Example #1
 * This is the main loop over the cube data. Statistics are used to
 *   calculate which brick actually contains DNs. The framelet with DNs
 *   is corrected by RemoveSeam and this also clears remembered offsets
 *   (used for speed optimization) when the band changes.
void FixSeams(vector<Buffer *> &inBuffers, vector<Buffer *> &outBuffers) {
  Buffer &evenBuffer    = *inBuffers[0];
  Buffer &oddBuffer     = *inBuffers[1];

  Buffer &outEvenBuffer = *outBuffers[0];
  Buffer &outOddBuffer  = *outBuffers[1];


  Statistics evenStats;
  evenStats.AddData(evenBuffer.DoubleBuffer(), evenBuffer.size());

  Statistics oddStats;
  oddStats.AddData(oddBuffer.DoubleBuffer(), oddBuffer.size());

  int framelet = (evenBuffer.Line() - 1) / frameletSize;

  if(framelet == 0) {

  if(evenStats.ValidPixels() > oddStats.ValidPixels()) {
    RemoveSeam(outEvenBuffer, framelet, evenBuffer.Band(), false);
  else {
    RemoveSeam(outOddBuffer, framelet, oddBuffer.Band(), true);
Example #2
// Get statistics on a line of pixels and break it into phases
//add all the data to the stats statistics object. When we compare which of
// the lines (%4 = 0, %4 = 1, %4 = 2, %4 = 3) is the furtherest from the
// total average, we use stats for the "total average"
void getStats(Buffer &in) {
  stats.AddData(in.DoubleBuffer(), in.size());

  //Phase 1 processing
    Buffer proc(phases[0], 1, 1, in.PixelType());
    for(int quad1 = 0 ; quad1 < phases[0] ; quad1++) {
      proc[quad1] = in[quad1];
    Statistics temp;
    temp.AddData(proc.DoubleBuffer(), proc.size());
    stats.AddData(proc.DoubleBuffer(), proc.size());
    lineStats[0].AddData(proc.DoubleBuffer(), proc.size());

  //Phase 2 processing
    Buffer proc(phases[1] - phases[0], 1, 1, in.PixelType());
    for(int quad2 = phases[0] ; quad2 < phases[1] ; quad2++) {
      proc[quad2 - phases[0]] = in[quad2];
    Statistics temp;
    temp.AddData(proc.DoubleBuffer(), proc.size());
    stats.AddData(proc.DoubleBuffer(), proc.size());
    lineStats[1].AddData(proc.DoubleBuffer(), proc.size());

  //Phase 3 processing
    Buffer proc(phases[2] - phases[1], 1, 1, in.PixelType());
    for(int quad3 = phases[1] ; quad3 < phases[2] ; quad3++) {
      proc[quad3 - phases[1]] = in[quad3];
    Statistics temp;
    temp.AddData(proc.DoubleBuffer(), proc.size());
    stats.AddData(proc.DoubleBuffer(), proc.size());
    lineStats[2].AddData(proc.DoubleBuffer(), proc.size());

  //Phase 4 processing
    Buffer proc(phases[3] - phases[2], 1, 1, in.PixelType());
    for(int quad4 = phases[2] ; quad4 < phases[3] ; quad4++) {
      proc[quad4 - phases[2]] = in[quad4];
    Statistics temp;
    temp.AddData(proc.DoubleBuffer(), proc.size());
    stats.AddData(proc.DoubleBuffer(), proc.size());
    lineStats[3].AddData(proc.DoubleBuffer(), proc.size());

Example #3
// translate the code once it is found
void TranslateCode() {
  // read the code from the image
  Chip chip(8*RADIUS, 64*RADIUS);
  chip.TackCube(codeSample+3*RADIUS, codeLine+31*RADIUS);
  for (int j=0; j<32; j++) {
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
      Statistics stats;
      // Get the average of the subchip
      for (int x=1; x<=2*RADIUS; x++) {
        for (int y=1; y<=2*RADIUS; y++) {
          stats.AddData(chip.GetValue(i*2*RADIUS + x,j*2*RADIUS + y));
      // see if it is on or off
      if (stats.Average() > 20000)
        code[i][31-j] = true;
      else code[i][31-j] = false;
  for (int j=0; j<32; j++) {
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
Example #4
  //! Compute automatic stretch for a portion of the cube
  void ChipViewport::computeStretch(Stretch &stretch, bool force) {
    if (p_stretchLocked && !force) {
      stretch = *p_stretch;
    else {
      Statistics stats;
      for (int line = 1; line < p_chip->Lines(); line++) {
        for (int samp = 1; samp < p_chip->Samples(); samp++) {
          double value = p_chip->GetValue(samp, line);
          stats.AddData(&value, 1);

      Histogram hist(stats.BestMinimum(), stats.BestMaximum());
      for (int line = 1; line <= p_chip->Lines(); line++) {
        for (int samp = 1; samp <= p_chip->Samples(); samp++) {
          double value = p_chip->GetValue(samp, line);
          hist.AddData(&value, 1);

      if (hist.Percent(0.5) != hist.Percent(99.5)) {
        stretch.AddPair(hist.Percent(0.5), 0.0);
        stretch.AddPair(hist.Percent(99.5), 255.0);
      else {
        stretch.AddPair(-DBL_MAX, 0.0);
        stretch.AddPair(DBL_MAX, 255.0);

      *p_stretch = stretch;
Example #5
 * @brief Compute the initial guess of the fit
 * This method provides the non-linear fit with an initial guess of the
 * solution.  It involves a linear fit to the latter half of the data to
 * provide the first two coefficents, the difference of the averages of the
 * residuals at both ends of the data set and 5 times the last line time as
 * the final (fourth) element...a bit involved really.
 * @return NLVector  4-element vector of the initial guess coefficients
NonLinearLSQ::NLVector DriftCorrect::guess()  {
    int n = _data.dim();
    int nb = n - _badLines;

    HiVector b1 = _data.subarray(0, nb-1);
    LowPassFilterComp gfilter(b1, _history, _sWidth, _sIters);

    int nb2 = nb/2;
    _b2 = gfilter.ref();
    HiVector cc = poly_fit(_b2.subarray(nb2,_b2.dim()-1), nb2-1);

    //  Compute the 3rd term guess by getting the average of the residual
    //  at both ends of the data set.
    Statistics s;

    //  Get the head of the data set
    int n0 = MIN(nb, 20);
    for ( int k = 0 ; k < n0 ; k++ ) {
        double d = _b2[k] - (cc[0] + cc[1] * _timet(k));
        s.AddData(&d, 1);
    double head = s.Average();

    //  Get the tail of the data set
    n0 = (int) (0.9 * nb);
    for ( int l = n0 ; l < nb ; l++ ) {
        double d = _b2[l] - (cc[0] + cc[1] * _timet(l));
        s.AddData(&d, 1);
    double tail = s.Average();

    //  Populate the guess with the results
    NLVector g(4, 0.0);
    g[0] = cc[0];
    g[1] = cc[1];
    g[2] = head-tail;
    g[3] = -5.0/_timet(nb-1);
    _guess = g;
    _history.add("Guess["+ToString(_guess[0])+ ","+
                 ToString(_guess[1])+ ","+
                 ToString(_guess[2])+ ","+
                 ToString(_guess[3])+ "]");
    return (g);
Example #6
 * This method performs pass1 on one image. It analyzes each framelet's
 * statistics and populates the necessary global variable.
 * @param progress Progress message
 * @param theCube Current cube that needs processing
 * @return bool True if the file contains a valid framelet
bool CheckFramelets(string progress, Cube &theCube) {
    bool foundValidFramelet = false;
    LineManager mgr(theCube);
    Progress prog;

    vector<double> frameletAvgs;
    // We need to store off the framelet information, because if no good
    //   framelets were found then no data should be added to the
    //   global variable for framelets, just files.
    vector< pair<int,double> > excludedFrameletsTmp;
    Statistics frameletStats;

    for(int line = 1; line <= theCube.Lines(); line++) {
        if((line-1) % numFrameLines == 0) {

        frameletStats.AddData(mgr.DoubleBuffer(), mgr.size());

        if((line-1) % numFrameLines == numFrameLines-1) {
            if(IsSpecial(frameletStats.StandardDeviation()) ||
                    frameletStats.StandardDeviation() > maxStdev) {
                    pair<int,double>((line-1)/numFrameLines, frameletStats.StandardDeviation())
            else {
                foundValidFramelet = true;




    if(foundValidFramelet) {
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < excludedFrameletsTmp.size(); i++) {
            excludedFramelets.insert(pair< pair<int,int>, double>(
                                         pair<int,int>(currImage, excludedFrameletsTmp[i].first),


    return foundValidFramelet;
Example #7
// Gather statistics for the cube
void GatherStatistics(Buffer &in) {
  // Number of samples per line that intersect with the next and the 
  // previous images
  unsigned int intersect;

  // Check if samples equal 682 or 683
  if (in.size() == 682 || in.size() == 683) {
    intersect = 18;
  // If not the above case, then we perform an algorithm to account for binning 
  else {
    // Number of intersecting samples is directly related to total
    // number of samples in the line, with 2048 being the maximum possible
    unsigned int div = 2048 / in.size();
    intersect = 48 / div;

  g_s.AddData(&in[0], in.size());
  g_sl.AddData(&in[0], intersect);
  g_sr.AddData(&in[in.size()-intersect], intersect);  
Example #8
void HiImageClean::cimage_dark() {

