)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::lookAt; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _headData->_lookAtPosition = lookAt;
    } // 12 bytes

    { // AudioLoudness
        // Instantaneous audio loudness (used to drive facial animation)
        float audioLoudness;
        memcpy(&audioLoudness, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
        if (glm::isnan(audioLoudness)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::audioLoudness; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _headData->_audioLoudness = audioLoudness;
    } // 4 bytes

    { // bitFlags and face data
        unsigned char bitItems = *sourceBuffer++;

        // key state, stored as a semi-nibble in the bitItems
        _keyState = (KeyState)getSemiNibbleAt(bitItems,KEY_STATE_START_BIT);

        // hand state, stored as a semi-nibble plus a bit in the bitItems
        // we store the hand state as well as other items in a shared bitset. The hand state is an octal, but is split
        // into two sections to maintain backward compatibility. The bits are ordered as such (0-7 left to right).
        //     +---+-----+-----+--+
        //     |x,x|H0,H1|x,x,x|H2|
        //     +---+-----+-----+--+
        // Hand state - H0,H1,H2 is found in the 3rd, 4th, and 8th bits
        _handState = getSemiNibbleAt(bitItems, HAND_STATE_START_BIT)

        _headData->_isFaceTrackerConnected = oneAtBit(bitItems, IS_FACESHIFT_CONNECTED);
        bool hasReferential = oneAtBit(bitItems, HAS_REFERENTIAL);

        // Referential
        if (hasReferential) {
            Referential* ref = new Referential(sourceBuffer, this);
            if (_referential == NULL ||
                ref->version() != _referential->version()) {
            } else {
                delete ref;
        } else if (_referential != NULL) {

        if (_headData->_isFaceTrackerConnected) {
            float leftEyeBlink, rightEyeBlink, averageLoudness, browAudioLift;
            minPossibleSize += sizeof(leftEyeBlink) + sizeof(rightEyeBlink) + sizeof(averageLoudness) + sizeof(browAudioLift);
            minPossibleSize++; // one byte for blendDataSize
            if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
                if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                    qCDebug(avatars) << "Malformed AvatarData packet after BitItems;"
                        << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                        << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize
                        << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
                return maxAvailableSize;
            // unpack face data
            memcpy(&leftEyeBlink, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);

            memcpy(&rightEyeBlink, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);

            memcpy(&averageLoudness, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);

            memcpy(&browAudioLift, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);

            if (glm::isnan(leftEyeBlink) || glm::isnan(rightEyeBlink)
                    || glm::isnan(averageLoudness) || glm::isnan(browAudioLift)) {
                if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                    qCDebug(avatars) << "Discard nan AvatarData::faceData; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
                return maxAvailableSize;
            _headData->_leftEyeBlink = leftEyeBlink;
            _headData->_rightEyeBlink = rightEyeBlink;
            _headData->_averageLoudness = averageLoudness;
            _headData->_browAudioLift = browAudioLift;

            int numCoefficients = (int)(*sourceBuffer++);
            int blendDataSize = numCoefficients * sizeof(float);
            minPossibleSize += blendDataSize;
            if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
                if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                    qCDebug(avatars) << "Malformed AvatarData packet after Blendshapes;"
                        << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                        << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize
                        << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
                return maxAvailableSize;

            memcpy(_headData->_blendshapeCoefficients.data(), sourceBuffer, blendDataSize);
            sourceBuffer += numCoefficients * sizeof(float);

            //bitItemsDataSize = 4 * sizeof(float) + 1 + blendDataSize;
    } // 1 + bitItemsDataSize bytes

    { // pupil dilation
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatFromByte(sourceBuffer, _headData->_pupilDilation, 1.0f);
    } // 1 byte

    // joint data
    int numJoints = *sourceBuffer++;
    int bytesOfValidity = (int)ceil((float)numJoints / (float)BITS_IN_BYTE);
    minPossibleSize += bytesOfValidity;
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qCDebug(avatars) << "Malformed AvatarData packet after JointValidityBits;"
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        return maxAvailableSize;
    int numValidJoints = 0;
    { // validity bits
        unsigned char validity = 0;
        int validityBit = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++) {
            if (validityBit == 0) {
                validity = *sourceBuffer++;
            bool valid = (bool)(validity & (1 << validityBit));
            if (valid) {
            _jointData[i].valid = valid;
            validityBit = (validityBit + 1) % BITS_IN_BYTE;
    // 1 + bytesOfValidity bytes

    // each joint rotation component is stored in two bytes (sizeof(uint16_t))
    minPossibleSize += numValidJoints * COMPONENTS_PER_QUATERNION * sizeof(uint16_t);
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qCDebug(avatars) << "Malformed AvatarData packet after JointData;"
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        return maxAvailableSize;

