Example #1
/* loop */
int IOLoop::Loopfd(){

    /* loop ,until block */
    while(1) {
        ESLog::ISLog("LOOP FD CYCLE START\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

        int result = 0;
        int nfds = 0;
        /* wait the events */
        nfds = epoll_wait( this->epfd, this->events, this->maxEvents,-1 );
        ESLog::ISLog("Loofd event come, there is %d number total events\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, nfds );

        /* tackle the events happend */
        for( int i = 0; i < nfds; i++ ) {
            ESLog::ISLog("event data(fd) %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, this->events[i].data.fd );
            ESLog::ISLog("event events %d\n",  __FILE__, __LINE__,this->events[i].events );

            /* if the listen fd event happend, than is to say a new tcp connection establish */
            if( this->events[i].data.fd == Server::Instance()->GetSite().GetSiteLisnFd() ) {
                ESLog::ISLog("AN NEW SESSION START\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

                /* accept a new tcp connection */
                TcpConnection *clientConn = Server::Instance()->GetSite().AcceptTcpConn();
                if( clientConn == NULL ) {

                /* set the connection is nonblocking */
                result = clientConn->SetNonBlock();
                if( result < 0 ) {

                /* get an idle webStream */
                WebStream *idleStream = ((Server::Instance())->GetStreamManager()).GetIdleWebStream();

                ESLog::ISLog("now idleStream size:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,Server::Instance()->GetStreamManager().GetIdleStreamSize());

                /* set the tcpConnection of the idleStream */

                /* add the idleWebStream into the readWebStram
                   and it will become an readable webStream */
                //Server::Instance()->GetStreamManager().AddReadWebStream( idleStream );

                /* listen clientconnection fd for read event in epoll */
                result = this->RegReadEventFd(clientConn->GetTcpConnectionFd(), (void *)idleStream );
                if( result < 0 ) {


                /* add into the readStream */
                Server::Instance()->GetStreamManager().AddReadWebStream( idleStream ); 

                ESLog::ISLog("remote bounded idlestream tcpconn fd: %d \n", __FILE__, __LINE__, idleStream->GetTcpConnFd());
                ESLog::ISLog("remote ip:%s, port:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, idleStream->GetTcpConn()->GetIP().c_str(), idleStream->GetTcpConn()->GetPort());

                ESLog::ISLog("AN NEW SESSION END\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

            /* if the events happend, fd can be read */
            else if( this->events[i].events & EPOLLIN ) {

                ESLog::ISLog("AN READ EVENT START\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);

                int result = 0;

                 /* get the parameter from the kernel , that we pass in the former step */
                WebStream *readStream = (WebStream * )events[i].data.ptr;


                ESLog::ISLog("read event from fd: %d \n",__FILE__, __LINE__, readStream->GetTcpConnFd());
                ESLog::ISLog("read stream bound ip:%s, port:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, readStream->GetTcpConn()->GetIP().c_str(), readStream->GetTcpConn()->GetPort());

                /* we tackle the read event, read the data from the kernel into webStream buffer */
                result = readStream->StreamRead();
                if( result == -1 ) {
                    ESLog::ISLog("there is no data to read\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ESLog::ISLog("AN READ EVENT END, THIS TIME HAS NO DATA TO READ\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);
                    continue; // we have to tackle , there is data in the remote, there is no data in the kernel
                              // or in the user space, we have no space to read.
                else if( result == 0 || result == -2) {// read compelete, the client close the tcpConnection, after write, the server close too.

                    ESLog::ISLog("read complete, will close the session\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

                    ESLog::ISLog("tcpConnection:%d fd, set fin_wait_2 status !\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, readStream->GetTcpConnFd());

                    /* change the state of the tcpConnection of webStream */

                    ESLog::ISLog("http ptr:%u\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, readStream->GetHttpPtr());
                    ESLog::ISLog("TcpConnection status:%s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, readStream->GetTcpConn()->GetStatusDesc());
                    ESLog::ISLog("readStream this time read count:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, readStream->GetSoReadCnt());

                    if( readStream->GetHttpPtr() != NULL ) {
                        ESLog::ISLog("http status:%s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, readStream->GetHttpPtr()->GetStatusDesc());

                    //ESLog::ISLog("http Status:%s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, readStream->GetHttpPtr()->GetStatusDesc());
                    //if( readStream->GetHttpPtr() != NULL && readStream->GetHttpPtr()->GetStatus() == HTTP_RESSEND_OVER ) {
                    if( /*(readStream->GetHttpPtr() == NULL && readStream->GetSoReadCnt() == 0 ) || */
                                (readStream->GetHttpPtr() != NULL && readStream->GetHttpPtr()->GetStatus() == HTTP_RESSEND_OVER) ) {

