// static bool Directory::IsValidRelativePath(const nsString& aPath) { // We don't allow empty relative path to access the root. if (aPath.IsEmpty()) { return false; } // Leading and trailing "/" are not allowed. if (aPath.First() == FileSystemUtils::kSeparatorChar || aPath.Last() == FileSystemUtils::kSeparatorChar) { return false; } NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(kCurrentDir, "."); NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(kParentDir, ".."); // Split path and check each path component. nsCharSeparatedTokenizer tokenizer(aPath, FileSystemUtils::kSeparatorChar); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { nsDependentSubstring pathComponent = tokenizer.nextToken(); // The path containing empty components, such as "foo//bar", is invalid. // We don't allow paths, such as "../foo", "foo/./bar" and "foo/../bar", // to walk up the directory. if (pathComponent.IsEmpty() || pathComponent.Equals(kCurrentDir) || pathComponent.Equals(kParentDir)) { return false; } } return true; }
void CMapiFolderList::ChangeName( nsString& name) { if (name.IsEmpty()) { name.AssignLiteral("1"); return; } PRUnichar lastC = name.Last(); if ((lastC >= '0') && (lastC <= '9')) { lastC++; if (lastC > '9') { lastC = '1'; name.SetCharAt( lastC, name.Length() - 1); name.AppendLiteral("0"); } else { name.SetCharAt( lastC, name.Length() - 1); } } else { name.AppendLiteral(" 2"); } }
// XXX Code copied from nsHTMLContentSink. It should be shared. void nsRDFParserUtils::StripAndConvert(nsString& aResult) { if ( !aResult.IsEmpty() ) { // Strip quotes if present PRUnichar first = aResult.First(); if ((first == '"') || (first == '\'')) { if (aResult.Last() == first) { aResult.Cut(0, 1); PRInt32 pos = aResult.Length() - 1; if (pos >= 0) { aResult.Cut(pos, 1); } } else { // Mismatched quotes - leave them in } } } // Reduce any entities // XXX Note: as coded today, this will only convert well formed // entities. This may not be compatible enough. // XXX there is a table in navigator that translates some numeric entities // should we be doing that? If so then it needs to live in two places (bad) // so we should add a translate numeric entity method from the parser... char cbuf[100]; PRUint32 i = 0; while (i < aResult.Length()) { // If we have the start of an entity (and it's not at the end of // our string) then translate the entity into it's unicode value. if ((aResult.CharAt(i++) == '&') && (i < aResult.Length())) { PRInt32 start = i - 1; PRUnichar e = aResult.CharAt(i); if (e == '#') { // Convert a numeric character reference i++; char* cp = cbuf; char* limit = cp + sizeof(cbuf) - 1; PRBool ok = PR_FALSE; PRUint32 slen = aResult.Length(); while ((i < slen) && (cp < limit)) { PRUnichar f = aResult.CharAt(i); if (f == ';') { i++; ok = PR_TRUE; break; } if ((f >= '0') && (f <= '9')) { *cp++ = char(f); i++; continue; } break; } if (!ok || (cp == cbuf)) { continue; } *cp = '\0'; if (cp - cbuf > 5) { continue; } PRInt32 ch = PRInt32( ::atoi(cbuf) ); if (ch > 65535) { continue; } // Remove entity from string and replace it with the integer // value. aResult.Cut(start, i - start); aResult.Insert(PRUnichar(ch), start); i = start + 1; } else if (((e >= 'A') && (e <= 'Z')) || ((e >= 'a') && (e <= 'z'))) { // Convert a named entity i++; char* cp = cbuf; char* limit = cp + sizeof(cbuf) - 1; *cp++ = char(e); PRBool ok = PR_FALSE; PRUint32 slen = aResult.Length(); while ((i < slen) && (cp < limit)) { PRUnichar f = aResult.CharAt(i); if (f == ';') { i++; ok = PR_TRUE; break; } if (((f >= '0') && (f <= '9')) || ((f >= 'A') && (f <= 'Z')) || ((f >= 'a') && (f <= 'z'))) { *cp++ = char(f); i++; continue; } break; } if (!ok || (cp == cbuf)) { continue; } *cp = '\0'; PRInt32 ch; // XXX Um, here's where we should be converting a // named entity. I removed this to avoid a link-time // dependency on core raptor. ch = EntityToUnicode(cbuf); if (ch < 0) { continue; } // Remove entity from string and replace it with the integer // value. aResult.Cut(start, i - start); aResult.Insert(PRUnichar(ch), start); i = start + 1; } else if (e == '{') { // Convert a script entity // XXX write me! NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED("convert a script entity"); } } } }