std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> makeFootprintFromParams(ros::NodeHandle& nh)
  std::string full_param_name;
  std::string full_radius_param_name;
  std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> points;

  if (nh.searchParam("footprint", full_param_name))
    XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue footprint_xmlrpc;
    nh.getParam(full_param_name, footprint_xmlrpc);
    if (footprint_xmlrpc.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString)
      if (makeFootprintFromString(std::string(footprint_xmlrpc), points))
        writeFootprintToParam(nh, points);
    else if (footprint_xmlrpc.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray)
      points = makeFootprintFromXMLRPC(footprint_xmlrpc, full_param_name);
      writeFootprintToParam(nh, points);
  else if (nh.searchParam("robot_radius", full_radius_param_name))
    double robot_radius;
    nh.param(full_radius_param_name, robot_radius, 1.234);
    points = makeFootprintFromRadius(robot_radius);
    nh.setParam("robot_radius", robot_radius);
  // Else neither param was found anywhere this knows about, so
  // defaults will come from dynamic_reconfigure stuff, set in
  // cfg/Costmap2D.cfg and read in this file in reconfigureCB().
  return points;
 bool loadRobotModel(ros::NodeHandle node_handle, urdf::Model &robot_model, std::string &root_name, std::string &tip_name, std::string &xml_string)
   std::string urdf_xml,full_urdf_xml;
   TiXmlDocument xml;
   ROS_DEBUG("Reading xml file from parameter server\n");
   std::string result;
   if (node_handle.getParam(full_urdf_xml, result))
     ROS_FATAL("Could not load the xml from parameter server: %s\n", urdf_xml.c_str());
     return false;
   xml_string = result;
   TiXmlElement *root_element = xml.RootElement();
   TiXmlElement *root = xml.FirstChildElement("robot");
   if (!root || !root_element)
     ROS_FATAL("Could not parse the xml from %s\n", urdf_xml.c_str());
   if (!node_handle.getParam("root_name", root_name)){
     ROS_FATAL("No root name found on parameter server");
     return false;
   if (!node_handle.getParam("tip_name", tip_name)){
     ROS_FATAL("No tip name found on parameter server");
     return false;
   return true;
void GenericHWInterface::loadURDF(ros::NodeHandle &nh, std::string param_name)
  std::string urdf_string;
  urdf_model_ = new urdf::Model();

  // search and wait for robot_description on param server
  while (urdf_string.empty() && ros::ok())
    std::string search_param_name;
    if (nh.searchParam(param_name, search_param_name))
      ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("generic_hw_interface", "Waiting for model URDF on the ROS param server at location: " <<
                            nh.getNamespace() << search_param_name);
      nh.getParam(search_param_name, urdf_string);
      ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED("generic_hw_interface", "Waiting for model URDF on the ROS param server at location: " <<
                            nh.getNamespace() << param_name);
      nh.getParam(param_name, urdf_string);


  if (!urdf_model_->initString(urdf_string))
    ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED("generic_hw_interface", "Unable to load URDF model");
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("generic_hw_interface", "Received URDF from param server");
// Get the URDF XML from the parameter server
std::string getURDF(ros::NodeHandle &model_nh_, std::string param_name)
  std::string urdf_string;
  std::string robot_description = "/robot_description";

  // search and wait for robot_description on param server
  while (urdf_string.empty())
    std::string search_param_name;
    if (model_nh_.searchParam(param_name, search_param_name))
      ROS_INFO_ONCE_NAMED("LWRHWFRIL", "LWRHWFRIL node is waiting for model"
        " URDF in parameter [%s] on the ROS param server.", search_param_name.c_str());

      model_nh_.getParam(search_param_name, urdf_string);
      ROS_INFO_ONCE_NAMED("LWRHWFRIL", "LWRHWFRIL node is waiting for model"
        " URDF in parameter [%s] on the ROS param server.", robot_description.c_str());

      model_nh_.getParam(param_name, urdf_string);

  ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("LWRHWFRIL", "Recieved urdf from param server, parsing...");

  return urdf_string;
void CollisionPluginLoader::setupScene(
  ros::NodeHandle& nh,
  const planning_scene::PlanningScenePtr& scene)
  if (!scene)

  std::string param_name;
  std::string collision_detector_name;

  if (nh.searchParam("collision_detector", param_name))
    nh.getParam(param_name, collision_detector_name);
  else if (nh.hasParam("/move_group/collision_detector"))
    // Check for existence in move_group namespace
    // mainly for rviz plugins to get same collision detector.
    nh.getParam("/move_group/collision_detector", collision_detector_name);

  if (collision_detector_name == "")
    // This is not a valid name for a collision detector plugin

  activate(collision_detector_name, scene, true);
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Using collision detector:" << scene->getActiveCollisionDetectorName().c_str());
bool ExcavaROBArmKinematics::init() {
    // Get URDF XML
    std::string urdf_xml, full_urdf_xml;
    nh_.param("urdf_xml", urdf_xml, std::string("robot_description"));
    nh_.searchParam(urdf_xml, full_urdf_xml);
    ROS_DEBUG("ExcavaROB Kinematics: Reading xml file from parameter server");
    std::string result;
    if (!nh_.getParam(full_urdf_xml, result)) {
        ROS_FATAL("ExcavaROB Kinematics: Could not load the xml from parameter server: %s", urdf_xml.c_str());
	return false;

    // Get Root, Wrist and Tip From Parameter Service
    if (!nh_private_.getParam("root_name", root_name_)) {
        ROS_FATAL("ExcavaROB Kinematics: No root_name found on parameter server");
        return false;
    if (!nh_private_.getParam("tip_name", tip_name_)) {
        ROS_FATAL("ExcavaROB Kinematics: No tip_name found on parameter server");
        return false;
    if (!nh_private_.getParam("max_iterations", max_iterations_)) {
        ROS_FATAL("ExcavaROB Kinematics: No max_iterations found on parameter server");
        return false;
    if (!nh_private_.getParam("eps", eps_)) {
        ROS_FATAL("ExcavaROB Kinematics: No eps found on parameter server");
        return false;
    if (!nh_private_.getParam("ik_gain", ik_gain_)) {
        ROS_FATAL("ExcavaROB Kinematics: No ik_gain found on parameter server");
        return false;

    // Load and Read Models
    if (!loadModel(result)) {
        ROS_FATAL("Could not load models!");
        return false;

    // Get Solver Parameters
    int maxIterations;
    double epsilon;
    nh_private_.param("maxIterations", maxIterations, 1000);
    nh_private_.param("epsilon", epsilon, 1e-2);

    // Build Solvers
    fk_solver_ = new KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(arm_chain_);
    jnt_to_jac_solver_ = new KDL::ChainJntToJacSolver(arm_chain_);
    jnt_to_pose_solver_ = new KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(arm_chain_);

    ROS_INFO("ExcavaROB Kinematics: Advertising services");
    ik_service_ = nh_private_.advertiseService(IK_SERVICE, &ExcavaROBArmKinematics::getPositionIK, this);
    fk_service_ = nh_private_.advertiseService(FK_SERVICE, &ExcavaROBArmKinematics::getPositionFK, this);

    kin_solver_info_service_ = nh_private_.advertiseService(KIN_INFO_SERVICE, &ExcavaROBArmKinematics::getKinSolverInfo, this);

    return true;
bool Kinematics::init() {
    // Get URDF XML
    std::string urdf_xml, full_urdf_xml;
    ROS_DEBUG("Reading xml file from parameter server");
    std::string result;
    if (!nh.getParam(full_urdf_xml, result)) {
        ROS_FATAL("Could not load the xml from parameter server: %s", urdf_xml.c_str());
        return false;
    std::string kinematics_service_name;
    if (!nh_private.getParam("kinematics_service_name", kinematics_service_name)) {
        ROS_FATAL("GenericIK: kinematics service name not found on parameter server");
        return false;
    // Get Root and Tip From Parameter Service
    if (!nh.getParam(kinematics_service_name+"/manipulator/root_name", root_name)) {
        ROS_FATAL("GenericIK: No root name found on parameter server");
        return false;
    if (!nh.getParam(kinematics_service_name+"/manipulator/tip_name", tip_name)) {
        ROS_FATAL("GenericIK: No tip name found on parameter server");
        return false;

