void HwShaderExporter::setTexture (
        const PBBitmap * bitmap, 
        COLLADASW::Sampler& sampler
        if ( !bitmap )
            //:TODO: retrieve default values from fx file

        // Set the texture format.
        //:TODO: read from BitmapInfo::Type ()
        sampler.setFormat ( EffectTextureExporter::FORMAT );

        // Get the necessary exporters.
        EffectExporter* effectExporter = mDocumentExporter->getEffectExporter ();
        EffectTextureExporter* textureExporter = effectExporter->getTextureExporter();
        // The file name to connect to.
#ifdef UNICODE
		String fileName = bitmap->bi.Name() ? COLLADASW::URI::nativePathToUri( COLLADABU::StringUtils::wideString2utf8String(bitmap->bi.Name()) ) : "";
        String fileName = bitmap->bi.Name() ? COLLADASW::URI::nativePathToUri( bitmap->bi.Name() ) : "";

        // Export, if we have a file name.
        if ( !fileName.empty () )
            // Get the image path
            COLLADASW::URI shaderFxFileUri = mEffectProfile->getIncludeURI();

            // Take the filename for the unique image name
            COLLADASW::URI sourceFileUri ( shaderFxFileUri, fileName );
            if ( sourceFileUri.getScheme ().empty () )
                sourceFileUri.setScheme ( COLLADASW::URI::SCHEME_FILE );
            String maxImageId = /*DocumentExporter::mayaNameToColladaName*/ ( sourceFileUri.getPathFileBase().c_str () );

            // Get the image id of the maya image 
            String colladaImageId = textureExporter->findColladaImageId ( maxImageId );

            if ( colladaImageId.empty () )
                colladaImageId = textureExporter->getImageIdList ().addId ( maxImageId );
                textureExporter->getMaxIdColladaImageId () [maxImageId] = colladaImageId;

            // Export the image
            COLLADASW::Image* colladaImage = textureExporter->exportImage ( maxImageId, colladaImageId, sourceFileUri );

            // Get the image id of the exported collada image
            colladaImageId = colladaImage->getImageId();

            // Set the image reference
            sampler.setImageId ( colladaImageId );
    String EffectTextureExporter::exportImage ( const MObject &texture )
        // Retrieve the texture filename
        MFnDependencyNode textureNode ( texture );
        MString mayaName = textureNode.name();
        MPlug filenamePlug = textureNode.findPlug ( ATTR_FILE_TEXTURE_NAME );

        // Get the maya image id.
        String mayaImageId = DocumentExporter::mayaNameToColladaName ( textureNode.name() );

        // Generate a COLLADA id for the new light object
        String colladaImageId;

        // Check if there is an extra attribute "colladaId" and use this as export id.
        MString attributeValue;
        DagHelper::getPlugValue ( texture, COLLADA_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, attributeValue );
        if ( attributeValue != EMPTY_CSTRING )
            // Generate a valid collada name, if necessary.
            colladaImageId = mDocumentExporter->mayaNameToColladaName ( attributeValue, false );
            // Generate a COLLADA id for the new light object
            colladaImageId = DocumentExporter::mayaNameToColladaName ( textureNode.name() );
        // Make the id unique and store it in a map for refernences.
        colladaImageId = mImageIdList.addId ( colladaImageId );
        mMayaIdColladaImageId [mayaImageId] = colladaImageId;

        // Get the maya filename with the path to the file.
        MString mayaFileName;
        filenamePlug.getValue ( mayaFileName );
        if ( mayaFileName.length () == 0 ) return NULL;
        String sourceFile = mayaFileName.asChar ();
        COLLADASW::URI sourceFileUri ( COLLADASW::URI::nativePathToUri ( sourceFile ) );
        if ( sourceFileUri.getScheme ().empty () )
            sourceFileUri.setScheme ( COLLADASW::URI::SCHEME_FILE );

        COLLADASW::Image* colladaImage = exportImage ( mayaImageId, colladaImageId, sourceFileUri );
        if ( colladaImage == NULL ) return NULL;

