App::DocumentObjectExecReturn *FeatureCompound::execute(void) { const std::vector<DocumentObject*> &Paths = Group.getValues(); Path::Toolpath result; for (std::vector<DocumentObject*>::const_iterator it= Paths.begin();it!=Paths.end();++it) { if ((*it)->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(Path::Feature::getClassTypeId())){ const std::vector<Command*> &cmds = static_cast<Path::Feature*>(*it)->Path.getValue().getCommands(); const Base::Placement pl = static_cast<Path::Feature*>(*it)->Placement.getValue(); for (std::vector<Command*>::const_iterator it2= cmds.begin();it2!=cmds.end();++it2) { if (UsePlacements.getValue() == true) { result.addCommand((*it2)->transform(pl)); } else { result.addCommand(**it2); } } }else return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("Not all objects in group are paths!"); } Path.setValue(result); return App::DocumentObject::StdReturn; }
Py::Object fromShape(const Py::Tuple& args) { PyObject *pcObj; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args.ptr(), "O", &pcObj)) throw Py::Exception(); TopoDS_Shape shape; try { if (PyObject_TypeCheck(pcObj, &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type))) { shape = static_cast<Part::TopoShapePy*>(pcObj)->getTopoShapePtr()->getShape(); } else { throw Py::TypeError("the given object is not a shape"); } if (!shape.IsNull()) { if (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE) { Path::Toolpath result; bool first = true; Base::Placement last; TopExp_Explorer ExpEdges (shape,TopAbs_EDGE); while (ExpEdges.More()) { const TopoDS_Edge& edge = TopoDS::Edge(ExpEdges.Current()); TopExp_Explorer ExpVerts(edge,TopAbs_VERTEX); bool vfirst = true; while (ExpVerts.More()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& vert = TopoDS::Vertex(ExpVerts.Current()); gp_Pnt pnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(vert); Base::Placement tpl; tpl.setPosition(Base::Vector3d(pnt.X(),pnt.Y(),pnt.Z())); if (first) { // add first point as a G0 move Path::Command cmd; std::ostringstream ctxt; ctxt << "G0 X" << tpl.getPosition().x << " Y" << tpl.getPosition().y << " Z" << tpl.getPosition().z; cmd.setFromGCode(ctxt.str()); result.addCommand(cmd); first = false; vfirst = false; } else { if (vfirst) vfirst = false; else { Path::Command cmd; cmd.setFromPlacement(tpl); // write arc data if needed BRepAdaptor_Curve adapt(edge); if (adapt.GetType() == GeomAbs_Circle) { gp_Circ circ = adapt.Circle(); gp_Pnt c = circ.Location(); bool clockwise = false; gp_Dir n = circ.Axis().Direction(); if (n.Z() < 0) clockwise = true; Base::Vector3d center = Base::Vector3d(c.X(),c.Y(),c.Z()); // center coords must be relative to last point center -= last.getPosition(); cmd.setCenter(center,clockwise); } result.addCommand(cmd); } } ExpVerts.Next(); last = tpl; } ExpEdges.Next(); } return Py::asObject(new PathPy(new Path::Toolpath(result))); } else { throw Py::TypeError("the given shape must be a wire"); } } else { throw Py::TypeError("the given shape is empty"); } } catch (const Base::Exception& e) { throw Py::RuntimeError(e.what()); } return Py::None(); }
App::DocumentObjectExecReturn *FeatureShape::execute(void) { TopoDS_Shape shape = Shape.getValue(); if (!shape.IsNull()) { if (shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE) { Path::Toolpath result; bool first = true; Base::Placement last; TopExp_Explorer ExpEdges (shape,TopAbs_EDGE); while (ExpEdges.More()) { const TopoDS_Edge& edge = TopoDS::Edge(ExpEdges.Current()); TopExp_Explorer ExpVerts(edge,TopAbs_VERTEX); bool vfirst = true; while (ExpVerts.More()) { const TopoDS_Vertex& vert = TopoDS::Vertex(ExpVerts.Current()); gp_Pnt pnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(vert); Base::Placement tpl; tpl.setPosition(Base::Vector3d(pnt.X(),pnt.Y(),pnt.Z())); if (first) { // add first point as a G0 move Path::Command cmd; std::ostringstream ctxt; ctxt << "G0 X" << tpl.getPosition().x << " Y" << tpl.getPosition().y << " Z" << tpl.getPosition().z; cmd.setFromGCode(ctxt.str()); result.addCommand(cmd); first = false; vfirst = false; } else { if (vfirst) vfirst = false; else { Path::Command cmd; cmd.setFromPlacement(tpl); // write arc data if needed BRepAdaptor_Curve adapt(edge); if (adapt.GetType() == GeomAbs_Circle) { gp_Circ circ = adapt.Circle(); gp_Pnt c = circ.Location(); bool clockwise = false; gp_Dir n = circ.Axis().Direction(); if (n.Z() < 0) clockwise = true; Base::Vector3d center = Base::Vector3d(c.X(),c.Y(),c.Z()); // center coords must be relative to last point center -= last.getPosition(); cmd.setCenter(center,clockwise); } result.addCommand(cmd); } } ExpVerts.Next(); last = tpl; } ExpEdges.Next(); } Path.setValue(result); } } return App::DocumentObject::StdReturn; }