ScaledFontWin::GetFontFileData(FontFileDataOutput aDataCallback, void *aBaton)
  AutoDC dc;
  AutoSelectFont font(dc.GetDC(), &mLogFont);

  // Check for a font collection first.
  uint32_t table = 0x66637474; // 'ttcf'
  uint32_t tableSize = ::GetFontData(dc.GetDC(), table, 0, nullptr, 0);
  if (tableSize == GDI_ERROR) {
    // Try as if just a single font.
    table = 0;
    tableSize = ::GetFontData(dc.GetDC(), table, 0, nullptr, 0);
    if (tableSize == GDI_ERROR) {
      return false;

  UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> fontData(new uint8_t[tableSize]);

  uint32_t sizeGot =
    ::GetFontData(dc.GetDC(), table, 0, fontData.get(), tableSize);
  if (sizeGot != tableSize) {
    return false;

  // If it's a font collection then attempt to get the index.
  uint32_t index = 0;
  if (table != 0) {
    UniquePtr<SFNTData> sfntData = SFNTData::Create(fontData.get(),
    if (!sfntData) {
      gfxWarning() << "Failed to create SFNTData for GetFontFileData.";
      return false;

    // We cast here because for VS2015 char16_t != wchar_t, even though they are
    // both 16 bit.
    if (!sfntData->GetIndexForU16Name(
          reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(mLogFont.lfFaceName), &index, LF_FACESIZE - 1)) {
      gfxWarning() << "Failed to get index for face name.";
      gfxDevCrash(LogReason::GetFontFileDataFailed) <<
        "Failed to get index for face name |" <<
        NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mLogFont.lfFaceName).get() << "|.";
      return false;

  aDataCallback(fontData.get(), tableSize, index, mSize, aBaton);
  return true;