void V8DOMWindowShell::setSecurityToken()

    Document* document = m_frame->document();

    // Ask the document's SecurityOrigin to generate a security token.
    // If two tokens are equal, then the SecurityOrigins canAccess each other.
    // If two tokens are not equal, then we have to call canAccess.
    // Note: we can't use the HTTPOrigin if it was set from the DOM.
    SecurityOrigin* origin = document->securityOrigin();
    String token;
    if (!origin->domainWasSetInDOM())
        token = document->securityOrigin()->toString();

    // An empty or "null" token means we always have to call
    // canAccess. The toString method on securityOrigins returns the
    // string "null" for empty security origins and for security
    // origins that should only allow access to themselves. In this
    // case, we use the global object as the security token to avoid
    // calling canAccess when a script accesses its own objects.
    if (token.isEmpty() || token == "null") {

    CString utf8Token = token.utf8();
    // NOTE: V8 does identity comparison in fast path, must use a symbol
    // as the security token.
    m_context->SetSecurityToken(v8::String::NewSymbol(utf8Token.data(), utf8Token.length()));
void WindowProxy::setSecurityToken(SecurityOrigin* origin)
    // If two tokens are equal, then the SecurityOrigins canAccess each other.
    // If two tokens are not equal, then we have to call canAccess.
    // Note: we can't use the HTTPOrigin if it was set from the DOM.
    String token;
    // There are several situations where v8 needs to do a full canAccess check,
    // so set an empty security token instead:
    // - document.domain was modified
    // - the frame is showing the initial empty document
    // - the frame is remote
    bool delaySet = m_frame->isRemoteFrame() || (m_world->isMainWorld() && (origin->domainWasSetInDOM() || toLocalFrame(m_frame)->loader().stateMachine()->isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument()));
    if (origin && !delaySet)
        token = origin->toString();

    // An empty or "null" token means we always have to call
    // canAccess. The toString method on securityOrigins returns the
    // string "null" for empty security origins and for security
    // origins that should only allow access to themselves. In this
    // case, we use the global object as the security token to avoid
    // calling canAccess when a script accesses its own objects.
    v8::HandleScope handleScope(m_isolate);
    v8::Local<v8::Context> context = m_scriptState->context();
    if (token.isEmpty() || token == "null") {

    if (m_world->isPrivateScriptIsolatedWorld()) {
        token = "private-script://" + token;
    } else if (m_world->isIsolatedWorld()) {
        SecurityOrigin* frameSecurityOrigin = m_frame->securityContext()->getSecurityOrigin();
        String frameSecurityToken = frameSecurityOrigin->toString();
        // We need to check the return value of domainWasSetInDOM() on the
        // frame's SecurityOrigin because, if that's the case, only
        // SecurityOrigin::m_domain would have been modified.
        // m_domain is not used by SecurityOrigin::toString(), so we would end
        // up generating the same token that was already set.
        if (frameSecurityOrigin->domainWasSetInDOM() || frameSecurityToken.isEmpty() || frameSecurityToken == "null") {
        token = frameSecurityToken + token;

    CString utf8Token = token.utf8();
    // NOTE: V8 does identity comparison in fast path, must use a symbol
    // as the security token.
    context->SetSecurityToken(v8AtomicString(m_isolate, utf8Token.data(), utf8Token.length()));
Example #3
void V8WindowShell::setSecurityToken()

    Document* document = m_frame->document();

    // Ask the document's SecurityOrigin to generate a security token.
    // If two tokens are equal, then the SecurityOrigins canAccess each other.
    // If two tokens are not equal, then we have to call canAccess.
    // Note: we can't use the HTTPOrigin if it was set from the DOM.
    SecurityOrigin* origin = document->securityOrigin();
    String token;
    // We stick with an empty token if document.domain was modified or if we
    // are in the initial empty document, so that we can do a full canAccess
    // check in those cases.
    if (!origin->domainWasSetInDOM()
        && !m_frame->loader().stateMachine()->isDisplayingInitialEmptyDocument())
        token = document->securityOrigin()->toString();

    // An empty or "null" token means we always have to call
    // canAccess. The toString method on securityOrigins returns the
    // string "null" for empty security origins and for security
    // origins that should only allow access to themselves. In this
    // case, we use the global object as the security token to avoid
    // calling canAccess when a script accesses its own objects.
    v8::HandleScope handleScope(m_isolate);
    v8::Handle<v8::Context> context = m_contextHolder->context();
    if (token.isEmpty() || token == "null") {

    CString utf8Token = token.utf8();
    // NOTE: V8 does identity comparison in fast path, must use a symbol
    // as the security token.
    context->SetSecurityToken(v8AtomicString(m_isolate, utf8Token.data(), utf8Token.length()));