    // Load and Read Models
    if (!loadModel(result)) {
        ROS_FATAL("Could not load models!");
        return false;

    // Get Solver Parameters
    int maxIterations;
    double epsilon;

    nh_private.param("maxIterations", maxIterations, 1000);
    nh_private.param("epsilon", epsilon, 1e-2); // .01

    // Build Solvers
    fk_solver = new KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(chain);
    ik_solver_vel = new KDL::ChainIkSolverVel_pinv(chain);

    ik_solver_pos = new KDL::ChainIkSolverPos_NR_JL(chain, joint_min, joint_max, *fk_solver, *ik_solver_vel, maxIterations, epsilon);

    ROS_INFO("Advertising services");
    fk_service = nh_private.advertiseService(FK_SERVICE,&Kinematics::getPositionFK,this);

    // ik_service = nh_private.advertiseService(IK_SERVICE,&Kinematics::getPositionIK,this);
    ik_service = nh_private.advertiseService(IK_SERVICE,&Kinematics::searchPositionIK,this);

    ik_solver_info_service = nh_private.advertiseService(IK_INFO_SERVICE,&Kinematics::getIKSolverInfo,this);
    fk_solver_info_service = nh_private.advertiseService(FK_INFO_SERVICE,&Kinematics::getFKSolverInfo,this);

    return true;
		* \brief Constructor for PowercubeChainNode class.
		* \param name Name for the actionlib server.
		PowercubeChainNode(std::string name):
			as_(n_, name, boost::bind(&PowercubeChainNode::executeCB, this, _1)),
			sem_can_available = false;
			can_sem = SEM_FAILED;

			isInitialized_ = false;
			traj_point_nr_ = 0;
			finished_ = false;

#ifndef SIMU
			PCube_ = new PowerCubeCtrl();
			PCube_ = new simulatedArm();
			PCubeParams_ = new PowerCubeCtrlParams();

			// implementation of topics to publish
			topicPub_JointState_ = n_.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("/joint_states", 1);
			topicPub_ControllerState_ = n_.advertise<pr2_controllers_msgs::JointTrajectoryControllerState>("state", 1);

			// implementation of topics to subscribe
			topicSub_DirectCommand_ = n_.subscribe("command", 1, &PowercubeChainNode::topicCallback_DirectCommand, this);

			// implementation of service servers
			srvServer_Init_ = n_.advertiseService("init", &PowercubeChainNode::srvCallback_Init, this);
			srvServer_Stop_ = n_.advertiseService("stop", &PowercubeChainNode::srvCallback_Stop, this);
			srvServer_Recover_ = n_.advertiseService("recover", &PowercubeChainNode::srvCallback_Recover, this);
			srvServer_SetOperationMode_ = n_.advertiseService("set_operation_mode", &PowercubeChainNode::srvCallback_SetOperationMode, this);

			// implementation of service clients

			// diagnostics
			updater_.add("initialization", this, &PowercubeChainNode::diag_init);

			// read parameters from parameter server
			n_.getParam("CanModule", CanModule_);
			n_.getParam("CanDevice", CanDevice_);
			n_.getParam("CanBaudrate", CanBaudrate_);
			ROS_INFO("CanModule=%s, CanDevice=%d, CanBaudrate=%d",CanModule_.c_str(),CanDevice_,CanBaudrate_);

