void FAnimGraphConnectionDrawingPolicy::BuildExecutionRoadmap()
	UAnimBlueprint* TargetBP = CastChecked<UAnimBlueprint>(FBlueprintEditorUtils::FindBlueprintForGraphChecked(GraphObj));
	UAnimBlueprintGeneratedClass* AnimBlueprintClass = (UAnimBlueprintGeneratedClass*)(*(TargetBP->GeneratedClass));

	if (TargetBP->GetObjectBeingDebugged() == NULL)

	TMap<UProperty*, UObject*> PropertySourceMap;
	AnimBlueprintClass->GetDebugData().GenerateReversePropertyMap(/*out*/ PropertySourceMap);

	FAnimBlueprintDebugData& DebugInfo = AnimBlueprintClass->GetAnimBlueprintDebugData();
	for (auto VisitIt = DebugInfo.UpdatedNodesThisFrame.CreateIterator(); VisitIt; ++VisitIt)
		const FAnimBlueprintDebugData::FNodeVisit& VisitRecord = *VisitIt;

		if ((VisitRecord.SourceID >= 0) && (VisitRecord.SourceID < AnimBlueprintClass->AnimNodeProperties.Num()) && (VisitRecord.TargetID >= 0) && (VisitRecord.TargetID < AnimBlueprintClass->AnimNodeProperties.Num()))
			if (UAnimGraphNode_Base* SourceNode = Cast<UAnimGraphNode_Base>(PropertySourceMap.FindRef(AnimBlueprintClass->AnimNodeProperties[VisitRecord.SourceID])))
				if (UAnimGraphNode_Base* TargetNode = Cast<UAnimGraphNode_Base>(PropertySourceMap.FindRef(AnimBlueprintClass->AnimNodeProperties[VisitRecord.TargetID])))
					//@TODO: Extend the rendering code to allow using the recorded blend weight instead of faked exec times
					FExecPairingMap& Predecessors = PredecessorNodes.FindOrAdd((UEdGraphNode*)SourceNode);
					FTimePair& Timings = Predecessors.FindOrAdd((UEdGraphNode*)TargetNode);
					Timings.PredExecTime = 0.0;
					Timings.ThisExecTime = VisitRecord.Weight;
void SSingleProperty::ReplaceObjects( const TMap<UObject*, UObject*>& OldToNewObjectMap )
	if( HasValidProperty() )
		TArray<UObject*> NewObjectList;
		bool bObjectsReplaced = false;

		// Scan all objects and look for objects which need to be replaced
		for ( TPropObjectIterator Itor( RootPropertyNode->ObjectIterator() ); Itor; ++Itor )
			UObject* Replacement = OldToNewObjectMap.FindRef( Itor->Get() );
			if( Replacement )
				bObjectsReplaced = true;
				NewObjectList.Add( Replacement );
				NewObjectList.Add( Itor->Get() );

		// if any objects were replaced update the observed objects
		if( bObjectsReplaced )
			SetObject( NewObjectList[0] );
AGameplayDebuggerPlayerManager& FGameplayDebuggerModule::GetPlayerManager(UWorld* World)
	const int32 PurgeInvalidWorldsSize = 5;
	if (PlayerManagers.Num() > PurgeInvalidWorldsSize)
		for (TMap<TWeakObjectPtr<UWorld>, TWeakObjectPtr<AGameplayDebuggerPlayerManager> >::TIterator It(PlayerManagers); It; ++It)
			if (!It.Key().IsValid())
			else if (!It.Value().IsValid())

	TWeakObjectPtr<AGameplayDebuggerPlayerManager> Manager = PlayerManagers.FindRef(World);
	AGameplayDebuggerPlayerManager* ManagerOb = Manager.Get();

	if (ManagerOb == nullptr)
		ManagerOb = World->SpawnActor<AGameplayDebuggerPlayerManager>();
		PlayerManagers.Add(World, ManagerOb);

	return *ManagerOb;
bool FChunkManifestGenerator::LoadAssetRegistry(const FString& SandboxPath, const TSet<FName>* PackagesToKeep)
	UE_LOG(LogChunkManifestGenerator, Display, TEXT("Loading asset registry."));

	// Load generated registry for each platform
	check(Platforms.Num() == 1);

	for (auto Platform : Platforms)
		/*FString PlatformSandboxPath = SandboxPath.Replace(TEXT("[Platform]"), *Platform->PlatformName());
		FArchive* AssetRegistryReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*PlatformSandboxPath);*/

		FString PlatformSandboxPath = SandboxPath.Replace(TEXT("[Platform]"), *Platform->PlatformName());
		FArrayReader FileContents;
		if (FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(FileContents, *PlatformSandboxPath) == false)
		FArchive* AssetRegistryReader = &FileContents;

		TMap<FName, FAssetData*> SavedAssetRegistryData;
		TArray<FDependsNode*> DependencyData;
		if (AssetRegistryReader)
			AssetRegistry.LoadRegistryData(*AssetRegistryReader, SavedAssetRegistryData, DependencyData);
		for (auto& LoadedAssetData : AssetRegistryData)
			if (PackagesToKeep &&
				PackagesToKeep->Contains(LoadedAssetData.PackageName) == false)

			FAssetData* FoundAssetData = SavedAssetRegistryData.FindRef(LoadedAssetData.ObjectPath);
			if ( FoundAssetData )
				delete FoundAssetData;

		for (const auto& SavedAsset : SavedAssetRegistryData)
			if (PackagesToKeep && PackagesToKeep->Contains(SavedAsset.Value->PackageName))
			delete SavedAsset.Value;
	return true;
FTextFormatArgumentModifier_PluralForm::FTextFormatArgumentModifier_PluralForm(const ETextPluralType InPluralType, const TMap<FTextFormatString, FTextFormat>& InPluralForms, const int32 InLongestPluralFormStringLen, const bool InDoPluralFormsUseFormatArgs)
	: PluralType(InPluralType)
	, LongestPluralFormStringLen(InLongestPluralFormStringLen)
	, bDoPluralFormsUseFormatArgs(InDoPluralFormsUseFormatArgs)
	static const FTextFormatString ZeroString  = FTextFormatString::MakeReference(TEXT("zero"));
	static const FTextFormatString OneString   = FTextFormatString::MakeReference(TEXT("one"));
	static const FTextFormatString TwoString   = FTextFormatString::MakeReference(TEXT("two"));
	static const FTextFormatString FewString   = FTextFormatString::MakeReference(TEXT("few"));
	static const FTextFormatString ManyString  = FTextFormatString::MakeReference(TEXT("many"));
	static const FTextFormatString OtherString = FTextFormatString::MakeReference(TEXT("other"));

	CompiledPluralForms[(int32)ETextPluralForm::Zero]  = InPluralForms.FindRef(ZeroString);
	CompiledPluralForms[(int32)ETextPluralForm::One]   = InPluralForms.FindRef(OneString);
	CompiledPluralForms[(int32)ETextPluralForm::Two]   = InPluralForms.FindRef(TwoString);
	CompiledPluralForms[(int32)ETextPluralForm::Few]   = InPluralForms.FindRef(FewString);
	CompiledPluralForms[(int32)ETextPluralForm::Many]  = InPluralForms.FindRef(ManyString);
	CompiledPluralForms[(int32)ETextPluralForm::Other] = InPluralForms.FindRef(OtherString);
Example #6
void UActorComponent::PostEditUndo()
	// Objects marked pending kill don't call PostEditChange() from UObject::PostEditUndo(),
	// so they can leave an EditReregisterContexts entry around if they are deleted by an undo action.
	if( IsPendingKill() )
		// The reregister context won't bother attaching components that are 'pending kill'. 
		FComponentReregisterContext* ReregisterContext = EditReregisterContexts.FindRef(this);
			delete ReregisterContext;
		Owner = GetTypedOuter<AActor>();
		bCanUseCachedOwner = true;

		// Let the component be properly registered, after it was restored.
		if (Owner)

		TArray<UObject*> Children;
		GetObjectsWithOuter(this, Children);

		for (UObject* Child : Children)
			if (UActorComponent* ChildComponent = Cast<UActorComponent>(Child))
				if (ChildComponent->Owner)
				ChildComponent->Owner = Owner;
				if (Owner)

		if (GetWorld())
Example #7
void FMultiBox::ApplyCustomizedBlocks()
	if( IsCustomizable() )

		// Build a map of commands to existing blocks,  we'll try to use existing blocks before creating new ones
		TMap< TSharedPtr<const FUICommandInfo>, TSharedPtr<const FMultiBlock> > CommandToBlockMap;

		for( int32 BlockIndex = 0; BlockIndex < Blocks.Num(); ++BlockIndex )
			TSharedPtr<const FMultiBlock> Block = Blocks[BlockIndex];
			if( Block->GetAction().IsValid() )
				CommandToBlockMap.Add( Block->GetAction(), Block );

		// Rebuild the users customized box by executing the transactions the user made to get the 
		// box to its customized state
		for( uint32 TransIndex = 0; TransIndex < CustomizationData->GetNumTransactions(); ++TransIndex )
			const FCustomBlockTransaction& Transaction = CustomizationData->GetTransaction(TransIndex);
			// Try and find the block in the default map;
			TSharedPtr<const FMultiBlock> Block = CommandToBlockMap.FindRef( Transaction.Command.Pin() );

			if( Transaction.TransactionType == FCustomBlockTransaction::Add )
				if( !Block.IsValid() )
					Block = MakeMultiBlockFromCommand( Transaction.Command.Pin(), false );

				if( Block.IsValid() )
					Blocks.Insert( Block.ToSharedRef(), FMath::Clamp( Transaction.BlockIndex, 0, Blocks.Num() ) );
				if( Block.IsValid() )
					Blocks.Remove( Block.ToSharedRef() );
void UActorComponent::PostEditUndo()
	// Objects marked pending kill don't call PostEditChange() from UObject::PostEditUndo(),
	// so they can leave an EditReregisterContexts entry around if they are deleted by an undo action.
	if( IsPendingKill() )
		// The reregister context won't bother attaching components that are 'pending kill'. 
		FComponentReregisterContext* ReregisterContext = EditReregisterContexts.FindRef(this);
			delete ReregisterContext;
Example #9
	void PostRemovedOldPin(FOptionalPinFromProperty& Record, int32 ArrayIndex, UProperty* Property, uint8* PropertyAddress) const override
		check(PropertyAddress != NULL);

		if (Record.bCanToggleVisibility && (OldPins != NULL))
			const FString OldPinName = (ArrayIndex != INDEX_NONE) ? FString::Printf(TEXT("%s_%d"), *(Record.PropertyName.ToString()), ArrayIndex) : Record.PropertyName.ToString();
			if (UEdGraphPin* OldPin = OldPinMap.FindRef(OldPinName))
				// Pin was visible but it's now hidden
				// Convert DefaultValue/DefaultValueObject and push back into the struct
				FBlueprintEditorUtils::ImportKismetDefaultValueToProperty(OldPin, Property, PropertyAddress, BaseNode);
Example #10
	bool FDataScannerImpl::FindExistingChunk(const TMap<uint64, TSet<FGuid>>& ChunkLookup, TMap<FGuid, FSHAHash>& ChunkShaHashes, uint64 ChunkHash, const FRollingHash<WindowSize>& RollingHash, FGuid& OutMatchedChunk)
		FStatsScopedTimer FindTimer(StatFindMatchTime);
		bool bFoundChunkMatch = false;
		if (ChunkLookup.Contains(ChunkHash))
			FSHAHash ChunkSha;
			for (FGuid& PotentialMatch : ChunkLookup.FindRef(ChunkHash))
				// Use sha if we have it
				if (ChunkShaHashes.Contains(PotentialMatch))
					if(ChunkSha == ChunkShaHashes[PotentialMatch])
						bFoundChunkMatch = true;
						OutMatchedChunk = PotentialMatch;
					// Otherwise compare data
					TArray<uint8> SerialBuffer;
					FStatsScopedTimer DataMatchTimer(StatDataMatchTime);
					FStatsCollector::Accumulate(StatChunkDataChecks, 1);
					bool ChunkFound = false;
					if (DataMatcher->CompareData(PotentialMatch, ChunkHash, SerialBuffer, ChunkFound))
						FStatsCollector::Accumulate(StatChunkDataMatches, 1);
						ChunkShaHashes.Add(PotentialMatch, ChunkSha);
						bFoundChunkMatch = true;
						OutMatchedChunk = PotentialMatch;
					else if(!ChunkFound)
						FStatsCollector::Accumulate(StatMissingChunks, 1);
				FStatsCollector::Accumulate(StatHashCollisions, 1);
		return bFoundChunkMatch;
FName FNativeClassHierarchy::GetClassPathRootForModule(const FName& InModuleName, const TSet<FName>& InGameModules, const TMap<FName, FName>& InPluginModules)
	static const FName EngineRootNodeName = "Classes_Engine";
	static const FName GameRootNodeName = "Classes_Game";