    { // joint data
        for (int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++) {
            JointData& data = _jointData[i];
            if (data.valid) {
                _hasNewJointRotations = true;
                sourceBuffer += unpackOrientationQuatFromBytes(sourceBuffer, data.rotation);
    } // numJoints * 8 bytes

    int numBytesRead = sourceBuffer - startPosition;
    return numBytesRead;
Example #4
// read data in packet starting at byte offset and return number of bytes parsed
int AvatarData::parseDataAtOffset(const QByteArray& packet, int offset) {
    // reset the last heard timer since we have new data for this AvatarData
    // lazily allocate memory for HeadData in case we're not an Avatar instance
    if (!_headData) {
        _headData = new HeadData(this);
    // lazily allocate memory for HandData in case we're not an Avatar instance
    if (!_handData) {
        _handData = new HandData(this);
    const unsigned char* startPosition = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(packet.data()) + offset;
    const unsigned char* sourceBuffer = startPosition;
    quint64 now = usecTimestampNow();

    // The absolute minimum size of the update data is as follows:
    // 50 bytes of "plain old data" {
    //     position      = 12 bytes
    //     bodyYaw       =  2 (compressed float)
    //     bodyPitch     =  2 (compressed float)
    //     bodyRoll      =  2 (compressed float)
    //     targetScale   =  2 (compressed float)
    //     headYaw       =  2 (compressed float)
    //     headPitch     =  2 (compressed float)
    //     headRoll      =  2 (compressed float)
    //     leanSideways  =  4
    //     leanForward   =  4
    //     lookAt        = 12
    //     audioLoudness =  4
    // }
    // + 1 byte for messageSize (0)
    // + 1 byte for pupilSize
    // + 1 byte for numJoints (0)
    // = 53 bytes
    int minPossibleSize = 53; 
    int maxAvailableSize = packet.size() - offset;
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qDebug() << "Malformed AvatarData packet at the start; "
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize 
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        // this packet is malformed so we report all bytes as consumed
        return maxAvailableSize;

