Example #1
double func11(double x) {
  return sin(0.01 / x) - 0.01;
Example #2
 stacktrace& operator=(stacktrace other)
     using std::swap;
     swap(call_stack_, other.call_stack_);
     return *this;
Example #3
void initBox2DTypeBindings(GameManager& game) {
    LuaContext& lua = *game.getLuaContext();

    lua.writeVariable("Box2D", LuaEmptyArray);
        lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Vector", LuaEmptyArray);
            lua.writeFunction("Box2D", "Vector", "new",
            [](const optional<float>& arg1, const optional<float>& arg2) {
                if (arg1 && arg2) {
                    // If the scripter passed in two arguments...
                    return b2Vec2(*arg1, *arg2);
                else if (!(arg1 || arg2)) {
                    // Else if the scripter passed in *no* arguments...
                    return b2Vec2(0, 0);
                else {
                    throw invalid_argument(
                        "Must pass in two numbers or nothing at all"

            lua.registerMember("x", &b2Vec2::x);
            lua.registerMember("y", &b2Vec2::y);

        lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "BodyType", LuaEmptyArray);
            lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "BodyType", "Static", b2_staticBody);
            lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "BodyType", "Dynamic", b2_dynamicBody);
            lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "BodyType", "Kinematic", b2_kinematicBody);

        lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "BodyDef", LuaEmptyArray);
            lua.writeFunction("Box2D", "BodyDef", "new", getDefaultConstructorLambda<b2BodyDef>());

            lua.registerMember("active", &b2BodyDef::active);
            lua.registerMember("allowSleep", &b2BodyDef::allowSleep);
            lua.registerMember("angle", &b2BodyDef::angle);
            lua.registerMember("angularDamping", &b2BodyDef::angularDamping);
            lua.registerMember("angularVelocity", &b2BodyDef::angularVelocity);
            lua.registerMember("awake", &b2BodyDef::awake);
            lua.registerMember("bullet", &b2BodyDef::bullet);
            lua.registerMember("fixedRotation", &b2BodyDef::fixedRotation);
            lua.registerMember("gravityScale", &b2BodyDef::gravityScale);
            lua.registerMember("linearDamping", &b2BodyDef::linearDamping);
            lua.registerMember("linearVelocity", &b2BodyDef::linearVelocity);
            lua.registerMember("position", &b2BodyDef::position);
            lua.registerMember("type", &b2BodyDef::type);

        lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Body", LuaEmptyArray);
            lua.writeFunction("Box2D", "Body", "new", [&game](const b2BodyDef& def) {
                return game.getPhysicsWorld()->CreateBody(&def);
            lua.registerMember<b2Body, bool>("awake",
            [](const b2Body& object) {
                return object.IsAwake();
            [](b2Body& object, const bool val) {
            lua.registerMember<b2Body, bool>("fixedRotation",
            [](const b2Body& object) {
                return object.IsFixedRotation();
            [](b2Body& object, const bool val) {
            lua.registerMember<b2Body, b2Vec2>("position",
            [](const b2Body& body) {
                return body.GetPosition();
            [](b2Body& body, const b2Vec2& pos) {
                body.SetTransform(pos, body.GetAngle());
            lua.registerFunction<b2Body, b2Fixture*(b2FixtureDef&)>("CreateFixture",
            [](b2Body& body, b2FixtureDef& def) {
                return body.CreateFixture(&def);

        lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Filter", LuaEmptyArray);
            lua.writeFunction("Box2D", "Filter", "new", getDefaultConstructorLambda<b2Filter>());
            lua.registerMember("categoryBits", &b2Filter::categoryBits);
            lua.registerMember("maskBits", &b2Filter::maskBits);
            lua.registerMember("groupIndex", &b2Filter::groupIndex);

        lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "FixtureDef", LuaEmptyArray);
            lua.writeFunction("Box2D", "FixtureDef", "new", getDefaultConstructorLambda<b2FixtureDef>());
            lua.registerMember("friction", &b2FixtureDef::friction);
            lua.registerMember("restitution", &b2FixtureDef::restitution);
            lua.registerMember("density", &b2FixtureDef::density);
            lua.registerMember("isSensor", &b2FixtureDef::isSensor);
            lua.registerMember("filter", &b2FixtureDef::filter);
            typedef variant<b2CircleShape*, b2EdgeShape*, b2PolygonShape*, b2ChainShape*, shared_ptr<b2Shape>> shapevariant;
            lua.registerFunction<b2FixtureDef, void(shapevariant)>("setShape",
                    // TODO: Turn this into a member
            [](b2FixtureDef& def, shapevariant shape) {
                // NOTE: This depends on the order in which the members of the
                // b2Shape::Type enum are defined!
                switch (shape.which()) {
                    case b2Shape::Type::e_circle:
                        def.shape = *get<b2CircleShape*>(&shape);
                    case b2Shape::Type::e_edge:
                        def.shape = *get<b2EdgeShape*>(&shape);
                    case b2Shape::Type::e_polygon:
                        def.shape = *get<b2PolygonShape*>(&shape);
                    case b2Shape::Type::e_chain:
                        def.shape = *get<b2ChainShape*>(&shape);
                        def.shape = get<shared_ptr<b2Shape>>(shape).get();
            lua.registerFunction<b2FixtureDef, const b2Shape*(void)>("getShape",
            [](b2FixtureDef& def) {
                return def.shape;

        lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Fixture", LuaEmptyArray);
            lua.registerMember<b2Fixture, float>("friction",
            [](const b2Fixture& object) {
                return object.GetFriction();
            [](b2Fixture& object, const float val) {
            lua.registerMember<b2Fixture, float>("restitution",
            [](const b2Fixture& object) {
                return object.GetRestitution();
            [](b2Fixture& object, const float val) {
            lua.registerMember<b2Fixture, float>("density",
            [](const b2Fixture& object) {
                return object.GetDensity();
            [](b2Fixture& object, const float val) {
            lua.registerMember<b2Fixture, bool>("isSensor",
            [](const b2Fixture& object) {
                return object.IsSensor();
            [](b2Fixture& object, const bool val) {
            lua.registerFunction<b2Fixture, const b2Shape*(void)>("getShape",
            [](b2Fixture& fix) {
                return fix.GetShape();
            lua.registerFunction<b2Fixture, const b2Body*(void)>("body",
            [](b2Fixture& fix) {
                return fix.GetBody();

        lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Shape", LuaEmptyArray);
            lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Shape", "Type", LuaEmptyArray);
                lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Shape", "Type", "Circle", b2Shape::e_circle);
                lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Shape", "Type", "Edge", b2Shape::e_edge);
                lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Shape", "Type", "Polygon", b2Shape::e_polygon);
                lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Shape", "Type", "Chain", b2Shape::e_chain);
                lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Shape", "Type", "Count", b2Shape::e_typeCount);

            lua.registerMember("radius", &b2Shape::m_radius);
            lua.registerMember("type", &b2Shape::m_type);

            lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Shape", "Circle", LuaEmptyArray);
                lua.writeFunction("Box2D", "Shape", "Circle", "new",
                [](optional<float> r) {
                    b2CircleShape* shape = new b2CircleShape;
                    if (r) shape->m_radius = *r;

                    return shape;
                lua.registerMember("position", &b2CircleShape::m_p);