        // Export the node type, because PSD textures don't behave the same as File textures.
        String nodeType = texture.hasFn ( MFn::kPsdFileTexture ) ? MAYA_TEXTURE_PSDTEXTURE : MAYA_TEXTURE_FILETEXTURE;
        colladaImage->addExtraTechniqueParameter ( PROFILE_MAYA, MAYA_TEXTURE_NODETYPE, nodeType );

        // Export whether this image is in fact an image sequence
        MPlug imgSeqPlug = textureNode.findPlug ( ATTR_IMAGE_SEQUENCE );
        bool isImgSeq = false;
        imgSeqPlug.getValue ( isImgSeq );
        colladaImage->addExtraTechniqueParameter ( PROFILE_MAYA, MAYA_TEXTURE_IMAGE_SEQUENCE, isImgSeq );

        return colladaImage->getImageId();
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    COLLADASW::URI EffectTextureExporter::createTargetURI ( const COLLADASW::URI& sourceUri )
        // Target file
        String targetFile = mDocumentExporter->getFilename();
        COLLADASW::URI targetUri ( COLLADASW::URI::nativePathToUri ( targetFile ) );
        const String& targetScheme = targetUri.getScheme ();

        // Get the pure file name of the source file and set 
        // the source file name to the target path
        targetUri.setPathFile ( sourceUri.getPathFile () );
        if ( !targetScheme.empty () )
            targetUri.setScheme ( targetScheme );
            targetUri.setScheme ( COLLADASW::URI::SCHEME_FILE );

        // Generate the target file name
        return targetUri;
    void DocumentExporter::exportAsset()
        COLLADASW::Asset asset ( &mStreamWriter );

        // Add contributor information
        // Set the author
        String userName = getEnvironmentVariable ( "USERNAME" );

        if ( userName.empty() )
            userName = getEnvironmentVariable ( "USER" );

        if ( !userName.empty() )
            asset.getContributor().mAuthor = String ( userName );

		const COLLADASW::URI maxFileUri = mExportSceneGraph->getMaxFileUri();
		if ( !maxFileUri.getPathFile().empty() )
			asset.getContributor().mSourceData = maxFileUri.getURIString();

        asset.getContributor().mAuthoringTool = AUTHORING_TOOL;

        // set *system* unit information
        int systemUnitType;

        float systemUnitScale;

        GetMasterUnitInfo ( &systemUnitType, &systemUnitScale );

        switch ( systemUnitType )

        case UNITS_INCHES:
            asset.setUnit ( "inch", systemUnitScale * 0.0254f );

        case UNITS_FEET:
            asset.setUnit ( "feet", systemUnitScale * 0.3048f );

        case UNITS_MILES:
            asset.setUnit ( "mile", systemUnitScale * 1609.344f );

            asset.setUnit ( "millimeter", systemUnitScale * 0.001f );

            asset.setUnit ( "centimeter", systemUnitScale * 0.01f );

        case UNITS_METERS:
            asset.setUnit ( "meter", systemUnitScale );

        case UNITS_KILOMETERS:
            asset.setUnit ( "kilometer", systemUnitScale * 1000.0f );


        asset.setUpAxisType ( COLLADASW::Asset::Z_UP );

    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    bool EffectTextureExporter::getTextureFileInfos ( 
        const COLLADASW::URI &sourceUri, 
        COLLADASW::URI &fullFileNameURI )
        bool returnValue = true;

        // Check if the file exist!
        String sourceUriString = sourceUri.toNativePath();

        if ( ExportOptions::relativePaths() )
            // Different filename and URI, if we copy the textures to the destination directory!
            if ( ExportOptions::copyTextures() )
                // Get the URI of the COLLADA file.
                String targetColladaFile = mDocumentExporter->getFilename();
                COLLADASW::URI targetColladaUri ( COLLADASW::URI::nativePathToUri ( targetColladaFile ) );
                if ( targetColladaUri.getScheme ().empty () )
                    targetColladaUri.setScheme ( COLLADASW::URI::SCHEME_FILE );

                // Get the URI of the copied texture file.
                COLLADASW::URI textureUri = createTargetURI ( sourceUri );

                // Get the texture URI relative to the COLLADA file URI.
                bool success = false;
                COLLADASW::URI targetUri = textureUri.getRelativeTo ( targetColladaUri, success );
                if ( !success ) 
                    String message = "Not able to generate a relative path from " 
                        + textureUri.getURIString() + " to " + targetColladaUri.getURIString() 
                        + ". An absolute path will be written! ";
                    MGlobal::displayError ( message.c_str() );
                    targetUri = textureUri;
                    returnValue = false;