// Combine calibration region
  std::vector<H2DBuf> blobs;
  H2DBuf dark = appendLines(blobs);

  int nsamples(dark.dim2());
  int nlines(dark.dim1());

  // Compute averages for the mask area
  int firstDark(4);
  int ndarks(dark.dim2()-firstDark);
  _predark = H1DBuf(nlines);
  for (int line = 0 ; line < nlines ; line++) {
    Statistics darkave;
    darkave.AddData(&dark[line][firstDark], ndarks);
    _predark[line] = darkave.Average();

  // Get statistics to determine state of mask and next course of action
  _darkStats.AddData(&_predark[0], _predark.dim1());
  if (_darkStats.ValidPixels() <= 0) {
    std::ostringstream mess;
    mess << "No valid pixels in calibration/ancillary dark regions, " 
         << "binning = " << _binning << std::ends;

  //  Now apply a smoothing filter
  QuickFilter smooth(_predark.dim1(), _filterWidth, 1);
  nsamples = smooth.Samples();
  _dark = H1DBuf(nsamples);
  for (int s = 0 ; s < nsamples ; s++) {
    _dark[s] = smooth.Average(s);

  // Now apply to all calibration data
  BigInt nbad(0);
  _calimg  = row_apply(_calimg,  _dark,               0, nbad, 1.0);
  _calbuf  = row_apply(_calbuf,  _dark,               0, nbad, 1.0);
  _caldark = row_apply(_caldark, _dark,               0, nbad, 1.0);
  _ancbuf  = row_apply(_ancbuf,  _dark, _firstImageLine, nbad, 1.0);
  _ancdark = row_apply(_ancdark, _dark, _firstImageLine, nbad, 1.0);
Example #9
void gatherAverages(Buffer &in) {
  Statistics lineStats;
  lineStats.AddData(in.DoubleBuffer(), in.size());

  double average = lineStats.Average();

  lineAverages[in.Band() - 1][in.Line() - 1] = average;

  // The cube average will finish being calculated before the correction is applied.
  if(!IsSpecial(average)) {
    cubeAverage[in.Band() - 1] += average;
  else {
	numIgnoredLines ++;
Example #10
// DOUSER - Get statistics on a column or row of pixels
void getStats(Buffer &in) {
  Statistics stats;
  stats.AddData(in.DoubleBuffer(), in.size());


  // Sort the input buffer
  vector<double> pixels;
  for(int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) {
    if(IsValidPixel(in[i])) pixels.push_back(in[i]);
  sort(pixels.begin(), pixels.end());

  // Now obtain the median value and store in the median vector
  int size = pixels.size();
  if(size != 0) {
    int med = size / 2;
    if(size % 2 == 0) {
      median.push_back((pixels[med-1] + pixels[med]) / 2.0);
    else {
  else {

  // Store the statistics in the appropriate vectors
Example #11
void IsisMain() {
    // We will be processing by line
    ProcessByLine p;

    // Setup the input and output cubes
    Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");
    PvlKeyword &status = icube->group("RESEAUS")["STATUS"];
    UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
    QString in = ui.GetFileName("FROM");

    // Check reseau status and make sure it is not nominal or removed
    if((QString)status == "Nominal") {
        QString msg = "Input file [" + in +
                      "] appears to have nominal reseau status. You must run findrx first.";
        throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
    if((QString)status == "Removed") {
        QString msg = "Input file [" + in +
                      "] appears to already have reseaus removed.";
        throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    status = "Removed";


    // Start the processing

    // Get the user entered dimensions
    sdim = ui.GetInteger("SDIM");
    ldim = ui.GetInteger("LDIM");

    // Get other user entered options
    QString out = ui.GetFileName("TO");
    resvalid = ui.GetBoolean("RESVALID");
    action = ui.GetString("ACTION");

    // Open the output cube
    Cube cube;
    cube.open(out, "rw");

    PvlGroup &res = cube.label()->findGroup("RESEAUS", Pvl::Traverse);

    // Get reseau line, sample, type, and valid Keywords
    PvlKeyword lines = res.findKeyword("LINE");
    PvlKeyword samps = res.findKeyword("SAMPLE");
    PvlKeyword type = res.findKeyword("TYPE");
    PvlKeyword valid = res.findKeyword("VALID");
    int numres = lines.size();

    Brick brick(sdim, ldim, 1, cube.pixelType());
    for(int res = 0; res < numres; res++) {
        if((resvalid == 0 || toInt(valid[res]) == 1) && toInt(type[res]) != 0) {
            int baseSamp = (int)(toDouble(samps[res]) + 0.5) - (sdim / 2);
            int baseLine = (int)(toDouble(lines[res]) + 0.5) - (ldim / 2);
            brick.SetBasePosition(baseSamp, baseLine, 1);
            if(action == "NULL") {
                for(int i = 0; i < brick.size(); i++) brick[i] = Isis::Null;
            else if(action == "BILINEAR") {
                Statistics stats;
                double array[sdim][ldim];
                for(int s = 0; s < sdim; s++) {
                    for(int l = 0; l < ldim; l++) {
                        int index = l * sdim + s;
                        array[s][l] = brick[index];
                        // Add perimeter data to stats object for calculations
                        if(s == 0 || l == 0 || s == (sdim - 1) || l == (ldim - 1)) {
                            stats.AddData(&array[s][l], 1);
                // Get the average and standard deviation of the perimeter of the brick
                double avg = stats.Average();
                double sdev = stats.StandardDeviation();

                // Top Edge Reseau
                if(toInt(type[res]) == 2) {
                    int l1 = 0;
                    int l2 = ldim - 1;
                    for(int s = 0; s < sdim; s++) {
                        array[s][l1] = array[s][l2];
                // Left Edge Reseau
                else if(toInt(type[res]) == 4) {
                    int s1 = 0;
                    int s2 = sdim - 1;
                    for(int l = 0; l < ldim; l++) {
                        array[s1][l] = array[s2][l];
                // Right Edge Reseau
                else if(toInt(type[res]) == 6) {
                    int s1 = 0;
                    int s2 = sdim - 1;
                    for(int l = 0; l < ldim; l++) {
                        array[s2][l] = array[s1][l];
                // Bottom Edge Reseau
                else if(toInt(type[res]) == 8) {
                    int l1 = 0;
                    int l2 = ldim - 1;
                    for(int s = 0; s < sdim; s++) {
                        array[s][l2] = array[s][l1];
                // Walk top edge & replace data outside of 2devs with the avg
                for(int s = 0; s < sdim; s++) {
                    int l = 0;
                    double diff = fabs(array[s][l] - avg);
                    if(diff > (2 * sdev)) array[s][l] = avg;
                // Walk bottom edge & replace data outside of 2devs with the avg
                for(int s = 0; s < sdim; s++) {
                    int l = ldim - 1;
                    double diff = fabs(array[s][l] - avg);
                    if(diff > (2 * sdev)) array[s][l] = avg;
                // Walk left edge & replace data outside of 2devs with the avg
                for(int l = 0; l < ldim; l++) {
                    int s = 0;
                    double diff = fabs(array[s][l] - avg);
                    if(diff > (2 * sdev)) array[s][l] = avg;
                // Walk right edge & replace data outside of 2devs with the avg
                for(int l = 0; l < ldim; l++) {
                    int s = sdim - 1;
                    double diff = fabs(array[s][l] - avg);
                    if(diff > (2 * sdev)) array[s][l] = avg;
                double dn, gdn1, gdn2;
                for(int l = 0; l < ldim; l++) {
                    int c = l * sdim;  //count
                    // Top Edge Reseau
                    if(toInt(type[res]) == 2 && l < (ldim / 2)) continue;
                    // Bottom Edge Reseau
                    if(toInt(type[res]) == 8 && l > (ldim / 2 + 1)) continue;
                    for(int s = 0; s < sdim; s++, c++) {
                        // Left Edge Reseau
                        if(toInt(type[res]) == 4 && s < (sdim / 2)) continue;
                        // Right Edge Reseau
                        if(toInt(type[res]) == 6 && s > (sdim / 2 + 1)) continue;
                        double sum = 0.0;
                        int gline1 = 0;
                        int gline2 = ldim - 1;
                        gdn1 = array[s][gline1];
                        gdn2 = array[s][gline2];

                        // Linear Interpolation to get pixel value
                        dn = gdn2 + (l - gline2) * (gdn1 - gdn2) / (gline1 - gline2);
                        sum += dn;

                        int gsamp1 = 0;
                        int gsamp2 = sdim - 1;
                        gdn1 = array[gsamp1][l];
                        gdn2 = array[gsamp2][l];

                        // Linear Interpolation to get pixel value
                        dn = gdn2 + (s - gsamp2) * (gdn1 - gdn2) / (gsamp1 - gsamp2);
                        sum += dn;
                        dn = sum / 2;
                        int rdm = rand();
                        double drandom = rdm / (double)RAND_MAX;
                        double offset = 0.0;
                        if(drandom < .333) offset = -1.0;
                        if(drandom > .666) offset = 1.0;
                        brick[c] = dn + offset;

