int main(int argc, char **argv) { setlocale(0, "Russian"); ifstream In = ifstream("input.txt"); if(!In.is_open()) { printf_s("Нет файла :(\n"); return -1; } Sphere s1 = ReadSphere(In); Sphere s2 = ReadSphere(In); In.close(); PrintSphere(s1,1); PrintSphere(s2,2); ofstream Out = ofstream("output.txt"); if(IsSphereContect(s1,s2)) { Out<<"YES"; printf("Сферы пересикаются\n"); } else { Out<<"NO"; printf("Сферы не пересикаются\n"); } Out.close(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
Counter::Counter(string fileName, size_t readerRank, size_t readerSize) : _fn{fileName} , _offset{0} , _length{0} , _fileSize{0} { auto&& tmp = ifstream(_fn); tmp.seekg(0, ios_base::end); _fileSize = tmp.tellg(); auto minReading = _fileSize / readerSize; auto rest = _fileSize - minReading * readerSize; auto offsets = vector<size_t>{}; auto lengths = vector<size_t>{}; auto curOffset = 0u; for(auto i = 0u; i < readerSize; ++i) { offsets.push_back(curOffset); lengths.push_back( minReading + (i < rest ? 1 : 0 ) ); curOffset += lengths.back(); } _offset =; _length =; std::fill(_counts, _counts + 256, 0u ); // cout << "thread " << readerRank << " / " << readerSize << " reading at offset " << _offset << " for length " << _length << endl; }
bool Image::load(RenderDevice* device, const String& imageFile) { using std::ifstream; using std::ios; rc::ResourceLoader loader; tsinfo("Loading image: \"%\"", imageFile); loader.load(ifstream(imageFile, ios::binary)); if ( { tswarn("Unable to load image."); return !setError(true); } const auto& imgReader = loader.deserialize<tsr::Image>(); const uint32 sign = imgReader.signature(); tsassert(memcmp("TSTX", reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&sign), 4) == 0); ImageResourceInfo info; ResourceData data; data.memoryByteDepth = imgReader.byteDepth(); data.memoryByteWidth = imgReader.byteWidth(); data.memory =; info.format = (ImageFormat)imgReader.format(); info.type = (ImageType)imgReader.type(); info.usage = ImageUsage::SRV; info.height = imgReader.height(); info.width = imgReader.width(); info.length = imgReader.length(); info.useMips = true; info.mipLevels = 1; info.msLevels = 1; //Create image resource m_img = device->createResourceImage(&data, info, m_img.release()); if (!m_img) { tserror("Unable to create image."); return !setError(true); } //Save image info m_imgInfo = info; return !setError(false); }
bool FileExists(const char* Archivo){ if(!ifstream(Archivo)){ ofstream crear(Archivo); ofstream write;; write<<"Falso,0"; write.close(); crear.close(); return true; }else{ return true; } }
void Counter::count() { auto&& in = ifstream(_fn); in.seekg(_offset, ios_base::beg); auto numRead = 0u; while(numRead < _length ) { char c ; in.get(c); ++_counts[static_cast<size_t>(c)]; ++numRead; } }