                // Get the file URI
                fullFileNameURI = targetUri;
                // Get the URI of the COLLADA file.
                String targetColladaFile = mDocumentExporter->getFilename();
                COLLADASW::URI targetColladaUri ( COLLADASW::URI::nativePathToUri ( targetColladaFile ) );
                if ( targetColladaUri.getScheme ().empty () )
                    targetColladaUri.setScheme ( COLLADASW::URI::SCHEME_FILE );

                // Get the texture URI relative to the COLLADA file URI.
                bool success = false;
                COLLADASW::URI targetUri = sourceUri.getRelativeTo ( targetColladaUri, success );
                if ( !success ) 
                    String message = "Not able to generate a relative path from " 
                        + sourceUri.getURIString() + " to " + targetColladaUri.getURIString() 
                        + ". An absolute path will be written! ";
                    MGlobal::displayError ( message.c_str() );
                    targetUri = sourceUri;
                    returnValue = false;

                // Get the file URI
                fullFileNameURI = targetUri;
            // Different filename and URI, if we copy the textures to the destination directory!
            if ( ExportOptions::copyTextures() )
                // Get the texture URI relative to the COLLADA file URI.
                COLLADASW::URI targetUri = createTargetURI ( sourceUri );

                // Get the file URI
                fullFileNameURI = targetUri;
                // Get the file URI
                fullFileNameURI = sourceUri;

        return returnValue;
    // -------------------------------
    COLLADASW::Image* EffectTextureExporter::exportImage ( 
        const String& mayaImageId, 
        const String& colladaImageId, 
        const COLLADASW::URI& sourceUri )
        // Get the file name and the URI
        COLLADASW::URI fullFileNameURI;
        bool sourceFileExist = getTextureFileInfos ( sourceUri, fullFileNameURI );
        String fullFileName = fullFileNameURI.toNativePath ();

        // Have we seen this texture node before?
        ImageMap::iterator exportedImagesIter = mExportedImageMap.find ( fullFileName );
        if ( exportedImagesIter != mExportedImageMap.end() )
            COLLADASW::Image* colladaImage = ( *exportedImagesIter ).second;
            return colladaImage;

        // Check, if we should copy the texture to the destination folder.
        if ( ExportOptions::copyTextures() )
            // Get the target file from source file.
            COLLADASW::URI targetUri = createTargetURI ( sourceUri );

            if ( !exists ( sourceUri.toNativePath() ) )
                String message = "The source texture file doesn't exist! Filename = " + sourceUri.toNativePath();
                std::cerr << message << std::endl;
                // Copy the texture, if it isn't already there...
                if ( !exists( targetUri.toNativePath () ) )
                        // Create the target directory, if necessary. 
                        // Note: some systems (window$) requires the string to be 
                        // enclosed in quotes when a space is present.
                        COLLADASW::URI targetPathUri ( targetUri.getPathDir() );
                        create_directory ( targetPathUri.toNativePath() );

                        // Throws: basic_filesystem_error<Path> if
                        // from_fp.empty() || to_fp.empty() ||!exists(from_fp) || !is_regular(from_fp) || exists(to_fp)
                        copy_file ( path ( sourceUri.toNativePath() ), path ( targetUri.toNativePath() ) );
                    catch ( std::exception ex )
                        String message = "Could not successful create directory and copy file: " + sourceUri.toNativePath();
                        MGlobal::displayError( message.c_str() );
                        std::cerr << "[ERROR] Could not copy file " << sourceUri.toNativePath() << std::endl;

        // Create a new image structure
        COLLADASW::Image* colladaImage = new COLLADASW::Image ( fullFileNameURI, colladaImageId, mayaImageId );

        // Export the original maya name.
        colladaImage->addExtraTechniqueParameter ( PROFILE_MAYA, PARAMETER_MAYA_ID, mayaImageId );

        // Add this texture to our list of exported images
        mExportedImageMap[ fullFileName ] = colladaImage;

        return colladaImage;
	void DocumentExporter::exportAsset()
		COLLADASW::Asset asset(&mStreamWriter);

