bool physx::Gu::computeCapsule_HeightFieldMTD(const PxHeightFieldGeometry& heightFieldGeom, const PxTransform& pose, Gu::CapsuleV& capsuleV, const PxReal inflatedRadius, const PxReal distance, const bool isDoubleSided, const PxU32 flags, PxSweepHit& hit)

	using namespace Ps::aos;

	const Vec3V zeroV = V3Zero();

	Gu::MeshPersistentContact manifoldContacts[64]; 
	PxU32 numContacts = 0;
	FloatV distV = FLoad(distance);
	//inflated the capsule by 1% in case of some disgreement between sweep and mtd calculation.If sweep said initial overlap, but mtd has a positive seperation,
	//we are still be able to return a valid normal but we should zero the distance.
	const FloatV inflatedRadiusV = FLoad(inflatedRadius*1.01f);  
	bool foundInitial = false;
	static PxU32 iterations = 4;

	LocalContainer(tempContainer, 128);

	Gu::HeightFieldUtil hfUtil(heightFieldGeom);

	Vec3V closestA=zeroV, closestB=zeroV, normal=zeroV;
	PxU32 triangleIndex = 0xfffffff;

	Vec3V translation = zeroV;
	FloatV mtd;
	for(PxU32 i=0; i<iterations; ++i)
		Gu::Capsule inflatedCapsule;
		V3StoreU(capsuleV.p0, inflatedCapsule.p0);
		V3StoreU(capsuleV.p1, inflatedCapsule.p1);
		inflatedCapsule.radius = inflatedRadius;

		Box capsuleBox;
		computeBoxAroundCapsule(inflatedCapsule, capsuleBox);
		const PxTransform capsuleBoxTransform = capsuleBox.getTransform();
		PxBounds3 bounds = PxBounds3::poseExtent(capsuleBoxTransform, capsuleBox.extents);
		midPhaseQueryHF(hfUtil, pose, bounds, tempContainer, flags);

		// Get results
		PxU32 nbTriangles = tempContainer.GetNbEntries();


		PxU32* indices = tempContainer.GetEntries();

		bool hadContacts = false;

		PxU32 nbBatches = (nbTriangles + BATCH_TRIANGLE_NUMBER - 1)/BATCH_TRIANGLE_NUMBER;
		mtd = FMax();
		MTDTriangle triangles[BATCH_TRIANGLE_NUMBER];
		for(PxU32 a = 0; a < nbBatches; ++a)
			PxU32 startIndex = a * BATCH_TRIANGLE_NUMBER;
			PxU32 nbTrigs = PxMin(nbTriangles - startIndex, BATCH_TRIANGLE_NUMBER);
			for(PxU32 k=0; k<nbTrigs; k++)
				//triangle vertext space
				const PxU32 triangleIndex1 = indices[startIndex+k];
				hfUtil.getTriangle(pose, triangles[k], NULL, NULL, triangleIndex1, true);
				triangles[k].extraTriData = 0x38;

			//ML: mtd has back face culling, so if the capsule's center is below the triangle, we won't generate any contacts
			hadContacts = calculateMTD(capsuleV, inflatedRadiusV, isDoubleSided, triangles, nbTrigs, startIndex, manifoldContacts, numContacts, normal, closestA, closestB, triangleIndex, mtd) || hadContacts;


		triangleIndex = indices[triangleIndex];

		foundInitial = true;

		distV = FSub(mtd, capsuleV.radius);
		if(FAllGrtrOrEq(FZero(), distV))
			//move the capsule to depenerate it
			Vec3V center = capsuleV.getCenter();
			Vec3V t = V3Scale(normal, distV);
			translation = V3Sub(translation, t);
			center = V3Sub(center, t);
			if(i == 0)
				//First iteration so keep this normal
				hit.distance = 0.f;
				V3StoreU(closestA, hit.position);
				V3StoreU(normal, hit.normal);
				hit.faceIndex = triangleIndex;
				return true;

	normal = V3Normalize(translation);
	distV = FNeg(V3Length(translation));
		FStore(distV, &hit.distance);
		V3StoreU(closestA, hit.position);
		V3StoreU(normal, hit.normal);
		hit.faceIndex = triangleIndex;

	return foundInitial;
