//method finds coloring of graph to minimize conflicts
//returns number of conflicts
int exhaustiveColoring(graph &g, int numColors, int t) {
	//vector to hold answer with least conflicts seen so far
	//initially ever node is color 1
	vector<int> bestAnswer(g.numNodes(), 1);
	//vector to hold answer currently being tested
	//also set to all color 1
	vector<int> currentAnswer = bestAnswer;
	//int to hold number of conflicts in bestAnswer
	//initialized to max number of cnflicts for given graph
	int conflicts = g.numEdges();
	//initilize starting time
	double startTime = (double) (clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

	//while time elapsed is within given time
	while ( (double)(clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) - startTime < t) {
		//change graph to have coloration of currentAnswer
		for (int i = 0; i < currentAnswer.size(); i++) {
			g.setColor(i, currentAnswer[i]);
		//if current graph is asgood as or better than best graph
		//set best graph to current graph
		if (g.numConflicts() <= conflicts) {
			conflicts = g.numConflicts();
			bestAnswer = currentAnswer;
		//break if all permutations of colors have been tested
		//algorithm is done
		if (!increment(currentAnswer, numColors)) {
	//set coloration of graph to best rsult
	for (int i = 0; i < bestAnswer.size(); i++) {
		g.setColor(i, bestAnswer[i]);
	return conflicts;
Example #2
void prim(graph &g, graph &sf)
// Given a weighted graph g, sets sf equal to a minimum spanning
// forest on g.  Uses Prim's algorithm.
	NodeWeight minWeight = 0;
	NodeWeight minR, minP;
	bool edgeFound;


	for(int i=0; i<g.numNodes(); i++)
			for(int j=0; j<g.numNodes()-1; j++)
			//start at i and grow a spanning tree untill no more can be added
				edgeFound = false;
				minWeight = MaxEdgeWeight;

				for(int r=0; r<g.numNodes(); r++)
					for(int p=0; p<g.numNodes(); p++)
						if(g.isEdge(r,p) && g.isMarked(r) && !g.isMarked(p))
							if(g.getEdgeWeight(r,p) < minWeight)
								minWeight = g.getEdgeWeight(r,p);
								minR= r;
								minP= p;
								edgeFound = true;
				//if edge was found add it to the tree
					g.mark(minP, minR);
	//add marked edges to spanning forest graph
	for(int i=0; i<g.numNodes(); i++)
		for(int j=i+1; j<g.numNodes(); j++)
			if(g.isEdge(i,j) && g.isMarked(i,j))
				cout<<"adding edge "<< i << " "<< j << endl;
				cout<<"num edges: "<<sf.numEdges() << endl;