Example #1
 * @brief returns list of free prefixes for this client
 * return free prefixes for a client. There are several ways that method may work:
 * 1 - client didn't provide any hints:
 *     => one prefix from each pool will be granted
 * 2 - client has provided hint and that is valid (supported and unused):
 *     => requested prefix will be granted
 * 3 - client has provided hint, which belongs to supported pool, but this prefix is used:
 *     => other prefix from that pool will be asigned
 * 4 - client has provided hint, but it is invalid (not beloninging to a supported pool,
 *     multicast or link-local):
 *     => see 1
 * @param clientMsg message received from a client
 * @param cli_hint hint provided by client (or ::)
 * @return - list of prefixes
List(TIPv6Addr) TSrvOptIA_PD::getFreePrefixes(SPtr<TSrvMsg> clientMsg, SPtr<TIPv6Addr> cli_hint) {

    SPtr<TSrvCfgIface> ptrIface;
    SPtr<TIPv6Addr>    prefix;
    SPtr<TSrvCfgPD>    ptrPD;
    bool validHint = true;
    List(TIPv6Addr) lst;

    ptrIface = SrvCfgMgr().getIfaceByID(this->Iface);
    if (!ptrIface) {
      Log(Error) << "PD: Trying to find free prefix on non-existent interface (ifindex="
                 << this->Iface << ")." << LogEnd;
      return lst; // empty list

    if (!ptrIface->supportPrefixDelegation()) {
      // this method should not be called anyway
      Log(Error) << "PD: Prefix delegation is not supported on the " << ptrIface->getFullName()
                 << "." << LogEnd;
      return lst; // empty list

    ptrPD = ptrIface->getPD();
    // should be ==, asigned>total should never happen
    if (ptrPD->getAssignedCount() >= ptrPD->getTotalCount()) {
      Log(Error) << "PD: Unable to grant any prefixes: Already asigned " << ptrPD->getAssignedCount()
                 << " out of " << ptrPD->getTotalCount() << "." << LogEnd;
      return lst; // empty list

    // check if this prefix is ok

    // is it anyaddress (::)?
    SPtr<TIPv6Addr> anyaddr = new TIPv6Addr();
    if (*anyaddr==*cli_hint) {
        Log(Debug) << "PD: Client requested unspecified (" << *cli_hint
                   << ") prefix. Hint ignored." << LogEnd;
        validHint = false;

    // is it multicast address (ff...)?
    if ((*(cli_hint->getAddr()))==0xff) {
        Log(Debug) << "PD: Client requested multicast (" << *cli_hint
                   << ") prefix. Hint ignored." << LogEnd;
        validHint = false;

    // is it link-local address (fe80::...)?
    char linklocal[]={0xfe, 0x80};
    if (!memcmp(cli_hint->getAddr(),linklocal,2)) {
        Log(Debug) << "PD: Client requested link-local (" << *cli_hint
                   << ") prefix. Hint ignored." << LogEnd;
        validHint = false;

    SPtr<TOptVendorData> remoteID;
    TSrvMsg * par = (TSrvMsg*)(Parent);
    if (par) {
        remoteID = par->getRemoteID();

    if ( validHint ) {
        // hint is valid, try to use it
        ptrPD = SrvCfgMgr().getClassByPrefix(this->Iface, cli_hint);

        // if the PD allow the hint, based on DUID, Addr, and Msg from client
        if (ptrPD && ptrPD->clntSupported(ClntDuid, ClntAddr, clientMsg)) {

            // Let's make a copy of the hint (we may need to tweak the hint in a second)
            SPtr<TIPv6Addr> hint(new TIPv6Addr(cli_hint->getAddr()));

            // Now zero the remaining part
            hint->truncate(0, ptrPD->getPD_Length());
            // Is this hint reserved for someone else?
            if (!ptrIface->checkReservedPrefix(hint, ClntDuid, remoteID, ClntAddr))
                // Nope, not reserved.

                // case 2: address belongs to supported class, and is free
                if ( SrvAddrMgr().prefixIsFree(hint) ) {
                    Log(Debug) << "PD: Requested prefix (" << *hint << ") is free, great!" << LogEnd;
                    this->PDLength = ptrPD->getPD_Length();
                    this->Prefered = ptrPD->getPrefered(this->Prefered);
                    this->Valid    = ptrPD->getValid(this->Valid);
                    T1_       = ptrPD->getT1(T1_);
                    T2_       = ptrPD->getT2(T2_);
                    return lst;
                } else {

                    // case 3: hint is used, but we can assign another prefix from the same pool
                    do {
                    } while (!SrvAddrMgr().prefixIsFree(prefix));

                    this->PDLength = ptrPD->getPD_Length();
                    this->Prefered = ptrPD->getPrefered(this->Prefered);
                    this->Valid    = ptrPD->getValid(this->Valid);
                    T1_       = ptrPD->getT1(T1_);
                    T2_       = ptrPD->getT2(T2_);
                    return lst;
                } // if hint is used
            } // if this hint is reserved for someone?
        } // if client is supported at all
    } // if this is a valid hint

    // case 1: no hint provided, assign one prefix from each pool
    // case 4: provided hint does not belong to supported class or is useless (multicast,link-local, ::)

    while ( ptrPD = ptrIface->getPD())
        if (!ptrPD->clntSupported(ClntDuid, ClntAddr, clientMsg ))

    if (!ptrPD)
        Log(Warning) << "Unable to find any PD for this client." << LogEnd;
        return lst;  // return empty list

    int attempts = SERVER_MAX_PD_RANDOM_TRIES;
    while (attempts--) {
        List(TIPv6Addr) lst;
        lst = ptrPD->getRandomList();
        bool allFree = true;
        while (prefix = lst.get()) {
            if (!SrvAddrMgr().prefixIsFree(prefix) || SrvCfgMgr().prefixReserved(prefix)) {
                allFree = false;
        if (allFree) {
            this->PDLength = ptrPD->getPD_Length();
            this->Prefered = ptrPD->getPrefered(this->Prefered);
            this->Valid    = ptrPD->getValid(this->Valid);
            T1_       = ptrPD->getT1(T1_);
            T2_       = ptrPD->getT2(T2_);
            return lst;

    // failed to find available prefixes after 100 attempts. Return empty list
    return List(TIPv6Addr)();