Example #1
BOOL PrintPSRenderRegion::WriteSepFunctions(KernelDC *pDC)
	PrintControl *pPrintCtl=NULL;
	View *pView = GetRenderView();
	if (pView) pPrintCtl = pView->GetPrintControl();
	if (!pPrintCtl)
		return TRUE;

	// Get a pointer to the typeset info structure
	TypesetInfo *pInfo = pPrintCtl->GetTypesetInfo();
	// Is screening off?
	if (!pInfo->AreScreening())
		return TRUE;

	// Get hold of our PostScript prolog resource...
	CCResTextFile ScreenFile;

	// Open the file
	if (!ScreenFile.open(_R(IDM_PS_SPOTFUNCS), _R(IDT_PS_RES)))
		// Failed to open the file...
		ERROR2(FALSE, "Could not get at PostScript resource!");

	// Read each line from the file and output it to the DC.
	String_256 LineBuf;
	TCHAR *pBuf = (TCHAR *) LineBuf;
	while (!ScreenFile.eof())
		// Copy this line to output.
		pDC->OutputTCHARAsChar(pBuf, LineBuf.Length());
	// All done

	return TRUE;
Example #2
void PathProcessorStrokeAirbrush::ProcessPath(Path *pPath,
											  RenderRegion *pRender,
											  PathShape ShapePath)
	PORTNOTETRACE("other","PathProcessorStrokeAirbrush::ProcessPath - do nothing");
	ERROR3IF(pPath == NULL || pRender == NULL, "Illegal NULL Params");

	// --- If the provided path is not stroked, then we'll just pass it straight through
	// We also don't touch it if we're doing EOR rendering, or click regions
		StrokeColourAttribute *pStrokeColour = (StrokeColourAttribute *) pRender->GetCurrentAttribute(ATTR_STROKECOLOUR);
		if (pRender->DrawingMode != DM_COPYPEN || pRender->IsHitDetect()
			|| !pPath->IsStroked || pStrokeColour == NULL || pStrokeColour->Colour.IsTransparent())
			pRender->DrawPath(pPath, this, ShapePath);

	// --- If the quality is set low, strokes are just rendered as centrelines
		QualityAttribute *pQuality = (QualityAttribute *) pRender->GetCurrentAttribute(ATTR_QUALITY);
		if (pQuality != NULL && pQuality->QualityValue.GetLineQuality() != Quality::FullLine)
			pRender->DrawPath(pPath, this, ShapePath);

	// --- If the attribute which created us is not the current StrokeType attribute, then
	// we have been overridden by a different stroke type, so we do nothing.
		StrokeTypeAttrValue *pTypeAttr = (StrokeTypeAttrValue *) pRender->GetCurrentAttribute(ATTR_STROKETYPE);
		if (pTypeAttr != NULL && pTypeAttr != GetParentAttr())
			pRender->DrawPath(pPath, this, ShapePath);

	// --- Get the current line width from the render region
	// In case of failure, we initialise with suitable defaults
	INT32 LineWidth = 5000;
		LineWidthAttribute *pWidthAttr = (LineWidthAttribute *) pRender->GetCurrentAttribute(ATTR_LINEWIDTH);
		if (pWidthAttr != NULL)
			LineWidth = pWidthAttr->LineWidth;

	// Obtain an optimal number of steps for the line
	// When printing, we do heaps of steps to get top quality out the other end
	View *pView	= pRender->GetRenderView();
	ERROR3IF(pView == NULL, "No render view?!");

	INT32 NumSteps = MaxAirbrushSteps;
	if (!pRender->IsPrinting())
		GetNumSteps(pView, LineWidth);

	// --- Now, create a transparency mask bitmap for the airbrush
	Spread *pSpread	= pRender->GetRenderSpread();
//	ERROR3IF(pSpread == NULL, "No render spread!?");	// This can happen, rendering into a gallery

	// Get the render region's clip rectangle in Spread Coords. We don't need to
	// render anything bigger than this size, so it is the upper limit on our bitmap area.
	DocRect ClipRegion = pRender->GetClipRect();

	// Intersect this with the path bounding rectangle to get the actual region we need to redraw
	// The smaller this is, the faster we go and the less memory we use.
	//DocRect PathRect = pPath->GetBoundingRect();
	DocRect PathRect = pPath->GetBlobRect();

	BOOL Intersects = ClipRegion.IsIntersectedWith(PathRect);
		// Don't bother drawing anything - it's clipped out

	ClipRegion = ClipRegion.Intersection(PathRect);

	// Round the ClipRegion edges up so they all lie exactly on screen pixel boundaries.
	// If we don't do this, then there can be a sub-pixel rounding error between the ClipRegion
	// and the actual bitmap size, so that the bitmap is scaled slightly when we plot it.
	// By making sure it's pixelised, we guarantee that the bitmap & clipregion are exactly equal sizes.
	// (It doesn't matter if the bitmap is a bit bigger than necessary)

