Example #1
Vector UTIL_GetMouseAim( C_HL2WarsPlayer *pPlayer, int x, int y )
	Vector forward;
	// Remap x and y into -1 to 1 normalized space 
	float xf, yf; 
	xf = ( 2.0f * x / (float)(ScreenWidth()-1) ) - 1.0f; 
	yf = ( 2.0f * y / (float)(ScreenHeight()-1) ) - 1.0f; 

	// Flip y axis 
	yf = -yf; 

	const VMatrix &worldToScreen = engine->WorldToScreenMatrix(); 
	VMatrix screenToWorld; 
	MatrixInverseGeneral( worldToScreen, screenToWorld ); 

	// Create two points at the normalized mouse x, y pos and at the near and far z planes (0 and 1 depth) 
	Vector v1, v2; 
	v1.Init( xf, yf, 0.0f ); 
	v2.Init( xf, yf, 1.0f ); 

	Vector o2; 
	// Transform the two points by the screen to world matrix 
	screenToWorld.V3Mul( v1, pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition() ); // ray start origin 
	screenToWorld.V3Mul( v2, o2 ); // ray end origin 
	VectorSubtract( o2, pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition(), forward ); 
	return forward;
void CEngineTool::CreatePickingRay( const CViewSetup &viewSetup, int x, int y, Vector& org, Vector& forward )
	// Remap x and y into -1 to 1 normalized space
	float xf, yf;
	xf = ( 2.0f * (float)x / (float)viewSetup.width ) - 1.0f;
	yf = ( 2.0f * (float)y / (float)viewSetup.height ) - 1.0f;

	// Flip y axis
	yf = -yf;

	VMatrix worldToScreen;
	GetWorldToScreenMatrixForView( viewSetup, &worldToScreen );
	VMatrix screenToWorld;
	MatrixInverseGeneral( worldToScreen, screenToWorld );

	// Create two points at the normalized mouse x, y pos and at the near and far z planes (0 and 1 depth)
	Vector v1, v2;
	v1.Init( xf, yf, 0.0f );
	v2.Init( xf, yf, 1.0f );
	Vector o2;
	// Transform the two points by the screen to world matrix
	screenToWorld.V3Mul( v1, org ); // ray start origin
	screenToWorld.V3Mul( v2, o2 );  // ray end origin
	VectorSubtract( o2, org, forward );