Example #1
void Alpha::draw_section(clan::Canvas &canvas, clan::Font &font, int yoffset, const clan::Colorf &background, const clan::Colorf &vertex_colour, const clan::Colorf &image_colour)
	// Draw the background without blending to set the specified RGBA


	const int outer_area_size = 32;
	const int outer_xoffset = 8;
	canvas.fill_rect( outer_xoffset, yoffset, outer_xoffset + outer_area_size, yoffset + outer_area_size, background);


	// Create the image
	clan::Image image = create_block(canvas, image_colour);

	// Draw the image
	image.draw(canvas, outer_xoffset + (outer_area_size - image.get_width())/2, yoffset + (outer_area_size - image.get_height())/2);

	// Get the composited pixel buffer
	clan::Rect rect(outer_xoffset + outer_area_size / 2, (yoffset + outer_area_size / 2), clan::Size(64,64));
	clan::PixelBuffer pbuff = canvas.get_pixeldata(rect, clan::tf_rgba8);
	pbuff.lock(canvas, clan::access_read_only);

	clan::ImageProviderFactory::save(pbuff, "test.png");

 	clan::Colorf output = pbuff.get_pixel(0,0);
	// Create the information string
	std::string info(clan::string_format("Initial Destination Colour: RGBA = %1, %2, %3, %4", background.r , background.g, background.b, background.a));
	int xpos = outer_xoffset + outer_area_size + 8;
	int ypos = yoffset - 4;
	font.draw_text(canvas, xpos, ypos, info, clan::Colorf::black);

	info = std::string(clan::string_format("Vertex Colour: RGBA = %1, %2, %3, %4", vertex_colour.r , vertex_colour.g, vertex_colour.b, vertex_colour.a));
	ypos += 16;
	font.draw_text(canvas, xpos, ypos, info, clan::Colorf::black);

	info = std::string(clan::string_format("Image Colour: RGBA = %1, %2, %3, %4", image_colour.r , image_colour.g, image_colour.b, image_colour.a));
	ypos += 16;
	font.draw_text(canvas, xpos, ypos, info, clan::Colorf::black);

	info = std::string(clan::string_format("Destination Colour: RGBA = %1, %2, %3, %4", output.r , output.g, output.b, output.a));
	ypos += 16;
	font.draw_text(canvas, xpos, ypos, info, clan::Colorf::black);

Example #2
void Alpha::draw_section(clan::Canvas &canvas, clan::Font &font, int yoffset, const clan::Colorf &background, const clan::Colorf &vertex_colour, const clan::Colorf &image_colour)
	// Draw the background without blending to set the specified RGBA


	const int outer_area_size = 32;
	const int outer_xoffset = 8;
	canvas.fill_rect( outer_xoffset, yoffset, outer_xoffset + outer_area_size, yoffset + outer_area_size, background);


	// Create the image
	clan::Image image = create_block(canvas, image_colour);

	// Draw the image
	image.draw(canvas, outer_xoffset + (outer_area_size - image.get_width())/2, yoffset + (outer_area_size - image.get_height())/2);

	clan::Colorf output;
	// Get the composited pixel buffer
	clan::Rectf rect(outer_xoffset + outer_area_size / 2, (yoffset + outer_area_size / 2), clan::Sizef(64,64));
	if (rect.is_inside(canvas.get_size()))
		clan::PixelBuffer pbuff = canvas.get_pixeldata(rect, clan::tf_rgba8);
		pbuff.lock(canvas, clan::access_read_only);

		//clan::ImageProviderFactory::save(pbuff, "test.png");

		clan::Colorf output = pbuff.get_pixel(0, 0);
	// Create the information string
	std::string info(clan::string_format("Background = %1, %2, %3, %4", get_text(background.r), get_text(background.g), get_text(background.b), get_text(background.a)));
	int xpos = outer_xoffset + outer_area_size + 8;
	int ypos = yoffset + 12;
	font.draw_text(canvas, xpos, ypos, info, clan::Colorf::black);

	info = std::string(clan::string_format("Vertex = %1, %2, %3, %4", get_text(vertex_colour.r), get_text(vertex_colour.g), get_text(vertex_colour.b), get_text(vertex_colour.a)));
	font.draw_text(canvas, xpos + 250, ypos, info, clan::Colorf::black);

	info = std::string(clan::string_format("Image = %1, %2, %3, %4", get_text(image_colour.r), get_text(image_colour.g), get_text(image_colour.b), get_text(image_colour.a)));
	font.draw_text(canvas, xpos + 500, ypos, info, clan::Colorf::black);

	ypos += 20;
	clan::Colorf source(vertex_colour * image_colour);
	clan::Colorf calculated;
	calculated.r = source.a * source.r + (1.0f - source.a) * background.r;
	calculated.g = source.a * source.g + (1.0f - source.a) * background.g;
	calculated.b = source.a * source.b + (1.0f - source.a) * background.b;
	calculated.a = source.a + (1.0f - source.a) * background.a;

	info = std::string(clan::string_format("Source = %1, %2, %3, %4", get_text(source.r), get_text(source.g), get_text(source.b), get_text(source.a)));
	font.draw_text(canvas, xpos, ypos, info, clan::Colorf::black);

	info = std::string(clan::string_format("Calculated = %1, %2, %3, %4", get_text(calculated.r), get_text(calculated.g), get_text(calculated.b), get_text(calculated.a)));
	font.draw_text(canvas, xpos +  250, ypos, info, clan::Colorf::black);

	info = std::string(clan::string_format("Actual = %1, %2, %3, %4", get_text(output.r), get_text(output.g), get_text(output.b), get_text(output.a)));
	font.draw_text(canvas, xpos + 500, ypos, info, clan::Colorf::black);