Example #1
void System::layout2()
      VBox* b = vbox();
      if (b) {

      setPos(0.0, 0.0);
      QList<std::pair<int,SysStaff*>> visibleStaves;

      int firstStaffIdx        = -1;
      int lastStaffIdx         = 0;
      int firstStaffInitialIdx = -1;
      int lastStaffInitialIdx  = 0;
      Measure* fm              = firstMeasure();

      for (int i = 0; i < _staves.size(); ++i) {
            Staff*    s  = score()->staff(i);
            SysStaff* ss = _staves[i];
            if (s->show() && ss->show()) {
                  visibleStaves.append(std::pair<int,SysStaff*>(i, ss));
                  if (firstStaffIdx == -1)
                        firstStaffIdx = i;
                  if (i > lastStaffIdx)
                        lastStaffIdx = i;
                  if (fm && fm->visible(i)) {
                        if (firstStaffInitialIdx == -1)
                              firstStaffInitialIdx = i;
                        lastStaffInitialIdx = i;
            else {
                  ss->setbbox(QRectF());  // already done in layout() ?
      if (firstStaffIdx == -1)
            firstStaffIdx = 0;
      if (firstStaffInitialIdx == -1)
            firstStaffInitialIdx = 0;

      qreal _spatium            = spatium();
      qreal y                   = 0.0;
      qreal minVerticalDistance = score()->styleP(StyleIdx::minVerticalDistance);
      qreal staffDistance       = score()->styleP(StyleIdx::staffDistance);
      qreal akkoladeDistance    = score()->styleP(StyleIdx::akkoladeDistance);

      if (visibleStaves.empty()) {
            qDebug("====no visible staves, staves %d, score staves %d", _staves.size(), score()->nstaves());

      for (auto i = visibleStaves.begin();; ++i) {
            SysStaff* ss  = i->second;
            int si1       = i->first;
            Staff* staff  = score()->staff(si1);
            auto ni       = i + 1;

            qreal h = staff->height();
            if (ni == visibleStaves.end()) {
                  ss->setYOff(staff->lines() == 1 ? _spatium * staff->mag() : 0.0);
                  ss->bbox().setRect(_leftMargin, y, width() - _leftMargin, h);

            int si2    = ni->first;
            qreal dist = h;

            switch (staff->innerBracket()) {
                  case BracketType::BRACE:
                        dist += akkoladeDistance;
                  case BracketType::NORMAL:
                  case BracketType::SQUARE:
                  case BracketType::LINE:
                  case BracketType::NO_BRACKET:
                        dist += staffDistance;
            dist += score()->staff(si2)->userDist();

            for (MeasureBase* mb : ml) {
                  if (!mb->isMeasure())
                  Measure* m = toMeasure(mb);
                  Shape& s1 = m->staffShape(si1);
                  Shape& s2 = m->staffShape(si2);

                  qreal d = s1.minVerticalDistance(s2) + minVerticalDistance;
                  dist    = qMax(dist, d);

                  Spacer* sp = m->mstaff(si1)->_vspacerDown;
                  if (sp) {
                        if (sp->spacerType() == SpacerType::FIXED) {
                              dist = staff->height() + sp->gap();
                              dist = qMax(dist, staff->height() + sp->gap());
                  sp = m->mstaff(si2)->_vspacerUp;
                  if (sp)
                        dist = qMax(dist, sp->gap());

            ss->setYOff(staff->lines() == 1 ? _spatium * staff->mag() : 0.0);
            ss->bbox().setRect(_leftMargin, y, width() - _leftMargin, h);
            y += dist;

      qreal systemHeight = staff(lastStaffIdx)->bbox().bottom();

      for (MeasureBase* m : ml) {
            if (m->isMeasure()) {
                  // note that the factor 2 * _spatium must be corrected for when exporting
                  // system distance in MusicXML (issue #24733)
                  m->bbox().setRect(0.0, -_spatium, m->width(), systemHeight + 2.0 * _spatium);
            else if (m->isHBox()) {
                  m->bbox().setRect(0.0, 0.0, m->width(), systemHeight);
            else if (m->isTBox()) {
//                  m->bbox().setRect(0.0, 0.0, m->width(), systemHeight);
                  qDebug("unhandled measure type %s", m->name());

      if (fm) {
            Segment* s        = fm->first();
            BarLine* _barLine = s->isBeginBarLineType() ? toBarLine(s->element(0)) : 0;

            if (_barLine) {
                  _barLine->setTrack(firstStaffInitialIdx * VOICES);
                  _barLine->setSpan(lastStaffInitialIdx - firstStaffInitialIdx + 1);
                  if (score()->staff(firstStaffInitialIdx)->lines() == 1)
                  int llines = score()->staff(lastStaffInitialIdx)->lines();
                  int spanTo = llines == 1 ? BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO : (llines - 1) * 2;