    { // Body world position, rotation, and scale
        // position
        glm::vec3 position;
        memcpy(&position, sourceBuffer, sizeof(position));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(position);
        if (glm::isnan(position.x) || glm::isnan(position.y) || glm::isnan(position.z)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::position; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        // rotation (NOTE: This needs to become a quaternion to save two bytes)
        float yaw, pitch, roll;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &yaw);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &pitch);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &roll);
        if (glm::isnan(yaw) || glm::isnan(pitch) || glm::isnan(roll)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::yaw,pitch,roll; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _bodyYaw = yaw;
        _bodyPitch = pitch;
        _bodyRoll = roll;
        // scale
        float scale;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatRatioFromTwoByte(sourceBuffer, scale);
        if (glm::isnan(scale)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::scale; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _targetScale = scale;
    } // 20 bytes
    { // Head rotation 
        //(NOTE: This needs to become a quaternion to save two bytes)
        float headYaw, headPitch, headRoll;
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &headYaw);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &headPitch);
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatAngleFromTwoByte((uint16_t*) sourceBuffer, &headRoll);
        if (glm::isnan(headYaw) || glm::isnan(headPitch) || glm::isnan(headRoll)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::headYaw,headPitch,headRoll; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
    } // 6 bytes
    // Head lean (relative to pelvis)
        float leanSideways, leanForward;
        memcpy(&leanSideways, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
        memcpy(&leanForward, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
        if (glm::isnan(leanSideways) || glm::isnan(leanForward)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::leanSideways,leanForward; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _headData->_leanSideways = leanSideways;
        _headData->_leanForward = leanForward;
    } // 8 bytes
    { // Lookat Position
        glm::vec3 lookAt;
        memcpy(&lookAt, sourceBuffer, sizeof(lookAt));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(lookAt);
        if (glm::isnan(lookAt.x) || glm::isnan(lookAt.y) || glm::isnan(lookAt.z)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::lookAt; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _headData->_lookAtPosition = lookAt;
    } // 12 bytes
    { // AudioLoudness
        // Instantaneous audio loudness (used to drive facial animation)
        float audioLoudness;
        memcpy(&audioLoudness, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
        sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
        if (glm::isnan(audioLoudness)) {
            if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::audioLoudness; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
            return maxAvailableSize;
        _headData->_audioLoudness = audioLoudness;
    } // 4 bytes
    // chat
    int chatMessageSize = *sourceBuffer++;
    minPossibleSize += chatMessageSize;
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qDebug() << "Malformed AvatarData packet before ChatMessage;"
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize 
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        return maxAvailableSize;
    { // chat payload
        _chatMessage = string((char*)sourceBuffer, chatMessageSize);
        sourceBuffer += chatMessageSize * sizeof(char);
    } // 1 + chatMessageSize bytes
    { // bitFlags and face data
        unsigned char bitItems = *sourceBuffer++;
        // key state, stored as a semi-nibble in the bitItems
        _keyState = (KeyState)getSemiNibbleAt(bitItems,KEY_STATE_START_BIT);
        // hand state, stored as a semi-nibble in the bitItems
        _handState = getSemiNibbleAt(bitItems,HAND_STATE_START_BIT);
        _headData->_isFaceshiftConnected = oneAtBit(bitItems, IS_FACESHIFT_CONNECTED);
        _isChatCirclingEnabled = oneAtBit(bitItems, IS_CHAT_CIRCLING_ENABLED);
        bool hasReferential = oneAtBit(bitItems, HAS_REFERENTIAL);
        // Referential
        if (hasReferential) {
            Referential* ref = new Referential(sourceBuffer, this);
            if (_referential == NULL ||
                ref->version() != _referential->version()) {
            } else {
                delete ref;
        } else if (_referential != NULL) {
        if (_headData->_isFaceshiftConnected) {
            float leftEyeBlink, rightEyeBlink, averageLoudness, browAudioLift;
            minPossibleSize += sizeof(leftEyeBlink) + sizeof(rightEyeBlink) + sizeof(averageLoudness) + sizeof(browAudioLift);
            minPossibleSize++; // one byte for blendDataSize
            if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
                if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                    qDebug() << "Malformed AvatarData packet after BitItems;"
                        << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                        << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize 
                        << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
                return maxAvailableSize;
            // unpack face data
            memcpy(&leftEyeBlink, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
            memcpy(&rightEyeBlink, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
            memcpy(&averageLoudness, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
            memcpy(&browAudioLift, sourceBuffer, sizeof(float));
            sourceBuffer += sizeof(float);
            if (glm::isnan(leftEyeBlink) || glm::isnan(rightEyeBlink) 
                    || glm::isnan(averageLoudness) || glm::isnan(browAudioLift)) {
                if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                    qDebug() << "Discard nan AvatarData::faceData; displayName = '" << _displayName << "'";
                return maxAvailableSize;
            _headData->_leftEyeBlink = leftEyeBlink;
            _headData->_rightEyeBlink = rightEyeBlink;
            _headData->_averageLoudness = averageLoudness;
            _headData->_browAudioLift = browAudioLift;
            int numCoefficients = (int)(*sourceBuffer++);
            int blendDataSize = numCoefficients * sizeof(float);
            minPossibleSize += blendDataSize;
            if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
                if (shouldLogError(now)) {
                    qDebug() << "Malformed AvatarData packet after Blendshapes;"
                        << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                        << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize 
                        << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
                return maxAvailableSize;

            memcpy(_headData->_blendshapeCoefficients.data(), sourceBuffer, blendDataSize);
            sourceBuffer += numCoefficients * sizeof(float);
            //bitItemsDataSize = 4 * sizeof(float) + 1 + blendDataSize;
    } // 1 + bitItemsDataSize bytes
    { // pupil dilation
        sourceBuffer += unpackFloatFromByte(sourceBuffer, _headData->_pupilDilation, 1.0f);
    } // 1 byte
    // joint data
    int numJoints = *sourceBuffer++;
    int bytesOfValidity = (int)ceil((float)numJoints / (float)BITS_IN_BYTE);
    minPossibleSize += bytesOfValidity;
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qDebug() << "Malformed AvatarData packet after JointValidityBits;"
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize 
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        return maxAvailableSize;
    int numValidJoints = 0;
    { // validity bits
        unsigned char validity = 0;
        int validityBit = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++) {
            if (validityBit == 0) {
                validity = *sourceBuffer++;
            bool valid = (bool)(validity & (1 << validityBit));
            if (valid) {
            _jointData[i].valid = valid;
            validityBit = (validityBit + 1) % BITS_IN_BYTE; 
    // 1 + bytesOfValidity bytes

    // each joint rotation component is stored in two bytes (sizeof(uint16_t))
    minPossibleSize += numValidJoints * COMPONENTS_PER_QUATERNION * sizeof(uint16_t);
    if (minPossibleSize > maxAvailableSize) {
        if (shouldLogError(now)) {
            qDebug() << "Malformed AvatarData packet after JointData;"
                << " displayName = '" << _displayName << "'"
                << " minPossibleSize = " << minPossibleSize 
                << " maxAvailableSize = " << maxAvailableSize;
        return maxAvailableSize;