                lua.registerMember<b2CircleShape, float>("radius",
                [](const b2CircleShape& shape) {
                    return shape.m_radius;
                [](b2CircleShape& shape, const float rad) {
                    shape.m_radius = rad;
                lua.registerMember<b2CircleShape, b2CircleShape::Type, b2CircleShape::Type(const b2CircleShape&)>("type",
                [](const b2CircleShape& shape) {
                    return shape.m_type;

            lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Shape", "Edge", LuaEmptyArray);
                lua.writeFunction("Box2D", "Shape", "Edge", "new", getNewDefaultConstructorLambda<b2EdgeShape>());
                lua.registerMember("v1", &b2EdgeShape::m_vertex1);
                lua.registerMember("v2", &b2EdgeShape::m_vertex2);
                // ^ The two vertices actually in the edge

                lua.registerMember("v0", &b2EdgeShape::m_vertex0);
                lua.registerMember("v3", &b2EdgeShape::m_vertex3);
                lua.registerMember("hasv0", &b2EdgeShape::m_hasVertex0);
                lua.registerMember("hasv3", &b2EdgeShape::m_hasVertex3);
                // ^ Two "ghost vertices"; not sure what that means, gotta look
                // more into it

                lua.registerMember<b2EdgeShape, b2EdgeShape::Type, b2EdgeShape::Type(const b2EdgeShape&)>("type",
                [](const b2EdgeShape& shape) {
                    return shape.m_type;

            lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Shape", "Polygon", LuaEmptyArray);
                lua.writeFunction("Box2D", "Shape", "Polygon", "new", getNewDefaultConstructorLambda<b2PolygonShape>());

            lua.writeVariable("Box2D", "Shape", "Rectangle", LuaEmptyArray);
                lua.writeFunction("Box2D", "Shape", "Rectangle", "new",
                [](const float hx, const float hy, const optional<b2Vec2&> center, const optional<float> angle) {
                    b2PolygonShape* box = new b2PolygonShape;
                    if (center && angle) {
                        box->SetAsBox(hx, hy, *center, *angle);
                    else {
                        box->SetAsBox(hx, hy);

                    return box;
Example #4
 HasPtr(const string &s = string()):
     ps(new string(s)), i(0) { }
Example #5
void chomp_carriage_return(char* str) {
    int len = strlen(str);
    if ( str[len-1] == '\r' )
        str[len-1] = '\0';
Example #6
 SubsystemRunner (Option& opts)
   : opts_(opts)
   , emergency_(false)
   , start_(bind (&SubsystemRunner::triggerStartup, this,_1))
   , stopIt_(bind (&Subsys::triggerShutdown, _1))
   { }
Example #7
			void Callback::swap( Callback& rhs ) {
				using std::swap;
				swap( m_id, rhs.m_id );
				swap( m_callback, rhs.m_callback );
Example #8
double func8(double x) {
  return exp(21000.0 / x) / (1.11e11 * x * x) - 1.0;
Example #9
double func9(double x) {
  return 1.0 / x + log(x) - 100.0;
Example #10
double func6(double x) {
  return 1e10 * pow(x, 1.0 / x) - 1.0;
Example #11
double func7(double x) {
  return pow(x, 20.0) - 1.0;
Example #12
double func4(double x) {
  return exp(1.0 / x - 25.0) - 1.0;
Example #13
double func3(double x) {
  return 2.0 * x * exp(-20.0) + 1.0 - 2.0 * exp(-20.0 * x);
Example #14
double func1(double x) {
  return 4.0 * cos(x) - exp(x);
Example #15
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
{   ofstream    outf;
    bool        do_cmp;
    string      name, dir1(dir_path), dir2(aes_path);

    if(argc == 1)
        cout << endl << "usage: aes_gkat [/t] [/h] [/k] [/e] [/c] where:";
        cout << endl << "   /t: compare output and reference test file(s)";
        cout << endl << "   /h: author's byte order (frog, safer+ & serpent)";
        cout << endl << "   /k: generate ECB Known Answer Test files";  
        cout << endl << "   /e: generate ECB Monte Carlo Test files";
        cout << endl << "   /c: generate CBC Monte Carlo Test files";
        cout << endl << endl; exit(0);

    cout << endl << "Generate and verify tests for the " << cipher_name()[0] << " algorithm: (" 
                    << cipher_name()[1] << ")" << endl;

    do_fss_hack = test_args(argc, argv, 'h');

    do_cmp = test_args(argc, argv, 't');

    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'k'))
        name = dir1 + string(cipher_name()[0]) + string("\\ecb_vk.txt");

        outf.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);

            header(outf, 0); ecb_vk(outf); outf << endl; outf.close();
                comp_vecs(dir2 + cipher_name()[2] + "\\ecb_vk.txt", name);

        name = dir1 + string(cipher_name()[0]) + string("\\ecb_vt.txt");

        outf.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);

            header(outf, 1); ecb_vt(outf); outf << endl; outf.close();
                comp_vecs(dir2 + cipher_name()[2] + "\\ecb_vt.txt", name);

    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'e'))
        name = dir1 + string(cipher_name()[0]) + string("\\ecb_me.txt");

        outf.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);

            header(outf, 2); ecb_me(outf); outf << endl; outf.close();
                comp_vecs(dir2 + cipher_name()[2] + "\\ecb_e_m.txt", name);

        name = dir1 + string(cipher_name()[0]) + string("\\ecb_md.txt");

        outf.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);

            header(outf, 3); ecb_md(outf); outf << endl; outf.close();
                comp_vecs(dir2 + cipher_name()[2] + "\\ecb_d_m.txt", name);

    if(test_args(argc, argv, 'c'))
        name = dir1 + string(cipher_name()[0]) + string("\\cbc_me.txt");

        outf.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);

            header(outf, 4); cbc_me(outf); outf << endl; outf.close();
                comp_vecs(dir2 + cipher_name()[2] + "\\cbc_e_m.txt", name);

        name = dir1 + string(cipher_name()[0]) + string("\\cbc_md.txt");

        outf.open(name.c_str(), ios_base::out);

            header(outf, 5); cbc_md(outf); outf << endl; outf.close();
                comp_vecs(dir2 + cipher_name()[2] + "\\cbc_d_m.txt", name);
Example #16
double func10(double x) {
  return exp(exp(x)) - exp(exp(1.0));
Example #17
	friend void swap(ResourceHandle<Handle>& a, ResourceHandle<Handle>& b) noexcept
		using std::swap;
		swap(static_cast<Resource&>(a), static_cast<Resource&>(b));
		swap(a.handle_, b.handle_);
Example #18
        Service service;
        service.publish( resource );
        service.set_failed_filter_validation_handler( &failed_filter_validation_handler );

        thread service_thread( [ &service, settings ] ( )
            service.start( settings );
        } );

        WHEN( "I perform a HTTP 'GET' request to '/resources/1' with header 'Content-Type: application/yaml'" )
            Http::Request request;
            request.port = 1984;
            request.host = "localhost";
            request.path = "/resources/1";
            request.headers.insert( make_pair( "Content-Type", "application/yaml" ) );

            auto response = Http::get( request );

            THEN( "I should see a '-949' (Failed Filter Validation) status code" )
                REQUIRE( -949 == response.status_code );

            AND_THEN( "I should see a repsonse body of 'Yikes! Filters Mismatched.'" )
                Bytes expection { 'Y', 'i', 'k', 'e', 's', '!', ' ', 'F', 'i', 'l', 't', 'e', 'r', 's', ' ', 'M', 'i', 's', 'm', 'a', 't', 'c', 'h', 'e', 'd', '.' };
                REQUIRE( response.body == expection );

            AND_THEN( "I should see a 'Connection' header value of 'close'" )
Example #19
int main ()
    ::operator new (1, nothrow_t ());

    return 0;
Example #20
 string fields_string() const {
   return string();
int main ()
  std::cout << "Nonfinite_num_facet very simple example." << std::endl;

  if((std::numeric_limits<double>::has_infinity == 0) || (std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() == 0))
    std::cout << "Infinity not supported on this platform." << std::endl;
    return 0;

  if((std::numeric_limits<double>::has_quiet_NaN == 0) || (std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN() == 0))
    std::cout << "NaN not supported on this platform." << std::endl;
    return 0;

  std::locale default_locale (std::locale::classic ()); // Note the currrent (default C) locale.