	// Work out which root this class should go under (anything that isn't a game or plugin module goes under engine)
	FName RootNodeName = EngineRootNodeName;
		RootNodeName = GameRootNodeName;
	else if(InPluginModules.Contains(InModuleName))
		const FName PluginName = InPluginModules.FindRef(InModuleName);
		RootNodeName = FName(*(FString(TEXT("Classes_")) + PluginName.ToString()));

	return RootNodeName;
void SDetailsView::ReplaceObjects( const TMap<UObject*, UObject*>& OldToNewObjectMap )
	TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UObject > > NewObjectList;
	bool bObjectsReplaced = false;

	TArray< FObjectPropertyNode* > ObjectNodes;
	for(TSharedPtr<FComplexPropertyNode>& RootNode : RootPropertyNodes)
		PropertyEditorHelpers::CollectObjectNodes(RootNode, ObjectNodes );

	for( int32 ObjectNodeIndex = 0; ObjectNodeIndex < ObjectNodes.Num(); ++ObjectNodeIndex )
		FObjectPropertyNode* CurrentNode = ObjectNodes[ObjectNodeIndex];

		// Scan all objects and look for objects which need to be replaced
		for ( TPropObjectIterator Itor( CurrentNode->ObjectIterator() ); Itor; ++Itor )
			UObject* Replacement = OldToNewObjectMap.FindRef( Itor->Get() );
			if( Replacement && Replacement->GetClass() == Itor->Get()->GetClass() )
				bObjectsReplaced = true;
				if( CurrentNode->IsRootNode() )
					// Note: only root objects count for the new object list. Sub-Objects (i.e components count as needing to be replaced but they don't belong in the top level object list
					NewObjectList.Add( Replacement );
			else if( CurrentNode->IsRootNode() )
				// Note: only root objects count for the new object list. Sub-Objects (i.e components count as needing to be replaced but they don't belong in the top level object list
				NewObjectList.Add( Itor->Get() );

	if( bObjectsReplaced )
		SetObjectArrayPrivate( NewObjectList );

void UActorComponent::PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent)
	FComponentReregisterContext* ReregisterContext = EditReregisterContexts.FindRef(this);
		delete ReregisterContext;

	// The component or its outer could be pending kill when calling PostEditChange when applying a transaction.
	// Don't do do a full recreate in this situation, and instead simply detach.
	if( IsPendingKill() )
		// @todo UE4 james should this call UnregsiterComponent instead to remove itself from the RegisteteredComponents array on the owner?
		World = NULL;

Example #14
void UActorComponent::ConsolidatedPostEditChange(const FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent)
	FComponentReregisterContext* ReregisterContext = EditReregisterContexts.FindRef(this);
		delete ReregisterContext;

		AActor* MyOwner = GetOwner();
		if ( MyOwner && !MyOwner->IsTemplate() && PropertyChangedEvent.ChangeType != EPropertyChangeType::Interactive )

	// The component or its outer could be pending kill when calling PostEditChange when applying a transaction.
	// Don't do do a full recreate in this situation, and instead simply detach.
	if( IsPendingKill() )
		// @todo UE4 james should this call UnregisterComponent instead to remove itself from the RegisteredComponents array on the owner?
		World = NULL;
void FActorReplacementHelper::AttachChildActors(USceneComponent* RootComponent, const TMap<UObject*, UObject*>& OldToNewInstanceMap)
	// if we had attached children reattach them now - unless they are already attached
	for (FAttachedActorInfo& Info : PendingChildAttachments)
		// Check for a reinstanced attachment, and redirect to the new instance if found
		AActor* NewAttachedActor = Cast<AActor>(OldToNewInstanceMap.FindRef(Info.AttachedActor));
		if (NewAttachedActor)
			Info.AttachedActor = NewAttachedActor;

		// If this actor is no longer attached to anything, reattach
		if (!Info.AttachedActor->IsPendingKill() && Info.AttachedActor->GetAttachParentActor() == nullptr)
			USceneComponent* ChildRoot = Info.AttachedActor->GetRootComponent();
			if (ChildRoot && ChildRoot->AttachParent != RootComponent)
				ChildRoot->AttachTo(RootComponent, Info.AttachedToSocket, EAttachLocation::KeepWorldPosition);
Example #16
	void PostInitNewPin(UEdGraphPin* Pin, FOptionalPinFromProperty& Record, int32 ArrayIndex, UProperty* Property, uint8* PropertyAddress) const override
		check(PropertyAddress != NULL);
		if (OldPins == NULL)
			// Initial construction of a visible pin; copy values from the struct
			FBlueprintEditorUtils::ExportPropertyToKismetDefaultValue(Pin, Property, PropertyAddress, BaseNode);
		else if (Record.bCanToggleVisibility)
			if (UEdGraphPin* OldPin = OldPinMap.FindRef(Pin->PinName))
				// Was already visible
				// Showing a pin that was previously hidden, during a reconstruction
				// Convert the struct property into DefaultValue/DefaultValueObject
				FBlueprintEditorUtils::ExportPropertyToKismetDefaultValue(Pin, Property, PropertyAddress, BaseNode);
void FRawProfilerSession::ProcessStatPacketArray( const FStatPacketArray& StatPacketArray, FProfilerFrame& out_ProfilerFrame, int32 FrameIndex )
	// @TODO yrx 2014-03-24 Standardize thread names and id
	// @TODO yrx 2014-04-22 Remove all references to the data provider, event graph etc once data graph can visualize.

	// Raw stats callstack for this stat packet array.
	TMap<FName,FProfilerStackNode*> ThreadNodes;

	const FProfilerStatMetaDataRef MetaData = GetMetaData();
	FProfilerSampleArray& MutableCollection = const_cast<FProfilerSampleArray&>(DataProvider->GetCollection());

	// Add a root sample for this frame.
	const uint32 FrameRootSampleIndex = DataProvider->AddHierarchicalSample( 0, MetaData->GetStatByID( 1 ).OwningGroup().ID(), 1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1 );

	// Iterate through all stats packets and raw stats messages.
	FName GameThreadFName = NAME_None;
	for( int32 PacketIndex = 0; PacketIndex < StatPacketArray.Packets.Num(); PacketIndex++ )
		const FStatPacket& StatPacket = *StatPacketArray.Packets[PacketIndex];
		FName ThreadFName = StatsThreadStats.Threads.FindChecked( StatPacket.ThreadId );
		const uint32 NewThreadID = MetaData->ThreadIDtoStatID.FindChecked( StatPacket.ThreadId );

		// @TODO yrx 2014-04-29 Only game or render thread is supported at this moment.
		if( StatPacket.ThreadType != EThreadType::Game && StatPacket.ThreadType != EThreadType::Renderer )

		// Workaround for issue with rendering thread names.
		if( StatPacket.ThreadType == EThreadType::Renderer )
			ThreadFName = NAME_RenderThread;
		else if( StatPacket.ThreadType == EThreadType::Game )
			GameThreadFName = ThreadFName;

		FProfilerStackNode* ThreadNode = ThreadNodes.FindRef( ThreadFName );
		if( !ThreadNode )
			FString ThreadIdName = FStatsUtils::BuildUniqueThreadName( StatPacket.ThreadId );
			FStatMessage ThreadMessage( ThreadFName, EStatDataType::ST_int64, STAT_GROUP_TO_FStatGroup( STATGROUP_Threads )::GetGroupName(), STAT_GROUP_TO_FStatGroup( STATGROUP_Threads )::GetGroupCategory(), *ThreadIdName, true, true );
			//FStatMessage ThreadMessage( ThreadFName, EStatDataType::ST_int64, nullptr, nullptr, TEXT( "" ), true, true );
			ThreadMessage.NameAndInfo.SetFlag( EStatMetaFlags::IsPackedCCAndDuration, true );

			// Add a thread sample.
			const uint32 ThreadRootSampleIndex = DataProvider->AddHierarchicalSample
				MetaData->GetStatByID( NewThreadID ).OwningGroup().ID(),

			ThreadNode = ThreadNodes.Add( ThreadFName, new FProfilerStackNode( nullptr, ThreadMessage, ThreadRootSampleIndex, FrameIndex ) );

		TArray<const FStatMessage*> StartStack;
		TArray<FProfilerStackNode*> Stack;
		Stack.Add( ThreadNode );
		FProfilerStackNode* Current = Stack.Last();

		const FStatMessagesArray& Data = StatPacket.StatMessages;
		for( int32 Index = 0; Index < Data.Num(); Index++ )
			const FStatMessage& Item = Data[Index];

			const EStatOperation::Type Op = Item.NameAndInfo.GetField<EStatOperation>();
			const FName LongName = Item.NameAndInfo.GetRawName();
			const FName ShortName = Item.NameAndInfo.GetShortName();

			const FName RenderingThreadTickCommandName = TEXT("RenderingThreadTickCommand");

			// Workaround for render thread hierarchy. EStatOperation::AdvanceFrameEventRenderThread is called within the scope.
			if( ShortName == RenderingThreadTickCommandName )

			if( Op == EStatOperation::CycleScopeStart || Op == EStatOperation::CycleScopeEnd || Op == EStatOperation::AdvanceFrameEventRenderThread )
				//check( Item.NameAndInfo.GetFlag( EStatMetaFlags::IsCycle ) );
				if( Op == EStatOperation::CycleScopeStart )
					FProfilerStackNode* ChildNode = new FProfilerStackNode( Current, Item, -1, FrameIndex );
					Current->Children.Add( ChildNode );

					// Add a child sample.
					const uint32 SampleIndex = DataProvider->AddHierarchicalSample
						MetaData->GetStatByFName( ShortName ).OwningGroup().ID(), // GroupID
						MetaData->GetStatByFName( ShortName ).ID(), // StatID
						MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ChildNode->CyclesStart ), // StartMS 
						MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( 0 ), // DurationMS
					ChildNode->SampleIndex = SampleIndex;

					Stack.Add( ChildNode );
					StartStack.Add( &Item );
					Current = ChildNode;
				// Workaround for render thread hierarchy. EStatOperation::AdvanceFrameEventRenderThread is called within the scope.
				if( Op == EStatOperation::AdvanceFrameEventRenderThread )
					int k=0;k++;
				if( Op == EStatOperation::CycleScopeEnd )
					const FStatMessage ScopeStart = *StartStack.Pop();
					const FStatMessage ScopeEnd = Item;
					const int64 Delta = int32( uint32( ScopeEnd.GetValue_int64() ) - uint32( ScopeStart.GetValue_int64() ) );
					Current->CyclesEnd = Current->CyclesStart + Delta;

					Current->CycleCounterStartTimeMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( Current->CyclesStart );
					Current->CycleCounterEndTimeMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( Current->CyclesEnd );

					if( Current->CycleCounterStartTimeMS > Current->CycleCounterEndTimeMS )
						int k=0;k++;

					check( Current->CycleCounterEndTimeMS >= Current->CycleCounterStartTimeMS );

					FProfilerStackNode* ChildNode = Current;

					// Update the child sample's DurationMS.
					MutableCollection[ChildNode->SampleIndex].SetDurationMS( MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( Delta ) );

					verify( Current == Stack.Pop() );
					Current = Stack.Last();				

	// Calculate thread times.
	for( auto It = ThreadNodes.CreateIterator(); It; ++It )
		FProfilerStackNode& ThreadNode = *It.Value();
		const int32 ChildrenNum = ThreadNode.Children.Num();
		if( ChildrenNum > 0 )
			const int32 LastChildIndex = ThreadNode.Children.Num() - 1;
			ThreadNode.CyclesStart = ThreadNode.Children[0]->CyclesStart;
			ThreadNode.CyclesEnd = ThreadNode.Children[LastChildIndex]->CyclesEnd;
			ThreadNode.CycleCounterStartTimeMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ThreadNode.CyclesStart );
			ThreadNode.CycleCounterEndTimeMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ThreadNode.CyclesEnd );

			FProfilerSample& ProfilerSample = MutableCollection[ThreadNode.SampleIndex];
			ProfilerSample.SetStartAndEndMS( MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ThreadNode.CyclesStart ), MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( ThreadNode.CyclesEnd ) );

	// Get the game thread time.
	check( GameThreadFName != NAME_None );
	const FProfilerStackNode& GameThreadNode = *ThreadNodes.FindChecked( GameThreadFName );
	const double GameThreadStartMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( GameThreadNode.CyclesStart );
	const double GameThreadEndMS = MetaData->ConvertCyclesToMS( GameThreadNode.CyclesEnd );
	MutableCollection[FrameRootSampleIndex].SetStartAndEndMS( GameThreadStartMS, GameThreadEndMS );
	// Advance frame
	const uint32 LastFrameIndex = DataProvider->GetNumFrames();
	DataProvider->AdvanceFrame( GameThreadEndMS - GameThreadStartMS );
	// Update aggregated stats
	UpdateAggregatedStats( LastFrameIndex );
	// Update aggregated events.
	UpdateAggregatedEventGraphData( LastFrameIndex );

