Example #1
void TSpit::xt7800_setup(const ArgumentArray &args) {
	// First, let's store the base receptacle hotspots for the marbles
	if (_marbleBaseHotspots.empty())
		for (uint16 i = 0; i < kMarbleCount; i++) {
			RivenHotspot *marbleHotspot = _vm->getCard()->getHotspotByName(s_marbleNames[i]);

	// Move the marble hotspots based on their position variables
	_vm->_vars["themarble"] = 0;
Example #2
void TSpit::drawMarbles() {
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < kMarbleCount; i++) {
		// Don't draw the marble if we're holding it
		if (_vm->_vars["themarble"] - 1 == i)

		RivenHotspot *marbleHotspot = _vm->getCard()->getHotspotByName(s_marbleNames[i]);

		Common::Rect rect = marbleHotspot->getRect();
		// Trim the rect down a bit
		rect.left += 3;
		rect.top += 3;
		rect.right -= 2;
		rect.bottom -= 2;
		_vm->_gfx->drawExtrasImage(i + 200, rect);
Example #3
bool RivenConsole::Cmd_Hotspots(int argc, const char **argv) {
	Common::Array<RivenHotspot *> hotspots = _vm->getCard()->getHotspots();

	debugPrintf("Current card (%d) has %d hotspots:\n", _vm->getCard()->getId(), hotspots.size());

	for (uint16 i = 0; i < hotspots.size(); i++) {
		RivenHotspot *hotspot = hotspots[i];
		debugPrintf("Hotspot %d, index %d, BLST ID %d (", i, hotspot->getIndex(), hotspot->getBlstId());

		if (hotspot->isEnabled())

		Common::Rect rect = hotspot->getRect();
		debugPrintf(") - (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);
		debugPrintf("    Name = %s\n", hotspot->getName().c_str());

	return true;
Example #4
void OSpit::xbookclick(const ArgumentArray &args) {
	// Let's hook onto our video
	RivenVideo *video = _vm->_video->getSlot(args[0]);

	// Convert from the standard QuickTime base time to milliseconds
	// The values are in terms of 1/600 of a second.
	// Have I said how much I just *love* QuickTime? </sarcasm>
	uint32 startTime = args[1] * 1000 / 600;
	uint32 endTime = args[2] * 1000 / 600;

	// Track down our hotspot
	Common::String hotspotName = Common::String::format("touchBook%d", args[3]);
	RivenHotspot *hotspot = _vm->getCard()->getHotspotByName(hotspotName);
	Common::Rect hotspotRect = hotspot->getRect();

	debug(0, "xbookclick:");
	debug(0, "\tVideo Code = %d", args[0]);
	debug(0, "\tStart Time = %dms", startTime);
	debug(0, "\tEnd Time   = %dms", endTime);
	debug(0, "\tHotspot    = %d -> %s", args[3], hotspotName.c_str());

	// Just let the video play while we wait until Gehn opens the trap book for us
	while (video->getTime() < startTime && !_vm->hasGameEnded()) {

	// Break out if we're quitting
	if (_vm->hasGameEnded())

	// OK, Gehn has opened the trap book and has asked us to go in. Let's watch
	// and see what the player will do...
	while (video->getTime() < endTime && !_vm->hasGameEnded()) {
		if (hotspotRect.contains(getMousePosition()))

		if (mouseIsDown()) {
			if (hotspotRect.contains(getMousePosition())) {
				// OK, we've used the trap book! We go for ride lady!
				_vm->_video->closeVideos();                          // Stop all videos
				_vm->_cursor->setCursor(kRivenHideCursor);          // Hide the cursor
				_vm->getCard()->drawPicture(3);                  // Black out the screen
				_vm->_sound->playSound(0);                          // Play the link sound
				_vm->getCard()->playMovie(7);    // Activate Gehn Link Video
				RivenVideo *linkVideo = _vm->_video->openSlot(1);             // Play Gehn Link Video
				_vm->_vars["ocage"] = 1;
				_vm->_vars["agehn"] = 4;                            // Set Gehn to the trapped state
				_vm->_vars["atrapbook"] = 1;                        // We've got the trap book again
				_vm->_sound->playSound(0);                          // Play the link sound again
				_vm->changeToCard(_vm->getStack()->getCardStackId(0x2885));    // Link out!
				_vm->_scriptMan->stopAllScripts();                  // Stop all running scripts (so we don't remain in the cage)


	// Break out if we're quitting
	if (_vm->hasGameEnded())

	// If there was no click and this is the third time Gehn asks us to
	// use the trap book, he will shoot the player. Dead on arrival.
	// Run the credits from here.
	if (_vm->_vars["agehn"] == 3) {
		runCredits(args[0], 5000, 995);

	// There was no click, so just play the rest of the video.