    { // joint data
        for (int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++) {
            JointData& data = _jointData[i];
            if (data.valid) {
                _hasNewJointRotations = true;
                sourceBuffer += unpackOrientationQuatFromBytes(sourceBuffer, data.rotation);
    } // numJoints * 8 bytes
    return sourceBuffer - startPosition;
SpinalCord* PropagatedDeformableModel::propagationMesh(int numberOfMesh)
    double const_contrast = 200.0;
    if (image3D_->getTypeImageFactor() == 1.0) const_contrast = 445.0; // if T2
     * Initialization of the spinal cord mesh
     * Depending of the choice of propagation, the contrast vector is reversed to take the correct values
    SpinalCord* initialMesh = new SpinalCord();
    if (numberOfMesh == 1) initialMesh = initialTube1;
    else if (numberOfMesh == 2) {
        initialMesh = initialTube2;
    vector< vector<CVector3> > lastDisks;
     * Deformation of the initial mesh.
     * This deformation must be accurate to have a correct initialization. If not, errors can be propagated.
     * The number of iteration and the stop condition of the deformation is 0.05 mm by default
    if (verbose_) cout << endl << endl << "Initial deformation : " << initialMesh->getNbrOfPoints() << " points and " << initialMesh->getNbrOfTriangles() << " triangles" << endl;
    DeformableModelBasicAdaptator *deformableAdaptator = new DeformableModelBasicAdaptator(image3D_,initialMesh,numberOfDeformIteration_,const_contrast,false);
    deformableAdaptator->setNumberOfIteration(8); //8
	if (tradeoff_d_bool) deformableAdaptator->setTradeOff(tradeoff_d_);
    //deformableAdaptator->setProgressiveLineSearchLength(true);// tested but not optimal