Example #12
void HiImageClean::cimage_mask() {

// Combine calibration region
  std::vector<H2DBuf> blobs;
  H2DBuf calibration = appendSamples(blobs);

// Set the mask depending on the binning mode
  _firstMaskLine = 20;
  _lastMaskLine = 39;
  switch (_binning) {
    case 1:
      _firstMaskLine = 21;
      _lastMaskLine = 38;
    case 2:
      _firstMaskLine = 21;
      _lastMaskLine = 29;
    case 3:
      _firstMaskLine = 21;
      _lastMaskLine = 26;
    case 4:
      _firstMaskLine = 21;
      _lastMaskLine = 24;
    case 8:
      _firstMaskLine = 21;
      _lastMaskLine = 22;
    case 16:
      _firstMaskLine = 21;
      _lastMaskLine = 21;
      std::ostringstream msg;
      msg << "Invalid binning mode (" << _binning 
          << ") - valid are 1-4, 8 and 16" << std::ends;

  //  Initialize lines and samples of mask area of interest
  int nsamples(calibration.dim2());
  int nlines(_lastMaskLine - _firstMaskLine + 1);

  // Compute averages for the mask area
  _premask = H1DBuf(nsamples);
  for (int samp = 0 ; samp < nsamples; samp++) {
    H1DBuf maskcol = slice(calibration, samp);
    Statistics maskave;
    maskave.AddData(&maskcol[_firstMaskLine], nlines);
    _premask[samp] = maskave.Average();
  _mask = _premask.copy();

  // Get statistics to determine state of mask and next course of action
  _maskStats.AddData(&_premask[0], nsamples);
  if (_maskStats.ValidPixels() <= 0) {
    std::ostringstream mess;
    mess << "No valid pixels in calibration mask region in lines " 
         << (_firstMaskLine+1) << " to " << (_lastMaskLine+1) << ", binning = "
         << _binning << std::ends;

  //  If there are any missing values, replace with mins/maxs of region
  if (_maskStats.TotalPixels() != _maskStats.ValidPixels()) {
    for (int samp = 0 ; samp < nsamples ; samp++) {
      if (Pixel::IsLow(_premask[samp]) || Pixel::IsNull(_premask[samp])) {
        _mask[samp] = _maskStats.Minimum();
      else if (Pixel::IsHigh(_premask[samp])) {
        _mask[samp] = _maskStats.Maximum();

  // Now apply to all calibration data
  BigInt nbad(0);
  _calimg  = column_apply(_calimg,  _mask, _firstImageSample,  nbad, 1.0);
  _calbuf  = column_apply(_calbuf,  _mask, _firstBufferSample, nbad, 1.0);
  _caldark = column_apply(_caldark, _mask, _firstDarkSample,   nbad, 1.0);
  _ancbuf  = column_apply(_ancbuf,  _mask, _firstBufferSample, nbad, 1.0);
  _ancdark = column_apply(_ancdark, _mask, _firstDarkSample,   nbad, 1.0);
Example #13
 * This calculates the coefficients for specific energy corrections
void calculateSpecificEnergy(Cube *icube) {
  PvlGroup &inst = icube->label()->findGroup("Instrument", Pvl::Traverse);
  bool vis = (inst["Channel"][0] != "IR");

  double coefficient = 1.0;

  if(inst["GainMode"][0] == "HIGH") {
    coefficient /= 2;

  if(vis && inst["SamplingMode"][0] == "HI-RES") {
    coefficient *= 3;

  if(vis) {
    coefficient /= toDouble(inst["ExposureDuration"][1]) / 1000.0;
  else {
    coefficient /= (toDouble(inst["ExposureDuration"][0]) * 1.01725) / 1000.0 - 0.004;

  QString specEnergyFile = "$cassini/calibration/vims/";

  if(vis) {
    specEnergyFile += "vis_perf_v????.cub";
  else {
    specEnergyFile += "ir_perf_v????.cub";

  QString waveCalFile = "$cassini/calibration/vims/wavecal_v????.cub";

  FileName specEnergyFileName(specEnergyFile);
  specEnergyFileName = specEnergyFileName.highestVersion();

  FileName waveCalFileName(waveCalFile);
  waveCalFileName = waveCalFileName.highestVersion();

  Cube specEnergyCube;

  Cube waveCalCube;

  LineManager specEnergyMgr(specEnergyCube);
  LineManager waveCalMgr(waveCalCube);

  for(int i = 0; i < icube->bandCount(); i++) {
    Statistics specEnergyStats;
    Statistics waveCalStats;

    if(vis) {
      specEnergyMgr.SetLine(1, i + 1);
      waveCalMgr.SetLine(1, i + 1);
    else {
      specEnergyMgr.SetLine(1, i + 1);
      // ir starts at band 97
      waveCalMgr.SetLine(1, i + 96 + 1);


    specEnergyStats.AddData(specEnergyMgr.DoubleBuffer(), specEnergyMgr.size());
    waveCalStats.AddData(waveCalMgr.DoubleBuffer(), waveCalMgr.size());

    double bandCoefficient = coefficient * specEnergyStats.Average() * waveCalStats.Average();

Example #14
   * Retrieve the statistics based on the box size
   * and point on the cube.
   * @param p
  void StatisticsTool::getStatistics(QPoint p) {
    MdiCubeViewport *cvp = cubeViewport();
    if(cvp == NULL) return;

    double sample, line;
    cvp->viewportToCube(p.x(), p.y(), sample, line);

    // If we are outside of the cube, do nothing
    if((sample < 0.5) || (line < 0.5) ||
        (sample > cvp->cubeSamples() + 0.5) || (line > cvp->cubeLines() + 0.5)) {

    int isamp = (int)(sample + 0.5);
    int iline = (int)(line + 0.5);

    Statistics stats;
    Brick *brick = new Brick(1, 1, 1, cvp->cube()->pixelType());

    QVector<QVector<double> > pixelData(p_boxLines, QVector<double>(p_boxSamps, Null));

    double lineDiff = p_boxLines / 2.0;
    double sampDiff = p_boxSamps / 2.0;

    p_ulSamp = isamp - (int)floor(sampDiff);
    p_ulLine = iline - (int)floor(lineDiff);

    int x, y;

    y = p_ulLine;

    for(int i = 0; i < p_boxLines; i++) {
      x = p_ulSamp;
      if(y < 1 || y > cvp->cubeLines()) {
      for(int j = 0; j < p_boxSamps; j++) {
        if(x < 1 || x > cvp->cubeSamples()) {
        brick->SetBasePosition(x, y, cvp->grayBand());
        pixelData[i][j] = brick->at(0);


    p_visualDisplay->setPixelData(pixelData, p_ulSamp, p_ulLine);

    if (stats.ValidPixels()) {
      p_minLabel->setText(QString("Minimum: %1").arg(stats.Minimum()));
      p_maxLabel->setText(QString("Maximum: %1").arg(stats.Maximum()));
      p_avgLabel->setText(QString("Average: %1").arg(stats.Average()));
      p_stdevLabel->setText(QString("Standard Dev: %1").arg(stats.StandardDeviation(), 0, 'f', 6));
    else {
      p_minLabel->setText(QString("Minimum: n/a"));
      p_maxLabel->setText(QString("Maximum: n/a"));
      p_avgLabel->setText(QString("Average: n/a"));
      p_stdevLabel->setText(QString("Standard Dev: n/a"));

    p_set = true;

Example #15
void IsisMain() {
  Process p;

  // Get the list of names of input CCD cubes to stitch together
  FileList flist;
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();
  if (flist.size() < 1) {
    string msg = "The list file[" + ui.GetFilename("FROMLIST") +
    " does not contain any filenames";
    throw iException::Message(iException::User,msg,_FILEINFO_);

  string projection("Equirectangular");
  if(ui.WasEntered("MAP")) {
      Pvl mapfile(ui.GetFilename("MAP"));
      projection = (string) mapfile.FindGroup("Mapping")["ProjectionName"];

  if(ui.WasEntered("PROJECTION")) {
      projection = ui.GetString("PROJECTION");

  // Gather other user inputs to projection
  string lattype = ui.GetString("LATTYPE");
  string londir  = ui.GetString("LONDIR");
  string londom  = ui.GetString("LONDOM");
  int digits = ui.GetInteger("PRECISION");

  // Fix them for mapping group
  lattype = (lattype == "PLANETOCENTRIC") ? "Planetocentric" : "Planetographic";
  londir = (londir == "POSITIVEEAST") ? "PositiveEast" : "PositiveWest";

  Progress prog;

  Statistics scaleStat;
  Statistics longitudeStat;
  Statistics latitudeStat;
  Statistics equiRadStat;
  Statistics poleRadStat;
  PvlObject fileset("FileSet");

  // Save major equitorial and polar radii for last occuring
  double eqRad; 
  double eq2Rad; 
  double poleRad;

  string target("Unknown");
  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < flist.size() ; i++) {
    // Set the input image, get the camera model, and a basic mapping
    // group
    Cube cube;

    int lines = cube.Lines();
    int samples = cube.Samples();

    PvlObject fmap("File");
    fmap += PvlKeyword("Name",flist[i]);
    fmap += PvlKeyword("Lines", lines);
    fmap += PvlKeyword("Samples", samples);

