Example #1
string CDLib::get_graph_details(const graph& g)
    ostringstream oss;
    oss << "Number of Nodes: " << g.get_num_nodes() << endl;
    oss << "Number of Edges: " << g.get_num_edges() << endl;
    oss << "Number of Self Edges: " << g.get_num_self_edges() << endl;
    oss << "Total Weight: " << g.get_total_weight() << endl;
    oss << "Weight of Self Edges: " << g.get_self_edges_weight() << endl;
    vector<id_type> in_degrees(g.get_num_nodes(),0),out_degrees(g.get_num_nodes(),0);
    vector<double> in_weights(g.get_num_nodes(),0.0),out_weights(g.get_num_nodes(),0.0);
    for(id_type i=0;i<g.get_num_nodes();i++)
        in_degrees[i] = g.get_node_in_degree(i);
        out_degrees[i] = g.get_node_out_degree(i);
        in_weights[i] = g.get_node_in_weight(i);
        out_weights[i] = g.get_node_out_weight(i);
    oss << "In Degrees" << endl;
    oss << "Min\tMedian\tMax\tMean\tVariance" << endl;
    oss << statistics_string(in_degrees,"\t") << endl;
    oss << "Out Degrees" << endl;
    oss << "Min\tMedian\tMax\tMean\tVariance" << endl;
    oss << statistics_string(out_degrees,"\t")  << endl;
    oss << "In Weights" << endl;
    oss << "Min\tMedian\tMax\tMean\tVariance" << endl;
    oss << statistics_string(in_weights,"\t") << endl;
    oss << "Out Weights" << endl;
    oss << "Min\tMedian\tMax\tMean\tVariance" << endl;
    oss << statistics_string(out_weights,"\t")  << endl;
    return oss.str();
Example #2
void CDLib::generate_barabasi_albert_model(graph& g, size_t num_nodes, size_t min_degree_of_node) {
    init_empty_graph(g, num_nodes);
    vector<id_type> vertices_with_edges;
    UniformRandomGeneratorAkash<id_type> randint;
    UniformRandomGeneratorAkash<double> randdouble;

    for (id_type k = 1; k <= min_degree_of_node; k++) {
        g.add_edge(0, k, 1);

    for (id_type i = 1; i < num_nodes; i++) {
        while (g.get_node_in_degree(i) < min_degree_of_node) {
            double R1 = randdouble.next(1);
            if (R1 < 0.5) {
                id_type R2 = randint.next(vertices_with_edges.size());
                g.add_edge(i, vertices_with_edges[R2], 1);
            } else {
                id_type R3 = randint.next(i);
                g.add_edge(i, R3, 1);
    g.set_graph_name("ba_" + T2str<size_t > (num_nodes) + "_" + T2str<size_t > (min_degree_of_node));