        // Add contributor information
        // Set the author
        char* userName = getenv ( USERNAME );

        if ( !userName || *userName == 0 ) 
			userName = getenv ( USER );
        if ( userName && *userName != 0 ) 
			asset.getContributor().mAuthor = NativeString( userName ).toUtf8String();

        // Source is the scene we have exported from
        String currentScene = MFileIO::currentFile().asChar();
        if ( currentScene.size() > 0 )
            COLLADASW::URI sourceFileUri ( COLLADASW::URI::nativePathToUri ( currentScene ) );
            if ( sourceFileUri.getScheme ().empty () )
                sourceFileUri.setScheme ( COLLADASW::URI::SCHEME_FILE );
            asset.getContributor().mSourceData = sourceFileUri.getURIString();
		std::size_t foundLast = COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.find_last_of(".");
		std::size_t foundFirst = COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.find_first_of(".");
		String versionMajor = COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.substr(0, foundFirst);
		String versionMinor = COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.substr(foundFirst + 1, foundLast - foundFirst -1 );

		asset.getContributor().mAuthoringTool = AUTHORING_TOOL_NAME + MGlobal::mayaVersion().asChar() +
			(COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.empty() ? "" : String(";  ") + String("Version: ") + versionMajor + "." + versionMinor) +
			(COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.empty() ? "" : String(";  ") + String("Revision: ") + COLLADABU::CURRENT_REVISION.substr(foundLast + 1));
        // comments
		MString optstr = MString("\n\t\t\tColladaMaya export options: ")
			+ "\n\t\t\tbakeTransforms=" + ExportOptions::bakeTransforms()
			+ ";relativePaths=" + ExportOptions::relativePaths()
			+ ";preserveSourceTree=" + ExportOptions::preserveSourceTree()
			+ ";copyTextures=" + ExportOptions::copyTextures()
			+ ";exportTriangles=" + ExportOptions::exportTriangles()
			+ ";exportCgfxFileReferences=" + ExportOptions::exportCgfxFileReferences()
			+ ";\n\t\t\tisSampling=" + ExportOptions::isSampling()
			+ ";curveConstrainSampling=" + ExportOptions::curveConstrainSampling()
			+ ";removeStaticCurves=" + ExportOptions::removeStaticCurves()
			+ ";exportPhysics=" + ExportOptions::exportPhysics()
            + ";exportConvexMeshGeometries=" + ExportOptions::exportConvexMeshGeometries()
            + ";exportPolygonMeshes=" + ExportOptions::exportPolygonMeshes() 
            + ";exportLights=" + ExportOptions::exportLights() 
            + ";\n\t\t\texportCameras=" + ExportOptions::exportCameras() 
			+ ";exportAnimationsOnly=" + ExportOptions::exportAnimationsOnly()
			+ ";exportSeparateFile=" + ExportOptions::exportSeparateFile()
			+ ";modelNameDAE=" + ExportOptions::getDAEmodelName()
            + ";exportJoints=" + ExportOptions::exportJoints() 
			+ ";exportSkin=" + ExportOptions::exportSkin()
            + ";exportAnimations=" + ExportOptions::exportAnimations()
            + ";exportOptimizedBezierAnimation=" + ExportOptions::exportOptimizedBezierAnimations()
            + ";exportInvisibleNodes=" + ExportOptions::exportInvisibleNodes()
            + ";exportDefaultCameras=" + ExportOptions::exportDefaultCameras()
            + ";\n\t\t\texportTexCoords=" + ExportOptions::exportTexCoords()
            + ";exportNormals=" + ExportOptions::exportNormals() 
            + ";exportNormalsPerVertex=" + ExportOptions::exportNormalsPerVertex() 
            + ";exportVertexColors=" + ExportOptions::exportVertexColors()
            + ";exportVertexColorsPerVertex=" + ExportOptions::exportVertexColorsPerVertex()
            + ";\n\t\t\texportTexTangents=" + ExportOptions::exportTexTangents() 
            + ";exportTangents=" + ExportOptions::exportTangents() 
            + ";exportReferencedMaterials=" + ExportOptions::exportReferencedMaterials() 
            + ";exportMaterialsOnly=" + ExportOptions::exportMaterialsOnly() 
            + ";\n\t\t\texportXRefs=" + ExportOptions::exportXRefs() 
            + ";dereferenceXRefs=" + ExportOptions::dereferenceXRefs() 
            + ";exportCameraAsLookat=" + ExportOptions::exportCameraAsLookat() 
            + ";cameraXFov=" + ExportOptions::cameraXFov() 
            + ";cameraYFov=" + ExportOptions::cameraYFov() 
            + ";doublePrecision=" + ExportOptions::doublePrecision () + "\n\t\t";
        asset.getContributor().mComments = optstr.asChar();

