// Function name    : util_RemoveLastPathElement
// Description      :
//      effectively pops off a path element from the end, except for the root dir, where it does nothing
//      it removes any slashes before and after the element
//      ///root//foo/    -> leaves "///root" ("foo"  is strElem)
//      ///root          -> leaves ""        ("root" is strElem)
//      //               -> leaves ""        (""     is strElem)
// Return type      : void
// Argument         :  TSTRING& strPath
// Argument         : TSTRING& strElem
void util_RemoveLastPathElement(TSTRING& strPath, TSTRING& strElem)

    // remove all trailing separators

    // find the last separator
    TSTRING::size_type lastSep = strPath.rfind(TW_SLASH);

    // if separator was found, take all chars after it
    if (lastSep != TSTRING::npos)
        strElem = strPath.substr(lastSep + 1);
        strPath.resize(lastSep + 1);
    else // no seps in name, take whole string
        // last element
        strElem = strPath;

    // remove all trailing separators
// Function name    : util_RemoveDuplicateSeps
// Description      :
// takes all adjacent slashes and replaces them with a single slash
//      ///root//foo -> /root/foo
//      rel//foo///  -> rel/foo/
// Return type      : void
// Argument         : TSTRING& strPath
void util_RemoveDuplicateSeps(TSTRING& strPath)
    bool              fLastCharWasSep = false;
    TSTRING::iterator iter            = strPath.begin();
    while (iter != strPath.end())
        bool fErasedChar = false;
        // if we've found a char that's not '/', then it's not the root
        if (*iter == TW_SLASH)
            // if this char is a duplicate sep, erase it
            if (fLastCharWasSep)
                iter        = strPath.erase(iter);
                fErasedChar = true;

            fLastCharWasSep = true;
            fLastCharWasSep = false;

        // don't go past end of string (could happen with erase)
        if (!fErasedChar)
// Function name    : util_PathFind
// Description      :
//      takes single-element executible filename and looks in path env var for it
//      assumes path is colon-delimited string of directories.
// Return type      : bool
// Argument         :  TSTRING& strFullPath
// Argument         : const TSTRING& strFilename
bool util_PathFind(TSTRING& strFullPath, const TSTRING& strFilename)
    bool fFoundFile = false;

    if (strFilename.empty())
        return false;

    // get the path environment variable
    TCHAR* pszPathVar = getenv("PATH");
    if (pszPathVar != NULL)
        // cycle over characters in path looking for the ':'
        TSTRING strCurPath;
        TCHAR*  pchTemp    = pszPathVar;
        bool    fMorePaths = true;
        do // while still more paths and haven't found file
            // are we at the ':'?
            if (*pchTemp && *pchTemp != _T(':')) // if we're not at the end of the path
                strCurPath += *pchTemp;
            else // we have found the ':'
                // expand current path into a fully qualified path
                // if it's empty, use current directory
                TSTRING strFP;
                if (strCurPath.empty())
                    strCurPath = _T(".");
                if (iFSServices::GetInstance()->FullPath(strFP, strCurPath))
                    strCurPath = strFP;

                // put the file together with the path dir
                TSTRING strFullName = strCurPath;
                util_TrailingSep(strFullName, true);
                strFullName += strFilename;

                // the file must exist and be executable
                if (util_FileIsExecutable(strFullName))
                    strFullPath = strFullName;
                    fFoundFile  = true;
                    strCurPath.erase(); // start over

            // keep searching if we're not at the end of the path string

            if (*pchTemp)
                fMorePaths = false;
        } while (!fFoundFile && fMorePaths);

    return (fFoundFile);