    Camera *cam = cube.Camera();
    Pvl mapping;
    PvlGroup &mapgrp = mapping.FindGroup("Mapping");

    // Get the radii
    double radii[3];

    eqRad   = radii[0] * 1000.0;
    eq2Rad  = radii[1] * 1000.0;
    poleRad = radii[2] * 1000.0;

    target = cam->Target();
    equiRadStat.AddData(&eqRad, 1);
    poleRadStat.AddData(&poleRad, 1);

    // Get resolution
    double lowres = cam->LowestImageResolution();
    double hires = cam->HighestImageResolution();
    scaleStat.AddData(&lowres, 1);
    scaleStat.AddData(&hires, 1);

    double pixres = (lowres+hires)/2.0;
    double scale = Scale(pixres, poleRad, eqRad);
    mapgrp += PvlKeyword("MinPixelResolution",lowres,"meters");
    mapgrp += PvlKeyword("MaxPixelResolution",hires,"meters");

    // Get the universal ground range
    double minlat,maxlat,minlon,maxlon;


    longitudeStat.AddData(&minlon, 1);
    longitudeStat.AddData(&maxlon, 1);
    latitudeStat.AddData(&minlat, 1);
    latitudeStat.AddData(&maxlat, 1);


//  Construct the output mapping group with statistics
  PvlGroup mapping("Mapping");
  double avgPixRes((scaleStat.Minimum()+scaleStat.Maximum())/2.0);
  double avgLat((latitudeStat.Minimum()+latitudeStat.Maximum())/2.0);
  double avgLon((longitudeStat.Minimum()+longitudeStat.Maximum())/2.0);
  double avgEqRad((equiRadStat.Minimum()+equiRadStat.Maximum())/2.0);
  double avgPoleRad((poleRadStat.Minimum()+poleRadStat.Maximum())/2.0);
  double scale  = Scale(avgPixRes, avgPoleRad, avgEqRad);

  mapping += PvlKeyword("ProjectionName",projection);
  mapping += PvlKeyword("TargetName", target);
  mapping += PvlKeyword("EquatorialRadius",eqRad,"meters");
  mapping += PvlKeyword("PolarRadius",poleRad,"meters");
  mapping += PvlKeyword("LatitudeType",lattype);
  mapping += PvlKeyword("LongitudeDirection",londir);
  mapping += PvlKeyword("LongitudeDomain",londom);
  mapping += PvlKeyword("PixelResolution", SetRound(avgPixRes, digits), "meters/pixel");
  mapping += PvlKeyword("Scale", SetRound(scale, digits), "pixels/degree");
  mapping += PvlKeyword("MinPixelResolution",scaleStat.Minimum(),"meters");
  mapping += PvlKeyword("MaxPixelResolution",scaleStat.Maximum(),"meters");
  mapping += PvlKeyword("CenterLongitude", SetRound(avgLon,digits));
  mapping += PvlKeyword("CenterLatitude",  SetRound(avgLat,digits));
  mapping += PvlKeyword("MinimumLatitude", MAX(SetFloor(latitudeStat.Minimum(),digits), -90.0));
  mapping += PvlKeyword("MaximumLatitude", MIN(SetCeil(latitudeStat.Maximum(),digits), 90.0));
  mapping += PvlKeyword("MinimumLongitude",MAX(SetFloor(longitudeStat.Minimum(),digits), -180.0));
  mapping += PvlKeyword("MaximumLongitude",MIN(SetCeil(longitudeStat.Maximum(),digits), 360.0));

  PvlKeyword clat("PreciseCenterLongitude", avgLon);
  clat.AddComment("Actual Parameters without precision applied");
  mapping += clat;
  mapping += PvlKeyword("PreciseCenterLatitude",  avgLat);
  mapping += PvlKeyword("PreciseMinimumLatitude", latitudeStat.Minimum());
  mapping += PvlKeyword("PreciseMaximumLatitude", latitudeStat.Maximum());
  mapping += PvlKeyword("PreciseMinimumLongitude",longitudeStat.Minimum());
  mapping += PvlKeyword("PreciseMaximumLongitude",longitudeStat.Maximum());


  // Write the output file if requested
  if (ui.WasEntered("TO")) {
    Pvl temp;

  if (ui.WasEntered("LOG")) {
    Pvl temp;

Example #16
void IsisMain() {
  const QString caminfo_program  = "caminfo";
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  QList< QPair<QString, QString> > *general = NULL, *camstats = NULL, *statistics = NULL;
  BandGeometry *bandGeom = NULL;

  // Get input filename
  FileName in = ui.GetFileName("FROM");

  // Get the format
  QString sFormat = ui.GetAsString("FORMAT");

  // if true then run spiceinit, xml default is FALSE
  // spiceinit will use system kernels
  if(ui.GetBoolean("SPICE")) {
    QString parameters = "FROM=" + in.expanded();
    ProgramLauncher::RunIsisProgram("spiceinit", parameters);

  Process p;
  Cube *incube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");

  // General data gathering
  general = new QList< QPair<QString, QString> >;
  general->append(MakePair("Program",     caminfo_program));
  general->append(MakePair("IsisVersion", Application::Version()));
  general->append(MakePair("RunDate",     iTime::CurrentGMT()));
  general->append(MakePair("IsisId",      SerialNumber::Compose(*incube)));
  general->append(MakePair("From",        in.baseName() + ".cub"));
  general->append(MakePair("Lines",       toString(incube->lineCount())));
  general->append(MakePair("Samples",     toString(incube->sampleCount())));
  general->append(MakePair("Bands",       toString(incube->bandCount())));

  // Run camstats on the entire image (all bands)
  // another camstats will be run for each band and output
  // for each band.
  if(ui.GetBoolean("CAMSTATS")) {
    camstats = new QList< QPair<QString, QString> >;

    QString filename = ui.GetAsString("FROM");
    int sinc = ui.GetInteger("SINC");
    int linc = ui.GetInteger("LINC");
    CameraStatistics stats(filename, sinc, linc);
    Pvl camPvl = stats.toPvl();

    PvlGroup cg = camPvl.findGroup("Latitude", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("MinimumLatitude", cg["latitudeminimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("MaximumLatitude", cg["latitudemaximum"][0]));

    cg = camPvl.findGroup("Longitude", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("MinimumLongitude", cg["longitudeminimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("MaximumLongitude", cg["longitudemaximum"][0]));

    cg = camPvl.findGroup("Resolution", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("MinimumResolution", cg["resolutionminimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("MaximumResolution", cg["resolutionmaximum"][0]));

    cg = camPvl.findGroup("PhaseAngle", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("MinimumPhase", cg["phaseminimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("MaximumPhase", cg["phasemaximum"][0]));

    cg = camPvl.findGroup("EmissionAngle", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("MinimumEmission", cg["emissionminimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("MaximumEmission", cg["emissionmaximum"][0]));

    cg = camPvl.findGroup("IncidenceAngle", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("MinimumIncidence", cg["incidenceminimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("MaximumIncidence", cg["incidencemaximum"][0]));

    cg = camPvl.findGroup("LocalSolarTime", Pvl::Traverse);
    camstats->append(MakePair("LocalTimeMinimum", cg["localsolartimeMinimum"][0]));
    camstats->append(MakePair("LocalTimeMaximum", cg["localsolartimeMaximum"][0]));

  // Compute statistics for entire cube
  if(ui.GetBoolean("STATISTICS")) {
    statistics = new QList< QPair<QString, QString> >;

    LineManager iline(*incube);
    Statistics stats;
    Progress progress;
    for(; !iline.end() ; iline.next()) {
      stats.AddData(iline.DoubleBuffer(), iline.size());

    //  Compute stats of entire cube
    double nPixels     = stats.TotalPixels();
    double nullpercent = (stats.NullPixels() / (nPixels)) * 100;
    double hispercent  = (stats.HisPixels() / (nPixels)) * 100;
    double hrspercent  = (stats.HrsPixels() / (nPixels)) * 100;
    double lispercent  = (stats.LisPixels() / (nPixels)) * 100;
    double lrspercent  = (stats.LrsPixels() / (nPixels)) * 100;

    // Statitics output for band
    statistics->append(MakePair("MeanValue", toString(stats.Average())));
    statistics->append(MakePair("StandardDeviation", toString(stats.StandardDeviation())));
    statistics->append(MakePair("MinimumValue", toString(stats.Minimum())));
    statistics->append(MakePair("MaximumValue", toString(stats.Maximum())));
    statistics->append(MakePair("PercentHIS", toString(hispercent)));
    statistics->append(MakePair("PercentHRS", toString(hrspercent)));
    statistics->append(MakePair("PercentLIS", toString(lispercent)));
    statistics->append(MakePair("PercentLRS", toString(lrspercent)));
    statistics->append(MakePair("PercentNull", toString(nullpercent)));
    statistics->append(MakePair("TotalPixels", toString(stats.TotalPixels())));

  bool getFootBlob = ui.GetBoolean("USELABEL");
  bool doGeometry = ui.GetBoolean("GEOMETRY");
  bool doPolygon = ui.GetBoolean("POLYGON");
  if(doGeometry || doPolygon || getFootBlob) {
    Camera *cam = incube->camera();