  // Create plus and minus infinity.
  double plus_infinity = +std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
  double minus_infinity = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

  // and create a NaN (NotANumber)
  double NaN = +std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ();

  double negated_NaN = (boost::math::changesign)(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN ());

  // Output the nonfinite values using the current (default C) locale.
  // The default representations differ from system to system,
  // for example, using Microsoft compilers, 1.#INF, -1.#INF, and 1.#QNAN.
  cout << "Using C locale" << endl;
  cout << "+std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() = " << plus_infinity << endl;
  cout << "-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() = " << minus_infinity << endl;
  cout << "+std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN () = " << NaN << endl;

  // Display negated NaN.
  cout << "negated NaN " << negated_NaN << endl; // "-1.IND"
  // Create a new output locale, and add the nonfinite_num_put facet
  std::locale C99_out_locale (default_locale, new boost::math::nonfinite_num_put<char>);
  // and imbue the cout stream with the new locale.
  cout.imbue (C99_out_locale);

  // Or for the same effect more concisely:
  cout.imbue (locale(locale(), new boost::math::nonfinite_num_put<char>));

  // Output using the new locale
  cout << "Using C99_out_locale " << endl;
  cout << "+std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() = " << plus_infinity << endl;
  cout << "-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() = " << minus_infinity << endl;
  cout << "+std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN () = " << NaN << endl;

  // Display negated NaN.
  cout << "negated NaN " << negated_NaN << endl; // -nan

  // Create a string with the expected C99 representation of plus infinity.
  std::string inf = "inf";
  { // Try to read an infinity value using the default C locale.
    // Create an input stream which will provide "inf"
    std::istringstream iss (inf);

     // Create a double ready to take the input,
    double infinity;
    // and read "inf" from the stringstream:
    iss >> infinity; 

    // This will not work on all platforms!
    if (! iss)
    { // Reading infinity went wrong!
      std::cerr << "C locale input format error!" << std::endl;
  } // Using default C locale.

  { // Now retry using C99 facets.
  // Create a new input locale and add the nonfinite_num_get facet.
  std::locale C99_in_locale (default_locale, new boost::math::nonfinite_num_get<char>);

  // Create an input stream which will provide "inf".
  std::istringstream iss (inf);
  // Imbue the stream with the C99 input locale.
  iss.imbue (C99_in_locale);

  // Create a double ready to take the input,
  double infinity;
  // and read from the stringstream:
  iss >> infinity; 

  if (! iss)
  { // Reading infinity went wrong!
    std::cout << "C99 input format error!" << std::endl;
  // Expect to get an infinity, which will display still using the C99 locale as "inf"
  cout << "infinity in C99 representation is " << infinity << endl; 

  // To check, we can switch back to the default C locale.
  cout.imbue (default_locale);
  cout <<  "infinity in default C representation is " << infinity << endl; 
  } // using C99 locale.

    // A 'loop-back example, output to a stringstream, and reading it back in.
    // Create C99 input and output locales. 
    std::locale C99_out_locale (default_locale, new boost::math::nonfinite_num_put<char>);
    std::locale C99_in_locale (default_locale, new boost::math::nonfinite_num_get<char>);

    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << plus_infinity;

    std::istringstream iss(oss.str()); // So stream contains "inf".
    iss.imbue (C99_in_locale);

    std::string s;

    iss >> s;

    if (oss.str() != s)
      cout << plus_infinity << " != " << s << " loopback failed!" << endl;
      cout << plus_infinity << " == " << s << " as expected." << endl;

  // Example varying the width and position of the nonfinite representations.
  // With the nonfinite_num_put and _get facets, the width of the output is constant.

  cout << "BOOST_NO_NUMERIC_LIMITS_LOWEST is defined, so no max_digits10 available." << endl;
  std::streamsize  max_digits10 = 2 + std::numeric_limits<double>::digits * 30103UL / 100000UL;
  // Can use new C++0X max_digits10 (the maximum potentially significant digits).
  std::streamsize  max_digits10 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10;
  cout << "std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10 is " << max_digits10 << endl;

  double pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944;
  // Expect 17 (probably) decimal digits (regardless of locale).
  // cout has the default locale.
  cout << "pi = " << pi << endl; // pi = 3.1415926535897931
  cout.imbue (C99_out_locale); // Use cout with the C99 locale
  // (expect the same output for a double).
  cout << "pi = " << pi << endl; // pi = 3.1415926535897931

  cout << "infinity in C99 representation is " << plus_infinity << endl; 

  //int width = 2; // Check effect if width too small is OK.
  // (There was a disturbed layout on older MSVC?).
  int width = 20;

  // Similarly if we can switch back to the default C locale.
  cout.imbue (default_locale);
  cout <<  "infinity in default C representation is " << plus_infinity << endl; 
  cout <<  "infinity in default C representation (setw(" << width << ") is |" << setw(width) << plus_infinity <<'|' << endl; 
  cout <<  "infinity in default C representation (setw(" << width << ") is |" << left << setw(width) << plus_infinity <<'|' << endl; 
  cout <<  "infinity in default C representation (setw(" << width << ") is |" << internal << setw(width) << plus_infinity <<'|' << endl; 

  cout.imbue (C99_out_locale);
  cout << "infinity in C99 representation (setw(" << width << ") is |" << right << setw(width) << plus_infinity <<'|'<< endl; 
  cout << "infinity in C99 representation (setw(" << width << ") is |" << left << setw(width) << plus_infinity <<'|'<< endl; 
  cout << "infinity in C99 representation (setw(" << width << ") is |" << internal << setw(width) << plus_infinity <<'|'<< endl; 

  return 0;
} // int main()
Example #22
// JAH 20160731 added this function in replacement to the separate
// populate* functions that separately logged information tables
// this calls the kmodel version for Actors and Scenarios and then handles
// salience, capability, and dimensions tables
void SMPModel::LogInfoTables()
  // first call the KModel version to do the actors and scenarios tables

  // now do mine
  // assert tests for all tables here at the start
  assert(numDim == dimName.size());

