void BuiltinResources::generateMeshes()
		SPtr<VertexDataDesc> vertexDesc = bs_shared_ptr_new<VertexDataDesc>();
		vertexDesc->addVertElem(VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION);
		vertexDesc->addVertElem(VET_FLOAT2, VES_TEXCOORD);
		vertexDesc->addVertElem(VET_FLOAT3, VES_NORMAL);
		vertexDesc->addVertElem(VET_FLOAT4, VES_TANGENT);
		vertexDesc->addVertElem(VET_COLOR, VES_COLOR);

		UINT32 boxNumVertices = 0;
		UINT32 boxNumIndices = 0;
		ShapeMeshes3D::getNumElementsAABox(boxNumVertices, boxNumIndices);
		SPtr<MeshData> boxMeshData = MeshData::create(boxNumVertices, boxNumIndices, vertexDesc);
		AABox box(Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f), Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));

		ShapeMeshes3D::solidAABox(box, boxMeshData, 0, 0);
		SPtr<Mesh> boxMesh = Mesh::_createPtr(RendererMeshData::convert(boxMeshData));

		UINT32 sphereNumVertices = 0;
		UINT32 sphereNumIndices = 0;
		ShapeMeshes3D::getNumElementsSphere(3, sphereNumVertices, sphereNumIndices);
		SPtr<MeshData> sphereMeshData = bs_shared_ptr_new<MeshData>(sphereNumVertices, sphereNumIndices, vertexDesc);

		ShapeMeshes3D::solidSphere(Sphere(Vector3::ZERO, 1.0f), sphereMeshData, 0, 0, 3);
		SPtr<Mesh> sphereMesh = Mesh::_createPtr(RendererMeshData::convert(sphereMeshData));

		UINT32 coneNumVertices = 0;
		UINT32 coneNumIndices = 0;
		ShapeMeshes3D::getNumElementsCone(10, coneNumVertices, coneNumIndices);
		SPtr<MeshData> coneMeshData = bs_shared_ptr_new<MeshData>(coneNumVertices, coneNumIndices, vertexDesc);

		ShapeMeshes3D::solidCone(Vector3::ZERO, Vector3::UNIT_Y, 1.0f, 1.0f, Vector2::ONE, coneMeshData, 0, 0);
		SPtr<Mesh> coneMesh = Mesh::_createPtr(RendererMeshData::convert(coneMeshData));

		UINT32 cylinderNumVertices = 0;
		UINT32 cylinderNumIndices = 0;
		ShapeMeshes3D::getNumElementsCylinder(10, cylinderNumVertices, cylinderNumIndices);
		SPtr<MeshData> cylinderMeshData = bs_shared_ptr_new<MeshData>(cylinderNumVertices, cylinderNumIndices, vertexDesc);

		ShapeMeshes3D::solidCylinder(Vector3::ZERO, Vector3::UNIT_Y, 1.0f, 1.0f, Vector2::ONE, cylinderMeshData, 0, 0);
		SPtr<Mesh> cylinderMesh = Mesh::_createPtr(RendererMeshData::convert(cylinderMeshData));

		UINT32 quadNumVertices = 8;
		UINT32 quadNumIndices = 12;
		ShapeMeshes3D::getNumElementsQuad(quadNumVertices, quadNumIndices);
		SPtr<MeshData> quadMeshData = bs_shared_ptr_new<MeshData>(quadNumVertices, quadNumIndices, vertexDesc);

		std::array<Vector3, 2> axes = {{ Vector3::UNIT_X, Vector3::UNIT_Z }};
		std::array<float, 2> sizes = {{ 1.0f, 1.0f }};
		Rect3 rect(Vector3::ZERO, axes, sizes);
		ShapeMeshes3D::solidQuad(rect, quadMeshData, 0, 0);
		SPtr<Mesh> quadMesh = Mesh::_createPtr(RendererMeshData::convert(quadMeshData));

		UINT32 discNumVertices = 0;
		UINT32 discNumIndices = 0;
		ShapeMeshes3D::getNumElementsDisc(10, discNumVertices, discNumIndices);
		SPtr<MeshData> discMeshData = bs_shared_ptr_new<MeshData>(discNumVertices, discNumIndices, vertexDesc);

		ShapeMeshes3D::solidDisc(Vector3::ZERO, 1.0f, Vector3::UNIT_Y, discMeshData, 0, 0);
		SPtr<Mesh> discMesh = Mesh::_createPtr(RendererMeshData::convert(discMeshData));