                        /* delete from the read pool */

                        ESLog::ISLog("http have send over, free resouce start\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);


                        /* free the tcpConnection in the writeStream */

                        /* free http */

                        /* roll reinit*/


                        /* add into the idle pool */

                        ESLog::ISLog("http have send over, free resouce end\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

                    ESLog::ISLog("AN READ EVENT END, THR REMOTE CLOSED\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);



                ESLog::ISLog("AN READ EVENT END\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);


            /* if the events happend, fd can be write */
            else if( this->events[i].events & EPOLLOUT ) {

                ESLog::ISLog("AN WRITE EVENT START\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

                int result = 0;

                /* get the parameter from the kernel, we pass from the former step */
                WebStream *writeStream = (WebStream *)events[i].data.ptr;

                ESLog::ISLog("write event from fd: %d \n", __FILE__, __LINE__, writeStream->GetTcpConnFd());
                ESLog::ISLog("write stream bound ip:%s, port:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, writeStream->GetTcpConn()->GetIP().c_str(), writeStream->GetTcpConn()->GetPort());
                /* write until return */
                result = writeStream->StreamWrite();
                ESLog::ISLog("write result:%d\n", __FILE__,__LINE__, result);
                if( result == -1 ) {
                    ESLog::ISLog("There is still some data to write\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    continue;  // we still have data to write
                else if( result == 0 || result == -2 ) {
                    /* write complete, we would read in the future, but according to http, the server must close the connection
                    that represent the http is over this time */
                    // the partner on the remote doesn't close, just to still read in the server side.
                    // change the webStream status write->read
                    ESLog::ISLog("now the data hava write complete this time\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);
                    ESLog::ISLog("tcp status:%s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, writeStream->GetTcpConn()->GetStatusDesc());
                    /* close */
                    if( (writeStream->GetTcpConn()->GetStatus() == TCP_STATUS_FINWAIT2) || result == -2 ) {  //just close write over

                        ESLog::ISLog("remote have close tcpconnenction, we write over and close too ,start\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

                        /* delete from the read pool */


                        /* delete */

                        /* free the tcpConnection in the writeStream */

                        /* free http */

                        /* roll reinit*/


                        /* add into the idle pool */


                        ESLog::ISLog("remote have close tcpconnenction, we write over and close too ,end\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                        ESLog::ISLog("Modify write event fd :%d to read event\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, writeStream->GetTcpConnFd());

                        this->ModToReadEventFd( writeStream->GetTcpConnFd(), (void *)writeStream );

                ESLog::ISLog("AN WRITE EVENT END\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

            /* */
            else if( this->events[i].events & EPOLLERR ) {

                ESLog::ISLog("EPOLL Error hapends start \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
                int result = 0;
                /* get the parameter from the kernel, we pass from the former step */
                WebStream *errStream = (WebStream *)events[i].data.ptr;

                ESLog::ISLog("error event from fd: %d \n", __FILE__, __LINE__, errStream->GetTcpConnFd());
                ESLog::ISLog("error stream bound ip:%s, port:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, errStream->GetTcpConn()->GetIP().c_str(), errStream->GetTcpConn()->GetPort());

                /* delete fd */
                result = this->DelEventFd(i, errStream->GetTcpConnFd());
                if( result < 0 ) {
                    ESLog::ISLog("delete fd from epoll error!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

                /* free resource */
                /* delete from the read pool */

                /* free the tcpConnection in the writeStream */

                /* roll reinit*/


                /* add into the idle pool */

                ESLog::ISLog("EPOLL Error hapends end \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);


        /* add the parser http head in the taskStream */

        /* add taskStream to the writeStream */


        /* triger the event condition, one loop, if the  readStream or taskStream > 0 */
        if( Server::Instance()->GetStreamManager().IsExistReadStatusStream() && Server::Instance()->GetWorkManager().GetHasWorkToDo() == false
            /*|| Server::Instance()->GetStreamManager().GetTaskWebStreamSize() > 0*/ ) {

            ESLog::ISLog("TRIGER WORKMANAGER START\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

            //ESLog::ISLog("the read Stream size %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__, Server::Instance()->GetStreamManager().GetReadWebStreamSize());

            /* set the WorkManager has work to do flag */

            /* triger the sigal */

            ESLog::ISLog("TRIGER WORKMANAGER END\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);

        ESLog::ISLog("LOOP FD CYCLE END\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);


    return 0;