			// get ModIds from parameter server
			if (n_.hasParam("ModIds"))
				n_.getParam("ModIds", ModIds_param_);
				ROS_ERROR("Parameter ModIds not set");
			for (int i = 0; i<ModIds_param_.size(); i++ )
				ModIds_[i] = (int)ModIds_param_[i];
			std::cout << "ModIds = " << ModIds_param_ << std::endl;
			// get JointNames from parameter server
			ROS_INFO("getting JointNames from parameter server");
			if (n_.hasParam("JointNames"))
				n_.getParam("JointNames", JointNames_param_);
				ROS_ERROR("Parameter JointNames not set");
			for (int i = 0; i<JointNames_param_.size(); i++ )
				JointNames_[i] = (std::string)JointNames_param_[i];
			std::cout << "JointNames = " << JointNames_param_ << std::endl;

			PCubeParams_->Init(CanModule_, CanDevice_, CanBaudrate_, ModIds_);
			// get MaxAcc from parameter server
			ROS_INFO("getting MaxAcc from parameter server");
			if (n_.hasParam("MaxAcc"))
				n_.getParam("MaxAcc", MaxAcc_param_);
				ROS_ERROR("Parameter MaxAcc not set");
			for (int i = 0; i<MaxAcc_param_.size(); i++ )
				MaxAcc_[i] = (double)MaxAcc_param_[i];
			std::cout << "MaxAcc = " << MaxAcc_param_ << std::endl;
			// load parameter server string for robot/model
			std::string param_name = "robot_description";
			std::string full_param_name;
			std::string xml_string;
			if (xml_string.size()==0)
				ROS_ERROR("Unable to load robot model from param server robot_description\n");
			ROS_DEBUG("%s content\n%s", full_param_name.c_str(), xml_string.c_str());
			// extract limits and velocities from urdf model
			urdf::Model model;
			if (!model.initString(xml_string))
				ROS_ERROR("Failed to parse urdf file");
			ROS_INFO("Successfully parsed urdf file");

			/** @todo: check if yaml parameter file fits to urdf model */

			// get MaxVel out of urdf model
			std::vector<double> MaxVel;
			for (int i = 0; i<ModIds_param_.size(); i++ )
				MaxVel[i] = model.getJoint(JointNames_[i].c_str())->limits->velocity;
				//std::cout << "MaxVel[" << JointNames_[i].c_str() << "] = " << MaxVel[i] << std::endl;
			// get LowerLimits out of urdf model
			std::vector<double> LowerLimits;
			for (int i = 0; i<ModIds_param_.size(); i++ )
				LowerLimits[i] = model.getJoint(JointNames_[i].c_str())->limits->lower;
				std::cout << "LowerLimits[" << JointNames_[i].c_str() << "] = " << LowerLimits[i] << std::endl;

			// get UpperLimits out of urdf model
			std::vector<double> UpperLimits;
			for (int i = 0; i<ModIds_param_.size(); i++ )
				UpperLimits[i] = model.getJoint(JointNames_[i].c_str())->limits->upper;
				std::cout << "UpperLimits[" << JointNames_[i].c_str() << "] = " << UpperLimits[i] << std::endl;

			// get UpperLimits out of urdf model
			std::vector<double> Offsets;
			for (int i = 0; i<ModIds_param_.size(); i++ )
				Offsets[i] = model.getJoint(JointNames_[i].c_str())->calibration->rising.get()[0];
				std::cout << "Offset[" << JointNames_[i].c_str() << "] = " << Offsets[i] << std::endl;
			newvel_ = false;
			can_sem = sem_open("/semcan", O_CREAT, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG,1);
			if (can_sem != SEM_FAILED)
				sem_can_available = true;
Example #9
	// Constructor
	NodeClass(std::string name):
		as_(n_, name, boost::bind(&NodeClass::executeCB, this, _1)),
		isInitialized_ = false;

		CamAxis_ = new ElmoCtrl();
		CamAxisParams_ = new ElmoCtrlParams();

