void currentStatusBuilderDisplay(const MenuData &data, Menu &menu) {
        // Loop through the different zones at N-second intervals showing temps and running status

        *  There's a potential bug here if viewing status near midnight and the day rolls over; I can live with that.
        *  Alternative would be to store long (time_t) seconds-since-1970 in MenuData and use that. Too much overhead for now.
        *  (Time elapsed since entering this menu) / (N-second interval) = numberOfIntervals;
        *  numberOfIntervals % (Number of zones) = zoneToDisplayForNSeconds
        byte zoneNumber = (elapsedSecsToday(now()) - data.getCurrentNumber()) /
            ArduinoFuoco::AppSettings::TIMED_DISPLAY_SCROLL_INTERVAL % *data.getZoneCount();

        Zone* currentZone = data.getZones()[zoneNumber];
        String zoneStatus = "Off";
        if (currentZone->isOn()) { zoneStatus = "On"; }
        menu.setDisplayLine1(String("Status - Zone " + StringHelper::itoa(currentZone->getNumber())));
        menu.setDisplayLine2(String("Temp: " + StringHelper::itoa(currentZone->getCurrentTemperature()) +
            "; " + zoneStatus));