        // Up axis
        if ( MGlobal::isYAxisUp() ) 
            asset.setUpAxisType ( COLLADASW::Asset::Y_UP );
        else if ( MGlobal::isZAxisUp() ) 
            asset.setUpAxisType ( COLLADASW::Asset::Z_UP );

        // Retrieve the linear unit name
        MString mayaLinearUnitName;
        MGlobal::executeCommand ( "currentUnit -q -linear -fullName;", mayaLinearUnitName );
        String linearUnitName = mayaLinearUnitName.asChar();

        // Get the UI unit type (internal units are centimeter, collada want
        // a number relative to meters).
        // All transform components with units will be in maya's internal units
        // (radians for rotations and centimeters for translations).
        MDistance testDistance ( 1.0f, MDistance::uiUnit() );

        // Get the conversion factor relative to meters for the collada document.
        // For example, 1.0 for the name "meter"; 1000 for the name "kilometer";
        // 0.3048 for the name "foot".
        double colladaConversionFactor = ( float ) testDistance.as ( MDistance::kMeters );
        float colladaUnitFactor = float ( 1.0 / colladaConversionFactor );
        asset.setUnit ( linearUnitName, colladaConversionFactor );

        // Asset heraus schreiben
    void MaterialExporter::setSetParamTexture (
        const cgfxAttrDef* attribute, 
        MObject texture, 
        COLLADASW::Sampler::SamplerType samplerType, 
        COLLADASW::ValueType::ColladaType samplerValueType )
        // Get a pointer to the current stream writer.
        COLLADASW::StreamWriter* streamWriter = mDocumentExporter->getStreamWriter();

        // Get the image id
        MFnDependencyNode textureNode ( texture );
        String plugName = textureNode.name().asChar(); // file1

        // Get the file texture name
        MPlug filenamePlug = textureNode.findPlug ( ATTR_FILE_TEXTURE_NAME );
        MString mayaFileName;
        filenamePlug.getValue ( mayaFileName );
        if ( mayaFileName.length() == 0 ) return;
        String fileName = mayaFileName.asChar ();
        // Get the image path
        COLLADASW::URI shaderFxFileUri = getShaderFxFileUri ();

        // Take the filename for the unique image name 
        COLLADASW::URI sourceFileUri ( shaderFxFileUri, fileName );
        if ( sourceFileUri.getScheme ().empty () )
            sourceFileUri.setScheme ( COLLADASW::URI::SCHEME_FILE );
        String mayaImageId = DocumentExporter::mayaNameToColladaName ( sourceFileUri.getPathFileBase().c_str () );

        // Get the image id of the maya image 
        EffectExporter* effectExporter = mDocumentExporter->getEffectExporter ();
        String colladaImageId = effectExporter->findColladaImageId ( mayaImageId );
        if ( colladaImageId.empty () )
            // Check if there is an extra attribute "colladaId" and use this as export id.
            MString attributeValue;
            DagHelper::getPlugValue ( texture, COLLADA_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, attributeValue );
            if ( attributeValue != EMPTY_CSTRING )
                // Generate a valid collada name, if necessary.
                colladaImageId = mDocumentExporter->mayaNameToColladaName ( attributeValue, false );
                // Generate a COLLADA id for the new light object
                colladaImageId = DocumentExporter::mayaNameToColladaName ( textureNode.name() );
            // Make the id unique and store it in a map for refernences.
            EffectTextureExporter* textureExporter = effectExporter->getTextureExporter ();
            colladaImageId = textureExporter->getImageIdList ().addId ( colladaImageId );
            textureExporter->getMayaIdColladaImageId () [mayaImageId] = colladaImageId;