		// implementation of topics to publish
		topicPub_JointState_ = n_.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("/joint_states", 1);
		// implementation of topics to subscribe
		// implementation of service servers
		srvServer_Init_ = n_.advertiseService("Init", &NodeClass::srvCallback_Init, this);
		srvServer_Stop_ = n_.advertiseService("Stop", &NodeClass::srvCallback_Stop, this);
		srvServer_Recover_ = n_.advertiseService("Recover", &NodeClass::srvCallback_Recover, this);
		// implementation of service clients

		// read parameters from parameter server
		n_.getParam("CanDevice", CanDevice_);
		n_.getParam("CanBaudrate", CanBaudrate_);
		n_.getParam("HomingDir", HomingDir_);
		//n_.param<double>("MaxVel", MaxVel_, 2.0); -> from urdf
		ROS_INFO("CanDevice=%s, CanBaudrate=%d,ModID=%d",CanDevice_.c_str(),CanBaudrate_,ModID_);
		// load parameter server string for robot/model
		std::string param_name = "/robot_description";
		std::string full_param_name;
		std::string xml_string;
		if (xml_string.size()==0)
			ROS_ERROR("Unable to load robot model from param server robot_description\n");
		ROS_DEBUG("%s content\n%s", full_param_name.c_str(), xml_string.c_str());
		// extract limits and velocitys from urdf model
		// The urdf model can be found in torso_cob3-1.urdf -> joint_head_eyes
		urdf::Model model;
		if (!model.initString(xml_string))
			ROS_ERROR("Failed to parse urdf file");
		ROS_INFO("Successfully parsed urdf file");

		// get LowerLimits out of urdf model
		LowerLimit_ = model.getJoint(JointName_.c_str())->limits->lower;
			//std::cout << "LowerLimits[" << JointNames[i].c_str() << "] = " << LowerLimits[i] << std::endl;

		// get UpperLimits out of urdf model
		UpperLimit_ = model.getJoint(JointName_.c_str())->limits->upper;
			//std::cout << "LowerLimits[" << JointNames[i].c_str() << "] = " << LowerLimits[i] << std::endl;

		// get Offset out of urdf model
		Offset_ = model.getJoint(JointName_.c_str())->calibration->reference_position;
			//std::cout << "Offset[" << JointNames[i].c_str() << "] = " << Offsets[i] << std::endl;
		// get velocitiy out of urdf model
		MaxVel_ = model.getJoint(JointName_.c_str())->limits->velocity;
		ROS_INFO("Successfully read limits from urdf");

		//initializing and homing of camera_axis		

		CamAxisParams_->Init(CanDevice_, CanBaudrate_, ModID_);

bool ExcavaROBOdometry::init(pr2_mechanism_model::RobotState *robot_state, ros::NodeHandle &node)
  node_ = node;

  std::string tf_prefix_param;
  node.searchParam("tf_prefix", tf_prefix_param);
  node.getParam(tf_prefix_param, tf_prefix_);

  node.param("odometer/initial_distance", odometer_initial_distance_, 0.0);
  node.param("odometer/initial_angle", odometer_initial_angle_, 0.0);
  node.param("odom/initial_x", odom_.x, 0.0);
  node.param("odom/initial_y", odom_.y, 0.0);
  node.param("odom/initial_yaw", odom_.z, 0.0);

  node.param("publish_tf", publish_tf_, true);
  node.param<std::string> ("odom_frame", odom_frame_, "odom");
  node.param<std::string> ("base_footprint_frame", base_footprint_frame_, "base_footprint");
  node.param<std::string> ("base_link_frame", base_link_frame_, "drivetrain_link");
  node.param<double> ("track_distance", track_distance_, 2.2542373);

  node.param<double> ("x_stddev", sigma_x_, 0.002);
  node.param<double> ("y_stddev", sigma_y_, 0.002);
  node.param<double> ("rotation_stddev", sigma_theta_, 0.017);