	// RootNode is the same as the game thread node.
	out_ProfilerFrame.Root->CycleCounterStartTimeMS = GameThreadStartMS;
	out_ProfilerFrame.Root->CycleCounterEndTimeMS = GameThreadEndMS;

	for( auto It = ThreadNodes.CreateIterator(); It; ++It )
		out_ProfilerFrame.AddChild( It.Value() );

void FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::ReplaceInstancesOfClass(UClass* OldClass, UClass* NewClass, UObject*	OriginalCDO, TSet<UObject*>* ObjectsThatShouldUseOldStuff)
	USelection* SelectedActors;
	bool bSelectionChanged = false;
	TArray<UObject*> ObjectsToReplace;
	const bool bLogConversions = false; // for debugging

	// Map of old objects to new objects
	TMap<UObject*, UObject*> OldToNewInstanceMap;
	TMap<UClass*, UClass*>   OldToNewClassMap;
	OldToNewClassMap.Add(OldClass, NewClass);

	TMap<FStringAssetReference, UObject*> ReinstancedObjectsWeakReferenceMap;

	// actors being replace
	TArray<FActorReplacementHelper> ReplacementActors;

	// A list of objects (e.g. Blueprints) that potentially have editors open that we need to refresh
	TArray<UObject*> PotentialEditorsForRefreshing;

	// A list of component owners that need their construction scripts re-ran (because a component of theirs has been reinstanced)
	TSet<AActor*> OwnersToReconstruct;

	// Set global flag to let system know we are reconstructing blueprint instances
	TGuardValue<bool> GuardTemplateNameFlag(GIsReconstructingBlueprintInstances, true);

	struct FObjectRemappingHelper
		void OnObjectsReplaced(const TMap<UObject*, UObject*>& InReplacedObjects)

		TMap<UObject*, UObject*> ReplacedObjects;
	} ObjectRemappingHelper;

	FDelegateHandle OnObjectsReplacedHandle = GEditor->OnObjectsReplaced().AddRaw(&ObjectRemappingHelper,&FObjectRemappingHelper::OnObjectsReplaced);

	{ BP_SCOPED_COMPILER_EVENT_STAT(EKismetReinstancerStats_ReplaceInstancesOfClass);

		const bool bIncludeDerivedClasses = false;
		GetObjectsOfClass(OldClass, ObjectsToReplace, bIncludeDerivedClasses);
		SelectedActors = GEditor->GetSelectedActors();
		// Then fix 'real' (non archetype) instances of the class
		for (UObject* OldObject : ObjectsToReplace)
			// Skip non-archetype instances, EXCEPT for component templates
			const bool bIsComponent = NewClass->IsChildOf(UActorComponent::StaticClass());
			if ((!bIsComponent && OldObject->IsTemplate()) || OldObject->IsPendingKill())

			UBlueprint* CorrespondingBlueprint  = Cast<UBlueprint>(OldObject->GetClass()->ClassGeneratedBy);
			UObject*    OldBlueprintDebugObject = nullptr;
			// If this object is being debugged, cache it off so we can preserve the 'object being debugged' association
			if ((CorrespondingBlueprint != nullptr) && (CorrespondingBlueprint->GetObjectBeingDebugged() == OldObject))
				OldBlueprintDebugObject = OldObject;

			AActor*  OldActor = Cast<AActor>(OldObject);
			UObject* NewUObject = nullptr;
			// if the object to replace is an actor...
			if (OldActor != nullptr)
				FVector  Location = FVector::ZeroVector;
				FRotator Rotation = FRotator::ZeroRotator;
				if (USceneComponent* OldRootComponent = OldActor->GetRootComponent())
					Location = OldActor->GetActorLocation();
					Rotation = OldActor->GetActorRotation();

				// If this actor was spawned from an Archetype, we spawn the new actor from the new version of that archetype
				UObject* OldArchetype = OldActor->GetArchetype();
				UWorld*  World        = OldActor->GetWorld();
				AActor*  NewArchetype = Cast<AActor>(OldToNewInstanceMap.FindRef(OldArchetype));
				// Check that either this was an instance of the class directly, or we found a new archetype for it
				check(OldArchetype == OldClass->GetDefaultObject() || NewArchetype);

				// Spawn the new actor instance, in the same level as the original, but deferring running the construction script until we have transferred modified properties
				ULevel*  ActorLevel  = OldActor->GetLevel();
				UClass** MappedClass = OldToNewClassMap.Find(OldActor->GetClass());
				UClass*  SpawnClass  = MappedClass ? *MappedClass : NewClass;

				FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
				SpawnInfo.OverrideLevel      = ActorLevel;
				SpawnInfo.Template           = NewArchetype;
				SpawnInfo.bNoCollisionFail   = true;
				SpawnInfo.bDeferConstruction = true;

				// Temporarily remove the deprecated flag so we can respawn the Blueprint in the level
				const bool bIsClassDeprecated = SpawnClass->HasAnyClassFlags(CLASS_Deprecated);
				SpawnClass->ClassFlags &= ~CLASS_Deprecated;

				AActor* NewActor = World->SpawnActor(SpawnClass, &Location, &Rotation, SpawnInfo);
				// Reassign the deprecated flag if it was previously assigned
				if (bIsClassDeprecated)
					SpawnClass->ClassFlags |= CLASS_Deprecated;

				check(NewActor != nullptr);
				NewUObject = NewActor;
				// store the new actor for the second pass (NOTE: this detaches 
				// OldActor from all child/parent attachments)
				// running the NewActor's construction-script is saved for that 
				// second pass (because the construction-script may reference 
				// another instance that hasn't been replaced yet).
				ReplacementActors.Add(FActorReplacementHelper(NewActor, OldActor));

				ReinstancedObjectsWeakReferenceMap.Add(OldObject, NewUObject);

				OldActor->DestroyConstructedComponents(); // don't want to serialize components from the old actor
				// Unregister native components so we don't copy any sub-components they generate for themselves (like UCameraComponent does)

				// Unregister any native components, might have cached state based on properties we are going to overwrite

				UEditorEngine::CopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjects(OldActor, NewActor);
				// reset properties/streams
				// register native components

				// clean up the old actor (unselect it, remove it from the world, etc.)...

				if (OldActor->IsSelected())
					GEditor->SelectActor(OldActor, /*bInSelected =*/false, /*bNotify =*/false);
					bSelectionChanged = true;
				if (GEditor->Layers.IsValid()) // ensure(NULL != GEditor->Layers) ?? While cooking the Layers is NULL.

 				World->EditorDestroyActor(OldActor, /*bShouldModifyLevel =*/true);
 				OldToNewInstanceMap.Add(OldActor, NewActor);
				FName OldName(OldObject->GetFName());
				OldObject->Rename(NULL, OldObject->GetOuter(), REN_DoNotDirty | REN_DontCreateRedirectors);
				NewUObject = NewObject<UObject>(OldObject->GetOuter(), NewClass, OldName);
				check(NewUObject != nullptr);

				UEditorEngine::CopyPropertiesForUnrelatedObjects(OldObject, NewUObject);

				if (UAnimInstance* AnimTree = Cast<UAnimInstance>(NewUObject))
					// Initialising the anim instance isn't enough to correctly set up the skeletal mesh again in a
					// paused world, need to initialise the skeletal mesh component that contains the anim instance.
					if (USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComponent = Cast<USkeletalMeshComponent>(AnimTree->GetOuter()))


				OldToNewInstanceMap.Add(OldObject, NewUObject);

				if (bIsComponent)
					UActorComponent* Component = Cast<UActorComponent>(NewUObject);
					AActor* OwningActor = Component->GetOwner();
					if (OwningActor)

						// Check to see if they have an editor that potentially needs to be refreshed
						if (OwningActor->GetClass()->ClassGeneratedBy)

						// we need to keep track of actor instances that need 
						// their construction scripts re-ran (since we've just 
						// replaced a component they own)

			// If this original object came from a blueprint and it was in the selected debug set, change the debugging to the new object.
			if ((CorrespondingBlueprint) && (OldBlueprintDebugObject) && (NewUObject))

			if (bLogConversions)
				UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Log, TEXT("Converted instance '%s' to '%s'"), *OldObject->GetPathName(), *NewUObject->GetPathName());


	// Now replace any pointers to the old archetypes/instances with pointers to the new one
	TArray<UObject*> SourceObjects;
	TArray<UObject*> DstObjects;

	OldToNewInstanceMap.GenerateValueArray(DstObjects); // Also look for references in new spawned objects.


	FReplaceReferenceHelper::IncludeCDO(OldClass, NewClass, OldToNewInstanceMap, SourceObjects, OriginalCDO);
	FReplaceReferenceHelper::FindAndReplaceReferences(SourceObjects, ObjectsThatShouldUseOldStuff, ObjectsToReplace, OldToNewInstanceMap, ReinstancedObjectsWeakReferenceMap);

	{ BP_SCOPED_COMPILER_EVENT_STAT(EKismetReinstancerStats_ReplacementConstruction);

		// the process of setting up new replacement actors is split into two 
		// steps (this here, is the second)...
		// the "finalization" here runs the replacement actor's construction-
		// script and is left until late to account for a scenario where the 
		// construction-script attempts to modify another instance of the 
		// same class... if this were to happen above, in the ObjectsToReplace 
		// loop, then accessing that other instance would cause an assert in 
		// UProperty::ContainerPtrToValuePtrInternal() (which appropriatly 
		// complains that the other instance's type doesn't match because it 
		// hasn't been replaced yet... that's why we wait until after 
		// FArchiveReplaceObjectRef to run construction-scripts).
		for (FActorReplacementHelper& ReplacementActor : ReplacementActors)

	if (bSelectionChanged)

	if (GEditor)
		// Refresh any editors for objects that we've updated components for
		for (auto BlueprintAsset : PotentialEditorsForRefreshing)
			FBlueprintEditor* BlueprintEditor = static_cast<FBlueprintEditor*>(FAssetEditorManager::Get().FindEditorForAsset(BlueprintAsset, /*bFocusIfOpen =*/false));
			if (BlueprintEditor)

	// in the case where we're replacing component instances, we need to make 
	// sure to re-run their owner's construction scripts
	for (AActor* ActorInstance : OwnersToReconstruct)
Example #19
	void FManifestBuilderImpl::BuildManifest()
		TMap<FGuid, FChunkInfo> ChunkInfoLookup;
		bool Running = true;
		while (Running)
			FDataScannerPtr NextScanner = GetNextScanner();
			if (NextScanner.IsValid())
				FDataScanResult ScanResult = NextScanner->GetResultWhenComplete();

				// Always reverse for now
				if (ScanResult.DataStructure.Num() > 0)
					FChunkPart& ChunkPart = ScanResult.DataStructure[0];
					if (ChunkPart.DataOffset != FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos)
						check(ChunkPart.DataOffset < FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos); // Missing data!

						bool FoundPosition = false;
						uint64 DataCount = 0;
						for (int32 FileIdx = 0; FileIdx < Manifest->Data->FileManifestList.Num() && !FoundPosition; ++FileIdx)
							FFileManifestData& FileManifest = Manifest->Data->FileManifestList[FileIdx];
							uint64 FileStartIdx = DataCount;
							uint64 FileEndIdx = FileStartIdx + FileManifest.GetFileSize();
							if (FileEndIdx > ChunkPart.DataOffset)
								for (int32 ChunkIdx = 0; ChunkIdx < FileManifest.FileChunkParts.Num() && !FoundPosition; ++ChunkIdx)
									FChunkPartData& ChunkPartData = FileManifest.FileChunkParts[ChunkIdx];
									uint64 ChunkPartEndIdx = DataCount + ChunkPartData.Size;
									if (ChunkPartEndIdx < ChunkPart.DataOffset)
										DataCount += ChunkPartData.Size;
									else if (ChunkPartEndIdx > ChunkPart.DataOffset)
										ChunkPartData.Size = ChunkPart.DataOffset - DataCount;
										FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos = DataCount + ChunkPartData.Size;
										FileManifest.FileChunkParts.SetNum(ChunkIdx + 1, false);
										Manifest->Data->FileManifestList.SetNum(FileIdx + 1, false);
										FileBuilder.FileManifest = &Manifest->Data->FileManifestList.Last();
										bool FoundFile = BuildStreamer->GetFileSpan(FileStartIdx, FileBuilder.FileSpan);
										check(FoundFile); // Incorrect positional tracking
										FoundPosition = true;
										FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos = DataCount + ChunkPartData.Size;
										FileManifest.FileChunkParts.SetNum(ChunkIdx + 1, false);
										Manifest->Data->FileManifestList.SetNum(FileIdx + 1, false);
										FileBuilder.FileManifest = &Manifest->Data->FileManifestList.Last();
										bool FoundFile = BuildStreamer->GetFileSpan(FileStartIdx, FileBuilder.FileSpan);
										check(FoundFile); // Incorrect positional tracking
										FoundPosition = true;
							else if (FileEndIdx < ChunkPart.DataOffset)
								DataCount += FileManifest.GetFileSize();
								FileBuilder.FileManifest = nullptr;
								FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos = DataCount + FileManifest.GetFileSize();
								Manifest->Data->FileManifestList.SetNum(FileIdx + 1, false);
								FoundPosition = true;

						check(ChunkPart.DataOffset == FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos);
						check(FileBuilder.FileManifest == nullptr || FileBuilder.FileSpan.Filename == Manifest->Data->FileManifestList.Last().Filename);

				for (int32 idx = 0; idx < ScanResult.DataStructure.Num(); ++idx)
					FChunkPart& ChunkPart = ScanResult.DataStructure[idx];
					// Starting new file?
					if (FileBuilder.FileManifest == nullptr)
						FileBuilder.FileManifest = &Manifest->Data->FileManifestList.Last();

						bool FoundFile = BuildStreamer->GetFileSpan(FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos, FileBuilder.FileSpan);
						check(FoundFile); // Incorrect positional tracking