        // Export the image
        EffectTextureExporter* textureExporter = mDocumentExporter->getEffectExporter()->getTextureExporter();
        COLLADASW::Image* colladaImage = textureExporter->exportImage ( mayaImageId, colladaImageId, sourceFileUri );
        mayaImageId = colladaImage->getImageId();

        // Create the sampler and surface sid
        String samplerSid = mayaImageId + COLLADASW::Sampler::SAMPLER_SID_SUFFIX;
        String surfaceSid = mayaImageId + COLLADASW::Sampler::SURFACE_SID_SUFFIX;

        // Avoid export of dublicate sampler params
        if ( mSamplers.find ( samplerSid ) != mSamplers.end () ) return;
        mSamplers.insert ( samplerSid );

        // Create the sampler and add the sampler <setparam>
        COLLADASW::Sampler sampler ( samplerType, samplerSid, surfaceSid );
        sampler.setFormat ( EffectTextureExporter::FORMAT );
        sampler.setImageId ( colladaImage->getImageId() );
        sampler.addInSetParam ( streamWriter );
    // -------------------------------
    COLLADASW::Image* EffectTextureExporter::exportImage ( 
        const String& mayaImageId, 
        const String& colladaImageId, 
        const COLLADASW::URI& sourceUri )
        // Get the file name and the URI
        COLLADASW::URI fullFileNameURI;
        bool sourceFileExist = getTextureFileInfos ( sourceUri, fullFileNameURI );
        String fullFileName = fullFileNameURI.toNativePath ();

        // Have we seen this texture node before?
        ImageMap::iterator exportedImagesIter = mExportedImageMap.find ( fullFileName );
        if ( exportedImagesIter != mExportedImageMap.end() )
            COLLADASW::Image* colladaImage = ( *exportedImagesIter ).second;
            return colladaImage;

        // Check, if we should copy the texture to the destination folder.
        if ( mDocumentExporter->getOptions().getCopyImages() )
            // Get the target file from source file.
            COLLADASW::URI targetUri = createTargetURI ( sourceUri );

			bool exists = COLLADABU::Utils::fileExistsAndIsReadable( sourceUri.toNativePath() );
            if ( !exists )
                String message = "The source texture file doesn't exist! Filename = " + sourceUri.toNativePath();
                GetCOREInterface()->Log()->LogEntry( SYSLOG_ERROR, DISPLAY_DIALOG, _M( "Image export problem" ),_M( "%s\n" ), message.c_str() );
                // Copy the texture, if it isn't already there...
				exists = COLLADABU::Utils::fileExistsAndIsReadable( targetUri.toNativePath() );
                if ( !exists )
                        // Create the target directory, if necessary. 
                        // Note: some systems (window$) requires the string to be 
                        // enclosed in quotes when a space is present.
                        COLLADASW::URI targetPathUri ( targetUri.getPathDir() );
						exists = COLLADABU::Utils::createDirectoryIfNeeded( targetPathUri.toNativePath() );

						if( exists )
							// Throws: basic_filesystem_error<Path> if
							// from_fp.empty() || to_fp.empty() ||!exists(from_fp) || !is_regular(from_fp) || exists(to_fp)
							exists = COLLADABU::Utils::copyFile ( sourceUri.toNativePath(), targetUri.toNativePath() );
                    catch ( std::exception ex )
						exists = false;

					if( !exists )
						String message = "Could not successful create directory and copy file: " + sourceUri.toNativePath();
						GetCOREInterface()->Log()->LogEntry( SYSLOG_ERROR, DISPLAY_DIALOG, _M( "Image export problem" ),_M( "%s\nCould not copy file %s\n" ), message.c_str(), sourceUri.toNativePath().c_str() );
        // Create a new image structure
        COLLADASW::Image* colladaImage = new COLLADASW::Image ( fullFileNameURI, colladaImageId, mayaImageId );

        // Export the original maya name.
//        colladaImage->addExtraTechniqueParameter ( PROFILE_MAYA, PARAMETER_MAYA_ID, mayaImageId );

        // Add this texture to our list of exported images
        mExportedImageMap[ fullFileName ] = colladaImage;

        return colladaImage;