    QString incType = ui.GetString("INCTYPE");
    int polySinc, polyLinc;
    if(doPolygon && incType.toUpper() == "VERTICES") {
      ImagePolygon poly;
      polySinc = polyLinc = (int)(0.5 + (((poly.validSampleDim() * 2) +
                                 (poly.validLineDim() * 2) - 3.0) /
    else if (incType.toUpper() == "LINCSINC"){
      if(ui.WasEntered("POLYSINC")) {
        polySinc = ui.GetInteger("POLYSINC");
      else {
        polySinc = (int)(0.5 + 0.10 * incube->sampleCount());
        if(polySinc == 0) polySinc = 1;
      if(ui.WasEntered("POLYLINC")) {
        polyLinc = ui.GetInteger("POLYLINC");
      else {
        polyLinc = (int)(0.5 + 0.10 * incube->lineCount());
        if(polyLinc == 0) polyLinc = 1;
    else {
      QString msg = "Invalid INCTYPE option[" + incType + "]";
      throw IException(IException::Programmer, msg, _FILEINFO_);

    bandGeom = new BandGeometry();
    bool precision = ui.GetBoolean("INCREASEPRECISION");

    if (getFootBlob) {
      // Need to read history to obtain parameters that were used to
      // create the footprint
      History hist("IsisCube", in.expanded());
      Pvl pvl = hist.ReturnHist();
      PvlObject::PvlObjectIterator objIter;
      bool found = false;
      PvlGroup fpgrp;
      for (objIter=pvl.endObject()-1; objIter>=pvl.beginObject(); objIter--) {
        if (objIter->name().toUpper() == "FOOTPRINTINIT") {
          found = true;
          fpgrp = objIter->findGroup("UserParameters");
      if (!found) {
        QString msg = "Footprint blob was not found in input image history";
        throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);
      QString prec = (QString)fpgrp.findKeyword("INCREASEPRECISION");
      prec = prec.toUpper();
      if (prec == "TRUE") {
        precision = true;
      else {
        precision = false;
      QString inctype = (QString)fpgrp.findKeyword("INCTYPE");
      inctype = inctype.toUpper();
      if (inctype == "LINCSINC") {
        int linc = fpgrp.findKeyword("LINC");
        int sinc = fpgrp.findKeyword("SINC");
      else {
        int vertices = fpgrp.findKeyword("NUMVERTICES");
        int lincsinc = (int)(0.5 + (((incube->sampleCount() * 2) +
                       (incube->lineCount() * 2) - 3.0) /
      if (fpgrp.hasKeyword("MAXINCIDENCE")) {
        double maxinc = fpgrp.findKeyword("MAXINCIDENCE");
      if (fpgrp.hasKeyword("MAXEMISSION")) {
        double maxema = fpgrp.findKeyword("MAXEMISSION");
    bandGeom->collect(*cam, *incube, doGeometry, doPolygon, getFootBlob, precision);

    // Check if the user requires valid image center geometry
    if(ui.GetBoolean("VCAMERA") && (!bandGeom->hasCenterGeometry())) {
      QString msg = "Image center does not project in camera model";
      throw IException(IException::Unknown, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  if(sFormat.toUpper() == "PVL")
    GeneratePVLOutput(incube, general, camstats, statistics, bandGeom);
    GenerateCSVOutput(incube, general, camstats, statistics, bandGeom);

  // Clean the data
  delete general;
  general = NULL;
  if(camstats) {
    delete camstats;
    camstats = NULL;
  if(statistics) {
    delete statistics;
    statistics = NULL;
  if(bandGeom) {
    delete bandGeom;
    bandGeom = NULL;

Example #17
void IsisMain() {

  //get the number of samples to skip from the left and right ends
  // of the prefix and suffix data
  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  int imageLeft      = 0;
  int imageRight     = 0;
  int rampLeft       = 0;
  int rampRight      = 0;
  int calLeftBuffer  = 0;
  int calRightBuffer = 0;
  int calLeftDark    = 0;
  int calRightDark   = 0;
  int leftBuffer     = 0;
  int rightBuffer    = 0;
  int leftDark       = 0;
  int rightDark      = 0;

  if(ui.GetBoolean("USEOFFSETS")) {
    imageLeft      = ui.GetInteger("LEFTIMAGE");
    imageRight     = ui.GetInteger("RIGHTIMAGE");
    rampLeft       = ui.GetInteger("LEFTIMAGE");
    rampRight      = ui.GetInteger("RIGHTIMAGE");
    calLeftBuffer  = ui.GetInteger("LEFTCALBUFFER");
    calRightBuffer = ui.GetInteger("LEFTCALBUFFER");
    calLeftDark    = ui.GetInteger("LEFTCALDARK");
    calRightDark   = ui.GetInteger("RIGHTCALDARK");
    leftBuffer     = ui.GetInteger("LEFTBUFFER");
    rightBuffer    = ui.GetInteger("RIGHTBUFFER");
    leftDark       = ui.GetInteger("LEFTDARK");
    rightDark      = ui.GetInteger("RIGHTDARK");

  Isis::FileName fromFile = ui.GetFileName("FROM");
  Isis::Cube inputCube;

  //Check to make sure we got the cube properly
  if(!inputCube.isOpen()) {
    QString msg = "Could not open FROM cube " + fromFile.expanded();
    throw IException(IException::User, msg, _FILEINFO_);

  Process p;
  Cube *icube = p.SetInputCube("FROM");

  // Get statistics from the cube prefix and suffix data
  Table hifix("HiRISE Ancillary");
  Statistics darkStats, bufStats, rampDarkStats;
  int tdi = icube->group("Instrument")["Tdi"];
  int binning_mode = icube->group("Instrument")["Summing"];

  //This gets us the statistics for the dark and buffer pixels
  // alongside of the image itself
  for(int rec = 2; rec < hifix.Records(); rec++) {
    vector<int> dark = hifix[rec]["DarkPixels"];
    vector<int> buf = hifix[rec]["BufferPixels"];
    if(buf.size() <= (unsigned int)(leftBuffer + rightBuffer)) {
      ThrowException(buf.size(), leftBuffer, rightBuffer, "image buffer");
    if(dark.size() <= (unsigned int)(leftDark + rightDark)) {
      ThrowException(dark.size(), leftDark, rightDark, "image dark reference");

    for(int i = leftDark; i < (int)dark.size() - rightDark; i++) {
      double d;
      if(dark[i] == NULL2) d = NULL8;
      else if(dark[i] == LOW_REPR_SAT2) d = LOW_REPR_SAT8;
      else if(dark[i] == LOW_INSTR_SAT2) d = LOW_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(dark[i] == HIGH_INSTR_SAT2) d = HIGH_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(dark[i] == HIGH_REPR_SAT2) d = HIGH_REPR_SAT8;
      else d = dark[i];
      darkStats.AddData(&d, 1);

    for(int i = leftBuffer; i < (int)buf.size() - rightBuffer; i++) {
      double d;
      if(buf[i] == NULL2) d = NULL8;
      else if(buf[i] == LOW_REPR_SAT2) d = LOW_REPR_SAT8;
      else if(buf[i] == LOW_INSTR_SAT2) d = LOW_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(buf[i] == HIGH_INSTR_SAT2) d = HIGH_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(buf[i] == HIGH_REPR_SAT2) d = HIGH_REPR_SAT8;
      else d = buf[i];
      bufStats.AddData(&d, 1);

  // Get statistics from the calibration image

  //Calculate boundaries of the reverse readout lines,
  // Masked lines, and ramp lines.

  //There are always 20 reverse readout lines
  int reverseReadoutLines = 20;

  //Number of mask pixels depends on Binning mode
  int maskLines;
  maskLines = 20 / binning_mode;

  //mask lines go after reverse lines
  maskLines += reverseReadoutLines;

// Actual starting line, number Ramp lines
  int rampStart = maskLines;
  int rampLines = tdi / binning_mode;

  Table calimg("HiRISE Calibration Image");
  Statistics calStats;
  //Statistics for the Reverse readout lines of the cal image
  Statistics reverseStats;
  //Statistics for the masked lines of the cal image
  Statistics maskStats;
  //Statistics for the ramped lines of the cal image
  Statistics rampStats;

  //Iterate through the calibration image

  //Add in reverse data
  for(int rec = 2 ; rec <= 18 ; rec++) { //Lines [2,18]
    vector<int> lineBuffer = calimg[rec]["Calibration"];
    for(unsigned int i = 2 ; i < lineBuffer.size() - 1 ; i++) { //Samples [2, * -1]
      double d = lineBuffer[i];
      if(lineBuffer[i] == NULL2) {
        d = NULL8;
      else if(lineBuffer[i] == LOW_REPR_SAT2)  {
        d = LOW_REPR_SAT8;
      else if(lineBuffer[i] == LOW_INSTR_SAT2) {
        d = LOW_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(lineBuffer[i] == HIGH_INSTR_SAT2) {
        d = HIGH_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(lineBuffer[i] == HIGH_REPR_SAT2) {
        d = HIGH_REPR_SAT8;
      reverseStats.AddData(&d, 1);