      //  layout brackets vertical position

      for (Bracket* b : _brackets) {
            int staffIdx1 = b->firstStaff();
            int staffIdx2 = b->lastStaff();
            qreal sy = 0;                       // assume bracket not visible
            qreal ey = 0;
            // if start staff not visible, try next staff
            while (staffIdx1 <= staffIdx2 && !_staves[staffIdx1]->show())
            // if end staff not visible, try prev staff
            while (staffIdx1 <= staffIdx2 && !_staves[staffIdx2]->show())
            // the bracket will be shown IF:
            // it spans at least 2 visible staves (staffIdx1 < staffIdx2) OR
            // it spans just one visible staff (staffIdx1 == staffIdx2) but it is required to do so
            // (the second case happens at least when the bracket is initially dropped)
            bool notHidden = (staffIdx1 < staffIdx2) || (b->span() == 1 && staffIdx1 == staffIdx2);
            if (notHidden) {                    // set vert. pos. and height to visible spanned staves
                  sy = _staves[staffIdx1]->bbox().top();
                  ey = _staves[staffIdx2]->bbox().bottom();
            b->rypos() = sy;
//            if (score()->staff(firstStaffInitialIdx)->lines() == 1)   // bbox of one line staff bad?
//                  b->rypos() -= _spatium;
            b->setHeight(ey - sy);

      //  layout instrument names

      int staffIdx = 0;

      for (Part* p : score()->parts()) {
            SysStaff* s = staff(staffIdx);
            SysStaff* s2;
            int nstaves = p->nstaves();
            if (s->show()) {
                  for (InstrumentName* t : s->instrumentNames) {
                        // override Text->layout()
                        qreal y1, y2;
                        switch (t->layoutPos()) {
                              case 0:           // center at part
                                    y1 = s->bbox().top();
                                    s2 = staff(staffIdx);
                                    for (int i = staffIdx + nstaves - 1; i > 0; --i) {
                                          SysStaff* s = staff(i);
                                          if (s->show()) {
                                                s2 = s;
                                    y2 = s2->bbox().bottom();
                              case 1:           // center at first staff
                                    y1 = s->bbox().top();
                                    y2 = s->bbox().bottom();

                              // TODO:
                              // sort out invisible staves

                              case 2:           // center between first and second staff
                                    y1 = s->bbox().top();
                                    y2 = staff(staffIdx + 1)->bbox().bottom();
                              case 3:           // center at second staff
                                    y1 = staff(staffIdx + 1)->bbox().top();
                                    y2 = staff(staffIdx + 1)->bbox().bottom();
                              case 4:           // center between first and second staff
                                    y1 = staff(staffIdx + 1)->bbox().top();
                                    y2 = staff(staffIdx + 2)->bbox().bottom();
                              case 5:           // center at third staff
                                    y1 = staff(staffIdx + 2)->bbox().top();
                                    y2 = staff(staffIdx + 2)->bbox().bottom();
                        t->rypos() = y1 + (y2 - y1) * .5 + t->textStyle().offset(t->spatium()).y();
            staffIdx += nstaves;
Example #2
void System::layout2()
      if (isVbox())                 // ignore vbox

      int nstaves    = _staves.size();
      qreal _spatium = spatium();

      qreal y = 0.0;
      int lastStaffIdx  = 0;   // last visible staff
      int firstStaffIdx = -1;
      qreal lastStaffDistanceDown = 0.0;
      for (int staffIdx = 0; staffIdx < nstaves; ++staffIdx) {
            Staff* staff = score()->staff(staffIdx);
            StyleIdx downDistance;
            qreal userDist = 0.0;
            if ((staffIdx + 1) == nstaves) {
                  // last staff in system
                  MeasureBase* mb = ml.last();
                  bool nextMeasureIsVBOX = false;
                  if (mb->next()) {
                        Element::Type type = mb->next()->type();
                        if (type == Element::Type::VBOX || type == Element::Type::TBOX || type == Element::Type::FBOX)
                              nextMeasureIsVBOX = true;
                  downDistance = nextMeasureIsVBOX ? StyleIdx::systemFrameDistance : StyleIdx::minSystemDistance;
            else if (staff->rstaff() < (staff->part()->staves()->size()-1)) {
                  // staff is not last staff in a part
                  downDistance = StyleIdx::akkoladeDistance;
                  userDist = score()->staff(staffIdx + 1)->userDist();
            else {
                  downDistance = StyleIdx::staffDistance;
                  userDist = score()->staff(staffIdx + 1)->userDist();