	// Get the current view's rendering matrix and view scale
	Matrix ConvMatrix = pRender->GetMatrix();//pView->ConstructRenderingMatrix(pSpread);
	FIXED16 ViewScale = pView->GetViewScale();

	// Generate a 256-colour greyscale palette
	LOGPALETTE *pPalette = MakeGreyScalePalette();
	if(pPalette == NULL)
		pRender->DrawPath(pPath, this, ShapePath);

	// Work out the DPI to use. Rather than just asking for PixelWidth or DPI from the
	// render region, we have to do a load of non-object-oriented stuff instead...
	double dpi = 96.0;
	if (pRender->IsPrinting())
		// we are printing, so ask the print options
		PrintControl *pPrintControl = pView->GetPrintControl();
		if (pPrintControl != NULL)
			dpi = (double) pPrintControl->GetDotsPerInch();
	else if (IS_A(pRender, CamelotEPSRenderRegion))
		// Use DPI as set in EPS export options dialog.
		dpi = (double) EPSFilter::XSEPSExportDPI;
		ERROR3IF(pRender->GetPixelWidth() <= 0, "Stupid (<1 millipoint) Pixel Width!");
		if (pRender->GetPixelWidth() > 0)
			dpi = (double) (72000.0 / (double)pRender->GetPixelWidth());

	GRenderBitmap *pMaskRegion = new GRenderBitmap(ClipRegion, ConvMatrix, ViewScale, 8, dpi,
													pRender->IsPrinting(), XARADITHER_ORDERED_GREY,
													pPalette, FALSE);
	if (pMaskRegion == NULL)
		pRender->DrawPath(pPath, this, ShapePath);

	BOOL PathIsFilled = FALSE;		// Will be set TRUE if this path should be filled at the bottom of the function

		// Change the GDraw context in this render region so as to preserve the state
		// of the main render region. This is because GRenderRegions currently use
		// a single static GDrawContext! This also sets it up with a nice greyscale palette
		// so that we get the output we desire.

		// Attach our DC to the view and render region...
		if (pMaskRegion->AttachDevice(pView, NULL, pSpread))

			// We must save & restore the attribute state around all our rendering because
			// attributes otherwise stay on the renderstack until we delete the RndRgn, and as our
			// ones are on the program stack, they will have ceased to exist before then, which
			// makes for a wicked explosion.

			// --- Main Airbrush rendering loop

			// Make sure we've got an intensity function to use. This will create a new one if necessary
			ValueFunction *pvValueFunction = GetIntensityFunction();
			if (pvValueFunction == NULL)
				ERROR3("Failed to set an intensity function on an airbrush stroke");
				pRender->DrawPath(pPath, this, ShapePath);

			if(!RenderAirBrush(pPath, pMaskRegion, LineWidth, NumSteps, pvValueFunction,
							   pRender, ShapePath))
				// Airbrush failed - just render the path without the airbrush effect
				pRender->DrawPath(pPath, this, ShapePath);


			// --- ClipRect test code


			// --- We have drawn the airbrushed stroke - now, if the path is filled, we
			// will render the filled area, so that in semi-transparent cases, the
			// stroke will not "show through" from behind the filled area.			
			if (pPath->IsFilled)
				ColourFillAttribute *pCFAttr = (ColourFillAttribute   *) pRender->GetCurrentAttribute(ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY);
				if (pCFAttr != NULL && (!pCFAttr->Colour.IsTransparent() || pCFAttr->IsABitmapFill()))
					PathIsFilled = TRUE;


					ColourFillAttribute *pFillAttr = NULL;
					FillMappingAttribute *pMapAttr = NULL;

					// Obtain the object's transparent fill geometry
					TranspFillAttribute *pTransAttr = (TranspFillAttribute *) pRender->GetCurrentAttribute(ATTR_TRANSPFILLGEOMETRY);
					if (pTransAttr != NULL)
						// Get a non-transparent version of the fill geometry
						pFillAttr = pTransAttr->MakeSimilarNonTranspFillGeometry(1.0);
						// Convert a fill mapping
						TranspFillMappingAttribute *pTransMapAttr = (TranspFillMappingAttribute *) pRender->GetCurrentAttribute(ATTR_TRANSPFILLMAPPING);
						if(pTransMapAttr != NULL)
							pMapAttr = pTransMapAttr->MakeSimilarNonTranspFillMapping();

					// Setup region and draw path into it
					if (pFillAttr != NULL)
						pMaskRegion->SetFillGeometry(pFillAttr, TRUE);

						if(pMapAttr != NULL)
							pMaskRegion->SetFillMapping(pMapAttr, TRUE);
						pMaskRegion->SetFillColour(DocColour(0, 0, 0));

					pMaskRegion->DrawPath(pPath, NULL, ShapePath);




	// Extract the transparency mask bitmap from the render region
	OILBitmap *pOilBmp = pMaskRegion->ExtractBitmap();

	// We no longer need the RenderRegion, so scrap it.
	delete pMaskRegion;
	pMaskRegion = NULL;
	pPalette = NULL;

	// Now, render a rectangle to the output render region, using the transparency mask
	if (pOilBmp == NULL)

	KernelBitmap *pMask	= new KernelBitmap(pOilBmp, TRUE);

	if (pMask != NULL)
		// Make sure the bitmap knows it's already a greyscale, else it will spend a lot of
		// time "converting" itself to a greyscale, and what's more, corrupting the grey levels
		// so that 255 (invisible) becomes 254 (slightly visible). Arrrrrgh!