  //Add in the mask data
  for(int rec = 22 ; rec < maskLines - 1 ; rec++) {//Lines [22, 38] !!!!dependant on bin
    vector<int> lineBuffer = calimg[rec]["Calibration"];
    for(int i = 2 ; i < (int)lineBuffer.size() - 1 ; i++) { //Samples [2, *-1]
      double d = lineBuffer[i];
      if(d == NULL2) {
        d = NULL8;
      else if(d == LOW_REPR_SAT2)  {
        d = LOW_REPR_SAT8;
      else if(d == LOW_INSTR_SAT2) {
        d = LOW_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(d == HIGH_INSTR_SAT2) {
        d = HIGH_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(d == HIGH_REPR_SAT2) {
        d = HIGH_REPR_SAT8;
      maskStats.AddData(&d, 1);

  //Add in the ramp data
  for(int rec = maskLines + 2; rec < calimg.Records() - 1; rec++) {
    vector<int> buf = calimg[rec]["Calibration"];
    //loop through all but the first and last sample of the calibration image
    for(int i = rampLeft; i < (int)buf.size() - rampRight; i++) {
      double d;
      if(buf[i] == NULL2) d = NULL8;
      else if(buf[i] == LOW_REPR_SAT2) d = LOW_REPR_SAT8;
      else if(buf[i] == LOW_INSTR_SAT2) d = LOW_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(buf[i] == HIGH_INSTR_SAT2) d = HIGH_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(buf[i] == HIGH_REPR_SAT2) d = HIGH_REPR_SAT8;
      else d = buf[i];
      //Determine which group of stats to add to
      rampStats.AddData(&d, 1);

  // Get statistics from the calibration prefix and suffix data
  Table calfix("HiRISE Calibration Ancillary");
  Statistics calDarkStats, calBufStats;
  int rampLine0 = rampStart + 1;
  int rampLineN = (rampStart + rampLines - 1) - 1;
  rampLineN = calfix.Records() - 1;
  for(int rec = 0; rec < calfix.Records(); rec++) {
    vector<int> dark = calfix[rec]["DarkPixels"];
    vector<int> buf = calfix[rec]["BufferPixels"];
    if(buf.size() <= (unsigned int)(calLeftBuffer + calRightBuffer)) {
      ThrowException(buf.size(), calLeftBuffer, calRightBuffer, "calibration buffer");
    if(dark.size() <= (unsigned int)(calLeftDark + calRightDark)) {
      ThrowException(dark.size(), calLeftDark, calRightDark, "calibration dark reference");
    for(int i = calLeftDark; i < (int)dark.size() - calRightDark; i++) {
      double d;
      if(dark[i] == NULL2) d = NULL8;
      else if(dark[i] == LOW_REPR_SAT2) d = LOW_REPR_SAT8;
      else if(dark[i] == LOW_INSTR_SAT2) d = LOW_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(dark[i] == HIGH_INSTR_SAT2) d = HIGH_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(dark[i] == HIGH_REPR_SAT2) d = HIGH_REPR_SAT8;
      else d = dark[i];
      calDarkStats.AddData(&d, 1);
      if((rec > rampLine0) && (rec < rampLineN)) {
        rampDarkStats.AddData(&d, 1);
    for(int i = calLeftBuffer; i < (int)buf.size() - calRightBuffer; i++) {
      double d;
      if(buf[i] == NULL2) d = NULL8;
      else if(buf[i] == LOW_REPR_SAT2) d = LOW_REPR_SAT8;
      else if(buf[i] == LOW_INSTR_SAT2) d = LOW_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(buf[i] == HIGH_INSTR_SAT2) d = HIGH_INSTR_SAT8;
      else if(buf[i] == HIGH_REPR_SAT2) d = HIGH_REPR_SAT8;
      else d = buf[i];
      calBufStats.AddData(&d, 1);

  Statistics linesPostrampStats;
  Statistics imageStats;
  Isis::LineManager imageBuffer(inputCube);

  Buffer out(imageBuffer.SampleDimension() - (imageLeft + imageRight),

  for(int postRampLine = 0 ; postRampLine < LINES_POSTRAMP ; postRampLine++) {
    for(int postRampSamp = 0 ; postRampSamp < out.SampleDimension() ; postRampSamp++) {
      out[postRampSamp] = imageBuffer[postRampSamp + imageLeft];
    linesPostrampStats.AddData(out.DoubleBuffer(), out.size());

  for(int imageLine = LINES_POSTRAMP; imageLine < inputCube.lineCount(); imageLine++) {
    for(int imageSample = 0 ; imageSample < out.SampleDimension(); imageSample++) {
      out[imageSample] = imageBuffer[imageSample + imageLeft];
    imageStats.AddData(out.DoubleBuffer(), out.size());

  // Generate the statistics in pvl form
  const int NUM_GROUPS = 10;
  PvlGroup groups[NUM_GROUPS];
  groups[0] = PvlStats(linesPostrampStats, "IMAGE_POSTRAMP");
  groups[1] = PvlStats(imageStats, "IMAGE");
  groups[2] = PvlStats(darkStats, "IMAGE_DARK");
  groups[3] = PvlStats(bufStats, "IMAGE_BUFFER");
  groups[4] = PvlStats(reverseStats, "CAL_REVERSE");
  groups[5] = PvlStats(maskStats, "CAL_MASK");
  groups[6] = PvlStats(rampStats, "CAL_RAMP");
  groups[7] = PvlStats(calDarkStats, "CAL_DARK");
  groups[8] = PvlStats(rampDarkStats, "CAL_DARK_RAMP");
  groups[9] = PvlStats(calBufStats, "CAL_BUFFER");

  // Write the results to the output file if the user specified one
  if(ui.WasEntered("TO")) {
    Pvl temp;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < NUM_GROUPS ; i++) {
  else {
    // Log the results
    for(int i = 0 ; i < NUM_GROUPS ; i++) {
Example #18
  void Histogram::InitializeFromCube(Cube &cube, const int band, Progress *progress) {
    // Make sure band is valid
    if ((band < 0) || (band > cube.Bands())) {
      string msg = "Invalid band in [Histogram constructor]";
      throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::Programmer,msg,_FILEINFO_);

    double min,max;
    int nbins;

    if (cube.PixelType() == Isis::UnsignedByte) {
      min = 0.0 * cube.Multiplier() + cube.Base();
      max = 255.0 * cube.Multiplier() + cube.Base();
      nbins = 256;
    else if (cube.PixelType() == Isis::SignedWord) {
      min = -32768.0 * cube.Multiplier() + cube.Base();
      max = 32767.0 * cube.Multiplier() + cube.Base();
      nbins = 65536;
    else if (cube.PixelType() == Isis::Real) {
      // Determine the band for statistics
      int bandStart = band;
      int bandStop = band;
      int maxSteps = cube.Lines();
      if (band == 0){
        bandStart = 1;
        bandStop = cube.Bands();
        maxSteps = cube.Lines() * cube.Bands();

      // Construct a line buffer manager and a statistics object
      LineManager line(cube);
      Statistics stats = Statistics();

      // Prep for reporting progress if necessary
      if (progress != NULL) {
        string save = progress->Text ();
        progress->SetText("Computing min/max for histogram");

      for (int useBand = bandStart ; useBand <= bandStop ; useBand++){
        // Loop and get the statistics for a good minimum/maximum
        for (int i=1; i<=cube.Lines(); i++) {
          stats.AddData (line.DoubleBuffer(),line.size());
          if (progress != NULL) progress->CheckStatus();

      // Get the min/max for constructing a histogram object
      if (stats.ValidPixels() == 0) {
        min = 0.0;
        max = 1.0;
      else {
        min = stats.BestMinimum ();
        max = stats.BestMaximum ();

      nbins = 65536;
    else {
      std::string msg = "Unsupported pixel type";
      throw iException::Message(Isis::iException::Programmer,msg,_FILEINFO_);

    // Set the bins and range
Example #19
 * This method is the pass 2 processing routine. A ProcessByBrick
 * will call this method for sets of data (depending on the camera
 * type) and this method is responsible for writing the entire output
 * temporary cube.
 * @param in Input raw image data, not including excluded files
void CreateTemporaryData(Buffer &in) {
     * Line scan cameras process by frame columns.
    if(cameraType == LineScan) {
        // The statistics of every column of data need to be known
        //   before we can write to the temp file. Gather stats for this
        //   column.
        Statistics inputColStats;

        for(int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) {

            // We'll also need the stats for the entire frame in order to
            //   normalize and in order to decide whether or not we want
            //   to toss out the frame

        // Store off the column stats
        outputTmpAverages[in.Sample()-1] = inputColStats.Average();
        outputTmpCounts[in.Sample()-1] = inputColStats.ValidPixels();

        // Test if this is the last column and we've got all of our stats
        if(in.Sample() == numOutputSamples) {
            // Decide if we want this data
            if(IsSpecial(inputFrameStats.StandardDeviation()) ||
                    inputFrameStats.StandardDeviation() > maxStdev) {
                // We don't want this data...
                //   CreateNullData is a helper method for this case that
                //   nulls out the stats

                // Record the exclusion
                PvlGroup currExclusion("ExcludedLines");
                currExclusion += PvlKeyword("FrameStartLine", iString(in.Line()));
                currExclusion += PvlKeyword("ValidPixels", iString(inputFrameStats.ValidPixels()));

                    currExclusion += PvlKeyword("StandardDeviation", inputFrameStats.StandardDeviation());
                    currExclusion += PvlKeyword("StandardDeviation", "N/A");