		// Save all meshes
		Path outputDir = mEngineMeshFolder;

		auto saveMesh = [&](const Path& path, const SPtr<Mesh>& mesh, const String& uuid)
			HResource meshResource = gResources()._createResourceHandle(mesh, UUID(uuid));

			gResources().save(meshResource, path, true);
			mResourceManifest->registerResource(meshResource.getUUID(), path);

		Path boxPath = outputDir + MeshBoxFile;
		saveMesh(boxPath, boxMesh, "bc1d20ca-7fe6-489b-8b5c-dbf798badc95");

		Path spherePath = outputDir + MeshSphereFile;
		saveMesh(spherePath, sphereMesh, "040642f3-04d6-419e-9dba-f7824161c205");

		Path conePath = outputDir + MeshConeFile;
		saveMesh(conePath, coneMesh, "b8cf6db5-1736-47ac-852f-82ecd88b4d46");

		Path cylinderPath = outputDir + MeshCylinderFile;
		saveMesh(cylinderPath, cylinderMesh, "e6b2b797-4e72-7e49-61ba-4e7275bd561d");

		Path quadPath = outputDir + MeshQuadFile;
		saveMesh(quadPath, quadMesh, "06592bf3-f82a-472e-a034-26a98225fbe1");

		Path discPath = outputDir + MeshDiscFile;
		saveMesh(discPath, discMesh, "6f496313-344a-495c-83e8-152e3053c52d");
Example #2
	SPtr<MeshData> FPhysXMesh::getMeshData() const
		SPtr<VertexDataDesc> vertexDesc = VertexDataDesc::create();
		vertexDesc->addVertElem(VET_FLOAT3, VES_POSITION);

		if (mConvexMesh == nullptr && mTriangleMesh == nullptr)
			return MeshData::create(0, 0, vertexDesc);

		UINT32 numVertices = 0;
		UINT32 numIndices = 0;

		if(mConvexMesh != nullptr)
			numVertices = mConvexMesh->getNbVertices();

			UINT32 numPolygons = mConvexMesh->getNbPolygons();
			for (UINT32 i = 0; i < numPolygons; i++)
				PxHullPolygon face;
				bool status = mConvexMesh->getPolygonData(i, face);

				numIndices += (face.mNbVerts - 2) * 3;
		else // Triangle
			numVertices = mTriangleMesh->getNbVertices();
			numIndices = mTriangleMesh->getNbTriangles() * 3;

		SPtr<MeshData> meshData = MeshData::create(numVertices, numIndices, vertexDesc);

		auto posIter = meshData->getVec3DataIter(VES_POSITION);
		UINT32* outIndices = meshData->getIndices32();

		if (mConvexMesh != nullptr)
			const PxVec3* convexVertices = mConvexMesh->getVertices();
			const UINT8* convexIndices = mConvexMesh->getIndexBuffer();

			for (UINT32 i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)

			UINT32 numPolygons = mConvexMesh->getNbPolygons();
			for (UINT32 i = 0; i < numPolygons; i++)
				PxHullPolygon face;
				bool status = mConvexMesh->getPolygonData(i, face);

				const PxU8* faceIndices = convexIndices + face.mIndexBase;
				for (UINT32 j = 2; j < face.mNbVerts; j++)
					*outIndices++ = faceIndices[0];
					*outIndices++ = faceIndices[j];
					*outIndices++ = faceIndices[j - 1];
			const PxVec3* vertices = mTriangleMesh->getVertices();
			for (UINT32 i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)

			if(mTriangleMesh->getTriangleMeshFlags() & PxTriangleMeshFlag::e16_BIT_INDICES)
				const UINT16* indices = (const UINT16*)mTriangleMesh->getTriangles();

				UINT32 numTriangles = numIndices / 3;
				for (UINT32 i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
					// Flip triangles as PhysX keeps them opposite to what Banshee expects
					outIndices[i * 3 + 0] = (UINT32)indices[i * 3 + 0];
					outIndices[i * 3 + 1] = (UINT32)indices[i * 3 + 2];
					outIndices[i * 3 + 2] = (UINT32)indices[i * 3 + 1];
				const UINT32* indices = (const UINT32*)mTriangleMesh->getTriangles();

				UINT32 numTriangles = numIndices / 3;
				for (UINT32 i = 0; i < numTriangles; i++)
					// Flip triangles as PhysX keeps them opposite to what Banshee expects
					outIndices[i * 3 + 0] = indices[i * 3 + 0];
					outIndices[i * 3 + 1] = indices[i * 3 + 2];
					outIndices[i * 3 + 2] = indices[i * 3 + 1];

		return meshData;