  // for efficiency sake, we'll do all tables in a single transaction
  // form insert commands
  string sqlD = string("INSERT INTO DimensionDescription (ScenarioId,Dim_k,\"Desc\") VALUES ('")
    + scenId + "', :dim_k, :desc)";

  string sqlC = string("INSERT INTO SpatialCapability (ScenarioId, Turn_t, Act_i, Cap) VALUES ('")
    + scenId + "', :turn_t, :act_i, :cap)";

  string sqlS = string("INSERT INTO SpatialSalience (ScenarioId, Turn_t, Act_i, Dim_k,Sal) VALUES ('")
    + scenId + "', :turn_t, :act_i, :dim_k, :sal)";

  string sqlSc = string("UPDATE ScenarioDesc SET VotingRule = :vr, BigRAdjust = :br, "
    "BigRRange = :brr, ThirdPartyCommit = :tpc, InterVecBrgn = :ivb, BargnModel = :bm "
    " WHERE ScenarioId = '")
    + scenId + "'";

  string sqlAcc = string("INSERT INTO Accommodation (ScenarioId, Act_i, Act_j, Affinity) VALUES ('")
    + scenId
    + "', :act_i, :act_j, :affinity)";


  // Retrieve accommodation matrix
  auto st = dynamic_cast<SMPState *>(history.back());
  assert(st != nullptr);
  auto accM = st->getAccomodate();

  // Accomodation table to record affinities
  assert((accM.numR() == numAct) && (accM.numC() == numAct));
  for (unsigned int Act_i = 0; Act_i < numAct; ++Act_i) {
      for (unsigned int Act_j = 0; Act_j < numAct; ++Act_j) {
          //bind the data
          query.bindValue(":act_i", Act_i);
          query.bindValue(":act_j", Act_j);
          query.bindValue(":affinity", accM(Act_i, Act_j));
          // record
          if (!query.exec()) {
            LOG(INFO) << query.lastError().text().toStdString();

  // Dimension Description Table
  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dimName.size(); k++)
    // bind the data
    query.bindValue(":dim_k", k);
    query.bindValue(":desc", dimName[k].c_str());
    // record
    if (!query.exec()) {
      LOG(INFO) << query.lastError().text().toStdString();

  // Spatial Capability
  // for each turn extract the information
  for (unsigned int t = 0; t < history.size(); t++) {
    auto st = history[t];
    // get each actors capability value for each turn
    auto cp = (const SMPState*)history[t];
    auto caps = cp->actrCaps();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numAct; i++) {
      // bind data
      query.bindValue(":turn_t", t);
      query.bindValue(":act_i", i);
      query.bindValue(":cap", caps(0, i));
      // record
      if (!query.exec()) {
        LOG(INFO) << query.lastError().text().toStdString();

  // Spatial Salience
  // for each turn extract the information
  for (unsigned int t = 0; t < history.size(); t++) {
    // Get the individual turn
    auto st = history[t];
    // get the SMPState for turn
    auto cp = (const SMPState*)history[t];
    // Extract information for each actor and dimension
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numAct; i++) {
      for (unsigned int k = 0; k < numDim; k++) {
        // Populate the actor
        auto ai = ((const SMPActor*)actrs[i]);
        // Get the Salience Value for each actor
        //                double sal = ai->vSal(k, 0);
        //bind the data
        query.bindValue(":turn_t", t);
        query.bindValue(":act_i", i);
        query.bindValue(":dim_k", k);
        query.bindValue(":sal", ai->vSal(k, 0));
        // record
        if (!query.exec()) {
          LOG(INFO) << query.lastError().text().toStdString();

  //ScenarioDesc table
  query.bindValue(":vr", static_cast<int>(vrCltn));
  query.bindValue(":br", static_cast<int>(bigRAdj));
  query.bindValue(":brr", static_cast<int>(bigRRng));
  query.bindValue(":tpc", static_cast<int>(tpCommit));
  query.bindValue(":ivb", static_cast<int>(ivBrgn));
  query.bindValue(":bm", static_cast<int>(brgnMod));

  if (!query.exec()) {
    LOG(INFO) << query.lastError().text().toStdString();

  // finish

Example #23
void chomp_newline(char* str) {
    int len = strlen(str);
    if ( str[len-1] == '\n' )
        str[len-1] = '\0';
Example #24
// --------------------------------------------
void SMPState::updateBargnTable(const vector<vector<BargainSMP*>> & brgns,
                                map<unsigned int, KBase::KMatrix>  actorBargains,
                                map<unsigned int, unsigned int>   actorMaxBrgNdx) const {

  string sql = string("UPDATE Bargn SET Init_Prob = :init_prob, Init_Seld = :init_seld, "
    "Recd_Prob = :recd_prob, Recd_Seld = :recd_seld "
    "WHERE ('" + model->getScenarioID() + "' = ScenarioId) "
    "and (:turn_t = Turn_t) and (:bgnId = BargnId) "
    "and (:init_act_i = Init_Act_i) and (:recd_act_j = Recd_Act_j)");

  QSqlQuery query = model->getQuery();


  auto updateBargn = [&query, this](int bargnID,
    int initActor, double initProb, int isInitSelected,
    int recvActor, double recvProb, int isRecvSelected) {

    query.bindValue(":init_prob", initProb);

    query.bindValue(":init_seld", isInitSelected);

    // For SQ cases, there would be no receiver
    if (initActor != recvActor) {
      query.bindValue(":recd_prob", recvProb);

      query.bindValue(":recd_seld", isRecvSelected);
    else {
      // Pass NULL values for SQ cases
      query.bindValue(":recd_prob", QVariant::Double);

      query.bindValue(":recd_seld", QVariant::Int);

    query.bindValue(":turn_t", turn);

    query.bindValue(":bgnId", bargnID);

    query.bindValue(":init_act_i", initActor);

    query.bindValue(":recd_act_j", recvActor);

    if (!query.exec()) {
      LOG(INFO) << query.lastError().text().toStdString();


  // start for the transaction

  // Update the bargain table for the bargain values for init actor and recd actor
  // along with the info whether a bargain got selected or not in the respective actor's queue
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < brgns.size(); i++) {
    auto ai = ((const SMPActor*)(model->actrs[i]));
    double initProb = -0.1;
    int initSelected = -1;
    auto bargains_i = brgns[i];
    int initBgnNdx = 0;
    auto initActr = -1;
    auto rcvrActr = -1;
    //uint64_t bgID = 0; // tag uninitialized value
    int countDown = 2; // Stop iterating if cases for i:i and i:j processed
    for (auto bg : bargains_i) {
      assert(nullptr != bg);
      if (bg->actInit == bg->actRcvr) { // For SQ case
        initActr = model->actrNdx(bg->actInit);
        rcvrActr = initActr;
        initProb = (actorBargains[initActr])(initBgnNdx, 0);
        initSelected = initBgnNdx == actorMaxBrgNdx[initActr] ? 1 : 0;

          initActr, initProb, initSelected,
          rcvrActr, -1.0, 0);

        if (0 == --countDown) {
      else {
        if (ai == bg->actInit) { // this bargain is initiated by current actor
          initActr = model->actrNdx(bg->actInit);
          initProb = (actorBargains[initActr])(initBgnNdx, 0);
          initSelected = initBgnNdx == actorMaxBrgNdx[initActr] ? 1 : 0;
          rcvrActr = model->actrNdx(bg->actRcvr);

          // Get the bargains of receiver actor
          auto brgnRcvr = brgns[rcvrActr];
          int rcvrBgNdx = 0;
          double rcvrProb = -1.0;
          int rcvrSelected = -1;
          for (auto bgRcv : brgnRcvr) {
            assert(nullptr != bgRcv);
            if (ai == bgRcv->actInit) {
              rcvrProb = (actorBargains[rcvrActr])(rcvrBgNdx, 0);