						FileBuilder.FileManifest->Filename = FileBuilder.FileSpan.Filename;

					FChunkPartData& FileChunkPartData = FileBuilder.FileManifest->FileChunkParts.Last();
					FileChunkPartData.Guid = ChunkPart.ChunkGuid;
					FileChunkPartData.Offset = (FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos - ChunkPart.DataOffset) + ChunkPart.ChunkOffset;

					// Process data into file manifests
					int64 FileDataLeft = (FileBuilder.FileSpan.StartIdx + FileBuilder.FileSpan.Size) - FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos;
					int64 ChunkDataLeft = (ChunkPart.DataOffset + ChunkPart.PartSize) - FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos;
					check(FileDataLeft > 0);
					check(ChunkDataLeft > 0);

					if (ChunkDataLeft >= FileDataLeft)
						FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos += FileDataLeft;
						FileChunkPartData.Size = FileDataLeft;
						FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos += ChunkDataLeft;
						FileChunkPartData.Size = ChunkDataLeft;

					FileDataLeft = (FileBuilder.FileSpan.StartIdx + FileBuilder.FileSpan.Size) - FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos;
					ChunkDataLeft = (ChunkPart.DataOffset + ChunkPart.PartSize) - FileBuilder.CurrentDataPos;
					check(FileDataLeft == 0 || ChunkDataLeft == 0);
					// End of file?
					if (FileDataLeft == 0)
						// Fill out rest of data??
						FFileSpan FileSpan;
						bool FoundFile = BuildStreamer->GetFileSpan(FileBuilder.FileSpan.StartIdx, FileSpan);
						check(FoundFile); // Incorrect positional tracking
						check(FileSpan.Filename == FileBuilder.FileManifest->Filename);
						FMemory::Memcpy(FileBuilder.FileManifest->FileHash.Hash, FileSpan.SHAHash.Hash, FSHA1::DigestSize);
						FFileAttributes Attributes = FileAttributesMap.FindRef(FileSpan.Filename);
						FileBuilder.FileManifest->bIsUnixExecutable = Attributes.bUnixExecutable || FileSpan.IsUnixExecutable;
						FileBuilder.FileManifest->SymlinkTarget = FileSpan.SymlinkTarget;
						FileBuilder.FileManifest->bIsReadOnly = Attributes.bReadOnly;
						FileBuilder.FileManifest->bIsCompressed = Attributes.bCompressed;
						FileBuilder.FileManifest->InstallTags = Attributes.InstallTags.Array();
						check(FileBuilder.FileManifest->GetFileSize() == FileBuilder.FileSpan.Size);
						FileBuilder.FileManifest = nullptr;
					else if (ChunkDataLeft == 0)

					// Continue with this chunk?
					if (ChunkDataLeft > 0)
				if (EndOfData)
					Running = false;

		// Fill out chunk list from only chunks that remain referenced
		TSet<FGuid> ReferencedChunks;
		for (const auto& FileManifest : Manifest->Data->FileManifestList)
			for (const auto& ChunkPart : FileManifest.FileChunkParts)
				if (ReferencedChunks.Contains(ChunkPart.Guid) == false)
					auto& ChunkInfo = ChunkInfoLookup[ChunkPart.Guid];
					auto& ChunkInfoData = Manifest->Data->ChunkList.Last();
					ChunkInfoData.Guid = ChunkPart.Guid;
					ChunkInfoData.Hash = ChunkInfo.Hash;
					FMemory::Memcpy(ChunkInfoData.ShaHash.Hash, ChunkInfo.ShaHash.Hash, FSHA1::DigestSize);
					ChunkInfoData.FileSize = ChunkInfo.ChunkFileSize;
					ChunkInfoData.GroupNumber = FCrc::MemCrc32(&ChunkPart.Guid, sizeof(FGuid)) % 100;

		// Get empty files
		FSHA1 EmptyHasher;
		const TArray< FString >& EmptyFileList = BuildStreamer->GetEmptyFiles();
		for (const auto& EmptyFile : EmptyFileList)
			FFileManifestData& EmptyFileManifest = Manifest->Data->FileManifestList.Last();
			EmptyFileManifest.Filename = EmptyFile;

		// Fill out lookups
void UOffAxisGameViewportClient::Draw(FViewport* InViewport, FCanvas* SceneCanvas)
	//Valid SceneCanvas is required.  Make this explicit.

	FCanvas* DebugCanvas = InViewport->GetDebugCanvas();

	// Create a temporary canvas if there isn't already one.
	static FName CanvasObjectName(TEXT("CanvasObject"));
	UCanvas* CanvasObject = GetCanvasByName(CanvasObjectName);
	CanvasObject->Canvas = SceneCanvas;

	// Create temp debug canvas object
	static FName DebugCanvasObjectName(TEXT("DebugCanvasObject"));
	UCanvas* DebugCanvasObject = GetCanvasByName(DebugCanvasObjectName);
	DebugCanvasObject->Canvas = DebugCanvas;
	DebugCanvasObject->Init(InViewport->GetSizeXY().X, InViewport->GetSizeXY().Y, NULL);

	const bool bScaledToRenderTarget = GEngine->HMDDevice.IsValid() && GEngine->IsStereoscopic3D(InViewport);
	if (bScaledToRenderTarget)
		// Allow HMD to modify screen settings
	if (DebugCanvas)
	if (SceneCanvas)

	bool bUIDisableWorldRendering = false;
	FViewElementDrawer GameViewDrawer;

	// create the view family for rendering the world scene to the viewport's render target
	FSceneViewFamilyContext ViewFamily(FSceneViewFamily::ConstructionValues(

	// Allow HMD to modify the view later, just before rendering
	if (GEngine->HMDDevice.IsValid() && GEngine->IsStereoscopic3D(InViewport))
		ISceneViewExtension* HmdViewExt = GEngine->HMDDevice->GetViewExtension();
		if (HmdViewExt)

	ESplitScreenType::Type SplitScreenConfig = GetCurrentSplitscreenConfiguration();
	EngineShowFlagOverride(ESFIM_Game, (EViewModeIndex)ViewModeIndex, ViewFamily.EngineShowFlags, NAME_None, SplitScreenConfig != ESplitScreenType::None);

	TMap<ULocalPlayer*, FSceneView*> PlayerViewMap;

	FAudioDevice* AudioDevice = GEngine->GetAudioDevice();
	bool bReverbSettingsFound = false;
	FReverbSettings ReverbSettings;
	class AAudioVolume* AudioVolume = nullptr;

	for (FConstPlayerControllerIterator Iterator = GetWorld()->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
		APlayerController* PlayerController = *Iterator;
		if (PlayerController)
			ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer = Cast<ULocalPlayer>(PlayerController->Player);
			if (LocalPlayer)
				const bool bEnableStereo = GEngine->IsStereoscopic3D(InViewport);
				int32 NumViews = bEnableStereo ? 2 : 1;

				for (int i = 0; i < NumViews; ++i)
					// Calculate the player's view information.
					FVector		ViewLocation;
					FRotator	ViewRotation;

					EStereoscopicPass PassType = !bEnableStereo ? eSSP_FULL : ((i == 0) ? eSSP_LEFT_EYE : eSSP_RIGHT_EYE);

					FSceneView* View = LocalPlayer->CalcSceneView(&ViewFamily, ViewLocation, ViewRotation, InViewport, &GameViewDrawer, PassType);

					if (mOffAxisMatrixSetted)
						UpdateProjectionMatrix(View, mOffAxisMatrix);

					if (View)
						if (View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Wireframe)
							// Wireframe color is emissive-only, and mesh-modifying materials do not use material substitution, hence...
							View->DiffuseOverrideParameter = FVector4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
							View->SpecularOverrideParameter = FVector4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
						else if (View->Family->EngineShowFlags.OverrideDiffuseAndSpecular)
							View->DiffuseOverrideParameter = FVector4(GEngine->LightingOnlyBrightness.R, GEngine->LightingOnlyBrightness.G, GEngine->LightingOnlyBrightness.B, 0.0f);
							View->SpecularOverrideParameter = FVector4(.1f, .1f, .1f, 0.0f);
						else if (View->Family->EngineShowFlags.ReflectionOverride)
							View->DiffuseOverrideParameter = FVector4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
							View->SpecularOverrideParameter = FVector4(1, 1, 1, 0.0f);
							View->NormalOverrideParameter = FVector4(0, 0, 1, 0.0f);
							View->RoughnessOverrideParameter = FVector2D(0.0f, 0.0f);

						if (!View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Diffuse)
							View->DiffuseOverrideParameter = FVector4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);

						if (!View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Specular)
							View->SpecularOverrideParameter = FVector4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);

						View->CameraConstrainedViewRect = View->UnscaledViewRect;

						// If this is the primary drawing pass, update things that depend on the view location
						if (i == 0)
							// Save the location of the view.
							LocalPlayer->LastViewLocation = ViewLocation;

							PlayerViewMap.Add(LocalPlayer, View);

							// Update the listener.
							if (AudioDevice != NULL)
								FVector Location;
								FVector ProjFront;
								FVector ProjRight;
								PlayerController->GetAudioListenerPosition(/*out*/ Location, /*out*/ ProjFront, /*out*/ ProjRight);

								FTransform ListenerTransform(FRotationMatrix::MakeFromXY(ProjFront, ProjRight));

								bReverbSettingsFound = true;

								FReverbSettings PlayerReverbSettings;
								FInteriorSettings PlayerInteriorSettings;
								class AAudioVolume* PlayerAudioVolume = GetWorld()->GetAudioSettings(Location, &PlayerReverbSettings, &PlayerInteriorSettings);

								if (AudioVolume == nullptr || (PlayerAudioVolume != nullptr && PlayerAudioVolume->Priority > AudioVolume->Priority))
									AudioVolume = PlayerAudioVolume;
									ReverbSettings = PlayerReverbSettings;

								uint32 ViewportIndex = PlayerViewMap.Num() - 1;
								AudioDevice->SetListener(ViewportIndex, ListenerTransform, (View->bCameraCut ? 0.f : GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds()), PlayerAudioVolume, PlayerInteriorSettings);


						// Add view information for resource streaming.
						IStreamingManager::Get().AddViewInformation(View->ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin, View->ViewRect.Width(), View->ViewRect.Width() * View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[0][0]);

	if (bReverbSettingsFound)
		AudioDevice->SetReverbSettings(AudioVolume, ReverbSettings);

	// Update level streaming.

