Text_Manager Render

brief: renders the string stored in the text box using the parameters of the text box
Author: Jamie Gault
void Text_Manager::Render( TextBox &textbox )
	r = 1.0f;
	if( m_initialized )
		float x0 = textbox.GetPosX() + textbox.GetBGOffset(0,0);
		float x1 = textbox.GetPosX() + textbox.GetBoxWidth()+ textbox.GetBGOffset(1,0);
		float y0 = textbox.GetPosY() + textbox.GetBGOffset(0,1);
		float y1 = textbox.GetPosY() + textbox.GetBoxHeight()+ textbox.GetBGOffset(1,1);

		//if there is a background
		if( textbox.GetBackGround() )
			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textbox.GetBackGround());
				glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);



				glVertex2f(x1,y0 );

		// Bind text texture
		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textureID);

		glColor4f(textbox.GetColourComp(0), textbox.GetColourComp(1), textbox.GetColourComp(2), textbox.GetColourComp(3));

		//break the words up into a vector of strings
		std::istringstream stream(textbox.GetString());
		std::vector<std::string> word_vec ( (std::istream_iterator<std::string>(stream)), std::istream_iterator<std::string>());

		std::vector<std::string>::iterator word_it = word_vec.begin();


		//while not at the end of the string
		float heightiter = 0.0f;
		float widthiter = 0.0f;
		while( heightiter <  textbox.GetBoxHeight() && word_it != word_vec.end())
			float wordlength = 0.0f;
			float prevletlen;
			widthiter = GetLetterSpace(*(*word_it).begin()) - firstletteroffset;

			//iterate through each letter, spacing based on letter width
			for(std::string::iterator let_it = (*word_it).begin();
							let_it != (*word_it).end() ; ++let_it )
				prevletlen = GetLetterSpace(*let_it); //space between previous letter
				wordlength += DATA("LETTER_WID_SCALE")*textbox.GetLetterWidth()*(1.0f - (prevletlen+GetLetterSpace(*let_it)));
			wordlength += DATA("LETTER_WID_SCALE")*textbox.GetLetterWidth()*(1.0f);

			//while each word has not been processed
			while( word_it != word_vec.end() &&
				 widthiter + wordlength < textbox.GetBoxWidth())
				widthiter += GetLetterSpace(*(*word_it).begin()) - firstletteroffset;
				//iterate through each letter, spacing based on letter width
				for(std::string::iterator let_it = (*word_it).begin();
								let_it != (*word_it).end() ; ++let_it)
					prevletlen = GetLetterSpace(*let_it); //space between previous letter
					RenderLetter( textbox.GetPosX() + widthiter,
								textbox.GetPosY() + heightiter,
								textbox.GetLetterWidth(), textbox.GetLetterHeight(), *let_it);
					widthiter += DATA("LETTER_WID_SCALE")*textbox.GetLetterWidth()*(1.0f - (prevletlen+GetLetterSpace(*let_it)));
				//widthiter += DATA("LETTER_WID_SCALE")*textbox.GetLetterWidth()*(1.0f);
				widthiter += textbox.GetGap(); // add for a space

				wordlength = 0.0f;


				if( word_it != word_vec.end() )
					wordlength += GetLetterSpace(*(*word_it).begin()) - firstletteroffset;

					//calculate the length of the next word
					for(std::string::iterator let_it = (*word_it).begin();
									let_it != (*word_it).end() ;  ++let_it)
						prevletlen = GetLetterSpace(*let_it); //space between previous letter
						wordlength += DATA("LETTER_WID_SCALE")*textbox.GetLetterWidth()*
										( 1.0f - (prevletlen + GetLetterSpace(*let_it)));
					//wordlength +=DATA("LETTER_WID_SCALE")*textbox.GetLetterWidth()*(1.0f);

			//go to the next row
			heightiter += DATA("LETTER_HT_SCALE") * textbox.GetLetterHeight();

		//ViewPerspective();						// Switch To A Perspective View
		glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);			// Bind To The Blur Texture

		if (textbox.hasCursor()) {
			if (widthiter < 1) {
				widthiter = 4;
				glColor4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, textbox.GetCursorAlpha());
				GLuint x = textbox.GetPosX() + widthiter;
				GLuint y = textbox.GetPosY();
				glVertex2f(x + 2, y);
				glVertex2f(x, y);
				glVertex2f(x + 2, y + textbox.GetLetterHeight());
				glVertex2f(x, y + textbox.GetLetterHeight());

		glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);