Example #1
void ToolBarResizer::OnMotion( wxMouseEvent & event )
   // Go ahead and set the event to propagate

   // Retrieve the mouse position
   wxPoint raw_pos = event.GetPosition();
   wxPoint pos = ClientToScreen( raw_pos );

   if( event.Dragging() )
      wxRect r = mBar->GetRect();
      wxSize msz = mBar->GetMinSize();
      wxSize psz = mBar->GetParent()->GetClientSize();

      // Adjust the size by the difference between the
      // last mouse and current mouse positions.
      r.width += ( pos.x - mResizeStart.x );

      // Constrain
      if( r.width < msz.x )
         // Don't allow resizing to go too small
         r.width = msz.x;
      else if( r.GetRight() > psz.x - 3 )
         // Don't allow resizing to go too large
         // The 3 magic pixels are because I'm too chicken to change the
         // calculations in ToolDock::LayoutToolBars() even though I'm
         // the one that set them up.  :-)
         r.SetRight( psz.x - 3 );
         // Remember for next go round
         mResizeStart = pos;

      // Resize the bar
      mBar->SetSize( r.GetSize() );

      // Tell everyone we've changed sizes

      // Refresh our world