Example #1
void Gu::BoxV::create(const Gu::CapsuleV& capsule)
	using namespace Ps::aos;
	const FloatV half = FloatV_From_F32(0.5f);
	const FloatV cRadius = capsule.radius;
	// Box center = center of the two LSS's endpoints
	center = capsule.getCenter();

	const Vec3V dir = capsule.computeDirection(); //capsule.p1 - capsule.p0;
	const FloatV d = V3Length(dir);
	rot.col0 = V3Scale(dir, FRecip(d));

	//Box extent
	extents = cRadius;
	V3SetX(extents, FMulAdd(d, half, cRadius));

	// Box orientation
	computeBasis2(rot.col0, rot.col1, rot.col2);