  node.param<double> ("cov_xy", cov_xy_, 0.0);
  node.param<double> ("cov_xrotation", cov_x_theta_, 0.0);
  node.param<double> ("cov_yrotation", cov_y_theta_, 0.0);
  node.param<bool> ("verbose", verbose_, false);

  node.param("odom_publish_rate", odom_publish_rate_, 30.0);
  node.param("odometer_publish_rate", odometer_publish_rate_, 1.0);
  node.param("odometry_state_publish_rate", odometry_state_publish_rate_, 1.0);

  if (odom_publish_rate_ <= 0.0) {
    expected_publish_time_ = 0.0;
    publish_odom_ = false;
  else {
    expected_publish_time_ = 1.0 / odom_publish_rate_;
    publish_odom_ = true;

  if(odometer_publish_rate_ <= 0.0) {
    expected_odometer_publish_time_ = 0.0;
    publish_odometer_ = false;
  else {
    expected_odometer_publish_time_ = 1.0 / odometer_publish_rate_;
    publish_odometer_ = true;

  if(odometry_state_publish_rate_ <= 0.0) {
    expected_state_publish_time_ = 0.0;
    publish_state_odometry_ = false;
  else {
    expected_state_publish_time_ = 1.0 / odometry_state_publish_rate_;
    publish_state_odometry_ = true;

  if (!base_kin_.init(robot_state, node_))
    return false;

  for (int i = 0; i < base_kin_.right_num_wheels_; i++) {
    if (!base_kin_.right_wheel_[i].joint_->calibrated_) {
      ROS_ERROR("Base odometry could not start because the wheels were not calibrated. Relaunch the odometry after you see the wheel calibration finish.");
	return false;
  for (int i = 0; i < base_kin_.left_num_wheels_; i++) {
    if (!base_kin_.left_wheel_[i].joint_->calibrated_) {
      ROS_ERROR("Base odometry could not start because the wheels were not calibrated. Relaunch the odometry after you see the wheel calibration finish.");
      return false;

  if (verbose_) {
    debug_publisher_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<excavaROB_mechanism_controllers::DebugInfo> (node_,"debug", 1));

  odometry_state_publisher_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<excavaROB_mechanism_controllers::BaseOdometryState> (node_,"state", 1));
  odometer_publisher_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<excavaROB_mechanism_controllers::Odometer> (node_,"odometer", 1));
  odometry_publisher_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<nav_msgs::Odometry> (node_,odom_frame_, 1));
  transform_publisher_.reset(new realtime_tools::RealtimePublisher<tf::tfMessage> (node_,"/tf", 1));

  return true;
Example #11
	// Constructor
	NodeClass(std::string name):
		as_(n_, name, boost::bind(&NodeClass::executeCB, this, _1)),
		n_ = ros::NodeHandle("~");
		isInitialized_ = false;

		CamAxis_ = new ElmoCtrl();
		CamAxisParams_ = new ElmoCtrlParams();

		// implementation of topics to publish
		topicPub_JointState_ = n_.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("/joint_states", 1);
		// implementation of topics to subscribe
		// implementation of service servers
		srvServer_Init_ = n_.advertiseService("init", &NodeClass::srvCallback_Init, this);
		srvServer_Stop_ = n_.advertiseService("stop", &NodeClass::srvCallback_Stop, this);
		srvServer_Recover_ = n_.advertiseService("recover", &NodeClass::srvCallback_Recover, this);
		srvServer_SetOperationMode_ = n_.advertiseService("set_operation_mode", &NodeClass::srvCallback_SetOperationMode, this);
		srvServer_SetDefaultVel_ = n_.advertiseService("set_default_vel", &NodeClass::srvCallback_SetDefaultVel, this);
		// implementation of service clients

