Example #1
int Server::start()
	epoll_event * e = new epoll_event[1000];
	if (e == NULL) return -1;

	for (;;)
		int nfd, l_ret;
		nfd = epoll_wait(m_epfd, e, 1000, -1);
        //printf("nfd: %i %d\n", nfd, m_ready);

		for (int i = 0; i < nfd ; i++)
			if (e[i].data.fd == m_ServerConn.getSocketFd()) // new connection
				if (m_servers_connected < m_servers_total || m_servers_total == -1)
					TcpConnection * temp = m_ServerConn.accept();
					if (temp != NULL)
						int fd = temp->getSocketFd();
						m_Clients[fd] = temp;
						this->setnonblock(fd); // @ todo check for errors
						if( this->addHandler(fd, EPOLLIN|EPOLLET|EPOLLRDHUP, temp) != 0 )
							printf("SERVER ERROR:\t Failed connecting to client.\n");
							// @ todo -- attempt recovery
							return -1;
							printf("SERVER STATUS:\t A client connected.\n");
							m_servers_connected += 1;
							if ((l_ret = this->handleNewConnection(fd)) < 0) return l_ret;
							if (m_servers_total != -1 && m_servers_connected == m_servers_total) 
								m_ready = true;
								if ((l_ret = this->allConnectionReadyHandler()) < 0) return l_ret;
				} else {
				if (e[i].events & EPOLLRDHUP || e[i].events & EPOLLHUP || e[i].events & EPOLLERR)
				    printf("SERVER WARNING:\t Client Hangup/Error\n");
					handle_epoll(m_epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL,e[i].data.fd, NULL); // @todo add error checking
                else if (e[i].events & EPOLLIN)
					if (m_ready)
						int ret = handler(e[i].data.fd);
						if (ret < 0)
							if (handle_epoll(m_epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL,e[i].data.fd, NULL) != 0)
								return -1;
					} else {
						printf("SERVER ERROR:\t Not handleing because not all clients connected\n");
			if( modifyHandler(e[i].data.fd, EPOLLET|EPOLLIN|EPOLLHUP ) == -1)
				DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Could not add handler to TCP Connection\n");
				return -1;
    delete [] e;
	return 0;
Example #2
int Network::Server::initConnection(const char* host, const char* port)
	if (strlen(host) > INET6_ADDRSTRLEN || strlen(port) > MAX_PORT_LENGTH )
		DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Invalid port or host length to init\n");
		return -2;
	if (host == NULL || port == NULL)
		DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Invalid arguments to init\n");
	LOGPRINT("SERVER STATUS:\t Connection to host:%s:%s\n", host, port);
	addrinfo l_hints, *l_result, *l_p;
	int l_resvalue = -1;
	memset(&l_hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo) );
	l_hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
	l_hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
	if ((l_resvalue = getaddrinfo(host, port, &l_hints, &l_result)) == -1)
		DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Could not get addrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(l_resvalue));
		return -1;
	TcpConnection * conn = new TcpConnection();
	if (conn == NULL)
		DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Could not create new TCP Connection\n");
		return -1;

	for (l_p = l_result; l_p != NULL; l_p = l_p->ai_next)
		if ((l_resvalue =conn->socket(l_p)) != 0)
			if (l_resvalue == -1) 
				DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Could not connect socket trying next\n");
			} else if (l_resvalue == -2)
				DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Argument error to socket\n");
			} else 
				DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Invalid Return\n");
		if ((l_resvalue = conn->connect(l_p)) != 0)
			if (l_resvalue == -1)
				DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Could not connect to server/port\n");
			} else if (l_resvalue == -2)
				DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Argument error to connect\n");
			} else {
				DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Invalid return\n");
	if (l_p == NULL)
		DEBUGPRINT("SERVER FAILURE:\t Failed to connect to %s:%s\n", host, port);
		return -1;
	int fileDesc = conn->getSocketFd();
	int enable = 1;
	if (setsockopt(fileDesc, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &enable, sizeof(int)) == -1)
		return -1;	
	if ( setnonblock(fileDesc) == -1)
		DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Could not set socket to non-blocking\n");
	if( addHandler(fileDesc, EPOLLET|EPOLLIN|EPOLLHUP, conn ) == -1)
		DEBUGPRINT("SERVER ERROR:\t Could not add handler to tcpConnection\n");
		return -1;
	return fileDesc;
