Example #1
/** \brief Parse a line from a version entry.
 * This function reads the header (one line), a list of logs, and then
 * the footer of a version entry.
 * If a version exists, even if it is wrong, the function returns true.
 * The function returns false if the end of the file is reached.
 * \param[in] s  The state to read from.
 * \return true if the end of the file was not yet reached when this
 *         version was read in full.
bool changelog_file::version::parse(state& s)
    f_filename = s.get_filename();
    f_line = s.get_line();

    // the current line must be the header
    if(s.space_count() != 0)
        wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: a changelog version entry must start with a valid header")
        return s.next_line();

    bool good_header(true);
    const std::string& header(s.last_line());
    const char *h(header.c_str());
    const char *start(h);

    // *** Package Name ***
    for(; !isspace(*h) && *h != '('; ++h)
        if(*h == '\0')
            wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: invalid header, expected the project name, version, distributions, and urgency information")
            good_header = false;
        std::string package_name(start, h - start);
            wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: the package name %3 is not valid")
            f_package = package_name;

            // this is just a warning, but the user is expected to put a space
            // after the package name and before the version
            wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: the package name %3 is not followed by a space before the version information")
            good_header = false;

    // *** Version ***
        for(; isspace(*h); ++h);

        if(*h != '(')
            wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: invalid header, expected the version between parenthesis after the package name")
            good_header = false;
        // read the version
        start = h;
        for(; !isspace(*h) && *h != ')' && *h != '\0'; ++h);

        std::string version_str(start, h - start);
        char err[256];
        if(!validate_debian_version(version_str.c_str(), err, sizeof(err)))
            wpkg_output::log("control:%1:%2: %3 is not a valid Debian version")
            good_header = false;
            f_version = version_str;
            for(; isspace(*h); ++h);
            wpkg_output::log("control:%1:%2: version %3 is not immediately followed by a closing parenthesis")
        if(*h != ')')
            wpkg_output::log("control:%1:%2: version %3 is not followed by a closing parenthesis: ')'")
            good_header = false;

    // *** Distributions ***
        // the first ++h is to skip the ')' from the version
        for(++h; isspace(*h); ++h);
            start = h;
            for(; !isspace(*h) && *h != '\0' && *h != ';' && *h != ','; ++h);
            std::string d(start, h - start);
            wpkg_filename::uri_filename distribution(d);
                wpkg_output::log("control:%1:%2: a distribution must be a relative path, %3 is not acceptable")
                good_header = false;
            else if(distribution.segment_size() < 1)
                // This happens if no distribution is specified
                wpkg_output::log("control:%1:%2: a distribution cannot be the empty string")
                good_header = false;
            for(; isspace(*h); ++h);
        while(*h != '\0' && *h != ';' && *h != ',');
    // We want to support more than one in source packages, that way a package
    // can be part of stable and unstable (because we view our distributions
    // as separate entities rather than complements.)
    //    if(f_distributions.size() > 1)
    //    {
    //        wpkg_output::log("control:%1:%2: although the syntax allows for more than one distribution, we do not support more than one at this time")
    //                .arg(f_filename)
    //                .arg(f_line)
    //            .level(wpkg_output::level_error)
    //            .module(wpkg_output::module_changelog)
    //            .package(f_package)
    //            .action("changelog");
    //        good_header = false;
    //    }

    // *** Parameters ***
        for(; isspace(*h); ++h);

        if(*h != ';')
            wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: invalid header, expected the list of distributions to end with ';'")
            good_header = false;
            for(++h; isspace(*h); ++h);
    while(good_header && *h != '\0')
        start = h;
        const char *e(h);
        const char *equal(NULL);
        for(; *h != ',' && *h != '\0'; ++h)
                e = h + 1;
            if(*h == '=')
                equal = h;
        if(equal == NULL)
            wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: invalid header, parameter %3 is expected to include an equal sign (=) after the parameter name")
                    .quoted_arg(std::string(start, h - start))
            good_header = false;
        else if(start == equal)
            wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: invalid header, parameter %3 is missing a name before the equal character")
                    .quoted_arg(std::string(start, h - start))
            good_header = false;
            std::string name(start, equal - start);
            if(f_parameters.find(name) != f_parameters.end())
                wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: invalid header, parameter %3 is defined twice")
                good_header = false;
                std::string value(equal, e - equal);
                f_parameters[name] = value;

        // skip commas and spaces and repeat for next parameter
        for(; *h == ',' || isspace(*h); ++h);

    // We got the header, now we check for the list of logs
    // the log::parse() function is expected to return false
    // once we reach the end of that list, then we must find
    // a footer that starts with a space and two dashes

        wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: every changelog version entry must have at least one log and end with a valid footer")
        return false;

    bool group(true);
        log l;
        if(!l.parse(s, group))

    // we are at the end of the log stream for this version entry,
    // there has to be a valid footer now

    bool good_footer(true);

    if(s.space_count() != 1)
        wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: a changelog version entry must end with a valid footer, which must start with exactly one space")
        good_footer = false;

    const std::string& footer(s.last_line());
    const char *f(footer.c_str());

        if(f[0] != '-' || f[1] != '-' || f[2] != ' ')
            wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: a changelog version entry must end with a valid footer, which must start with two dashes")
            good_footer = false;

        // search for two spaces to break the maintainer name/email and date
        f += 3;
        start = f;
        for(; f[0] != '\0' && (f[0] != ' ' || f[1] != ' '); ++f);
        std::string maintainer(start, f - start);

        // TODO: use libtld to verify email

        f_maintainer = maintainer;

        std::string date(f + 2);
        struct tm time_info;
        if(strptime(date.c_str(), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", &time_info) == NULL)
            wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: the footer in this changelog version entry has an invalid date: %3")
            good_footer = false;
            f_date = date;

    // do not read another line in case this one is the next header
    return true;
Example #2
/** \brief Parse one line of log.
 * This function reads one line of log. Note that one line of log may appear
 * on multiple lines in the changelog file. One line ends when there is an
 * empty line, a line that does not start with at least 2 spaces, a line
 * that starts with an asterisk after the 2 spaces.
 * \param[in] s  The state describing the input parameters.
 * \param[in] group  Whether this log is a group entry.
 * \return true if the end of the file was not yet reached.
bool changelog_file::version::log::parse(state& s, bool& group)
    f_filename = s.get_filename();
    f_line = s.get_line();

    f_is_group = group;
    group = false;

    if(s.space_count() != 2)
        // invalid log entry; must start with 2 spaces
        return false;
    std::string log_line(s.last_line());
    if(log_line[0] != '*')
        // a new log entry must starts with an asterisk
        wpkg_output::log("changelog:%1:%2: a changelog log entry must start with an asterisk")
        return false;

        // right trim the f_log (it automatically is left trimmed)
        std::string::size_type p(f_log.find_last_not_of(" \t\n\r\v\f"));
        if(p != std::string::npos)
            f_log = f_log.substr(0, p + 1);

        // check whether there is more data that should be added to the log
        // line; if not, leave it there and return, it should be an empty line
        // a new log, or the maintainer information.
            // we bumped in an empty line, we are starting a new group.
            group = true;
        // really we should have exactly 4 spaces...
        if(s.space_count() < 2)
        std::string new_line(s.last_line());
        if(new_line[0] == '*')
        f_log += " ";
        f_log += new_line;

    f_log = log_line;

    // TODO: find the bugs stuff

    return true;