This example creates a new material called "YourMaterial" and sets some of its properties, such as disabling shadow reception and lighting. It also creates a texture unit state and sets the texture to "yourTexture.png". Example 2 - Applying a Material to an Object The following code example shows how to apply a material to an object within the scene:c++ Ogre::Entity* entity = mSceneMgr->createEntity("YourEntity", "YourMesh.mesh"); Ogre::MaterialPtr yourMaterial = Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("YourMaterial"); entity->setMaterial(yourMaterial); ``` This example creates a new entity with the mesh "YourMesh.mesh" and applies the material "YourMaterial" to it. The material is retrieved using its name using the MaterialManager class. Package Library: Cpp Ogre MaterialPtr is part of the Ogre3D package library. Ogre3D is a popular open-source 3D rendering engine used for game development, simulations, and visualizations.