    deformableAdaptator->adaptation(); // launch the deformation
    meshOutput = deformableAdaptator->getSpinalCordOutput(); // get the spinal cord segmentation mesh
    delete deformableAdaptator; // release memory
    meshOutput->setRadialResolution(resolutionRadiale_); // the output of DeformableModelBasicAdaptator is a mesh and we need to provide the radial resolution for further computation
    // we remove the last disk to prevent edges issues in the deformation process. Indeed, edges have less neighbors and the last disk retract itself.
     * Initialization of variables
     * numberOfDisks is a constant of propagation - don't change it
     * uniqueMesh is the part of the mesh that will be deformed at each iteration
     * newStartPoint is the center of the last disk of the mesh. It is the new start point of the propagation. The mesh is duplicated and translated on this point.
    unsigned int numberOfDisks = resolutionAxiale_+1;
    CVector3 nextPoint, newStartPoint, lastPoint, firstPoint = meshOutput->computeGravityCenterFirstDisk(numberOfDisks); // computation of first point = center of mass of the fisrt disk
    centerline.push_back(firstPoint); // add point to centerline - first point necessary
    SpinalCord	*uniqueMesh = meshOutput->extractPartOfMesh(numberOfDisks,true,true); // extraction of a part of the mesh
    newStartPoint = meshOutput->computeGravityCenterFirstDisk(numberOfDisks); // compute first point of the mesh
     * Computation of the initial rotation value.
     * It is used as a mesh refreshing condition. If the difference between initial and updated rotation value if too high, a new part of mesh is used as the template to be duplicated. Rotation value is the sum of intensity at vertices positions.
    GlobalAdaptation* gAdaptI = new GlobalAdaptation(image3D_,uniqueMesh,newStartPoint,"rotation");
    CVector3 normal_mesh = CVector3(initialNormal2_[0],initialNormal2_[1],initialNormal2_[2]);
    double initialRotationValue = gAdaptI->getInitialValue(), rotationValue = 0.0;
    delete gAdaptI;
    CVector3 position;
     * initialization of stop condition variables
    bool done = false;
    area[0] = 0.0; area[1] = 0.0; area[2] = 0.0;
    double meanVoxels[3]; meanVoxels[0] = 0.0; meanVoxels[1] = 0.0; meanVoxels[2] = 0.0;
    //double meanVoxelsInit = meshOutput->computeStandardDeviationFromPixelsInside(image3D_->getImageOriginale()); // homogeneity stop condition - not optimal
    int numberOfBadOrientation = 0, numberOfBadOrientationTotal = 0, maxBadOrientation = 150;
    meanContrast = 0.0;
     * Iterative deformation by adding a portion of mesh at each iteration
    int i;
    for (i=1; i<=numberOfPropagationIteration_ && !done; i++)
        if (verbose_) cout << endl << "Propagation step " << i << "/" << numberOfPropagationIteration_ << endl;
        centerline = meshOutput->computeCenterline();
        double segmentationLength = 0.0;
        for (unsigned int c=1; c<centerline.size(); c++)
            segmentationLength += (centerline[c]-centerline[c-1]).Norm();
        if (verbose_) cout << "Propagation length [mm] : " << segmentationLength << " / " << propagationLength_ <<  endl;
         * Referential computation on the last disk of the mesh
         * Computation of the local spinal cord / CSF contrast along the mesh
         * Computation of the mean contrast from last disk positions. The mean contrast is used as a parameter in the local deformation and as a stop condition
        CVector3 sourcePoint1 = centerline[centerline.size()-1], sourcePoint2 = centerline[centerline.size()-5];
        CVector3 lastNormal = (sourcePoint1-sourcePoint2).Normalize(), directionCourantePerpendiculaire;
        if (lastNormal[2] == 0.0) directionCourantePerpendiculaire = CVector3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
        else directionCourantePerpendiculaire = CVector3(1.0,2.0,-(lastNormal[0]+2*lastNormal[1])/lastNormal[2]).Normalize();
        Referential refCourant = Referential(lastNormal^directionCourantePerpendiculaire, directionCourantePerpendiculaire, lastNormal, sourcePoint2);
        int nbContrast = contrast.size()-1;
        if (verbose_) cout << "Contrast = " << contrast[nbContrast].second << endl;
        if (nbContrast == 0) meanContrast = (contrast[0].second+2*const_contrast)/3.0;
        else if (nbContrast == 1) meanContrast = (contrast[nbContrast].second+contrast[nbContrast-1].second+const_contrast)/3.0;
        else meanContrast = (contrast[nbContrast].second+contrast[nbContrast-1].second+contrast[nbContrast-2].second)/3.0;
        // mean 445.8476 std 113.5695 max 708.9200 min 148.6900
        if (verbose_) cout << "Iteration Position = " << sourcePoint1 << endl;
         * newStartPoint is the last point of the mesh and will be the first point of the new section (for duplication and translation)
        newStartPoint = meshOutput->computeGravityCenterLastDisk(numberOfDisks);
        CVector3 indexPosition, temp;
        bool inOut = image3D_->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(newStartPoint,indexPosition); // stop condition
        CVector3 lastPointReal = lastPoint;
        if (lastPointReal == CVector3::ZERO) lastPointReal = newStartPoint;
         * stop conditions:
         * length of propagation
         * mean local contrast between CSF and spinal cord
         * abnormalities - not good if the new starting point is behind the last starting point
         * inferior and superior limits can be imposed by the user
        if (segmentationLength < propagationLength_ && meanContrast > minContrast && abs(newStartPoint[1]-lastPointReal[1]) <= 15.0 && indexPosition[1]<upLimit && indexPosition[1]>downLimit)
            lastPoint = meshOutput->computeGravityCenterFirstDisk(numberOfDisks);
            if (position == CVector3()) position = lastPoint;
            SpinalCord *partMesh = meshOutput->extractLastDiskOfMesh(false);
            CMatrix4x4 translation, transformation; translation[12] = newStartPoint[0]-position[0]; translation[13] = newStartPoint[1]-position[1]; translation[14] = newStartPoint[2]-position[2];
            position = newStartPoint;
            bool orientationBool = true;
             * GlobalAdaptation compute the rigid transformation of the mesh to the image using the gradient magnitude
             * It can provide a value of the gradient at the surface vertice positions for a quality control with the function getInitialValue()
             * This value is used to change the mesh when it doesn't correspond anymore to the spinal cord edges - this value is negative
             * The function adaptation() compute the orientation and transform the mesh
            GlobalAdaptation* gAdapt = new GlobalAdaptation(image3D_,uniqueMesh,newStartPoint,"rotation");
            normal_mesh = CVector3(translation[12],translation[13],translation[14]);
            rotationValue = gAdapt->getInitialValue();
            if (rotationValue >= 0.75*initialRotationValue || rotationValue <= 1.5*initialRotationValue) { // if the value of GlobalAdaptation isn't in range, we replace the mesh
                // release the memory and create a new mesh using the last disks
                delete uniqueMesh;
                uniqueMesh = meshOutput->extractPartOfMesh(numberOfDisks,true,true);
                lastPoint = meshOutput->computeGravityCenterFirstDisk(numberOfDisks);
                CMatrix4x4 translation, transformation; translation[12] = newStartPoint[0]-lastPoint[0]; translation[13] = newStartPoint[1]-lastPoint[1]; translation[14] = newStartPoint[2]-lastPoint[2];
                position = newStartPoint;
