StdString OracleWriter::getDateFormatString(StdString const &oValue, bool bTimestamp) const { StdString pattern = "0000-00-00 00:00:00"; if(oValue.length() == 10) return "YYYY.MM.DD"; if(oValue.length() >= 19 || bTimestamp == false) return "YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS"; pattern += "."; StdString format = "YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS."; StdString v = oValue.substr(pattern.length(), oValue.length()); for(size_t i = 0; i < v.length(); i++) { if(v[i] >= '0' && v[i] <= '9') { format += 'F'; continue; } break; } return format; }
StdChar CSVWriterConfigPanel::getBracket(StdChar &oClose) const { oClose = 0; if(mGUI->mQuoteBtn->isChecked()) { oClose = '"'; return '"'; } if(mGUI->mParenthesisBtn->isChecked()) { oClose = ')'; return '('; } if(mGUI->mBracketBtn->isChecked()) { oClose = ']'; return '['; } if(mGUI->mCurlyBtn->isChecked()) { oClose = '}'; return '{'; } if(mGUI->mSignBtn->isChecked()) { oClose = '>'; return '<'; } if(mGUI->mCustomQuoteBtn->isChecked()) { StdString s = spt::string::fromQt(mGUI->mSeparatorCustomTxt->text()); if(s.length() > 0) { if(s.length() > 1) oClose = s[1]; else { switch(s[0]) { case '\'': case '"': oClose = s[0]; break; } } return s[0]; } } return 0; }
StdString SociContainer::selectorToQuery(void) { StdString q = getSelector(); if(q.length() == 0) return q; if(q[0] == '{' && q != "{}" && q.length() > 1) q = "select * from "+ q.substr(1, q.length()-2); else q = mQuery; return q; }
void SociContainer::setSelector(StdString const &oId) { Progress prg("Loading from Table ..."); if(oId.length() > 0 && oId[0] == '{') // If it is a table we select it { mTablename = oId.substr(1, oId.length()-2); selectTable(mTablename, false); } else mTablename = ""; super::setSelector(oId); refreshPreview(selectorToQuery(), mPreviewLimit); }
std::vector<DatabaseColumn *> SociContainer::readColumnsFromTable(StdString const &oTablename) { if(oTablename.length() == 0) return std::vector<DatabaseColumn *>(); return readColumnsFromQuery("select * from " +oTablename+" limit 1", false); }
bool OracleWriter::prepareOpen(std::vector<DatabaseColumn *> const &oColumns) { setSQLLog(createConfigPanel()->getPath(), createConfigPanel()->getExportSQL(), createConfigPanel()->getExportSQLOnly()); if(!SociContainer::prepareOpen(oColumns)) return false; OracleWriterPanel *wp = createConfigPanel(); setAutocommit(wp->getAutoCommitCount()); StdString table = getTablename(); if(table.length() == 0) { ErrorMessage(spt::logging::LoggingItem::LOG_ERROR, MODULENAME, "No target table selected!"); return false; } if(getSession() == NULL) { ErrorMessage(spt::logging::LoggingItem::LOG_ERROR, MODULENAME, "Database session not initialized!"); return false; } if(mAllowTruncate) { #warning TODO: Implement truncate } if(mAllowModifyColumns) { #warning TODO: Implement modify columns } return true; }
long Universe::getClassPathExt(vector<StdString>& tokens, const StdString& arg) const { #define EXT_TOKENS 2 long result = ERR_SUCCESS; long fpIndex = arg.find_last_of(fileSeparator); long ssepIndex = arg.find(".som"); if (fpIndex == StdString::npos) { //no new path //different from CSOM (see also HandleArguments): //we still want to strip the suffix from the filename, so //we set the start to -1, in order to start the substring //from character 0. npos is -1 too, but this is to make sure fpIndex = -1; //instead of returning here directly, we have to remember that //there is no new class path and return it later result = ERR_FAIL; } else tokens[0] = arg.substr(0, fpIndex); //adding filename (minus ".som" if present) to second slot ssepIndex = ((ssepIndex != StdString::npos) && (ssepIndex > fpIndex)) ? (ssepIndex - 1) : arg.length(); tokens[1] = arg.substr(fpIndex + 1, ssepIndex - (fpIndex)); return result; }