	// Draw the player views.
	if (!bDisableWorldRendering && !bUIDisableWorldRendering && PlayerViewMap.Num() > 0)
		GetRendererModule().BeginRenderingViewFamily(SceneCanvas, &ViewFamily);

	// Clear areas of the rendertarget (backbuffer) that aren't drawn over by the views.
		// Find largest rectangle bounded by all rendered views.
		uint32 MinX = InViewport->GetSizeXY().X, MinY = InViewport->GetSizeXY().Y, MaxX = 0, MaxY = 0;
		uint32 TotalArea = 0;
		for (int32 ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < ViewFamily.Views.Num(); ++ViewIndex)
			const FSceneView* View = ViewFamily.Views[ViewIndex];

			FIntRect UpscaledViewRect = View->UnscaledViewRect;

			MinX = FMath::Min<uint32>(UpscaledViewRect.Min.X, MinX);
			MinY = FMath::Min<uint32>(UpscaledViewRect.Min.Y, MinY);
			MaxX = FMath::Max<uint32>(UpscaledViewRect.Max.X, MaxX);
			MaxY = FMath::Max<uint32>(UpscaledViewRect.Max.Y, MaxY);
			TotalArea += FMath::TruncToInt(UpscaledViewRect.Width()) * FMath::TruncToInt(UpscaledViewRect.Height());

		// To draw black borders around the rendered image (prevents artifacts from post processing passes that read outside of the image e.g. PostProcessAA)
			int32 BlackBorders = 0; // FMath::Clamp(CVarSetBlackBordersEnabled.GetValueOnGameThread(), 0, 10);

			if (ViewFamily.Views.Num() == 1 && BlackBorders)
				MinX += BlackBorders;
				MinY += BlackBorders;
				MaxX -= BlackBorders;
				MaxY -= BlackBorders;
				TotalArea = (MaxX - MinX) * (MaxY - MinY);

		// If the views don't cover the entire bounding rectangle, clear the entire buffer.
		if (ViewFamily.Views.Num() == 0 || TotalArea != (MaxX - MinX)*(MaxY - MinY) || bDisableWorldRendering)
			SceneCanvas->DrawTile(0, 0, InViewport->GetSizeXY().X, InViewport->GetSizeXY().Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.f, FLinearColor::Black, NULL, false);
			// clear left
			if (MinX > 0)
				SceneCanvas->DrawTile(0, 0, MinX, InViewport->GetSizeXY().Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.f, FLinearColor::Black, NULL, false);
			// clear right
			if (MaxX < (uint32)InViewport->GetSizeXY().X)
				SceneCanvas->DrawTile(MaxX, 0, InViewport->GetSizeXY().X, InViewport->GetSizeXY().Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.f, FLinearColor::Black, NULL, false);
			// clear top
			if (MinY > 0)
				SceneCanvas->DrawTile(MinX, 0, MaxX, MinY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.f, FLinearColor::Black, NULL, false);
			// clear bottom
			if (MaxY < (uint32)InViewport->GetSizeXY().Y)
				SceneCanvas->DrawTile(MinX, MaxY, MaxX, InViewport->GetSizeXY().Y, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.f, FLinearColor::Black, NULL, false);

	// Remove temporary debug lines.
	if (GetWorld()->LineBatcher != NULL)

	if (GetWorld()->ForegroundLineBatcher != NULL)

	// Draw FX debug information.
	if (GetWorld()->FXSystem)

	// Render the UI.

		// render HUD
		bool bDisplayedSubtitles = false;
		for (FConstPlayerControllerIterator Iterator = GetWorld()->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
			APlayerController* PlayerController = *Iterator;
			if (PlayerController)
				ULocalPlayer* LocalPlayer = Cast<ULocalPlayer>(PlayerController->Player);
				if (LocalPlayer)
					FSceneView* View = PlayerViewMap.FindRef(LocalPlayer);
					if (View != NULL)
						// rendering to directly to viewport target
						FVector CanvasOrigin(FMath::TruncToFloat(View->UnscaledViewRect.Min.X), FMath::TruncToInt(View->UnscaledViewRect.Min.Y), 0.f);

						CanvasObject->Init(View->UnscaledViewRect.Width(), View->UnscaledViewRect.Height(), View);

						// Set the canvas transform for the player's view rectangle.

						// Render the player's HUD.
						if (PlayerController->MyHUD)

							DebugCanvasObject->SceneView = View;
							PlayerController->MyHUD->SetCanvas(CanvasObject, DebugCanvasObject);
							if (GEngine->IsStereoscopic3D(InViewport))
								GEngine->StereoRenderingDevice->PushViewportCanvas(eSSP_LEFT_EYE, SceneCanvas, CanvasObject, Viewport);

								GEngine->StereoRenderingDevice->PushViewportCanvas(eSSP_RIGHT_EYE, SceneCanvas, CanvasObject, Viewport);

								// Reset the canvas for rendering to the full viewport.
								CanvasObject->SizeX = View->UnscaledViewRect.Width();
								CanvasObject->SizeY = View->UnscaledViewRect.Height();

							// Put these pointers back as if a blueprint breakpoint hits during HUD PostRender they can
							// have been changed
							CanvasObject->Canvas = SceneCanvas;
							DebugCanvasObject->Canvas = DebugCanvas;

							// A side effect of PostRender is that the playercontroller could be destroyed
							if (!PlayerController->IsPendingKill())
								PlayerController->MyHUD->SetCanvas(NULL, NULL);

						if (DebugCanvas != NULL)
							UDebugDrawService::Draw(ViewFamily.EngineShowFlags, InViewport, View, DebugCanvas);


						// draw subtitles
						if (!bDisplayedSubtitles)
							FVector2D MinPos(0.f, 0.f);
							FVector2D MaxPos(1.f, 1.f);
							GetSubtitleRegion(MinPos, MaxPos);

							uint32 SizeX = SceneCanvas->GetRenderTarget()->GetSizeXY().X;
							uint32 SizeY = SceneCanvas->GetRenderTarget()->GetSizeXY().Y;
							FIntRect SubtitleRegion(FMath::TruncToInt(SizeX * MinPos.X), FMath::TruncToInt(SizeY * MinPos.Y), FMath::TruncToInt(SizeX * MaxPos.X), FMath::TruncToInt(SizeY * MaxPos.Y));
							// We need a world to do this
							FSubtitleManager::GetSubtitleManager()->DisplaySubtitles(SceneCanvas, SubtitleRegion, GetWorld()->GetAudioTimeSeconds());

		//ensure canvas has been flushed before rendering UI
		if (DebugCanvas != NULL)
		// Allow the viewport to render additional stuff

		// Render the console.
		if (ViewportConsole)
			if (GEngine->IsStereoscopic3D(InViewport))
				GEngine->StereoRenderingDevice->PushViewportCanvas(eSSP_LEFT_EYE, DebugCanvas, DebugCanvasObject, Viewport);
				if (DebugCanvas != NULL && GEngine->HMDDevice.IsValid())
					GEngine->HMDDevice->DrawDebug(DebugCanvasObject, eSSP_LEFT_EYE);

				GEngine->StereoRenderingDevice->PushViewportCanvas(eSSP_RIGHT_EYE, DebugCanvas, DebugCanvasObject, Viewport);
				if (DebugCanvas != NULL && GEngine->HMDDevice.IsValid())
					GEngine->HMDDevice->DrawDebug(DebugCanvasObject, eSSP_RIGHT_EYE);

				// Reset the canvas for rendering to the full viewport.
				DebugCanvasObject->SizeX = Viewport->GetSizeXY().X;
				DebugCanvasObject->SizeY = Viewport->GetSizeXY().Y;

	// Grab the player camera location and orientation so we can pass that along to the stats drawing code.
	FVector PlayerCameraLocation = FVector::ZeroVector;
	FRotator PlayerCameraRotation = FRotator::ZeroRotator;
		for (FConstPlayerControllerIterator Iterator = GetWorld()->GetPlayerControllerIterator(); Iterator; ++Iterator)
			(*Iterator)->GetPlayerViewPoint(PlayerCameraLocation, PlayerCameraRotation);

	if (GEngine->IsStereoscopic3D(InViewport))
		GEngine->StereoRenderingDevice->PushViewportCanvas(eSSP_LEFT_EYE, DebugCanvas, DebugCanvasObject, InViewport);
		DrawStatsHUD(GetWorld(), InViewport, DebugCanvas, DebugCanvasObject, DebugProperties, PlayerCameraLocation, PlayerCameraRotation);

		GEngine->StereoRenderingDevice->PushViewportCanvas(eSSP_RIGHT_EYE, DebugCanvas, DebugCanvasObject, InViewport);
		DrawStatsHUD(GetWorld(), InViewport, DebugCanvas, DebugCanvasObject, DebugProperties, PlayerCameraLocation, PlayerCameraRotation);

		// Reset the canvas for rendering to the full viewport.
		DebugCanvasObject->SizeX = Viewport->GetSizeXY().X;
		DebugCanvasObject->SizeY = Viewport->GetSizeXY().Y;

		if (GEngine->HMDDevice.IsValid())
			GEngine->HMDDevice->DrawDebug(DebugCanvasObject, eSSP_FULL);
		DrawStatsHUD(GetWorld(), InViewport, DebugCanvas, DebugCanvasObject, DebugProperties, PlayerCameraLocation, PlayerCameraRotation);
Example #21
void TestLightmass()
	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("\n\n"));
	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("==============================================================================================="));
	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("Running \"unit test\". This will take several seconds, and will end with an assertion."));
	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("This is on purpose, as it's testing the callstack gathering..."));
	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("==============================================================================================="));
	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("\n\n"));

	void* Buf = FMemory::Malloc(1024);

	TArray<int32> TestArray;


	TArray<int32> ArrayCopy = TestArray;
	FVector4 TestVectorA(1, 0, 0, 1);
	FVector4 TestVectorB(1, 1, 1, 1);
	FVector4 TestVector = TestVectorA + TestVectorB;

	FString TestString = FString::Printf(TEXT("Copy has %d, Vector is [%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f]\n"), ArrayCopy[0], TestVector.X, TestVector.Y, TestVector.Z, TestVector.W);



	struct FAlignTester
		uint8 A;
		FMatrix M1;
		uint8 B;
		FMatrix M2;
		uint8 C;
		FVector4 V;
	FAlignTester AlignTest;
	checkf(((PTRINT)(&FMatrix::Identity) & 15) == 0, TEXT("Identity matrix unaligned"));
	checkf(((PTRINT)(&AlignTest.M1) & 15) == 0, TEXT("First matrix unaligned"));
	checkf(((PTRINT)(&AlignTest.M2) & 15) == 0, TEXT("Second matrix unaligned"));
	checkf(((PTRINT)(&AlignTest.V) & 15) == 0, TEXT("Vector unaligned"));

	FGuid Guid(1, 2, 3, 4);
	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("Guid is %s"), *Guid.ToString());

	TMap<FString, int32> TestMap;
	TestMap.Add(FString(TEXT("Five")), 5);
	TestMap.Add(TEXT("Ten"), 10);

	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("Map[Five] = %d, Map[Ten] = %d"), TestMap.FindRef(TEXT("Five")), TestMap.FindRef(FString(TEXT("Ten"))));

	FMatrix TestMatrix(FVector(0, 0, 0.1f), FVector(0, 1.0f, 0), FVector(0.9f, 0, 0), FVector(0, 0, 0));

	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("Mat=\n  [%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f]\n  [%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f]\n  [%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f]\n  [%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f]"), 
		TestMatrix.M[0][0], TestMatrix.M[0][1], TestMatrix.M[0][2], TestMatrix.M[0][3], 
		TestMatrix.M[1][0], TestMatrix.M[1][1], TestMatrix.M[1][2], TestMatrix.M[1][3], 
		TestMatrix.M[2][0], TestMatrix.M[2][1], TestMatrix.M[2][2], TestMatrix.M[2][3], 
		TestMatrix.M[3][0], TestMatrix.M[3][1], TestMatrix.M[3][2], TestMatrix.M[3][3]

	TestMatrix = TestMatrix.GetTransposed();

	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("Transposed Mat=\n  [%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f]\n  [%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f]\n  [%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f]\n  [%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f]"), 
		TestMatrix.M[0][0], TestMatrix.M[0][1], TestMatrix.M[0][2], TestMatrix.M[0][3], 
		TestMatrix.M[1][0], TestMatrix.M[1][1], TestMatrix.M[1][2], TestMatrix.M[1][3], 
		TestMatrix.M[2][0], TestMatrix.M[2][1], TestMatrix.M[2][2], TestMatrix.M[2][3], 
		TestMatrix.M[3][0], TestMatrix.M[3][1], TestMatrix.M[3][2], TestMatrix.M[3][3]

	TestMatrix = TestMatrix.GetTransposed().InverseFast();

	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("Inverted Mat=\n  [%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f]\n  [%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f]\n  [%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f]\n  [%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f]"), 
		TestMatrix.M[0][0], TestMatrix.M[0][1], TestMatrix.M[0][2], TestMatrix.M[0][3], 
		TestMatrix.M[1][0], TestMatrix.M[1][1], TestMatrix.M[1][2], TestMatrix.M[1][3], 
		TestMatrix.M[2][0], TestMatrix.M[2][1], TestMatrix.M[2][2], TestMatrix.M[2][3], 
		TestMatrix.M[3][0], TestMatrix.M[3][1], TestMatrix.M[3][2], TestMatrix.M[3][3]

	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("sizeof FDirectionalLight = %d, FLight = %d, FDirectionalLightData = %d"), sizeof(FDirectionalLight), sizeof(FLight), sizeof(FDirectionalLightData));

	TOctree<float, FTestOctreeSemantics> TestOctree(FVector4(0), 10.0f);

