bool ColumnEditorModel::setData(QModelIndex const &oIndex, QVariant const &oValue, int nRole) { if(!oIndex.isValid()) return QStandardItemModel::setData(oIndex, oValue, nRole); StdString s = oValue.value<StdString>(); bool rc; bool update = true; int n = rowCount()-1; int ir = oIndex.row(); int ic = oIndex.column(); if(ir == n) { // Add new empty line at the end if the last item has got some text if(ic == COL_NAME && s.size() > 0) { updateName(n, s); insertRow(n+1); } } else { if(ic == COL_NAME) { if(s.size() == 0) { n = oIndex.row(); deleteRow(n); update = false; } else updateName(ir, s); } else updateType(ir, s); } if(update) rc = QStandardItemModel::setData(oIndex, oValue, nRole); else rc = false; return rc; }
static void WriteString(HKEY hKey, const TCHAR *name, const StdString &value) { const DWORD bytes = (DWORD)((value.size() + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); LONG result = RegSetValueEx(hKey, name, NULL, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)value.c_str(), bytes); //if(result == ERROR_SUCCESS){ }
/*! \brief Create header of netcdf file There are some information to fill in header of each netcdf. */ void CFile::createHeader(void) { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); CContextServer* server = context->server; if (!allDomainEmpty) { StdString filename = getFileOutputName(); // determine splitting format in the file name : firstPart%start_date%middlePart%end_date%lastPart std::string strStartDate="%start_date%" ; std::string strEndDate="%end_date%" ; std::string firstPart ; std::string middlePart ; std::string lastPart ; size_t pos1, pos2 ; bool hasStartDate=false ; bool hasEndDate=false ; bool hasSplit = (!split_freq.isEmpty()); pos1=filename.find(strStartDate) ; if (pos1!=std::string::npos) { firstPart=filename.substr(0,pos1) ; pos1+=strStartDate.size() ; hasStartDate=true ; } else pos1=0 ; pos2=filename.find(strEndDate,pos1) ; if (pos2!=std::string::npos) { middlePart=filename.substr(pos1,pos2-pos1) ; pos2+=strEndDate.size() ; lastPart=filename.substr(pos2,filename.size()-pos2) ; hasEndDate=true ; } else middlePart=filename.substr(pos1,filename.size()) ; if (!hasStartDate && !hasEndDate) { hasStartDate=true ; hasEndDate=true; firstPart=middlePart ; if (hasSplit) firstPart +="_"; middlePart="-" ; } StdOStringStream oss; if (!split_freq.isEmpty()) { CDate split_start ; CDate splitEnd ; if (!split_start_offset.isEmpty()) split_start=lastSplit + split_start_offset ; else split_start=lastSplit ; splitEnd = lastSplit + split_freq ; if (!split_last_date.isEmpty()) { CDate splitLastDate=CDate::FromString(split_last_date,*CContext::getCurrent()->getCalendar()) ; if( splitLastDate < splitEnd) splitEnd=splitLastDate ; } if (!split_end_offset.isEmpty()) splitEnd = splitEnd + split_end_offset; else splitEnd = splitEnd - 1 * Second; string splitFormat; if (split_freq_format.isEmpty()) { if (split_freq.getValue().second != 0) splitFormat = "%y%mo%d%h%mi%s"; else if (split_freq.getValue().minute != 0) splitFormat = "%y%mo%d%h%mi"; else if (split_freq.getValue().hour != 0) splitFormat = "%y%mo%d%h"; else if (split_freq.getValue().day != 0) splitFormat = "%y%mo%d"; else if (split_freq.getValue().month != 0) splitFormat = "%y%mo"; else splitFormat = "%y"; } else splitFormat = split_freq_format; oss << firstPart ; if (hasStartDate) oss << split_start.getStr(splitFormat) ; oss << middlePart ; if (hasEndDate) oss << splitEnd.getStr(splitFormat); oss << lastPart ; StdString keySuffix("CContext_"+CContext::getCurrent()->getId()+"::CFile_"+getFileOutputName()+"::") ; context->registryOut->setKey(keySuffix+"splitStart", lastSplit); context->registryOut->setKey(keySuffix+"splitEnd", splitEnd); } else oss<<firstPart<<lastPart ; bool append = !this->append.isEmpty() && this->append.getValue(); bool useClassicFormat = !format.isEmpty() && format == format_attr::netcdf4_classic; bool useCFConvention = convention.isEmpty() || convention == convention_attr::CF; bool multifile = true; if (!type.isEmpty()) { if (type == type_attr::one_file) multifile = false; else if (type == type_attr::multiple_file) multifile = true; } #ifndef USING_NETCDF_PAR if (!multifile) { info(0) << "!!! Warning -> Using non parallel version of netcdf, switching in multiple_file mode for file : " << filename << " ..." << endl; multifile = true; } #endif if (multifile) { int commSize, commRank; MPI_Comm_size(fileComm, &commSize); MPI_Comm_rank(fileComm, &commRank); if (server->intraCommSize > 1) { oss << "_" ; int width=0; int n = commSize-1; while (n != 0) { n = n / 10; width++;} if (!min_digits.isEmpty()) if (width < min_digits) width = min_digits; oss.width(width); oss.fill('0'); oss << right << commRank; } } oss << ".nc"; bool isCollective = par_access.isEmpty() || par_access == par_access_attr::collective; if (isOpen) data_out->closeFile(); data_out = shared_ptr<CDataOutput>(new CNc4DataOutput(this, oss.str(), append, useClassicFormat, useCFConvention, fileComm, multifile, isCollective, time_counter_name)); isOpen = true; data_out->writeFile(CFile::get(this)); // Do not recreate the file structure if opening an existing file if (!data_out->IsInAppendMode()) { std::vector<CField*>::iterator it, end = this->enabledFields.end(); for (it = this->enabledFields.begin(); it != end; it++) { CField* field = *it; this->data_out->writeFieldGrid(field); } this->data_out->writeTimeDimension(); for (it = this->enabledFields.begin(); it != end; it++) { CField* field = *it; this->data_out->writeFieldTimeAxis(field); } for (it = this->enabledFields.begin(); it != end; it++) { CField* field = *it; this->data_out->writeField(field); } vector<CVariable*> listVars = getAllVariables(); for (vector<CVariable*>::iterator it = listVars.begin(); it != listVars.end(); it++) this->data_out->writeAttribute(*it); this->data_out->definition_end(); } else { // check time axis even in append mode std::vector<CField*>::iterator it, end = this->enabledFields.end(); for (it = this->enabledFields.begin(); it != end; it++) { CField* field = *it; this->data_out->writeFieldTimeAxis(field); } } } }