StdChar CSVWriterConfigPanel::getSeparator(void) { if(mGUI->mSeparatorSemicolonBtn->isChecked()) return ';'; if(mGUI->mSeparatorColonBtn->isChecked()) return ':'; if(mGUI->mSeparatorSpaceBtn->isChecked()) return ' '; if(mGUI->mSeparatorTabBtn->isChecked()) return '\t'; if(mGUI->mSeparatorCommaBtn->isChecked()) return ','; if(mGUI->mSeparatorCustomBtn->isChecked()) { StdString s = spt::string::fromQt(mGUI->mSeparatorCustomTxt->text()); if(s.length() > 0) return s[0]; } return ';'; }
bool SociContainer::connect(StdString const &oConnectString) { StdString con = getConnectString(); if(oConnectString.length() > 0) { if(con != oConnectString) { disconnect(); con = oConnectString; } } if(mSession != NULL) // Same connect string and session already exists. return true; if(con.length() == 0) return false; setConnectString(con); bool rc = true; Progress prg("Connecting to database"); prg->setLabelText("Connecting to database ..."); prg->setMaximum(prg->maximum()+1); QApplication::processEvents(); StdString connectStr = sociConnectString(con); try { mSession = new soci::session(sociFactory(), connectStr); mSociConnectString = connectStr; refreshTables(); } catch(std::runtime_error const &e) { mSociConnectString = ""; ErrorMessage(spt::logging::LoggingItem::LOG_ERROR, MODULENAME, e.what()); rc = false; } prg->setValue(prg->value()+1); return rc; }
bool SociContainer::isTable(void) { StdString t = getSelector(); if(t.length() == 0) return true; if(t[0] == '{') return true; return false; }
bool CSVContainer::connect(StdString const &oFilename) { StdString fn = oFilename; if(fn.length() == 0) fn = getConnectString(); if(fn.length() == 0) return false; bool rc = super::connect(fn); if(rc == false) return false; Progress prg("Open CSV", "Opening File"); setRownum(0); CSV &csv = getCSV(); if(fn.length() > 0) { CSV::ErrorCode rc; disconnect(); csv.setFilename(fn); CSV::Openmode md = getOpenmode(); if((rc = != CSV::ErrorCode::CSV_OK) { ErrorMessage(spt::logging::LoggingItem::LOG_ERROR, "CSV", "Unable to open "+fn); csv.setFilename(""); return false; } } else return false; csv.rewind(); return true; }
bool CProjectSettings::CloseProjectSettings() { // check bool if settings have changed if ( IsChangedSinceLastSave ) { // popup to ask if save - yes/no/(cancel) int answer = AfxMessageBox( "Do you want to save the changes in the project?", MB_YESNOCANCEL ); // do what the user clicked if (answer == IDCANCEL) { // Cancel: we dont want to do anything... return FALSE; } else if ( answer == IDYES ) { // get the filename StdString fileName = getSaveFileName(); // check if it is a valid path if ( fileName.length() == 0 ) { // Selecting a file StdString typeExtension( _T("gdsprj") ); StdString filterStr = "GDS project files (*." + typeExtension + ")|*." + typeExtension + "||"; CFileDialog myFileDialog(FALSE, typeExtension, NULL, OFN_ENABLESIZING|OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, filterStr); // set the file selector default dir to project dir myFileDialog.