              // Check if it is the selected bargain for receiver actor
              rcvrSelected = actorMaxBrgNdx[rcvrActr] == rcvrBgNdx ? 1 : 0;

                initActr, initProb, initSelected,
                rcvrActr, rcvrProb, rcvrSelected);

          if (0 == countDown) {



Example #25
// Handle the reply from a scheduler
int CLIENT_STATE::handle_scheduler_reply(
    PROJECT* project, char* scheduler_url
) {
    FILE* f;
    int retval;
    unsigned int i;
    bool signature_valid, update_global_prefs=false, update_project_prefs=false;
    char buf[1024], filename[256];
    std::string old_gui_urls = project->gui_urls;
    PROJECT* p2;

    project->last_rpc_time = now;

    if (work_fetch.requested_work()) {
        had_or_requested_work = true;

    get_sched_reply_filename(*project, filename, sizeof(filename));

    f = fopen(filename, "rb");
    if (!f) return ERR_FOPEN;
    retval = sr.parse(f, project);
    if (retval) return retval;

    if (log_flags.sched_ops) {
        if (work_fetch.requested_work()) {
            snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ": got %d new tasks", (int)sr.results.size());
        } else {
            safe_strcpy(buf, "");
        msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO, "Scheduler request completed%s", buf);
    if (log_flags.sched_op_debug) {
        if (sr.scheduler_version) {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO,
                "[sched_op] Server version %d",

    // check that master URL is correct
    if (strlen(sr.master_url)) {
        canonicalize_master_url(sr.master_url, sizeof(sr.master_url));
        string url1 = sr.master_url;
        string url2 = project->master_url;
        if (url1 != url2) {
            p2 = lookup_project(sr.master_url);
            if (p2) {
                msg_printf(project, MSG_USER_ALERT,
                    "You are attached to this project twice.  Please remove projects named %s, then add %s",
            } else {
                msg_printf(project, MSG_USER_ALERT,
                    _("This project is using an old URL.  When convenient, remove the project, then add %s"),

    // make sure we don't already have a project of same name
    bool dup_name = false;
    for (i=0; i<projects.size(); i++) {
        p2 = projects[i];
        if (project == p2) continue;
        if (!strcmp(p2->project_name, project->project_name)) {
            dup_name = true;
    if (dup_name) {
        msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO,
            "Already attached to a project named %s (possibly with wrong URL)",
        msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO,
            "Consider detaching this project, then trying again"

    // show messages from server
    bool got_notice = false;
    for (i=0; i<sr.messages.size(); i++) {
        USER_MESSAGE& um = sr.messages[i];
        int prio = MSG_INFO;
        if (!strcmp(um.priority.c_str(), "notice")) {
            prio = MSG_SCHEDULER_ALERT;
            got_notice = true;
        msg_printf(project, prio, "%s", um.message.c_str());

    // if we requested work and didn't get notices,
    // clear scheduler notices from this project
    if (work_fetch.requested_work() && !got_notice) {
        notices.remove_notices(project, REMOVE_SCHEDULER_MSG);

    if (log_flags.sched_op_debug && sr.request_delay) {
        msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO,
            "Project requested delay of %.0f seconds", sr.request_delay

    // if project is down, return error (so that we back off)
    // and don't do anything else
    if (sr.project_is_down) {
        if (sr.request_delay) {
            double x = now + sr.request_delay;
            project->set_min_rpc_time(x, "project requested delay");
        return ERR_PROJECT_DOWN;

    // if the scheduler reply includes global preferences,
    // insert extra elements, write to disk, and parse
    if (sr.global_prefs_xml) {
        // skip this if we have host-specific prefs
        // and we're talking to an old scheduler
        if (!global_prefs.host_specific || sr.scheduler_version >= 507) {
            retval = save_global_prefs(
                sr.global_prefs_xml, project->master_url, scheduler_url
            if (retval) {
                return retval;
            update_global_prefs = true;
        } else {
            if (log_flags.sched_op_debug) {
                msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO,
                    "ignoring prefs from old server; we have host-specific prefs"

    // see if we have a new venue from this project
    // (this must go AFTER the above, since otherwise
    // global_prefs_source_project() is meaningless)
    if (strcmp(project->host_venue, sr.host_venue)) {
        safe_strcpy(project->host_venue, sr.host_venue);
        msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO, "New computer location: %s", sr.host_venue);
        update_project_prefs = true;
        if (project == global_prefs_source_project()) {
            safe_strcpy(main_host_venue, sr.host_venue);
            update_global_prefs = true;

    if (update_global_prefs) {

    // deal with project preferences (should always be there)
    // If they've changed, write to account file,
    // then parse to get our venue, and pass to running apps
    if (sr.project_prefs_xml) {
        if (strcmp(project->project_prefs.c_str(), sr.project_prefs_xml)) {
            project->project_prefs = string(sr.project_prefs_xml);
            update_project_prefs = true;

    // the account file has GUI URLs and project prefs.
    // rewrite if either of these has changed
    if (project->gui_urls != old_gui_urls || update_project_prefs) {
        retval = project->write_account_file();
        if (retval) {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "Can't write account file: %s", boincerror(retval)
            return retval;

    if (update_project_prefs) {

    // show notice if we can't possibly get work from this project.
    // This must come after parsing project prefs

    // if the scheduler reply includes a code-signing key,
    // accept it if we don't already have one from the project.
    // Otherwise verify its signature, using the key we already have.

    if (sr.code_sign_key) {
        if (!strlen(project->code_sign_key)) {
            safe_strcpy(project->code_sign_key, sr.code_sign_key);
        } else {
            if (sr.code_sign_key_signature) {
                retval = check_string_signature2(
                    sr.code_sign_key, sr.code_sign_key_signature,
                    project->code_sign_key, signature_valid
                if (!retval && signature_valid) {
                    safe_strcpy(project->code_sign_key, sr.code_sign_key);
                } else {
                    msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                        "New code signing key doesn't validate"
            } else {
                msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                    "Missing code sign key signature"

