#includeThis example shows how to create and manipulate Vector2f objects. First, two vectors representing position and velocity are created and added together. Then, the magnitude of the resulting vector is calculated, followed by normalizing it into a unit vector. Finally, the example outputs the various vector properties. In conclusion, Vector2f is a useful class in the SFML package library for representing 2D vectors in floating-point precision. It allows for simple manipulation and calculation of vector properties such as magnitude and normalization.#include int main() { sf::Vector2f position(10.f, 20.f); std::cout << "Position: " << position.x << ", " << position.y << std::endl; sf::Vector2f velocity(5.f, -2.f); position += velocity; std::cout << "New position: " << position.x << ", " << position.y << std::endl; float magnitude = std::sqrt(position.x * position.x + position.y * position.y); std::cout << "Magnitude: " << magnitude << std::endl; sf::Vector2f normalized = position / magnitude; std::cout << "Normalized vector: " << normalized.x << ", " << normalized.y << std::endl; return 0; }