		// read parameters from parameter server
		if(!n_.hasParam("EnoderIncrementsPerRevMot")) ROS_WARN("cob_head_axis: couldn't find parameter EnoderIncrementsPerRevMot, check if ALL parameters have been set correctly");

		n_.param<std::string>("CanDevice", CanDevice_, "PCAN");
		n_.param<int>("CanBaudrate", CanBaudrate_, 500);
		n_.param<int>("HomingDir", HomingDir_, 1);
		n_.param<int>("HomingDigIn", HomingDigIn_, 11);
		n_.param<int>("ModId",ModID_, 17);
		n_.param<std::string>("JointName",JointName_, "head_axis_joint");
		n_.param<std::string>("CanIniFile",CanIniFile_, "/");
		n_.param<std::string>("operation_mode",operationMode_, "position");
		n_.param<int>("MotorDirection",MotorDirection_, 1);
		n_.param<double>("GearRatio",GearRatio_, 62.5);
		n_.param<int>("EnoderIncrementsPerRevMot",EnoderIncrementsPerRevMot_, 4096);
		ROS_INFO("CanDevice=%s, CanBaudrate=%d, ModID=%d, HomingDigIn=%d",CanDevice_.c_str(),CanBaudrate_,ModID_,HomingDigIn_);
		// load parameter server string for robot/model
		std::string param_name = "/robot_description";
		std::string full_param_name;
		std::string xml_string;
		if (xml_string.size()==0)
			ROS_ERROR("Unable to load robot model from param server robot_description\n");
		ROS_DEBUG("%s content\n%s", full_param_name.c_str(), xml_string.c_str());
		// extract limits and velocitys from urdf model
		// The urdf model can be found in torso_cob3-1.urdf -> joint_head_eyes
		urdf::Model model;
		if (!model.initString(xml_string))
			ROS_ERROR("Failed to parse urdf file");
		ROS_INFO("Successfully parsed urdf file");

		// get LowerLimits out of urdf model
		LowerLimit_ = model.getJoint(JointName_.c_str())->limits->lower;
			//std::cout << "LowerLimits[" << JointNames[i].c_str() << "] = " << LowerLimits[i] << std::endl;

		// get UpperLimits out of urdf model
		UpperLimit_ = model.getJoint(JointName_.c_str())->limits->upper;
			//std::cout << "LowerLimits[" << JointNames[i].c_str() << "] = " << LowerLimits[i] << std::endl;

		// get Offset out of urdf model
		Offset_ = model.getJoint(JointName_.c_str())->calibration->rising.get()[0];
			//std::cout << "Offset[" << JointNames[i].c_str() << "] = " << Offsets[i] << std::endl;
		// get velocitiy out of urdf model
		MaxVel_ = model.getJoint(JointName_.c_str())->limits->velocity;
		ROS_INFO("Successfully read limits from urdf");

		//initializing and homing of camera_axis		

		CamAxisParams_->Init(CanDevice_, CanBaudrate_, ModID_);

   * \brief Gets parameters from the robot_description and configures the powercube_chain.
  void getRobotDescriptionParameters()
	  unsigned int DOF = pc_params_->GetDOF();
	  std::vector<std::string> JointNames = pc_params_->GetJointNames();

	  /// Get robot_description from ROS parameter server
	  std::string param_name = "robot_description";
	  std::string full_param_name;
	  std::string xml_string;
	  n_.searchParam(param_name, full_param_name);
	  if (n_.hasParam(full_param_name))
		  n_.getParam(full_param_name.c_str(), xml_string);

		  ROS_ERROR("Parameter %s not set, shutting down node...", full_param_name.c_str());

	  if (xml_string.size() == 0)
		  ROS_ERROR("Unable to load robot model from parameter %s",full_param_name.c_str());
	  ROS_DEBUG("%s content\n%s", full_param_name.c_str(), xml_string.c_str());

	  /// Get urdf model out of robot_description
	  urdf::Model model;
	  if (!model.initString(xml_string))
		  ROS_ERROR("Failed to parse urdf file");
	  ROS_DEBUG("Successfully parsed urdf file");

	  /// Get max velocities out of urdf model
	  std::vector<double> MaxVelocities(DOF);
	  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++)
		  MaxVelocities[i] = model.getJoint(JointNames[i].c_str())->limits->velocity;