            // Let's write our data... CreateNullData took care of nulls for us
            // Band 1 is our normalized average
            for(int i = 0; i < (int)outputTmpAverages.size(); i++) {
                if(!IsSpecial(outputTmpAverages[i])) {
                    (*oLineMgr)[i] = outputTmpAverages[i] / inputFrameStats.Average();
                else {
                    (*oLineMgr)[i] = Isis::Null;


            // band 2 is our valid dn counts
            for(int i = 0; i < (int)outputTmpCounts.size(); i++) {
                (*oLineMgr)[i] = outputTmpCounts[i];
                numInputDns[i] += (int)(outputTmpCounts[i] + 0.5);

            (*oLineMgr) ++;

    else if(cameraType == Framing || cameraType == PushFrame) {
        // Framing cameras and push frames are treated identically;
        //   the framelet size for a framelet in the framing camera
        //   is the entire image!
        int framelet = (in.Line()-1) / numFrameLines;
        double stdev;
        bool excluded = Excluded(currImage, framelet, stdev);

        if(excluded && ((in.Line()-1) % numFrameLines == 0)) {
            PvlGroup currExclusion("ExcludedFramelet");
            currExclusion += PvlKeyword("FrameletStartLine", iString(in.Line()));
            currExclusion += PvlKeyword("FrameletNumber", (in.Line()-1) / numFrameLines);

            if(!IsSpecial(stdev)) {
                currExclusion += PvlKeyword("StandardDeviation",
            else {
                currExclusion += PvlKeyword("StandardDeviation",


        // Since this is a line by line iterative process, we need to get the current
        //   data in the temp file
        oLineMgr->SetLine(((in.Line() - 1) % numFrameLines) + 1, 1);

        if(!excluded || !cubeInitialized) {

        if(!cubeInitialized) {
            for(int i = 0; i < oLineMgr->size(); i++) {
                (*oLineMgr)[i] = Isis::Null;

        vector<bool> isValidData;

        if(!excluded || !cubeInitialized) {

            for(int samp = 0; samp < in.size(); samp++) {
                if(IsSpecial((*oLineMgr)[samp]) && !IsSpecial(in[samp])) {
                    (*oLineMgr)[samp] = 0.0;

                if(!IsSpecial(in[samp])) {
                    isValidData[samp] = true;
                    (*oLineMgr)[samp] += in[samp] / inputFrameletAverages[currImage][framelet];
                else {
                    isValidData[samp] = false;

        if(!excluded || !cubeInitialized) {

        oLineMgr->SetLine(oLineMgr->Line(), 2);

        if(!excluded || !cubeInitialized) {

        if(!cubeInitialized) {
            for(int i = 0; i < oLineMgr->size(); i++) {
                (*oLineMgr)[i] = Isis::Null;

            if(ocube->Lines() == oLineMgr->Line())
                cubeInitialized = true;

        if(!excluded || !cubeInitialized) {
            for(int i = 0; i < (int)isValidData.size(); i++) {
                if(IsSpecial((*oLineMgr)[i])) {
                    (*oLineMgr)[i] = 0.0;

                if(isValidData[i]) {
                    (*oLineMgr)[i] ++;

        if(!excluded || !cubeInitialized) {
Example #20
void IsisMain() {
  //Create a process to create the input cubes
  Process p;
  //Create the input cubes, matching sample/lines
  Cube *inCube = p.SetInputCube ("FROM");
  Cube *latCube = p.SetInputCube("LATCUB", SpatialMatch);
  Cube *lonCube = p.SetInputCube("LONCUB", SpatialMatch);

  //A 1x1 brick to read in the latitude and longitude DN values from
  //the specified cubes
  Brick latBrick(1,1,1, latCube->PixelType());
  Brick lonBrick(1,1,1, lonCube->PixelType());

  UserInterface &ui = Application::GetUserInterface();

  //Set the sample and line increments
  int sinc = (int)(inCube->Samples() * 0.10);
  if(ui.WasEntered("SINC")) {
    sinc = ui.GetInteger("SINC");

  int linc = (int)(inCube->Lines() * 0.10);
  if(ui.WasEntered("LINC")) {
    linc = ui.GetInteger("LINC");

  //Set the degree of the polynomial to use in our functions
  int degree = ui.GetInteger("DEGREE");

  //We are using a polynomial with two variables
  PolynomialBivariate sampFunct(degree); 
  PolynomialBivariate lineFunct(degree);

  //We will be solving the function using the least squares method
  LeastSquares sampSol(sampFunct);
  LeastSquares lineSol(lineFunct);

  //Setup the variables for solving the stereographic projection
  //x = cos(latitude) * sin(longitude - lon_center)
  //y = cos(lat_center) * sin(latitude) - sin(lat_center) * cos(latitude) * cos(longitude - lon_center)

  //Get the center lat and long from the input cubes
  double lat_center = latCube->Statistics()->Average() * PI/180.0;
  double lon_center = lonCube->Statistics()->Average() * PI/180.0;

   * Loop through lines and samples projecting the latitude and longitude at those
   * points to stereographic x and y and adding these points to the LeastSquares 
   * matrix. 
  for(int i = 1; i <= inCube->Lines(); i+= linc) {
    for(int j = 1; j <= inCube->Samples(); j+= sinc) {
      latBrick.SetBasePosition(j, i, 1);
      if(IsSpecial(latBrick.at(0))) continue;
      double lat = latBrick.at(0) * PI/180.0;
      lonBrick.SetBasePosition(j, i, 1);
      if(IsSpecial(lonBrick.at(0))) continue;
      double lon = lonBrick.at(0) * PI/180.0;

      //Project lat and lon to x and y using a stereographic projection
      double k = 2/(1 + sin(lat_center) * sin(lat) + cos(lat_center)*cos(lat)*cos(lon - lon_center));
      double x = k * cos(lat) * sin(lon - lon_center);
      double y = k * (cos(lat_center) * sin(lat)) - (sin(lat_center) * cos(lat) * cos(lon - lon_center));

      //Add x and y to the least squares matrix
      vector<double> data;
      sampSol.AddKnown(data, j);
      lineSol.AddKnown(data, i);

      //If the sample increment goes past the last sample in the line, we want to
      //always read the last sample..
      if(j != inCube->Samples() && j + sinc > inCube->Samples()) {
        j = inCube->Samples() - sinc;
    //If the line increment goes past the last line in the cube, we want to
    //always read the last line..
    if(i != inCube->Lines() && i + linc > inCube->Lines()) {    
      i = inCube->Lines() - linc;

  //Solve the least squares functions using QR Decomposition

  //If the user wants to save the residuals to a file, create a file and write
  //the column titles to it.
  TextFile oFile;
  if(ui.WasEntered("RESIDUALS")) {
    oFile.Open(ui.GetFilename("RESIDUALS"), "overwrite");
    oFile.PutLine("Sample,\tLine,\tX,\tY,\tSample Error,\tLine Error\n");

  //Gather the statistics for the residuals from the least squares solutions
  Statistics sampErr;
  Statistics lineErr;
  vector<double> sampResiduals = sampSol.Residuals();
  vector<double> lineResiduals = lineSol.Residuals();
  for(int i = 0; i < (int)sampResiduals.size(); i++) {

  //If a residuals file was specified, write the previous data, and the errors to the file.
  if(ui.WasEntered("RESIDUALS")) {
    for(int i = 0; i < sampSol.Rows(); i++) {
      vector<double> data = sampSol.GetInput(i);
      iString tmp = "";
      tmp += iString(sampSol.GetExpected(i));
      tmp += ",\t";
      tmp += iString(lineSol.GetExpected(i));
      tmp += ",\t";
      tmp += iString(data[0]);
      tmp += ",\t";
      tmp += iString(data[1]);
      tmp += ",\t";
      tmp += iString(sampResiduals[i]);
      tmp += ",\t";
      tmp += iString(lineResiduals[i]);
      oFile.PutLine(tmp + "\n");

  //Records the error to the log
  PvlGroup error( "Error" );
  error += PvlKeyword( "Degree", degree );
  error += PvlKeyword( "NumberOfPoints", (int)sampResiduals.size() );
  error += PvlKeyword( "SampleMinimumError", sampErr.Minimum() );
  error += PvlKeyword( "SampleAverageError", sampErr.Average() );
  error += PvlKeyword( "SampleMaximumError", sampErr.Maximum() );
  error += PvlKeyword( "SampleStdDeviationError", sampErr.StandardDeviation() );
  error += PvlKeyword( "LineMinimumError", lineErr.Minimum() );
  error += PvlKeyword( "LineAverageError", lineErr.Average() );
  error += PvlKeyword( "LineMaximumError", lineErr.Maximum() );
  error += PvlKeyword( "LineStdDeviationError", lineErr.StandardDeviation() );
  Application::Log( error );

  //Close the input cubes for cleanup

  //If we want to warp the image, then continue, otherwise return
  if(!ui.GetBoolean("NOWARP")) {
    //Creates the mapping group
    Pvl mapFile;
    PvlGroup &mapGrp = mapFile.FindGroup("Mapping",Pvl::Traverse);