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir = GetDirectory(); // Adding it to the listBox if ( myFileDialog.DoModal() == IDOK ) { // get the selected file with path fileName = myFileDialog.GetPathName(); // saving the filename in the object as well setSaveFileName( fileName ); } else { // the user clicked cancel: exiting save dialog return FALSE; } } // send message to make projectloader serialize us. CHashString hszProjectLoader(_T("CProjectLoadSave")); CHashString hszNewParticleSaveFilepath( fileName ); static DWORD msgHash_SaveFile = CHashString(_T("SaveFile")).GetUniqueID(); DWORD result = EngineGetToolBox()->SendMessage(msgHash_SaveFile, sizeof(TCHAR *), (void *)hszNewParticleSaveFilepath.GetString(), 0, &hszProjectLoader); // mark settings as saved IsChangedSinceLastSave = FALSE; } else { // we are here, if the user clicked NO SAVE // then we don't save anything, but return TRUE // that will lead to close GDS return TRUE; } } // Closing project destroys consistency SetSettingsStateConsistency( FALSE ); return TRUE; }
std::vector<std::vector<StdString>> SociContainer::fetchRows(std::vector<DatabaseColumn *> &oColumns, StdString const &oQuery, bool &bException, int nCount) { StdString t; StdString sql; std::vector<std::vector<StdString>> rows; bException = false; if(oQuery.length() == 0) return rows; Progress prg("Fetching rows ..."); int n = 0; if(mSession == NULL) { connect(); if(mSession == NULL) { ErrorMessage(spt::logging::LoggingItem::LOG_ERROR, MODULENAME, "Unable to connect to "+getConnectString()); return rows; } } prg->setLabelText("Fetching rows ..."); if(nCount > 0) { prg->setMaximum(prg->maximum()+nCount+1); sql = limitQuery(oQuery, nCount); } else { prg->setMaximum(prg->maximum()+1); sql = oQuery; } try { soci::rowset<soci::row> rs = (mSession->prepare << sql); for(soci::row const &row : rs) { QApplication::processEvents(); if(prg->wasCanceled()) break; n++; std::stringstream ss; ss << "Row "<< n << " ..."; prg->setLabelText(spt::string::toQt(ss.str())); if(nCount) prg->setValue(prg->value()+1); rows.push_back(fromRow(oColumns, row)); if(n >= nCount) break; } } catch(std::exception &e) { bException = true; ErrorMessage(spt::logging::LoggingItem::LOG_ERROR, MODULENAME, sql); ErrorMessage(spt::logging::LoggingItem::LOG_ERROR, MODULENAME, e.what()); } n -= nCount; prg->setValue(prg->value()+1+n); return rows; }
std::vector<DatabaseColumn *> SociContainer::readColumnsFromQuery(StdString const &oQuery, bool bLimit) { std::vector<DatabaseColumn *> columns; StdString query = oQuery; if(query.length() == 0) return columns; Progress prg("Retrieve columns ..."); if(mSession == NULL) { connect(); if(mSession == NULL) return columns; } prg->setMaximum(prg->maximum()+1); soci::session &session = *mSession; prg->setLabelText("Retrieve columns ..."); try { if(bLimit) query = limitQuery(query, 1); std::string q = query; soci::rowset<soci::row> rs = (session.prepare << q); soci::rowset<soci::row>::const_iterator it = rs.begin(); if(it != rs.end()) { soci::row const &row = *it; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < row.size(); i++) { const soci::column_properties &props = row.get_properties(i); DatabaseColumn *col = new DatabaseColumn(); col->setName(props.get_name()); col->setPosition(i); columns.push_back(col); switch(props.get_data_type()) { case soci::dt_string: col->setType(spt::db::DataType::type_string); break; case soci::dt_double: col->setType(spt::db::DataType::type_decimal); break; case soci::dt_long_long: case soci::dt_integer: case soci::dt_unsigned_long_long: col->setType(spt::db::DataType::type_integer); break; case soci::dt_date: { col->setType(spt::db::DataType::type_date); } break; default: { col->setType(spt::db::DataType::type_unknown); } } } } } catch(std::runtime_error const &e) { if(isReader()) { ErrorMessage(spt::logging::LoggingItem::LOG_ERROR, MODULENAME, "Unable to retrieve columns for query ["+query+"]"); ErrorMessage(spt::logging::LoggingItem::LOG_ERROR, MODULENAME, e.what()); } } prg->setValue(prg->value()+1); return columns; }