 * Method: GetGroundPosition
 * Get latitude, longitude of a station on the ground or nil if this is an orbital station
 * > latitude, longitude = station:GetGroundPosition()
 * Returns:
 *   latitude - the latitude of the station in radians
 *   longitude - the longitude of the station in radians
 * Examples:
 * > -- Get ground position of L.A. when starting on Earth
 * > local la = Game.player:GetDockedWith()
 * > local lat, long = la:GetGroundPosition()
 * > lat = math.rad2deg(lat)
 * > long = math.rad2deg(long)
 * Availability:
 *   July 2013
 * Status:
 *   experimental
static int l_spacestation_get_ground_position(lua_State *l)
	SpaceStation *s = LuaObject<SpaceStation>::CheckFromLua(1);
	if (!s->IsGroundStation())
		return 0;

	vector3d pos = s->GetPosition();
	double latitude = atan2(pos.y, sqrt(pos.x*pos.x + pos.z * pos.z));
	double longitude = atan2(pos.x, pos.z);
	lua_pushnumber(l, latitude);
	lua_pushnumber(l, longitude);
	return 2;
Example #2
 * Function: SpawnShipParked
 * Create a ship and place it in one of the given <SpaceStation's> parking spots.
 * > ship = Space.SpawnShipParked(type, station)
 * For orbital stations the parking spots are some distance from the door, out
 * of the path of ships entering and leaving the station. For group stations
 * the parking spots are directly above the station, usually some distance
 * away.
 * Parameters:
 *   type - the name of the ship
 *   station - the <SpaceStation> to place the near
 * Return:
 *   ship - a <Ship> object for the new ship, or nil if there was no space
 *          inside the station
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   experimental
static int l_space_spawn_ship_parked(lua_State *l)
    if (!Pi::game)
        luaL_error(l, "Game is not started");


    const char *type = luaL_checkstring(l, 1);
    if (! ShipType::Get(type))
        luaL_error(l, "Unknown ship type '%s'", type);

    SpaceStation *station = LuaObject<SpaceStation>::CheckFromLua(2);

    int slot;
    if (!station->AllocateStaticSlot(slot))
        return 0;

    Ship *ship = new Ship(type);

    double parkDist = station->GetStationType()->parkingDistance;
    parkDist -= ship->GetPhysRadius();		// park inside parking radius
    double parkOffset = 0.5 * station->GetStationType()->parkingGapSize;
    parkOffset += ship->GetPhysRadius();	// but outside the docking gap

    double xpos = (slot == 0 || slot == 3) ? -parkOffset : parkOffset;
    double zpos = (slot == 0 || slot == 1) ? -parkOffset : parkOffset;
    vector3d parkPos = vector3d(xpos, parkDist, zpos);
    parkPos = station->GetPosition() + station->GetOrient() * parkPos;

    // orbital stations have Y as axis of rotation
    matrix3x3d rot = matrix3x3d::RotateX(M_PI/2) * station->GetOrient();





    LUA_DEBUG_END(l, 1);

    return 1;
Example #3
 * Function: SpawnShipParked
 * Create a ship and place it in one of the given <SpaceStation's> parking spots.
 * > ship = Space.SpawnShipParked(type, station)
 * For orbital stations the parking spots are some distance from the door, out
 * of the path of ships entering and leaving the station. For group stations
 * the parking spots are directly above the station, usually some distance
 * away.
 * Parameters:
 *   type - the name of the ship
 *   station - the <SpaceStation> to place the near
 * Return:
 *   ship - a <Ship> object for the new ship, or nil if there was no space
 *          inside the station
 * Availability:
 *   alpha 10
 * Status:
 *   experimental
static int l_space_spawn_ship_parked(lua_State *l)
	if (!Pi::game)
		luaL_error(l, "Game is not started");


	const char *type = luaL_checkstring(l, 1);
	if (! ShipType::Get(type))
		luaL_error(l, "Unknown ship type '%s'", type);

	SpaceStation *station = LuaSpaceStation::CheckFromLua(2);

	int slot;
	if (!station->AllocateStaticSlot(slot))
		return 0;

	Ship *ship = new Ship(type);

	vector3d pos, vel;
	matrix4x4d rot = matrix4x4d::Identity();

	if (station->GetSystemBody()->type == SystemBody::TYPE_STARPORT_SURFACE) {
		vel = vector3d(0.0);

		// XXX on tiny planets eg asteroids force this to be larger so the
		// are out of the docking path
		pos = station->GetPosition() * 1.1;

		vector3d axis1, axis2;

		axis1 = pos.Cross(vector3d(0.0,1.0,0.0));
		axis2 = pos.Cross(axis1);

		double ang = atan((140 + ship->GetLmrCollMesh()->GetBoundingRadius()) / pos.Length());
		if (slot<2) ang = -ang;

		vector3d axis = (slot == 0 || slot == 3) ? axis1 : axis2;

		pos.ArbRotate(axis, ang);

	else {
		double dist = 100 + ship->GetLmrCollMesh()->GetBoundingRadius();
		double xpos = (slot == 0 || slot == 3) ? -dist : dist;
		double zpos = (slot == 0 || slot == 1) ? -dist : dist;

		pos = vector3d(xpos,5000,zpos);
		vel = vector3d(0.0);







	return 1;