                uniqueMesh->transform(translation); // translate the mesh to its new position
                gAdapt = new GlobalAdaptation(image3D_,uniqueMesh,newStartPoint,"rotation");
                normal_mesh = CVector3(translation[12],translation[13],translation[14]);
                initialRotationValue = gAdapt->getInitialValue();
                rotationValue = gAdapt->getInitialValue();
             * if the centerline of the spinal cord is provided by the user, it is what it's used to compute the rotation at each propagation iteration
             * TODO: spline interpolation
            if (propCenterline_)
                // Computation of the rotation based on the centerline
                // Find the point in centerline that is the nearest point to our new starting point.
                double nearest_point_value = centerline_approximator.getNearestPoint(newStartPoint, range);
                // Evaluate the derivative of the centerline at this location
                CVector3 normal = centerline_approximator.EvaluateGradient(nearest_point_value).Normalize();
                // Compute normal of our mesh at the starting position
                if (numberOfMesh == 1) normal = -normal; // the normal is inverted for the first mesh
                CVector3 lastNormalMesh = (newStartPoint-lastPoint).Normalize();
                // Compute rotation between the two normals. We need to compute all the necessary axis for establishing referentials.
                CVector3 directionCourantePerpendiculaireMesh, directionCourantePerpendiculaireCenterline;
                if (lastNormalMesh[2] == 0.0) directionCourantePerpendiculaireMesh = CVector3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
                else directionCourantePerpendiculaireMesh = CVector3(1.0,2.0,-(lastNormalMesh[0]+2*lastNormalMesh[1])/lastNormalMesh[2]).Normalize();
                Referential refMesh = Referential(lastNormalMesh^directionCourantePerpendiculaireMesh, directionCourantePerpendiculaireMesh, lastNormalMesh, newStartPoint);
                if (normal[2] == 0.0) directionCourantePerpendiculaireCenterline = CVector3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
                else directionCourantePerpendiculaireCenterline = CVector3(1.0,2.0,-(normal[0]+2*normal[1])/normal[2]).Normalize();
                Referential refCenterline = Referential(normal^directionCourantePerpendiculaireCenterline, directionCourantePerpendiculaireCenterline, normal, newStartPoint);
                CMatrix4x4 transformationRotation = refMesh.getTransformation(refCenterline);
                // As the referential origin is the starting point of our mesh, the transformation that is computed is only a rotation and does not contain any translation.
             * if the centerline is not provided, the rotation computation used GlobalAdaptation
                // bad orientation (out of known orientation range) can happened
                if (gAdapt->getBadOrientation()) {
                else numberOfBadOrientation = 0;
            if (orientationBool) // The program can stop if too much bad orientation - not used for now
                 * Creation of a new mesh with the last disk of meshOutput and the new mesh (uniqueMesh) correctly oriented
                if (verbose_) cout << "Mesh deformation : " << partMesh->getNbrOfPoints() << " points and " << partMesh->getNbrOfTriangles() << " triangles" << endl;
                 * Creation of the deformation object, including the image, the mesh and the deformation parameters
                deformableAdaptator = new DeformableModelBasicAdaptator(image3D_,partMesh,numberOfDeformIteration_,meanContrast,false);
                if (tradeoff_d_bool) deformableAdaptator->setTradeOff(tradeoff_d_);
                if (this->changedParameters_) {
                 * Deformation of the mesh
                double deformation = deformableAdaptator->adaptation();
                 * Extraction of the deformation result and verification of stop conditions:
                 * mesh consistency
                 * maximum deformation
                 * maximum cross-sectional area
                 * number of wrong orientation (sign of a wrong orientation)
                SpinalCord* deformed_spinalcord = deformableAdaptator->getSpinalCordOutput();
                CVector3 secondPoint = deformed_spinalcord->computeGravityCenterSecondDisk();
                double lastCrossSectionalArea = deformed_spinalcord->computeLastCrossSectionalArea();
                area[0] = area[1]; area[1] = area[2]; area[2] = lastCrossSectionalArea; meanArea = (area[0]+area[1]+area[2])/3.0;
                if ((secondPoint-lastPoint)*(newStartPoint-lastPoint)<0.0) {
                    if (verbose_) cout << "Stop by deformation error : overlap during propagation" << endl;
                    done = true;
                if (deformation >= maxDeformation) {
                    if (verbose_) cout << "Stop by too large deformation : " << deformation << "/" << maxDeformation << endl;
                    done = true;
                if ((meanArea >= maxArea && abs(area[2]-area[1]) >= maxArea/7.0) || meanArea >= 1.2*maxArea) {// || (area[1]>=maxArea && area[2]<maxArea)) {
                    if (verbose_) cout << "Stop by too large cross sectionnal area : " << meanArea << "/" << maxArea << endl;
                    done = true;
                if (numberOfBadOrientation >= maxBadOrientation)
                    if (verbose_) cout << "Stop by too much bad orientation during propagation : " << numberOfBadOrientation << "/" << maxBadOrientation << endl;
                    done = true;
                 * Assembling meshOutput (whole spinal cord segmentation) and the new part of the deformed mesh
                if (!done)
                    // if the mesh get out the image, the propagation has to stop
                    if(!inOut || indexPosition[1]>upLimit || indexPosition[1]<downLimit) {
                        done = true;
                        if (!inOut && verbose_) cout << "Stop because out of image" << endl;
                        if (indexPosition[1]>upLimit && verbose_) cout << "Stop because out of range: up" << endl;
                        if (indexPosition[1]<downLimit && verbose_) cout << "Stop because out of range: down" << endl;
                delete deformed_spinalcord;
                if (verbose_) cout << "Stop by bad orientation" << endl;
                done = true;
            delete partMesh, gAdapt, deformableAdaptator;//, orientationFilter;
            done = true;
            if (!inOut && verbose_) cout << "Stop because out of image" << endl;
            if (indexPosition[1]>=upLimit && verbose_) cout << "Stop because out of range: up" << endl;
            if (indexPosition[1]<=downLimit && verbose_) cout << "Stop because out of range: down" << endl;
            if (abs(newStartPoint[1]-lastPointReal[1]) > 15.0 && verbose_) cout << "Stop because bad direction" << endl;
        if (verbose_) cout << "Number of bad orientation = " << numberOfBadOrientationTotal << " / " << i << endl;
        if (verbose_) cout << "Contrast : " << meanContrast << " / " << minContrast << endl;
         * Computation of the new spinal cord centerline
        centerline = meshOutput->computeCenterline();
        if (verbose_) {
            double distanceSegmentation = 0.0;
            int interval = 1;
            for (unsigned int c=interval; c<centerline.size(); c+=interval)
                distanceSegmentation += (centerline[c]-centerline[c-interval]).Norm();
            cout << "Distance of segmentation [mm] = " << distanceSegmentation << endl;
     * Smoothing of the low-resolution mesh

