Example #1
void	TransformFrustum(Plane Frustum[6], const matrix& obj_to_view)
// Given a transformation matrix from object space to view space,
// this function transforms the given view-space frustum into object-space,
// so that clipping/culling can be done in object space.
	int	i;
	vec3	n, p, q;
	for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		// There's a faster, more direct way to do this.  Deal with later.
		obj_to_view.ApplyInverseRotation(&n, Frustum[i].Normal);
		p = Frustum[i].Normal * Frustum[i].D;
		obj_to_view.ApplyInverse(&q, p);
		Frustum[i].Normal = n;
		Frustum[i].D = n * q;