	  /// Get lower limits out of urdf model
	  std::vector<double> LowerLimits(DOF);
	  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++)
		  LowerLimits[i] = model.getJoint(JointNames[i].c_str())->limits->lower;

	  // Get upper limits out of urdf model
	  std::vector<double> UpperLimits(DOF);
	  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++)
		  UpperLimits[i] = model.getJoint(JointNames[i].c_str())->limits->upper;

	  /// Get offsets out of urdf model
	  std::vector<double> Offsets(DOF);
	  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DOF; i++)
		  Offsets[i] = model.getJoint(JointNames[i].c_str())->calibration->rising.get()[0];

	  /// Set parameters
// load robot footprint from costmap_2d_ros to keep same footprint format
std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> CollisionVelocityFilter::loadRobotFootprint(ros::NodeHandle node){
  std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> footprint;
  geometry_msgs::Point pt;
  double padding;

  std::string padding_param, footprint_param;
  if(!node.searchParam("footprint_padding", padding_param))
    padding = 0.01;
    node.param(padding_param, padding, 0.01);

  //grab the footprint from the parameter server if possible
  XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue footprint_list;
  std::string footprint_string;
  std::vector<std::string> footstring_list;
  if(node.searchParam("footprint", footprint_param)){
    node.getParam(footprint_param, footprint_list);
    if(footprint_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {
      footprint_string = std::string(footprint_list);

      //if there's just an empty footprint up there, return
      if(footprint_string == "[]" || footprint_string == "")
        return footprint;

      boost::erase_all(footprint_string, " ");

      boost::char_separator<char> sep("[]");
      boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokens(footprint_string, sep);
      footstring_list = std::vector<std::string>(tokens.begin(), tokens.end());
    //make sure we have a list of lists
    if(!(footprint_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray && footprint_list.size() > 2) && !(footprint_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString && footstring_list.size() > 5)){
      ROS_FATAL("The footprint must be specified as list of lists on the parameter server, %s was specified as %s", footprint_param.c_str(), std::string(footprint_list).c_str());
      throw std::runtime_error("The footprint must be specified as list of lists on the parameter server with at least 3 points eg: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ..., [xn, yn]]");

    if(footprint_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) {
      for(int i = 0; i < footprint_list.size(); ++i){
        //make sure we have a list of lists of size 2
        XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue point = footprint_list[i];
        if(!(point.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray && point.size() == 2)){
          ROS_FATAL("The footprint must be specified as list of lists on the parameter server eg: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ..., [xn, yn]], but this spec is not of that form");
          throw std::runtime_error("The footprint must be specified as list of lists on the parameter server eg: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ..., [xn, yn]], but this spec is not of that form");

        //make sure that the value we're looking at is either a double or an int
        if(!(point[0].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInt || point[0].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble)){
          ROS_FATAL("Values in the footprint specification must be numbers");
          throw std::runtime_error("Values in the footprint specification must be numbers");
        pt.x = point[0].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInt ? (int)(point[0]) : (double)(point[0]);
        pt.x += sign(pt.x) * padding;

        //make sure that the value we're looking at is either a double or an int
        if(!(point[1].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInt || point[1].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble)){
          ROS_FATAL("Values in the footprint specification must be numbers");
          throw std::runtime_error("Values in the footprint specification must be numbers");
        pt.y = point[1].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeInt ? (int)(point[1]) : (double)(point[1]);
        pt.y += sign(pt.y) * padding;


        std::ostringstream oss;
        bool first = true;
        BOOST_FOREACH(geometry_msgs::Point p, footprint) {
          if(first) {
            oss << "[[" << p.x << "," << p.y << "]";
            first = false;
          else {
            oss << ",[" << p.x << "," << p.y << "]";
        oss << "]";
        node.setParam(footprint_param, oss.str().c_str());
        node.setParam("footprint", oss.str().c_str());

    else if(footprint_list.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString) {