		// Create a transparency attribute from our mask bitmap
		BitmapTranspFillAttribute Trans;

		// We don't call pTrans->AttachBitmap because it seems to be stupid, and causes ructions
		// when we try to attach a temporary bitmap. We thus do the same thing, but avoiding
		// its attempts to automatically screw us about.

		DocCoord EndPoint(ClipRegion.hi.x, ClipRegion.lo.y);
		DocCoord EndPoint2(ClipRegion.lo.x, ClipRegion.hi.y);

		UINT32 TValue = 0;
		TValue = 255;

		// Use the same transparency type as is set on the object being rendered (if any)
			TranspFillAttribute *pTransAttr = (TranspFillAttribute *) pRender->GetCurrentAttribute(ATTR_TRANSPFILLGEOMETRY);

			if (pTransAttr != NULL)
				Trans.SetTranspType(TT_Mix);		// By default, we'll use Mix transparency

		// --- OK, we finally got here! Render the stroke, using the transparency mask we just made


			// Render the path. If it is filled, then we render the entire thing (fill & stroke) using
			// the current fill geometry (to get a shadow/feather effect)
			if (PathIsFilled)
				// Render the entire thing (fill & stroke) in one go. We render a rectangle over the cliprect
				// so that we do everything in one go (we can't render the fill &7 stroke separately, or
				// the transparency will overlap & it'll look wrong)
				pRender->SetLineColour(DocColour(COLOUR_TRANS));		// Don't render a line

				Path Rect;
				Rect.AddLineTo(DocCoord(ClipRegion.hix, ClipRegion.loy));
				Rect.AddLineTo(DocCoord(ClipRegion.lox, ClipRegion.hiy));
				Rect.IsFilled  = TRUE;
				Rect.IsStroked = FALSE;
				pRender->DrawPath(&Rect, this, ShapePath);
				// Otherwise, create a filled-outline path for the entire stroke, and render it
				// !!!!****ToDo - for now, strokes always render flat-filled with the stroke colour
				StrokeColourAttribute *pStrokeColour = (StrokeColourAttribute *) pRender->GetCurrentAttribute(ATTR_STROKECOLOUR);
				if (pStrokeColour != NULL)

				// Fill the holes

				Path *pOutput = CreateVarWidthStroke(pPath, pRender, LineWidth);
				if (pOutput != NULL)
					pRender->DrawPath(pOutput, NULL, ShapePath);
					delete pOutput;
					pOutput = NULL;


		// Delete the kernel bitmap. This auto-deletes the OIL bitmap for us
		delete pMask;
Example #3
BOOL PrintPSRenderRegion::WritePlateScreen(KernelDC *pDC)
	PrintControl *pPrintCtl=NULL;
	View *pView = GetRenderView();
	if (pView) pPrintCtl = pView->GetPrintControl();
	if (!pPrintCtl)
		return TRUE;

	// Get a pointer to the typeset info structure
	TypesetInfo *pInfo = pPrintCtl->GetTypesetInfo();
	double ang,freq;
	String_256 ScreenName;
	ScreenType scrtype;

	// If separating then interogate the current plate
	if (pInfo->AreSeparating())
		ColourPlate* pSeparation;
		GetOutputColourPlate(COLOURMODEL_CMYK, NULL, &pSeparation);
		// do nothing if we are not separating
		if (pSeparation==NULL)
			return TRUE;

		// Make sure screening is on in this plate
		if (!pSeparation->ActiveScreening())
			return TRUE;

		// Get the screen type if enabled.
		scrtype = pSeparation->GetScreenFunction();
		if (scrtype==SCRTYPE_NONE)
			return TRUE;

		// ok we can get the angle and frequency
		ang = pSeparation->GetScreenAngle();
		freq = pSeparation->GetScreenFrequency();
		// Is screening off?
		if (!pInfo->AreScreening())
			return TRUE;

		scrtype = pInfo->GetScreenFunction();
		if (scrtype==SCRTYPE_NONE)
			return TRUE;

		ang = 45.0;
		freq = pInfo->GetDefaultScreenFrequency();

	// read the name of this screen
	pInfo->GetScreenName(scrtype, &ScreenName);
	String_256 fred;
	fred += String_8(_T("{"));
	fred += ScreenName;
	fred += String_8(_T("}"));

	// ok output 'freq ang screenfunc setscreen'
	BOOL ok = pDC->OutputFloat(freq, 4);
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputFloat(ang, 4);
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputToken(fred);
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputToken(_T("setscreen"));
	ok = ok && pDC->OutputNewLine();

	return ok;