    // copy new entities to client state
    for (i=0; i<sr.apps.size(); i++) {
        APP* app = lookup_app(project, sr.apps[i].name);
        if (app) {
            // update app attributes; they may have changed on server
            safe_strcpy(app->user_friendly_name, sr.apps[i].user_friendly_name);
            app->non_cpu_intensive = sr.apps[i].non_cpu_intensive;
            app->fraction_done_exact = sr.apps[i].fraction_done_exact;
        } else {
            app = new APP;
            *app = sr.apps[i];
            retval = link_app(project, app);
            if (retval) {
                msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                    "Can't handle application %s in scheduler reply", app->name
                delete app;
            } else {
    FILE_INFO* fip;
    for (i=0; i<sr.file_infos.size(); i++) {
        fip = lookup_file_info(project, sr.file_infos[i].name);
        if (fip) {
        } else {
            fip = new FILE_INFO;
            *fip = sr.file_infos[i];
            if (fip->sticky_lifetime) {
                fip->sticky_expire_time = now + fip->sticky_lifetime;
            retval = link_file_info(project, fip);
            if (retval) {
                msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                    "Can't handle file %s in scheduler reply", fip->name
                delete fip;
            } else {
    for (i=0; i<sr.file_deletes.size(); i++) {
        fip = lookup_file_info(project, sr.file_deletes[i].c_str());
        if (fip) {
            if (log_flags.file_xfer_debug) {
                msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO,
                    "[file_xfer_debug] Got server request to delete file %s",
            fip->sticky = false;
    for (i=0; i<sr.app_versions.size(); i++) {
        if (project->anonymous_platform) {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "App version returned from anonymous platform project; ignoring"
        APP_VERSION& avpp = sr.app_versions[i];
        if (strlen(avpp.platform) == 0) {
            safe_strcpy(avpp.platform, get_primary_platform());
        } else {
            if (!is_supported_platform(avpp.platform)) {
                msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                    "App version has unsupported platform %s", avpp.platform
        if (avpp.missing_coproc) {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "App version uses non-existent %s GPU",
        APP* app = lookup_app(project, avpp.app_name);
        if (!app) {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "Missing app %s", avpp.app_name
        APP_VERSION* avp = lookup_app_version(
            app, avpp.platform, avpp.version_num, avpp.plan_class
        if (avp) {
            // update app version attributes in case they changed on server
            avp->avg_ncpus = avpp.avg_ncpus;
            avp->max_ncpus = avpp.max_ncpus;
            avp->flops = avpp.flops;
            safe_strcpy(avp->cmdline, avpp.cmdline);
            avp->gpu_usage = avpp.gpu_usage;
            strlcpy(avp->api_version, avpp.api_version, sizeof(avp->api_version));
            avp->dont_throttle = avpp.dont_throttle;
            avp->needs_network = avpp.needs_network;

            // if we had download failures, clear them

        avp = new APP_VERSION;
        *avp = avpp;
        retval = link_app_version(project, avp);
        if (retval) {
             delete avp;
    for (i=0; i<sr.workunits.size(); i++) {
        if (lookup_workunit(project, sr.workunits[i].name)) continue;
        WORKUNIT* wup = new WORKUNIT;
        *wup = sr.workunits[i];
        wup->project = project;
        retval = link_workunit(project, wup);
        if (retval) {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "Can't handle task %s in scheduler reply", wup->name
            delete wup;
    double est_rsc_runtime[MAX_RSC];
    for (int j=0; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
        est_rsc_runtime[j] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<sr.results.size(); i++) {
        RESULT* rp2 = lookup_result(project, sr.results[i].name);
        if (rp2) {
            // see if project wants to change the job's deadline
            if (sr.results[i].report_deadline != rp2->report_deadline) {
                rp2->report_deadline = sr.results[i].report_deadline;
            } else {
                msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                    "Already have task %s\n", sr.results[i].name
        RESULT* rp = new RESULT;
        *rp = sr.results[i];
        retval = link_result(project, rp);
        if (retval) {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "Can't handle task %s in scheduler reply", rp->name
            delete rp;
        if (strlen(rp->platform) == 0) {
            safe_strcpy(rp->platform, get_primary_platform());
            rp->version_num = latest_version(rp->wup->app, rp->platform);
        rp->avp = lookup_app_version(
            rp->wup->app, rp->platform, rp->version_num, rp->plan_class
        if (!rp->avp) {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "No app version found for app %s platform %s ver %d class %s; discarding %s",
                rp->wup->app->name, rp->platform, rp->version_num, rp->plan_class, rp->name
            delete rp;
        if (rp->avp->missing_coproc) {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "Missing coprocessor for task %s; aborting", rp->name
        } else {
            rp->set_state(RESULT_NEW, "handle_scheduler_reply");
            int rt = rp->avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type;
            if (rt > 0) {
                est_rsc_runtime[rt] += rp->estimated_runtime();
                gpus_usable = true;
                    // trigger a check of whether GPU is actually usable
            } else {
                est_rsc_runtime[0] += rp->estimated_runtime();
        rp->wup->version_num = rp->version_num;
        rp->received_time = now;

    if (log_flags.sched_op_debug) {
        if (sr.results.size()) {
            for (int j=0; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
                msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO,
                    "[sched_op] estimated total %s task duration: %.0f seconds",

    // update records for ack'ed results
    for (i=0; i<sr.result_acks.size(); i++) {
        if (log_flags.sched_op_debug) {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO,
                "[sched_op] handle_scheduler_reply(): got ack for task %s\n",
        RESULT* rp = lookup_result(project, sr.result_acks[i].name);
        if (rp) {
            rp->got_server_ack = true;
        } else {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "Got ack for task %s, but can't find it", sr.result_acks[i].name

    // handle result abort requests
    for (i=0; i<sr.result_abort.size(); i++) {
        RESULT* rp = lookup_result(project, sr.result_abort[i].name);
        if (rp) {
            ACTIVE_TASK* atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);
            if (atp) {
                    "aborted by project - no longer usable"
            } else {
        } else {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "Server requested abort of unknown task %s",
    for (i=0; i<sr.result_abort_if_not_started.size(); i++) {
        RESULT* rp = lookup_result(project, sr.result_abort_if_not_started[i].name);
        if (!rp) {
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                "Server requested conditional abort of unknown task %s",
        if (rp->not_started) {

    // remove acked trickle files
    if (sr.message_ack) {
    if (sr.send_full_workload) {
        project->send_full_workload = true;
    project->dont_use_dcf = sr.dont_use_dcf;
    project->send_time_stats_log = sr.send_time_stats_log;
    project->send_job_log = sr.send_job_log;
    project->trickle_up_pending = false;

    // The project returns a hostid only if it has created a new host record.
    // In that case reset RPC seqno
    if (sr.hostid) {
        if (project->hostid) {
            // if we already have a host ID for this project,
            // we must have sent it a stale seqno,
            // which usually means our state file was copied from another host.
            // So generate a new host CPID.
            msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO,
                "Generated new computer cross-project ID: %s",
        //msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO, "Changing host ID from %d to %d", project->hostid, sr.hostid);
        project->hostid = sr.hostid;
        project->rpc_seqno = 0;

    if (sr.auto_update.present) {
        if (!sr.auto_update.validate_and_link(project)) {
            auto_update = sr.auto_update;

    project->project_files = sr.project_files;

    if (log_flags.state_debug) {
        msg_printf(project, MSG_INFO,
            "[state] handle_scheduler_reply(): State after handle_scheduler_reply():"

    // the following must precede the backoff and request_delay checks,
    // since it overrides them
    if (sr.next_rpc_delay) {
        project->next_rpc_time = now + sr.next_rpc_delay;
    } else {
        project->next_rpc_time = 0;

    work_fetch.handle_reply(project, &sr, new_results);

    project->nrpc_failures = 0;
    project->min_rpc_time = 0;

    if (sr.request_delay) {
        double x = now + sr.request_delay;
        project->set_min_rpc_time(x, "requested by project");

    if (sr.got_rss_feeds) {
        handle_sr_feeds(sr.sr_feeds, project);

    update_trickle_up_urls(project, sr.trickle_up_urls);

    // garbage collect in case the project sent us some irrelevant FILE_INFOs;
    // avoid starting transfers for them

    // if the user provided app_config.xml for this project,
    // apply it to any app versions we just got
    project->app_configs.config_app_versions(project, false);