	return meshOutput;
void PropagatedDeformableModel::computeMeshInitial()
    // centerline can be added to be followed. Points of centerline have to be added from bottom to top
    if (propCenterline_) {
        if (centerline.size() < 1) {
            cerr << "Error: Not enought points in centerline" << endl;
        } else {
            //int init = centerline.size()*init_position_;
             * If a centerline is used for the orientation computation, we compute its BSpline approximation. This approximation is used for centerline position and orientation extraction
             * The parameter range is the centerline approximation accuracy
            initial_centerline = centerline;
            centerline_approximator = BSplineApproximation(&initial_centerline);
            initialPoint_ = centerline_approximator.EvaluateBSpline(init_position_);
            initialNormal1_ = -centerline_approximator.EvaluateGradient(init_position_-0.01).Normalize();
            initialNormal2_ = centerline_approximator.EvaluateGradient(init_position_+0.01).Normalize();;
            //initialNormal1_ = (centerline[init-1]-centerline[init]).Normalize();
            //initialNormal2_ = (centerline[init+1]-centerline[init]).Normalize();
            hasInitialPointAndNormals_ = true;
	if (centerline.size() < 1 && !hasInitialPointAndNormals_) {
		cerr << "Error: Not enought points in centerline" << endl;
	else if (centerline.size() == 2) {
		initialTube1 = new SpinalCord;
		CVector3 directionInitiale = (centerline[1]-centerline[0]).Normalize(), directionInitialePerpendiculaire;
		if (directionInitiale[2] == 0.0) directionInitialePerpendiculaire = CVector3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
		else directionInitialePerpendiculaire = CVector3(1.0,2.0,-(directionInitiale[0]+2*directionInitiale[1])/directionInitiale[2]).Normalize();
		Referential refInitial = Referential(directionInitiale^directionInitialePerpendiculaire, directionInitialePerpendiculaire, directionInitiale, centerline[0]);
		CMatrix4x4 transformationFromOrigin = refInitial.getTransformationInverse();
		double angle;
		CMatrix3x3 trZ;
		CVector3 point, normale;
		// Compute initial disk
		for (int k=0; k<resolutionRadiale_; k++)
			angle = 2*M_PI*k/(double)resolutionRadiale_;
			trZ[0] = cos(angle), trZ[1] = sin(angle), trZ[3] = -sin(angle), trZ[4] = cos(angle);
			point = transformationFromOrigin*(trZ*CVector3(rayon_,0.0,0.0));
			initialTube1->addPoint(new Vertex(point,(point-centerline[0]).Normalize()));
		CVector3 nextPoint = centerline[0] + deplacementAxial_*directionInitiale;