    //Reopen the lat and long cubes
    latCube = new Cube();

    lonCube = new Cube();

    PvlKeyword targetName;

    //If the user entered the target name
    if(ui.WasEntered("TARGET")) {
      targetName = PvlKeyword("TargetName", ui.GetString("TARGET"));
    //Else read the target name from the input cube
    else {
      Pvl fromFile;
      targetName = fromFile.FindKeyword("TargetName", Pvl::Traverse);

    mapGrp.AddKeyword(targetName, Pvl::Replace);

    PvlKeyword equRadius;
    PvlKeyword polRadius;

    //If the user entered the equatorial and polar radii
    if(ui.WasEntered("EQURADIUS") && ui.WasEntered("POLRADIUS")) {
      equRadius = PvlKeyword("EquatorialRadius", ui.GetDouble("EQURADIUS"));
      polRadius = PvlKeyword("PolarRadius", ui.GetDouble("POLRADIUS"));
    //Else read them from the pck
    else {
      Filename pckFile("$base/kernels/pck/pck?????.tpc");

      string pckFilename = pckFile.Expanded();


      string target = targetName[0];
      SpiceInt code;
      SpiceBoolean found;

      bodn2c_c (target.c_str(), &code, &found);

      if (!found) {
        string msg = "Could not convert Target [" + target +
                     "] to NAIF code";
        throw Isis::iException::Message(Isis::iException::Io,msg,_FILEINFO_);

      SpiceInt n;
      SpiceDouble radii[3];


      equRadius = PvlKeyword("EquatorialRadius", radii[0] * 1000);
      polRadius = PvlKeyword("PolarRadius", radii[2] * 1000);

    mapGrp.AddKeyword(equRadius, Pvl::Replace);
    mapGrp.AddKeyword(polRadius, Pvl::Replace);

    //If the latitude type is not in the mapping group, copy it from the input
    if(!mapGrp.HasKeyword("LatitudeType")) {
      if(ui.GetString("LATTYPE") == "PLANETOCENTRIC") {
        mapGrp.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("LatitudeType","Planetocentric"), Pvl::Replace);
      else {
        mapGrp.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("LatitudeType","Planetographic"), Pvl::Replace);

    //If the longitude direction is not in the mapping group, copy it from the input
    if(!mapGrp.HasKeyword("LongitudeDirection")) {
      if(ui.GetString("LONDIR") == "POSITIVEEAST") {
        mapGrp.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("LongitudeDirection","PositiveEast"), Pvl::Replace);
      else {
        mapGrp.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("LongitudeDirection","PositiveWest"), Pvl::Replace);

    //If the longitude domain is not in the mapping group, assume it is 360
    if(!mapGrp.HasKeyword("LongitudeDomain")) {
      mapGrp.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("LongitudeDomain","360"), Pvl::Replace);

    //If the default range is to be computed, use the input lat/long cubes to determine the range
    if(ui.GetString("DEFAULTRANGE") == "COMPUTE") {
      //NOTE - When computing the min/max longitude this application does not account for the 
      //longitude seam if it exists. Since the min/max are calculated from the statistics of
      //the input longitude cube and then converted to the mapping group's domain they may be
      //invalid for cubes containing the longitude seam. 
      Statistics *latStats = latCube->Statistics();
      Statistics *lonStats = lonCube->Statistics();

      double minLat = latStats->Minimum();
      double maxLat = latStats->Maximum();

      bool isOcentric = ((std::string)mapGrp.FindKeyword("LatitudeType")) == "Planetocentric";
      if(isOcentric) {
        if(ui.GetString("LATTYPE") != "PLANETOCENTRIC") {
          minLat = Projection::ToPlanetocentric(minLat, (double)equRadius, (double)polRadius);
          maxLat = Projection::ToPlanetocentric(maxLat, (double)equRadius, (double)polRadius);
      else {
        if(ui.GetString("LATTYPE") == "PLANETOCENTRIC") {
          minLat = Projection::ToPlanetographic(minLat, (double)equRadius, (double)polRadius);
          maxLat = Projection::ToPlanetographic(maxLat, (double)equRadius, (double)polRadius);

      int lonDomain = (int)mapGrp.FindKeyword("LongitudeDomain");
      double minLon = lonDomain == 360 ? Projection::To360Domain(lonStats->Minimum()) : Projection::To180Domain(lonStats->Minimum());
      double maxLon = lonDomain == 360 ? Projection::To360Domain(lonStats->Maximum()) : Projection::To180Domain(lonStats->Maximum());

      bool isPosEast = ((std::string)mapGrp.FindKeyword("LongitudeDirection")) == "PositiveEast";
      if(isPosEast) {
        if(ui.GetString("LONDIR") != "POSITIVEEAST") {
          minLon = Projection::ToPositiveEast(minLon, lonDomain);
          maxLon = Projection::ToPositiveEast(maxLon, lonDomain);
      else {
        if(ui.GetString("LONDIR") == "POSITIVEEAST") {
          minLon = Projection::ToPositiveWest(minLon, lonDomain);
          maxLon = Projection::ToPositiveWest(maxLon, lonDomain);

      if(minLon > maxLon) {
        double temp = minLon;
        minLon = maxLon;
        maxLon = temp;

      mapGrp.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("MinimumLatitude", minLat),Pvl::Replace);
      mapGrp.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("MaximumLatitude", maxLat),Pvl::Replace);
      mapGrp.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("MinimumLongitude", minLon),Pvl::Replace);
      mapGrp.AddKeyword(PvlKeyword("MaximumLongitude", maxLon),Pvl::Replace);

    //If the user decided to enter a ground range then override
    if (ui.WasEntered("MINLAT")) {
    if (ui.WasEntered("MAXLAT")) {

    if (ui.WasEntered("MINLON")) {
    if (ui.WasEntered("MAXLON")) {
    //If the pixel resolution is to be computed, compute the pixels/degree from the input
    if (ui.GetString("PIXRES") == "COMPUTE") {


      //Read the lat and long at the upper left corner
      double a = latBrick.at(0) * PI/180.0;
      double c = lonBrick.at(0) * PI/180.0;


      //Read the lat and long at the lower right corner
      double b = latBrick.at(0) * PI/180.0;
      double d = lonBrick.at(0) * PI/180.0;

      //Determine the angle between the two points
      double angle = acos(cos(a) * cos(b) * cos(c - d) + sin(a) * sin(b));
      //double angle = acos((cos(a1) * cos(b1) * cos(b2)) + (cos(a1) * sin(b1) * cos(a2) * sin(b2)) + (sin(a1) * sin(a2)));
      angle *= 180/PI;

      //Determine the number of pixels between the two points
      double pixels = sqrt(pow(latCube->Samples() -1.0, 2.0) + pow(latCube->Lines() -1.0, 2.0));

      //Add the scale in pixels/degree to the mapping group
                                        pixels/angle, "pixels/degree"),
      if (mapGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    // If the user decided to enter a resolution then override
    if (ui.GetString("PIXRES") == "MPP") {
                                        ui.GetDouble("RESOLUTION"), "meters/pixel"),
      if (mapGrp.HasKeyword("Scale")) {
    else if (ui.GetString("PIXRES") == "PPD") {
                                        ui.GetDouble("RESOLUTION"), "pixels/degree"),
      if (mapGrp.HasKeyword("PixelResolution")) {

    //Create a projection using the map file we created
    int samples,lines;
    Projection *outmap = ProjectionFactory::CreateForCube(mapFile,samples,lines,false);

    //Write the map file to the log

    //Create a process rubber sheet
    ProcessRubberSheet r;

    //Set the input cube
    inCube = r.SetInputCube("FROM");

    double tolerance = ui.GetDouble("TOLERANCE") * outmap->Resolution();

    //Create a new transform object
    Transform *transform = new nocam2map (sampSol, lineSol, outmap,
                                          latCube, lonCube,
                                          ui.GetString("LATTYPE") == "PLANETOCENTRIC",
                                          ui.GetString("LONDIR") == "POSITIVEEAST",
                                          tolerance, ui.GetInteger("ITERATIONS"),
                                          inCube->Samples(), inCube->Lines(),
                                          samples, lines);
    //Allocate the output cube and add the mapping labels
    Cube *oCube = r.SetOutputCube ("TO", transform->OutputSamples(),

    //Determine which interpolation to use
    Interpolator *interp = NULL;
    if (ui.GetString("INTERP") == "NEARESTNEIGHBOR") {
      interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::NearestNeighborType);
    else if (ui.GetString("INTERP") == "BILINEAR") {
      interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::BiLinearType);
    else if (ui.GetString("INTERP") == "CUBICCONVOLUTION") {
      interp = new Interpolator(Interpolator::CubicConvolutionType);
    //Warp the cube
    r.StartProcess(*transform, *interp);

    // add mapping to print.prt
    PvlGroup mapping = outmap->Mapping(); 

    //Clean up
    delete latCube;
    delete lonCube;

    delete outmap;
    delete transform;
    delete interp;
Example #21
//function to add stats data to the stats object.
//also tests if the line and samp are valid
void buildStats (Camera *cam, int &sample, int &line){
  cam->SetImage(sample, line);
  if (cam->HasSurfaceIntersection()) {

    double Aratio = cam->LineResolution() / cam->SampleResolution();