    // make sure we don't set no_rsc_apps[] for all processor types
    if (!project->anonymous_platform) {

    return 0;
Example #26
void SMPState::recordProbEduChlg() const {
  size_t basePos = -1;
  size_t digCount = 0;
  size_t nextCommaPos = string::npos;

  auto nextActor = [&basePos, &nextCommaPos](string &actors) {
    basePos = nextCommaPos + 1;
    nextCommaPos = actors.find_first_of(",", basePos);
    size_t digCount = nextCommaPos - basePos;
    return actors.substr(basePos, digCount);

  QSqlQuery query = model->getQuery();
  string qsql;
  qsql = string("INSERT INTO TPProbVictLoss "
    "(ScenarioId, Turn_t, Est_h, Init_i, ThrdP_k, Rcvr_j, Prob, Util_V, Util_L) "
    "VALUES ("
    "'") + model->getScenarioID() + "',"
    " :t, :h, :i, :thrdp_k, :j, :prob, :util_v, :util_l )";


  for (auto &tpv : tpvData) {
    auto thij = tpv.first;
    auto tpvArray = tpv.second;

    basePos = -1;
    digCount = 0;
    nextCommaPos = string::npos;

    auto t = std::stoi(nextActor(thij));
    auto h = std::stoi(nextActor(thij));
    auto i = std::stoi(nextActor(thij));
    auto j = std::stoi(nextActor(thij));

    query.bindValue(":t", t);
    query.bindValue(":h", h);
    query.bindValue(":i", i);
    query.bindValue(":j", j);

    const unsigned int na = model->numAct;

    for (int tpk = 0; tpk < na; tpk++) {  // third party voter, tpk
      query.bindValue(":thrdp_k", tpk);

      // bind the data
      query.bindValue(":prob", tpvArray(tpk, 0));
      query.bindValue(":util_v", tpvArray(tpk, 1));
      query.bindValue(":util_l", tpvArray(tpk, 2));

      // actually record it
      if (!query.exec()) {
        LOG(INFO) << query.lastError().text().toStdString();

  qsql = string("INSERT INTO ProbVict "
    "(ScenarioId, Turn_t, Est_h,Init_i,Rcvr_j,Prob) VALUES ('")
    + model->getScenarioID() + "', :t, :h, :i, :j, :phij)";


  for (auto &phijVal : phijData) {
    auto thij = phijVal.first;
    auto phij = phijVal.second;

    basePos = -1;
    digCount = 0;
    nextCommaPos = string::npos;

    auto t = std::stoi(nextActor(thij));
    auto h = std::stoi(nextActor(thij));
    auto i = std::stoi(nextActor(thij));
    auto j = std::stoi(nextActor(thij));

    query.bindValue(":t", t);
    query.bindValue(":h", h);
    query.bindValue(":i", i);
    query.bindValue(":j", j);
    query.bindValue(":phij", phij);

    // actually record it
    if (!query.exec()) {
      LOG(INFO) << query.lastError().text().toStdString();

  qsql = string("INSERT INTO UtilChlg "
    "(ScenarioId, Turn_t, Est_h,Aff_k,Init_i,Rcvr_j,Util_SQ,Util_Vict,Util_Cntst,Util_Chlg) VALUES ('")
    + model->getScenarioID() + "', :t, :h, :k, :i, :j, :euSQ, :euVict, :euCntst, :euChlg)";


  for (auto &euVal : euData) {
    auto thkij = euVal.first;
    basePos = -1;
    digCount = 0;
    nextCommaPos = string::npos;

    auto t = std::stoi(nextActor(thkij));
    auto h = std::stoi(nextActor(thkij));
    auto k = std::stoi(nextActor(thkij));
    auto i = std::stoi(nextActor(thkij));
    auto j = std::stoi(nextActor(thkij));

    auto eu = euVal.second;
    auto euSQ = eu[0];
    auto euVict = eu[1];
    auto euCntst = eu[2];
    auto euChlg = eu[3];

    query.bindValue(":t", t);
    query.bindValue(":h", h);
    query.bindValue(":k", k);
    query.bindValue(":i", i);
    query.bindValue(":j", j);
    query.bindValue(":euSQ", euSQ);
    query.bindValue(":euVict", euVict);
    query.bindValue(":euCntst", euCntst);
    query.bindValue(":euChlg", euChlg);

    // actually record it
    if (!query.exec()) {
      LOG(INFO) << query.lastError().text().toStdString();

Example #27
int main() {
    ifstream archivo_notas("notas.dat", ios::in);

    if( !archivo_notas ) {
        cerr << "No se pudo abrir el archivo";

    float nota1, nota2, nota3, codigo, promedio;
    int num = 0;
    char sep;
    string nombre;

    cout << left << setw(4) << "Cod" << left << setw(16) << "Nombre" << right
        << setw(8) << "Nota 1" << setw(8) << "Nota 2" << setw(8) << "Nota 3"
        << setw(10) << "Promedio" << endl;

    while(archivo_notas >> codigo >> nombre >> nota1 >> nota2 >> nota3) {
        promedio = (nota1 + nota2 + nota3) / 3;
        cout << left << setw(4) << codigo << setw(16) << nombre 
            << right << setw(8) << fixed << setprecision(2) << nota1 << setw(8)
            << nota2 << setw(8) << nota3 << setw(10) << promedio << endl;

    cout << endl << "Total notas procesadas: " << num << endl;

    return 0;
Example #28
inline typename boost::math::tools::promote_args<T>::type
inv_cloglog(T x) {
    using std::exp;
    return exp(-exp(x));
Example #29
EntitySystem::EntitySystem(EntitySystem&& other) : EntitySystem() {
	swap(*this, other);
Example #30
static int try_to_ul_wh(const string& orig_file_name) {
  directoryrec d = {};
  int i1, i2, i4, key, ok = 0, dn = 0;
  uploadsrec u, u1;

  string file_name = orig_file_name;

  if (!okfn(file_name)) {
    t2u_error(file_name, "Bad filename");          // bad filename
    return 1;

  bool done = false;
  if (session()->user()->IsRestrictionValidate() || session()->user()->IsRestrictionUpload() ||
      (syscfg.sysconfig & sysconfig_all_sysop)) {
    dn = (syscfg.newuploads < session()->directories.size()) ? syscfg.newuploads : 0;
  } else {
    char temp[10];