	// kDOP test
	TkDOPTree<FTestCollisionDataProvider, uint16> TestkDOP;
	FTestCollisionDataProvider TestDataProvider(TestkDOP);
	FHitResult TestResult;
	FkDOPBuildCollisionTriangle<uint16> TestTri(0, FVector4(0,0,0,0), FVector4(1,1,1,0), FVector4(2,2,2,0), INDEX_NONE, INDEX_NONE, INDEX_NONE, false, true);
	TArray<FkDOPBuildCollisionTriangle<uint16> > TestTriangles;

	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("\nStarting a thread"));
	FTestRunnable* TestRunnable = new FTestRunnable;
	// create a thread with the test runnable, and let it auto-delete itself
	FRunnableThread* TestThread = FRunnableThread::Create(TestRunnable, TEXT("TestRunnable"));

	double Start = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("\nWaiting 4 seconds"), Start);
	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("%.2f seconds have passed, killing thread"), FPlatformTime::Seconds() - Start);
	// wait for thread to end
	double KillStart = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
	delete TestThread;
	delete TestRunnable;
	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("It took %.2f seconds to kill the thread [should be < 1 second]"), FPlatformTime::Seconds() - KillStart);

	UE_LOG(LogLightmass, Display, TEXT("\n\n"));

	checkf(5 == 2, TEXT("And boom goes the dynamite\n"));
FString FHardwareInfo::GetHardwareInfo(const FName SpecIdentifier)
	return HardwareDetailsMap.FindRef(SpecIdentifier);
Example #23
	virtual void Compile(FKismetFunctionContext& Context, UEdGraphNode* Node) override
		// Cast the node and get all the input pins
		UK2Node_Select* SelectNode = Cast<UK2Node_Select>(Node);
		TArray<UEdGraphPin*> OptionPins;
		UEdGraphPin* IndexPin = SelectNode->GetIndexPin();

		// Get the kismet term for the (Condition or Index) that will determine which option to use
		UEdGraphPin* PinToTry = FEdGraphUtilities::GetNetFromPin(IndexPin);
		FBPTerminal** ConditionTerm = Context.NetMap.Find(PinToTry);

		// Get the kismet term for the return value
		UEdGraphPin* ReturnPin = SelectNode->GetReturnValuePin();
		FBPTerminal** ReturnTerm = Context.NetMap.Find(ReturnPin);

		// Don't proceed if there is no return value or there is no selection
		if (ConditionTerm != NULL && ReturnTerm != NULL)
			FName ConditionalFunctionName = "";
			UClass* ConditionalFunctionClass = NULL;
			SelectNode->GetConditionalFunction(ConditionalFunctionName, &ConditionalFunctionClass);
			UFunction* ConditionFunction = FindField<UFunction>(ConditionalFunctionClass, ConditionalFunctionName);

			// Find the local boolean for use in the equality call function below (BoolTerm = result of EqualEqual_IntInt or NotEqual_BoolBool)
			FBPTerminal* BoolTerm = BoolTermMap.FindRef(SelectNode);

			// We need to keep a pointer to the previous IfNot statement so it can be linked to the next conditional statement
			FBlueprintCompiledStatement* PrevIfNotStatement = NULL;

			// Keep an array of all the unconditional goto statements so we can clean up their jumps after the noop statement is created
			TArray<FBlueprintCompiledStatement*> GotoStatementList;

			// Loop through all the options
			for (int32 OptionIdx = 0; OptionIdx < OptionPins.Num(); OptionIdx++)
				// Create a CallFunction statement with the condition function from the Select class
				FBlueprintCompiledStatement& Statement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
				Statement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
				Statement.FunctionToCall = ConditionFunction;
				Statement.FunctionContext = NULL;
				Statement.bIsParentContext = false;
				// BoolTerm will be the return value of the condition statement
				Statement.LHS = BoolTerm;
				// The condition passed into the Select node
				// Create a local int for use in the equality call function below (LiteralTerm = the right hand side of the EqualEqual_IntInt or NotEqual_BoolBool statement)
				FBPTerminal* LiteralTerm = Context.CreateLocalTerminal(ETerminalSpecification::TS_Literal);
				LiteralTerm->bIsLiteral = true;
				LiteralTerm->Type.PinCategory = CompilerContext.GetSchema()->PC_Int;
				LiteralTerm->Name = FString::Printf(TEXT("%d"), OptionIdx);
				// If there is a previous IfNot statement, hook this one to that one for jumping
				if (PrevIfNotStatement)
					Statement.bIsJumpTarget = true;
					PrevIfNotStatement->TargetLabel = &Statement;

				// Create a GotoIfNot statement using the BoolTerm from above as the condition
				FBlueprintCompiledStatement* IfNotStatement = &Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
				IfNotStatement->Type = KCST_GotoIfNot;
				IfNotStatement->LHS = BoolTerm;

				// Create an assignment statement
				FBlueprintCompiledStatement& AssignStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
				AssignStatement.Type = KCST_Assignment;
				AssignStatement.LHS = *ReturnTerm;
				// Get the kismet term from the option pin
				UEdGraphPin* OptionPinToTry = FEdGraphUtilities::GetNetFromPin(OptionPins[OptionIdx]);
				FBPTerminal** OptionTerm = Context.NetMap.Find(OptionPinToTry);
				if (!OptionTerm)
					Context.MessageLog.Error(*LOCTEXT("Error_UnregisterOptionPin", "Unregister option pin @@").ToString(), OptionPins[OptionIdx]);

				// Create an unconditional goto to exit the node
				FBlueprintCompiledStatement& GotoStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
				GotoStatement.Type = KCST_UnconditionalGoto;

				// If this is the last IfNot statement, hook the jump to an error message
				if (OptionIdx == OptionPins.Num() - 1)
					// Create a CallFunction statement for doing a print string of our error message
					FBlueprintCompiledStatement& PrintStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
					PrintStatement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
					PrintStatement.bIsJumpTarget = true;
					FName PrintStringFunctionName = "";
					UClass* PrintStringFunctionClass = NULL;
					SelectNode->GetPrintStringFunction(PrintStringFunctionName, &PrintStringFunctionClass);
					UFunction* PrintFunction = FindField<UFunction>(PrintStringFunctionClass, PrintStringFunctionName);
					PrintStatement.FunctionToCall = PrintFunction;
					PrintStatement.FunctionContext = NULL;
					PrintStatement.bIsParentContext = false;

					// Create a local int for use in the equality call function below (LiteralTerm = the right hand side of the EqualEqual_IntInt or NotEqual_BoolBool statement)
					FBPTerminal* LiteralStringTerm = Context.CreateLocalTerminal(ETerminalSpecification::TS_Literal);
					LiteralStringTerm->bIsLiteral = true;
					LiteralStringTerm->Type.PinCategory = CompilerContext.GetSchema()->PC_String;

					FString SelectionNodeType(TEXT("NONE"));
					if (IndexPin)
						UEnum* EnumObject = Cast<UEnum>(IndexPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());
						if (EnumObject != NULL)
							SelectionNodeType = EnumObject->GetName();
							// Not an enum, so just use the basic type
							SelectionNodeType = IndexPin->PinType.PinCategory;

					const UEdGraph* OwningGraph = Context.MessageLog.FindSourceObjectTypeChecked<UEdGraph>( SelectNode->GetGraph() );
					LiteralStringTerm->Name =
						FString::Printf(*LOCTEXT("SelectNodeIndexWarning", "Graph %s: Selection Node of type %s failed! Out of bounds indexing of the options. There are only %d options available.").ToString(),
						(OwningGraph) ? *OwningGraph->GetFullName() : TEXT("NONE"),

					// Hook the IfNot statement's jump target to this statement
					IfNotStatement->TargetLabel = &PrintStatement;

				PrevIfNotStatement = IfNotStatement;

			// Create a noop to jump to so the unconditional goto statements can exit the node after successful assignment
			FBlueprintCompiledStatement& NopStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
			NopStatement.Type = KCST_Nop;
			NopStatement.bIsJumpTarget = true;
			// Loop through the unconditional goto statements and fix their jump targets
			for (auto It = GotoStatementList.CreateConstIterator(); It; It++)
				(*It)->TargetLabel = &NopStatement;
	/** Console commands, see embeded usage statement **/
	virtual bool Exec( UWorld* Inworld, const TCHAR* Cmd, FOutputDevice& Ar )
			if(FParse::Command(&Cmd,TEXT("LIST"))) // if they didn't use the list command, we will show usage
				TArray<FLogCategoryPtrs> Found;

				FString Cat(FParse::Token(Cmd, 0));
				for (TMap<FLogCategoryBase*, FName>::TIterator It(Associations); It; ++It)
					FLogCategoryBase* Verb = It.Key();
					FString Name = It.Value().ToString();
					if (!Cat.Len() || Name.Contains(Cat) )
						Found.Add(FLogCategoryPtrs(Name, ELogVerbosity::Type(Verb->Verbosity), Verb->DebugBreakOnLog));


				for (TArray<FLogCategoryPtrs>::TConstIterator It = Found.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
					Ar.Logf(TEXT("%-40s  %-12s  %s"), *It->Name, FOutputDevice::VerbosityToString(It->Verbosity), It->Postfix ? TEXT(" - DebugBreak") : TEXT(""));
				FString Rest(Cmd);
				Rest = Rest.Trim();
				if (Rest.Len())
					if (ProcessLogOnly(Rest, Ar))
						return true;

					TMap<FName, uint8> OldValues;
					for (TMap<FLogCategoryBase*, FName>::TIterator It(Associations); It; ++It)
						FLogCategoryBase* Verb = It.Key();
						FName Name = It.Value();
						OldValues.Add(Name, Verb->Verbosity);
					for (TMap<FLogCategoryBase*, FName>::TIterator It(Associations); It; ++It)
						FLogCategoryBase* Verb = It.Key();
						FName Name = It.Value();
						uint8 OldValue = OldValues.FindRef(Name);
						if (Verb->Verbosity != OldValue)
							Ar.Logf(TEXT("%-40s  %-12s  %s"), *Name.ToString(), FOutputDevice::VerbosityToString(ELogVerbosity::Type(Verb->Verbosity)), Verb->DebugBreakOnLog ? TEXT(" - DebugBreak") : TEXT(""));
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("------- Log conventions") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("[cat]   = a category for the command to operate on, or 'global' for all categories.") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("[level] = verbosity level, one of: none, error, warning, display, log, verbose, all, default") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("At boot time, compiled in default is overridden by ini files setting, which is overridden by command line") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("------- Log console command usage") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("Log list            - list all log categories") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("Log list [string]   - list all log categories containing a substring") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("Log reset           - reset all log categories to their boot-time default") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("Log [cat]           - toggle the display of the category [cat]") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("Log [cat] off       - disable display of the category [cat]") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("Log [cat] on        - resume display of the category [cat]") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("Log [cat] only      - enables [cat] and disables all other categories"));
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("Log [cat] [level]   - set the verbosity level of the category [cat]") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("Log [cat] break     - toggle the debug break on display of the category [cat]") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("------- Log command line") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("-LogCmds=\"[arguments],[arguments]...\"           - applies a list of console commands at boot time") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("-LogCmds=\"foo verbose, bar off\"         - turns on the foo category and turns off the bar category") );					
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("------- Environment variables") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("Any command line option can be set via the environment variable UE-CmdLineArgs") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("set UE-CmdLineArgs=\"-LogCmds=foo verbose breakon, bar off\"") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("------- Config file") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("[Core.Log]") );
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("global=[default verbosity for things not listed later]") );					
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("[cat]=[level]") );					
					Ar.Logf( TEXT("foo=verbose break") );					
			return true;
		return false;
Example #25
void FStatsMemoryDumpCommand::ProcessingUObjectAllocations( const TMap<uint64, FAllocationInfo>& AllocationMap )
	// This code is not optimized. 
	FScopeLogTime SLT( TEXT( "ProcessingUObjectAllocations" ), nullptr, FScopeLogTime::ScopeLog_Seconds );
	UE_LOG( LogStats, Warning, TEXT( "Processing UObject allocations" ) );

	FDiagnosticTableViewer MemoryReport( *FDiagnosticTableViewer::GetUniqueTemporaryFilePath( TEXT( "MemoryReport-UObject" ) ) );
	// Write a row of headings for the table's columns.
	MemoryReport.AddColumn( TEXT( "Size (bytes)" ) );
	MemoryReport.AddColumn( TEXT( "Size (MB)" ) );
	MemoryReport.AddColumn( TEXT( "Count" ) );
	MemoryReport.AddColumn( TEXT( "UObject class" ) );

	TMap<FName, FSizeAndCount> UObjectAllocations;