		isMeshInitialized = true;

		meanContrast = computeContrast(refInitial);
		//cout << "Contrast = " << contrast << endl;
	else if (hasInitialPointAndNormals_) {
		initialTube1 = new SpinalCord;
		CVector3 directionInitiale = initialNormal1_, directionInitialePerpendiculaire;
		if (directionInitiale[2] == 0.0) directionInitialePerpendiculaire = CVector3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
		else directionInitialePerpendiculaire = CVector3(1.0,2.0,-(directionInitiale[0]+2*directionInitiale[1])/directionInitiale[2]).Normalize();
		Referential refInitial = Referential(directionInitiale^directionInitialePerpendiculaire, directionInitialePerpendiculaire, directionInitiale, initialPoint_);
		CMatrix4x4 transformationFromOrigin = refInitial.getTransformationInverse();
		double angle;
		CMatrix3x3 trZ;
		CVector3 point, normale;
        CVector3 stretchingFactorWorld = image3D_->TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(CVector3((1.0-1.0/stretchingFactor_), 0.0, 0.0))-image3D_->getOrigine();
		// Compute initial disk
		for (int k=0; k<resolutionRadiale_; k++)
			angle = 2*M_PI*k/(double)resolutionRadiale_;
			trZ[0] = cos(angle), trZ[1] = sin(angle), trZ[3] = -sin(angle), trZ[4] = cos(angle);
			point = transformationFromOrigin*(trZ*CVector3(rayon_,0.0,0.0));
            CVector3 vecPoint = initialPoint_ - point;
            point[0] += stretchingFactorWorld[0]*vecPoint[0];
            point[1] += stretchingFactorWorld[1]*vecPoint[1];
            point[2] += stretchingFactorWorld[2]*vecPoint[2];
			initialTube1->addPoint(new Vertex(point,(point-initialPoint_).Normalize()));
		CVector3 nextPoint = initialPoint_ + deplacementAxial_*directionInitiale;


		initialTube2 = new SpinalCord;
		directionInitiale = initialNormal2_;
		if (directionInitiale[2] == 0.0) directionInitialePerpendiculaire = CVector3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
		else directionInitialePerpendiculaire = CVector3(1.0,2.0,-(directionInitiale[0]+2*directionInitiale[1])/directionInitiale[2]).Normalize();
		refInitial = Referential(directionInitiale^directionInitialePerpendiculaire, directionInitialePerpendiculaire, directionInitiale, initialPoint_);
		transformationFromOrigin = refInitial.getTransformationInverse();
		// Compute initial disk
		for (int k=0; k<resolutionRadiale_; k++)
			angle = 2*M_PI*k/(double)resolutionRadiale_;
			trZ[0] = cos(angle), trZ[1] = sin(angle), trZ[3] = -sin(angle), trZ[4] = cos(angle);
			point = transformationFromOrigin*(trZ*CVector3(rayon_,0.0,0.0));
            CVector3 vecPoint = initialPoint_ - point;
            point[0] += stretchingFactorWorld[0]*vecPoint[0];
            point[1] += stretchingFactorWorld[1]*vecPoint[1];
            point[2] += stretchingFactorWorld[2]*vecPoint[2];
			initialTube2->addPoint(new Vertex(point,(point-initialPoint_).Normalize()));
		nextPoint = initialPoint_ + deplacementAxial_*directionInitiale;


		isMeshInitialized = true;

		meanContrast = computeContrast(refInitial);
	else {
		initialTube1 = new SpinalCord;
		CVector3 directionInitiale = (centerline[1]-centerline[0]).Normalize(), directionInitialePerpendiculaire;
		if (directionInitiale[2] == 0.0) directionInitialePerpendiculaire = CVector3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
		else directionInitialePerpendiculaire = CVector3(1.0,2.0,-(directionInitiale[0]+2*directionInitiale[1])/directionInitiale[2]).Normalize();
		Referential refInitial = Referential(directionInitiale^directionInitialePerpendiculaire, directionInitialePerpendiculaire, directionInitiale, centerline[0]);
		CMatrix4x4 transformationFromOrigin = refInitial.getTransformationInverse();
		double angle;
		CMatrix3x3 trZ;
		CVector3 point, normale;
		// Compute initial disk
		for (int k=0; k<resolutionRadiale_; k++)
			angle = 2*M_PI*k/(double)resolutionRadiale_;
			trZ[0] = cos(angle), trZ[1] = sin(angle), trZ[3] = -sin(angle), trZ[4] = cos(angle);
			point = transformationFromOrigin*(trZ*CVector3(rayon_,0.0,0.0));
			initialTube1->addPoint(new Vertex(point,(point-centerline[0]).Normalize()));
		for (unsigned int i=1; i<centerline.size(); i++)


		isMeshInitialized = true;