Example #1
    // Since the test setup / preconditions for the index, find, 
    // contains and containsReference are all the same, these
    // tests have been combined into one utility function. Based
    // on the type argument, the method to be tested is varied. 
    void utlTestIndex_Find_And_Contains(IndexOrContains type)
        const int testCount = 7 ; 
        const char* prefixIndex = "Test the index() method when the match " ; 
        const char* prefixFind = "Test the find() method when the match " ; 
        const char* prefixContains = "Test the contains() method when the match " ; 
        const char* prefixContainsRef = "Test the containsReference() method when the match " ; 
        const char* Msgs[] = { \
               "is the first element ", \
               "is the last element ", \
               "is a mid element (unique match) ", \
               "has two value matches but a single ref match ", \
               "has two ref matches", \
               "has a value match but no ref match", \
               "has no match at all" \
        } ; 
        // insert a clone of the 4th element to the 1st position
        commonList.insertAt(1, commonContainables_Clone[4]) ; 
       // The new index for a value match of commonContainables[4] must be 1. 

       // insert another copy of the 3rd element to the 2nd position. 
       commonList.insertAt(2, commonContainables[3]) ; 
       // The new index for commonContainables[3] must be 2) ; 
       // what used to be the second element has now moved to 4. 

       UtlString noExist("This cannot and should not exist!!!") ; 

       UtlContainable* searchValues[] = { \
                 commonContainables[0], commonContainables[5], commonContainables[2], \
                 commonContainables[4], commonContainables[3], \
                 commonContainables_Clone[2], &noExist \
       } ; 

       size_t expectedValues_Index[] = { 0, 7, 4, 1, 2, 4, UTL_NOT_FOUND } ; 
       bool expectedValues_Contains[]    = {true, true, true, true, true, true, false } ;
       bool expectedValues_ContainsRef[] = {true, true, true, true, true, false, false} ; 

       UtlContainable* searchValuesForFind[] = { \
                 commonContainables[0], commonContainables[5], commonContainables[2], \
                 commonContainables[4], commonContainables[3], \
                 commonContainables_Clone[1], &noExist \
       } ;
       UtlContainable* expectedValuesForFind[] = { \
                 commonContainables[0], commonContainables[5], commonContainables[2], \
                 commonContainables_Clone[4], commonContainables[3], \
                 commonContainables[1], NULL \
       } ;

       for (int i = 0 ; i < testCount ; i++)
           string msg ; 
           if (type == TEST_INDEX) 
               size_t actual = commonList.index(searchValues[i]) ; 
               TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefixIndex, Msgs[i]) ; 
               CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValues_Index[i], actual) ; 
           else if (type == TEST_FIND) 
               UtlContainable* actual = commonList.find(searchValuesForFind[i]) ; 
               TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefixFind, Msgs[i]) ; 
               CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValuesForFind[i], actual) ;
           else if (type == TEST_CONTAINS) 
               UtlBoolean actual = commonList.contains(searchValues[i]) ; 
               TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefixContains, Msgs[i]) ; 
               CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValues_Contains[i], \
                  (TRUE == actual)) ; 
           else if (type == TEST_CONTAINS_REF)
               UtlBoolean actual = commonList.containsReference(searchValues[i]) ;
               TestUtilities::createMessage(2, &msg, prefixContainsRef, Msgs[i]) ;
               CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(msg.data(), expectedValues_ContainsRef[i], \
                   (TRUE == actual)) ;
Example #2
UtlBoolean SmimeBody::decrypt(const char* derPkcs12,
                              int derPkcs12Length,
                              const char* pkcs12Password)
    UtlBoolean decryptionSucceeded = FALSE;

    UtlString decryptedData;

    decryptionSucceeded =
                            (mContentEncoding == SMIME_ENODING_BASE64),
    Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_ERR, "NSS S/MIME decrypt not implemented");

    // Decryption succeeded, so create a HttpBody for the result
    if(decryptionSucceeded &&
        decryptedData.length() > 0)
        HttpBody* newDecryptedBody = NULL;
        // Need to read the headers before the real body to see
        // what the content type of the decrypted body is
        UtlDList bodyHeaders;
        int parsedBytes =

        UtlString contentTypeName(HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_FIELD);
        NameValuePair* contentType =
            (NameValuePair*) bodyHeaders.find(&contentTypeName);
        UtlString contentEncodingName(HTTP_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING_FIELD);
        NameValuePair* contentEncoding =
            (NameValuePair*) bodyHeaders.find(&contentEncodingName);

        const char* realBodyStart = decryptedData.data() + parsedBytes;
        int realBodyLength = decryptedData.length() - parsedBytes;

        newDecryptedBody =
                                 contentType ? contentType->getValue() : NULL,
                                 contentEncoding ? contentEncoding->getValue() : NULL);


        // If one already exists, delete it.  This should not typically
        // be the case.  Infact it might make sense to make this method
        // a no-op if a decrypted body already exists
            delete mpDecryptedBody;
            mpDecryptedBody = NULL;

        mpDecryptedBody = newDecryptedBody;