	// To minimize number of calls to expensive DecodeCallstack.
	TMap<FName,FName> UObjectCallstackToClassMapping;

	uint64 NumAllocations = 0;
	uint64 TotalAllocatedMemory = 0;
	for( const auto& It : AllocationMap )
		const FAllocationInfo& Alloc = It.Value;

		FName UObjectClass = UObjectCallstackToClassMapping.FindRef( Alloc.EncodedCallstack );
		if( UObjectClass == NAME_None )
			TArray<FString> DecodedCallstack;
			DecodeCallstack( Alloc.EncodedCallstack, DecodedCallstack );

			for( int32 Index = DecodedCallstack.Num() - 1; Index >= 0; --Index )
				NAME_INDEX NameIndex = 0;
				TTypeFromString<NAME_INDEX>::FromString( NameIndex, *DecodedCallstack[Index] );

				const FName LongName = FName( NameIndex, NameIndex, 0 );
				const bool bValid = UObjectNames.Contains( LongName );
				if( bValid )
					const FString ObjectName = FStatNameAndInfo::GetShortNameFrom( LongName ).GetPlainNameString();
					UObjectClass = *ObjectName.Left( ObjectName.Find( TEXT( "//" ) ) );;
					UObjectCallstackToClassMapping.Add( Alloc.EncodedCallstack, UObjectClass );
		if( UObjectClass != NAME_None )
			FSizeAndCount& SizeAndCount = UObjectAllocations.FindOrAdd( UObjectClass );
			SizeAndCount.Size += Alloc.Size;
			SizeAndCount.Count += 1;

			TotalAllocatedMemory += Alloc.Size;

	// Dump memory to the log.
	UObjectAllocations.ValueSort( FSizeAndCountGreater() );

	const float MaxPctDisplayed = 0.90f;
	int32 CurrentIndex = 0;
	uint64 DisplayedSoFar = 0;
	UE_LOG( LogStats, Warning, TEXT( "Index, Size (Size MB), Count, UObject class" ) );
	for( const auto& It : UObjectAllocations )
		const FSizeAndCount& SizeAndCount = It.Value;
		const FName& UObjectClass = It.Key;

		UE_LOG( LogStats, Log, TEXT( "%2i, %llu (%.2f MB), %llu, %s" ),
				SizeAndCount.Size / 1024.0f / 1024.0f,
				*UObjectClass.GetPlainNameString() );

		// Dump stats
		MemoryReport.AddColumn( TEXT( "%llu" ), SizeAndCount.Size );
		MemoryReport.AddColumn( TEXT( "%.2f MB" ), SizeAndCount.Size / 1024.0f / 1024.0f );
		MemoryReport.AddColumn( TEXT( "%llu" ), SizeAndCount.Count );
		MemoryReport.AddColumn( *UObjectClass.GetPlainNameString() );

		DisplayedSoFar += SizeAndCount.Size;

		const float CurrentPct = (float)DisplayedSoFar / (float)TotalAllocatedMemory;
		if( CurrentPct > MaxPctDisplayed )

	UE_LOG( LogStats, Warning, TEXT( "Allocated memory: %llu bytes (%.2f MB)" ), TotalAllocatedMemory, TotalAllocatedMemory / 1024.0f / 1024.0f );

	// Add a total row.
	MemoryReport.AddColumn( TEXT( "%llu" ), TotalAllocatedMemory );
	MemoryReport.AddColumn( TEXT( "%.2f MB" ), TotalAllocatedMemory / 1024.0f / 1024.0f );
	MemoryReport.AddColumn( TEXT( "%llu" ), NumAllocations );
	MemoryReport.AddColumn( TEXT( "TOTAL" ) );
bool FDataTableEditorUtils::MoveRow(UDataTable* DataTable, FName RowName, ERowMoveDirection Direction, int32 NumRowsToMoveBy)
	if (!DataTable)
		return false;
	// Our maps are ordered which is why we can get away with this
	// If we ever change our map implementation, we'll need to preserve this order information in a separate array and 
	// make sure that order dependent code (such as exporting and the data table viewer) use that when dealing with rows
	// This may also require making RowMap private and fixing up all the existing code that references it directly
	TArray<FName> OrderedRowNames;

	const int32 CurrentRowIndex = OrderedRowNames.IndexOfByKey(RowName);
	if (CurrentRowIndex == INDEX_NONE)
		return false;
	// Calculate our new row index, clamped to the available rows
	int32 NewRowIndex = INDEX_NONE;
	case ERowMoveDirection::Up:
		NewRowIndex = FMath::Clamp(CurrentRowIndex - NumRowsToMoveBy, 0, OrderedRowNames.Num() - 1);

	case ERowMoveDirection::Down:
		NewRowIndex = FMath::Clamp(CurrentRowIndex + NumRowsToMoveBy, 0, OrderedRowNames.Num() - 1);


	if (NewRowIndex == INDEX_NONE)
		return false;

	if (CurrentRowIndex == NewRowIndex)
		// Nothing to do, but not an error
		return true;

	// Swap the order around as requested
	OrderedRowNames.RemoveAt(CurrentRowIndex, 1, false);
	OrderedRowNames.Insert(RowName, NewRowIndex);

	// Build a name -> index map as the KeySort will hit this a lot
	TMap<FName, int32> NamesToNewIndex;
	for (int32 NameIndex = 0; NameIndex < OrderedRowNames.Num(); ++NameIndex)
		NamesToNewIndex.Add(OrderedRowNames[NameIndex], NameIndex);

	const FScopedTransaction Transaction(LOCTEXT("MoveDataTableRow", "Move Data Table Row"));

	BroadcastPreChange(DataTable, EDataTableChangeInfo::RowList);

	// Re-sort the map keys to match the new order
	DataTable->RowMap.KeySort([&NamesToNewIndex](const FName& One, const FName& Two) -> bool
		const int32 OneIndex = NamesToNewIndex.FindRef(One);
		const int32 TwoIndex = NamesToNewIndex.FindRef(Two);
		return OneIndex < TwoIndex;

	BroadcastPostChange(DataTable, EDataTableChangeInfo::RowList);

	return true;
	virtual void Compile(FKismetFunctionContext& Context, UEdGraphNode* Node)
		// Get the node, retrieve the helper functions, and create a local "Index" variable

		// Get the multi gate node and the helper functions
		UK2Node_MultiGate* GateNode = Cast<UK2Node_MultiGate>(Node);

		// Get function names and class pointers to helper nodes
		FName MarkBitFunctionName = "";
		UClass* MarkBitFunctionClass = NULL;
		GateNode->GetMarkBitFunction(MarkBitFunctionName, &MarkBitFunctionClass);
		UFunction* MarkBitFunction = FindField<UFunction>(MarkBitFunctionClass, MarkBitFunctionName);

		FName HasUnmarkedBitFunctionName = "";
		UClass* HasUnmarkedBitFunctionClass = NULL;
		GateNode->GetHasUnmarkedBitFunction(HasUnmarkedBitFunctionName, &HasUnmarkedBitFunctionClass);
		UFunction* HasUnmarkedBitFunction = FindField<UFunction>(HasUnmarkedBitFunctionClass, HasUnmarkedBitFunctionName);

		FName GetUnmarkedBitFunctionName = "";
		UClass* GetUnmarkedBitFunctionClass = NULL;
		GateNode->GetUnmarkedBitFunction(GetUnmarkedBitFunctionName, &GetUnmarkedBitFunctionClass);
		UFunction* GetUnmarkedBitFunction = FindField<UFunction>(GetUnmarkedBitFunctionClass, GetUnmarkedBitFunctionName);

		FName ConditionalFunctionName = "";
		UClass* ConditionalFunctionClass = NULL;
		GateNode->GetConditionalFunction(ConditionalFunctionName, &ConditionalFunctionClass);
		UFunction* ConditionFunction = FindField<UFunction>(ConditionalFunctionClass, ConditionalFunctionName);

		FName EqualityFunctionName = "";
		UClass* EqualityFunctionClass = NULL;
		GateNode->GetEqualityFunction(EqualityFunctionName, &EqualityFunctionClass);
		UFunction* EqualityFunction = FindField<UFunction>(EqualityFunctionClass, EqualityFunctionName);

		FName BoolNotEqualFunctionName = "";
		UClass* BoolNotEqualFunctionClass = NULL;
		GateNode->GetBoolNotEqualFunction(BoolNotEqualFunctionName, &BoolNotEqualFunctionClass);
		UFunction* BoolNotEqualFunction = FindField<UFunction>(BoolNotEqualFunctionClass, BoolNotEqualFunctionName);

		FName PrintStringFunctionName = "";
		UClass* PrintStringFunctionClass = NULL;
		GateNode->GetPrintStringFunction(PrintStringFunctionName, &PrintStringFunctionClass);
		UFunction* PrintFunction = FindField<UFunction>(PrintStringFunctionClass, PrintStringFunctionName);

		FName ClearBitsFunctionName = "";
		UClass* ClearBitsFunctionClass = NULL;
		GateNode->GetClearAllBitsFunction(ClearBitsFunctionName, &ClearBitsFunctionClass);
		UFunction* ClearBitsFunction = FindField<UFunction>(ClearBitsFunctionClass, ClearBitsFunctionName);

		// Find the data terms if there is already a data node from expansion phase
		FBPTerminal* DataTerm = NULL;
		if (GateNode->DataNode)
			UEdGraphPin* PinToTry = FEdGraphUtilities::GetNetFromPin(GateNode->DataNode->GetVariablePin());
			FBPTerminal** DataTermPtr = Context.NetMap.Find(PinToTry);
			DataTerm = (DataTermPtr != NULL) ? *DataTermPtr : NULL;
		// Else we built it in the net registration, so find it
			DataTerm = DataTermMap.FindRef(GateNode);

		// Used for getting all the nets from pins
		UEdGraphPin* PinToTry = NULL;

		// The StartIndex passed into the multi gate node
		PinToTry = FEdGraphUtilities::GetNetFromPin(GateNode->GetStartIndexPin());
		FBPTerminal** StartIndexPinTerm = Context.NetMap.Find(PinToTry);

		// Get the bRandom pin as a kismet term from the multi gate node
		PinToTry = FEdGraphUtilities::GetNetFromPin(GateNode->GetIsRandomPin());
		FBPTerminal** RandomTerm = Context.NetMap.Find(PinToTry);

		// Get the Loop pin as a kismet term from the multi gate node
		PinToTry = FEdGraphUtilities::GetNetFromPin(GateNode->GetLoopPin());
		FBPTerminal** LoopTerm = Context.NetMap.Find(PinToTry);

		// Find the local boolean for use in determining if this is the first run of the node or not
		FBPTerminal* FirstRunBoolTerm = FirstRunTermMap.FindRef(GateNode);

		// Create a literal pin that represents a -1 value
		FBPTerminal* InvalidIndexTerm = Context.CreateLocalTerminal(ETerminalSpecification::TS_Literal);
		InvalidIndexTerm->bIsLiteral = true;
		InvalidIndexTerm->Type.PinCategory = CompilerContext.GetSchema()->PC_Int;
		InvalidIndexTerm->Name = TEXT("-1");

		// Create a literal pin that represents a true value
		FBPTerminal* TrueBoolTerm = Context.CreateLocalTerminal(ETerminalSpecification::TS_Literal);
		TrueBoolTerm->Type.PinCategory = CompilerContext.GetSchema()->PC_Boolean;
		TrueBoolTerm->bIsLiteral = true;
		TrueBoolTerm->Name = TEXT("true");

		// Get the out pins and create a literal describing how many logical outs there are
		TArray<UEdGraphPin*> OutPins;
		FBPTerminal* NumOutsTerm = Context.CreateLocalTerminal(ETerminalSpecification::TS_Literal);
		NumOutsTerm->Type.PinCategory = CompilerContext.GetSchema()->PC_Int;
		NumOutsTerm->bIsLiteral = true;
		NumOutsTerm->Name = FString::Printf(TEXT("%d"), OutPins.Num());

		// See if this is the first time in

		FFunctionScopedTerms& FuncLocals = FunctionTermMap.FindChecked(Context.Function);
		check(FuncLocals.GenericBoolTerm != nullptr);

		// (bIsNotFirstTime != true)
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& BoolNotEqualStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		BoolNotEqualStatement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
		BoolNotEqualStatement.FunctionToCall = BoolNotEqualFunction;
		BoolNotEqualStatement.FunctionContext = NULL;
		BoolNotEqualStatement.bIsParentContext = false;
		// Set the params
		BoolNotEqualStatement.LHS = FuncLocals.GenericBoolTerm;

		// if (bIsNotFirstTime == false)
		// {
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& IfFirstTimeStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		IfFirstTimeStatement.Type = KCST_GotoIfNot;
		IfFirstTimeStatement.LHS = FuncLocals.GenericBoolTerm;