            SysStaff* s    = _staves[staffIdx];
            qreal distDown = score()->styleS(downDistance).val() * _spatium + userDist;
            qreal nominalDistDown = distDown;
            qreal distUp   = 0.0;
            int n = ml.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                  MeasureBase* m = ml.at(i);
                  distDown = qMax(distDown, m->distanceDown(staffIdx));
                  distUp   = qMax(distUp,   m->distanceUp(staffIdx));

            if (!staff->show() || !s->show()) {
                  s->setbbox(QRectF());  // already done in layout() ?
            qreal sHeight = staff->height();
            qreal dup = staffIdx == 0 ? 0.0 : s->distanceUp();
            // one-line staves get additional padding for their bbox
            qreal off = staff->lines() == 1 ? _spatium * staff->mag() : 0.0;
            s->bbox().setRect(_leftMargin, y + dup, width() - _leftMargin, sHeight);
            y += dup + sHeight + s->distanceDown();
            lastStaffIdx = staffIdx;
            lastStaffDistanceDown = distDown - nominalDistDown;
            if (firstStaffIdx == -1)
                  firstStaffIdx = staffIdx;
      if (firstStaffIdx == -1)
            firstStaffIdx = 0;

      qreal systemHeight = staff(lastStaffIdx)->bbox().bottom();
      if (lastStaffIdx < nstaves - 1)
            systemHeight += lastStaffDistanceDown;

      int n = ml.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            MeasureBase* m = ml.at(i);
            if (m->type() == Element::Type::MEASURE) {
                  // note that the factor 2 * _spatium must be corrected for when exporting
                  // system distance in MusicXML (issue #24733)
                  m->bbox().setRect(0.0, -_spatium, m->width(), systemHeight + 2 * _spatium);
            else if (m->type() == Element::Type::HBOX) {
                  m->bbox().setRect(0.0, 0.0, m->width(), systemHeight);

      if (_barLine) {
            _barLine->setTrack(firstStaffIdx * VOICES);
            _barLine->setSpan(lastStaffIdx - firstStaffIdx + 1);
            if (score()->staff(firstStaffIdx)->lines() == 1)
            int spanTo = (score()->staff(lastStaffIdx)->lines() == 1) ?
                              BARLINE_SPAN_1LINESTAFF_TO :

      //  layout brackets vertical position

      n = _brackets.size();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            Bracket* b = _brackets.at(i);
            int staffIdx1 = b->firstStaff();
            int staffIdx2 = b->lastStaff();
            qreal sy = 0;                       // assume bracket not visible
            qreal ey = 0;
            // if start staff not visible, try next staff
            while (staffIdx1 <= staffIdx2 && !_staves[staffIdx1]->show())
            // if end staff not visible, try prev staff
            while (staffIdx1 <= staffIdx2 && !_staves[staffIdx2]->show())
            // the bracket will be shown IF:
            // it spans at least 2 visible staves (staffIdx1 < staffIdx2) OR
            // it spans just one visible staff (staffIdx1 == staffIdx2) but it is required to do so
            // (the second case happens at least when the bracket is initially dropped)
            bool notHidden = (staffIdx1 < staffIdx2) || (b->span() == 1 && staffIdx1 == staffIdx2);
            if (notHidden) {                    // set vert. pos. and height to visible spanned staves
                  sy = _staves[staffIdx1]->bbox().top();
                  ey = _staves[staffIdx2]->bbox().bottom();
            b->rypos() = sy;
            b->setHeight(ey - sy);

      //  layout instrument names

      int staffIdx = 0;
      n = score()->parts().size();

      for (Part* p : score()->parts()) {
            SysStaff* s = staff(staffIdx);
            SysStaff* s2;
            int nstaves = p->nstaves();
            if (s->show()) {
                  for (InstrumentName* t : s->instrumentNames) {
                        // override Text->layout()
                        qreal y1, y2;
                        switch (t->layoutPos()) {
                              case 0:           // center at part
                                    y1 = s->bbox().top();
                                    s2 = staff(staffIdx);
                                    for (int i = staffIdx + nstaves - 1; i > 0; --i) {
                                          SysStaff* s = staff(i);
                                          if (s->show()) {
                                                s2 = s;
                                    y2 = s2->bbox().bottom();
                              case 1:           // center at first staff
                                    y1 = s->bbox().top();
                                    y2 = s->bbox().bottom();

                              // TODO:
                              // sort out invisible staves

                              case 2:           // center between first and second staff
                                    y1 = s->bbox().top();
                                    y2 = staff(staffIdx + 1)->bbox().bottom();
                              case 3:           // center at second staff
                                    y1 = staff(staffIdx + 1)->bbox().top();
                                    y2 = staff(staffIdx + 1)->bbox().bottom();
                              case 4:           // center between first and second staff
                                    y1 = staff(staffIdx + 1)->bbox().top();
                                    y2 = staff(staffIdx + 2)->bbox().bottom();
                              case 5:           // center at third staff
                                    y1 = staff(staffIdx + 2)->bbox().top();
                                    y2 = staff(staffIdx + 2)->bbox().bottom();
                        t->rypos() = y1 + (y2 - y1) * .5 + t->textStyle().offset(t->spatium()).y();
            staffIdx += nstaves;