    // The hangup check is below so uploads get uploaded even on hangup
    done = false;
    while (!done) {
      if (hangup) {
        if (syscfg.newuploads < session()->directories.size()) {
          dn = syscfg.newuploads;
        } else {
          dn = 0;
        done = true;
      } else {
        // The sleep_for used to be a wait_sec_or_hit( 1 )
        bout << "\r\nUpload " << file_name << " to which dir? <CR>=0 ?=List \r\n";
        input(temp, 5, true);
        if (temp[0] == '?') {
        } else if (!temp[0]) {
          dn = 0;
          done = true;
        } else {
          int x = atoi(temp);
          if (session()->udir[x].subnum >= 0) {
            d = session()->directories[dn];
            if ((d.mask & mask_no_uploads) && (!dcs())) {
              bout << "Can't upload there...\r\n";
            } else {
              dn = session()->udir[x].subnum;
              done = true;

  d = session()->directories[dn];
  if (session()->numf >= d.maxfiles) {
    t2u_error(file_name, "This directory is currently full.");
    return 1;
  if ((d.mask & mask_no_uploads) && (!dcs())) {
    t2u_error(file_name, "Uploads are not allowed to this directory.");
    return 1;
  if (!is_uploadable(file_name.c_str())) {
    if (so()) {
      bout << "|#5In filename database - add anyway? ";
      if (!yesno()) {
        t2u_error(file_name, "|#6File either already here or unwanted.");
        return 1;
    } else {
      t2u_error(file_name, "|#6File either already here or unwanted.");
      return 1;
  string s = file_name;
  if (contains(s, '?')) {
    t2u_error(file_name, "Contains wildcards");
    return 1;
  if (d.mask & mask_archive) {
    ok = 0;
    string s1;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_ARCS; i++) {
      if (session()->arcs[i].extension[0] && session()->arcs[i].extension[0] != ' ') {
        if (!s1.empty()) s1 += ", ";
        s1 += session()->arcs[i].extension;
        if (wwiv::strings::IsEquals(s.c_str() + 9, session()->arcs[i].extension)) {
          ok = 1;
    if (!ok) {
      bout << "Sorry, all uploads to this directory must be archived.  Supported types are:\r\n";
      bout << s1;

      t2u_error(file_name, "Unsupported archive");
      return 1;
  strcpy(u.filename, s.c_str());
  u.ownerusr = static_cast<uint16_t>(session()->usernum);
  u.ownersys = 0;
  u.numdloads = 0;
  u.unused_filetype = 0;
  u.mask = 0;
  const string unn = session()->names()->UserName(session()->usernum);
  strncpy(u.upby, unn.c_str(), sizeof(u.upby));
  u.upby[36]  = '\0';
  strcpy(u.date, date());

  if (File::Exists(StrCat(d.path, s))) {
    if (dcs()) {
      bout << "File already exists.\r\n|#5Add to database anyway? ";
      if (yesno() == 0) {
        t2u_error(file_name, "That file is already here.");
        return 1;
    } else {
      t2u_error(file_name, "That file is already here.");
      return 1;
  if (ok && (!session()->HasConfigFlag(OP_FLAGS_FAST_SEARCH))) {
    bout << "Checking for same file in other session()->directories...\r\n\n";
    i2 = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; (i < session()->directories.size()) && (session()->udir[i].subnum != -1); i++) {
      string s1 = StrCat("Scanning ", session()->directories[session()->udir[i].subnum].name);

      i4 = s1.size();
      //s1 += string(i3 - i2, ' ');

      i2 = i4;
      bout << s1;

      i1 = recno(u.filename);
      if (i1 >= 0) {
        bout << "Same file found on " << session()->directories[session()->udir[i].subnum].name << wwiv::endl;

        if (dcs()) {
          bout << "|#5Upload anyway? ";
          if (!yesno()) {
            t2u_error(file_name, "That file is already here.");
            return 1;
        } else {
          t2u_error(file_name, "That file is already here.");
          return 1;

    bout << string(i2, ' ') << "\r";

  const string src = StrCat(session()->batch_directory(), file_name);
  const string dest = StrCat(d.path, file_name);

  if (File::Exists(dest)) {

  // s1 and s2 should remain set,they are used below
  movefile(src, dest, true);
  strcpy(u.description, "NO DESCRIPTION GIVEN");
  bool file_id_avail = get_file_idz(&u, dn);
  done = false;

  while (!done && !hangup && !file_id_avail) {
    bool abort = false;

    bout << "|#1Upload going to |#7" << d.name << "\r\n\n";
    bout << "   |#1Filename    |01: |#7" << file_name << wwiv::endl;
    bout << "|#2A|#7] |#1Description |01: |#7" << u.description << wwiv::endl;
    bout << "|#2B|#7] |#1Modify extended description\r\n\n";
    print_extended(u.filename, &abort, 10, 0);
    bout << "|#2<|#7CR|#2> |#1to continue, |#7Q|#1 to abort upload: ";
    key = onek("\rQABC", true);
    switch (key) {
    case 'Q':
      bout << "Are you sure, file will be lost? ";
      if (yesno()) {
        t2u_error(file_name, "Changed mind");
        // move file back to batch dir
        movefile(dest, src, true);
        return 1;

    case 'A':
      bout << "Please enter a one line description.\r\n:";
      inputl(u.description, 58);

    case 'B':
      string ss = read_extended_description(u.filename);
      bout << "|#5Modify extended description? ";
      if (yesno()) {
        if (!ss.empty()) {
          bout << "|#5Delete it? ";
          if (yesno()) {
            u.mask &= ~mask_extended;
          } else {
            u.mask |= mask_extended;
            modify_extended_description(&ss, session()->directories[session()->current_user_dir().subnum].name);
            if (!ss.empty()) {
              add_extended_description(u.filename, ss);
        } else {
          modify_extended_description(&ss, session()->directories[session()->current_user_dir().subnum].name);
          if (!ss.empty()) {
            add_extended_description(u.filename, ss);
            u.mask |= mask_extended;
          } else {
            u.mask &= ~mask_extended;
      } else if (!ss.empty()) {
        u.mask |= mask_extended;
      } else {
        u.mask &= ~mask_extended;
    } break;

    case '\r':
      done = true;


  File file(d.path, s);
  if (!file.Open(File::modeBinary | File::modeReadOnly)) {
    // dos error, file not found
    if (u.mask & mask_extended) {
    t2u_error(file_name, "DOS error - File not found.");
    return 1;
  if (!syscfg.upload_cmd.empty()) {
    bout << "Please wait...\r\n";
    if (!check_ul_event(dn, &u)) {
      if (u.mask & mask_extended) {
      t2u_error(file_name, "Failed upload event");
      return 1;
    } else {
      file.Open(File::modeBinary | File::modeReadOnly);
  long lFileLength = file.GetLength();
  u.numbytes = lFileLength;
  session()->user()->SetFilesUploaded(session()->user()->GetFilesUploaded() + 1);

  time_t tCurrentDate = time(nullptr);
  u.daten = static_cast<uint32_t>(tCurrentDate);
  File fileDownload(session()->download_filename_);
  fileDownload.Open(File::modeBinary | File::modeCreateFile | File::modeReadWrite);
  for (int i = session()->numf; i >= 1; i--) {
    FileAreaSetRecord(fileDownload, i);
    fileDownload.Read(&u1, sizeof(uploadsrec));
    FileAreaSetRecord(fileDownload, i + 1);
    fileDownload.Write(&u1, sizeof(uploadsrec));

  FileAreaSetRecord(fileDownload, 1);
  fileDownload.Write(&u, sizeof(uploadsrec));
  FileAreaSetRecord(fileDownload, 0);
  fileDownload.Read(&u1, sizeof(uploadsrec));
  u1.numbytes = session()->numf;
  u1.daten = static_cast<uint32_t>(tCurrentDate);
  FileAreaSetRecord(fileDownload, 0);
  fileDownload.Write(&u1, sizeof(uploadsrec));

  modify_database(u.filename, true);

  session()->user()->SetUploadK(session()->user()->GetUploadK() + bytes_to_k(u.numbytes));

  WStatus *pStatus = session()->status_manager()->BeginTransaction();
  sysoplog() << StringPrintf("+ \"%s\" uploaded on %s", u.filename, session()->directories[dn].name);
  return 0;                                 // This means success