		// This is the first time in... set the bool and the start index

		// bIsNotFirstTime = true;
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& AssignBoolStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		AssignBoolStatement.Type = KCST_Assignment;
		AssignBoolStatement.LHS = FirstRunBoolTerm;

		// See if the StartIndex is greater than -1 (they supplied an index)

		// (StartIndex > -1)
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& Statement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		Statement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
		Statement.FunctionToCall = ConditionFunction;
		Statement.FunctionContext = NULL;
		Statement.bIsParentContext = false;
		Statement.LHS = FuncLocals.GenericBoolTerm;

		// if (StartIndex > -1)
		// {
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& IfHasIndexStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		IfHasIndexStatement.Type = KCST_GotoIfNot;
		IfHasIndexStatement.LHS = FuncLocals.GenericBoolTerm;

		// They supplied a start index so set the index to it

		// Index = StartIndex; // (StartIndex is from multi gate pin for it)
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& AssignSuppliedIndexStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		AssignSuppliedIndexStatement.Type = KCST_Assignment;
		AssignSuppliedIndexStatement.LHS = FuncLocals.IndexTerm;

		// Jump to index usage
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& ElseGotoIndexUsageStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		ElseGotoIndexUsageStatement.Type = KCST_UnconditionalGoto;
		// }
		// else
		// {

		// They did NOT supply a start index so figure one out

		check(FuncLocals.IndexTerm != nullptr);

		// Index = GetUnmarkedBit(Data, -1, bRandom);
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& GetStartIndexStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		GetStartIndexStatement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
		GetStartIndexStatement.FunctionToCall = GetUnmarkedBitFunction;
		GetStartIndexStatement.bIsParentContext = false;
		GetStartIndexStatement.LHS = FuncLocals.IndexTerm;
		// Hook the IfHasIndexStatement jump to this node
		GetStartIndexStatement.bIsJumpTarget = true;
		IfHasIndexStatement.TargetLabel = &GetStartIndexStatement;

		// Jump to index usage
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& StartIndexGotoIndexUsageStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		StartIndexGotoIndexUsageStatement.Type = KCST_UnconditionalGoto;
		// }
		// }
		// else
		// {
		// Else this is NOT the first time in, see if there is an available index

		// (HasUnmarkedBit())
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& IsAvailableStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		IsAvailableStatement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
		IsAvailableStatement.FunctionToCall = HasUnmarkedBitFunction;
		IsAvailableStatement.FunctionContext = NULL;
		IsAvailableStatement.bIsParentContext = false;
		IsAvailableStatement.LHS = FuncLocals.GenericBoolTerm;
		// Hook the IfFirstTimeStatement jump to this node
		IsAvailableStatement.bIsJumpTarget = true;
		IfFirstTimeStatement.TargetLabel = &IsAvailableStatement;

		// if (HasUnmarkedBit())
		// {
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& IfIsAvailableStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		IfIsAvailableStatement.Type = KCST_GotoIfNot;
		IfIsAvailableStatement.LHS = FuncLocals.GenericBoolTerm;

		// Has available index so figure it out and jump to its' usage

		// Index = GetUnmarkedBit(Data, -1, bRandom)
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& GetNextIndexStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		GetNextIndexStatement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
		GetNextIndexStatement.FunctionToCall = GetUnmarkedBitFunction;
		GetNextIndexStatement.bIsParentContext = false;
		GetNextIndexStatement.LHS = FuncLocals.IndexTerm;

		// Goto Index usage
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& GotoIndexUsageStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		GotoIndexUsageStatement.Type = KCST_UnconditionalGoto;
		// }
		// else
		// {
		// No available index, see if we can loop

		// if (bLoop)
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& IfLoopingStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		IfLoopingStatement.Type = KCST_GotoIfNot;
		IfLoopingStatement.LHS = *LoopTerm;
		IfLoopingStatement.bIsJumpTarget = true;
		IfIsAvailableStatement.TargetLabel = &IfLoopingStatement;
		// {
		// Reset the data and jump back up to "if (HasUnmarkedBit())"

		// Clear the data
		// Data = 0;
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& ClearDataStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		ClearDataStatement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
		ClearDataStatement.FunctionToCall = ClearBitsFunction;
		ClearDataStatement.bIsParentContext = false;

		// Goto back up to attempt an index again
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& RetryStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		RetryStatement.Type = KCST_UnconditionalGoto;
		IsAvailableStatement.bIsJumpTarget = true;
		RetryStatement.TargetLabel = &IsAvailableStatement;
		// }
		// else
		// {
		// Dead... Jump to end of thread
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& NoLoopStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		NoLoopStatement.Type = KCST_EndOfThread;
		NoLoopStatement.bIsJumpTarget = true;
		IfLoopingStatement.TargetLabel = &NoLoopStatement;
		// }
		// }
		// }

		// We have a valid index so mark it

		// MarkBit(Data, Index);
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& MarkIndexStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		MarkIndexStatement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
		MarkIndexStatement.FunctionToCall = MarkBitFunction;
		MarkIndexStatement.bIsParentContext = false;
		MarkIndexStatement.LHS = FuncLocals.IndexTerm;

		// Setup jump label
		MarkIndexStatement.bIsJumpTarget = true;
		GotoIndexUsageStatement.TargetLabel = &MarkIndexStatement;
		ElseGotoIndexUsageStatement.TargetLabel = &MarkIndexStatement;
		StartIndexGotoIndexUsageStatement.TargetLabel = &MarkIndexStatement;

		// We have a valid index so mark it, then find the correct exec out pin

		// Call the correct exec pin out of the multi gate node
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement* PrevIndexEqualityStatement = NULL;
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement* PrevIfIndexMatchesStatement = NULL;
		for (int32 OutIdx = 0; OutIdx < OutPins.Num(); OutIdx++)
			// (Index == OutIdx)
			FBlueprintCompiledStatement& IndexEqualityStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
			IndexEqualityStatement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
			IndexEqualityStatement.FunctionToCall = EqualityFunction;
			IndexEqualityStatement.FunctionContext = NULL;
			IndexEqualityStatement.bIsParentContext = false;
			// LiteralIndexTerm will be the right side of the == statemnt
			FBPTerminal* LiteralIndexTerm = Context.CreateLocalTerminal(ETerminalSpecification::TS_Literal);
			LiteralIndexTerm->bIsLiteral = true;
			LiteralIndexTerm->Type.PinCategory = CompilerContext.GetSchema()->PC_Int;
			LiteralIndexTerm->Name = FString::Printf(TEXT("%d"), OutIdx);
			// Set the params
			IndexEqualityStatement.LHS = FuncLocals.GenericBoolTerm;

			// if (Index == OutIdx)
			FBlueprintCompiledStatement& IfIndexMatchesStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
			IfIndexMatchesStatement.Type = KCST_GotoIfNot;
			IfIndexMatchesStatement.LHS = FuncLocals.GenericBoolTerm;
			// {
			// Found a match - Jump there

			GenerateSimpleThenGoto(Context, *GateNode, OutPins[OutIdx]);
			// }
			// else
			// {
			// Not a match so loop will attempt the next index

			if (PrevIndexEqualityStatement && PrevIfIndexMatchesStatement)
				// Attempt next index
				IndexEqualityStatement.bIsJumpTarget = true;
				PrevIfIndexMatchesStatement->TargetLabel = &IndexEqualityStatement;
			// }

			PrevIndexEqualityStatement = &IndexEqualityStatement;
			PrevIfIndexMatchesStatement = &IfIndexMatchesStatement;


		// Should have jumped to proper index, print error (should never happen)
		// Create a CallFunction statement for doing a print string of our error message
		FBlueprintCompiledStatement& PrintStatement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(Node);
		PrintStatement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
		PrintStatement.bIsJumpTarget = true;
		PrintStatement.FunctionToCall = PrintFunction;
		PrintStatement.FunctionContext = NULL;
		PrintStatement.bIsParentContext = false;
		// Create a local int for use in the equality call function below (LiteralTerm = the right hand side of the EqualEqual_IntInt or NotEqual_BoolBool statement)
		FBPTerminal* LiteralStringTerm = Context.CreateLocalTerminal(ETerminalSpecification::TS_Literal);
		LiteralStringTerm->bIsLiteral = true;
		LiteralStringTerm->Type.PinCategory = CompilerContext.GetSchema()->PC_String;
		LiteralStringTerm->Name = FString::Printf(*LOCTEXT("MultiGateNode IndexWarning", "MultiGate Node failed! Out of bounds indexing of the out pins. There are only %d outs available.").ToString(), OutPins.Num());
		// Hook the IfNot statement's jump target to this statement
		PrevIfIndexMatchesStatement->TargetLabel = &PrintStatement;
	virtual void Compile(FKismetFunctionContext& Context, UEdGraphNode* Node) override
		UK2Node_Switch* SwitchNode = CastChecked<UK2Node_Switch>(Node);

		FEdGraphPinType ExpectedExecPinType;
		ExpectedExecPinType.PinCategory = UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Exec;

		// Make sure that the input pin is connected and valid for this block
		UEdGraphPin* ExecTriggeringPin = Context.FindRequiredPinByName(SwitchNode, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PN_Execute, EGPD_Input);
		if ((ExecTriggeringPin == NULL) || !Context.ValidatePinType(ExecTriggeringPin, ExpectedExecPinType))
			CompilerContext.MessageLog.Error(*FString::Printf(*LOCTEXT("NoValidExecutionPinForSwitch_Error", "@@ must have a valid execution pin @@").ToString()), SwitchNode, ExecTriggeringPin);

		// Make sure that the selection pin is connected and valid for this block
		UEdGraphPin* SelectionPin = SwitchNode->GetSelectionPin();
		if ((SelectionPin == NULL) || !Context.ValidatePinType(SelectionPin, SwitchNode->GetPinType()))
			CompilerContext.MessageLog.Error(*FString::Printf(*LOCTEXT("NoValidSelectionPinForSwitch_Error", "@@ must have a valid execution pin @@").ToString()), SwitchNode, SelectionPin);

		// Find the boolean intermediate result term, so we can track whether the compare was successful
		FBPTerminal* BoolTerm = BoolTermMap.FindRef(SwitchNode);

		// Generate the output impulse from this node
		UEdGraphPin* SwitchSelectionNet = FEdGraphUtilities::GetNetFromPin(SelectionPin);
		FBPTerminal* SwitchSelectionTerm = Context.NetMap.FindRef(SwitchSelectionNet);

		if ((BoolTerm != NULL) && (SwitchSelectionTerm != NULL))
			UEdGraphNode* TargetNode = NULL;
			UEdGraphPin* FuncPin = SwitchNode->GetFunctionPin();
			FBPTerminal* FuncContext = Context.NetMap.FindRef(FuncPin);
			UEdGraphPin* DefaultPin = SwitchNode->GetDefaultPin();

			// Pull out function to use
			UClass* FuncClass = Cast<UClass>(FuncPin->PinType.PinSubCategoryObject.Get());
			UFunction* FunctionPtr = FindField<UFunction>(FuncClass, *FuncPin->PinName);

			// Run thru all the output pins except for the default label
			for (auto PinIt = SwitchNode->Pins.CreateIterator(); PinIt; ++PinIt)
				UEdGraphPin* Pin = *PinIt;

				if ((Pin->Direction == EGPD_Output) && (Pin != DefaultPin))
					// Create a term for the switch case value
					FBPTerminal* CaseValueTerm = new (Context.Literals) FBPTerminal();
					CaseValueTerm->Name = Pin->PinName;
					CaseValueTerm->Type = SelectionPin->PinType;
					CaseValueTerm->SourcePin = Pin;
					CaseValueTerm->bIsLiteral = true;

					// Call the comparison function associated with this switch node
					FBlueprintCompiledStatement& Statement = Context.AppendStatementForNode(SwitchNode);
					Statement.Type = KCST_CallFunction;
					Statement.FunctionToCall = FunctionPtr;
					Statement.FunctionContext = FuncContext;
					Statement.bIsParentContext = false;

					Statement.LHS = BoolTerm;

					// Jump to output if strings are actually equal
					FBlueprintCompiledStatement& IfFailTest_SucceedAtBeingEqualGoto = Context.AppendStatementForNode(SwitchNode);
					IfFailTest_SucceedAtBeingEqualGoto.Type = KCST_GotoIfNot;
					IfFailTest_SucceedAtBeingEqualGoto.LHS = BoolTerm;

					Context.GotoFixupRequestMap.Add(&IfFailTest_SucceedAtBeingEqualGoto, Pin);

			// Finally output default pin
			GenerateSimpleThenGoto(Context, *SwitchNode, DefaultPin);
			CompilerContext.MessageLog.Error(*LOCTEXT("ResolveTermPassed_Error", "Failed to resolve term passed into @@").ToString(), SelectionPin);