  str_from_delimited_time_duration(const std::basic_string<char_type>& s)
    unsigned short min=0, sec =0;
    int hour =0; 
    bool is_neg = ( == '-');
    boost::int64_t fs=0;
    int pos = 0;
    typedef typename std::basic_string<char_type>::traits_type traits_type;
    typedef boost::char_separator<char_type, traits_type> char_separator_type;
    typedef boost::tokenizer<char_separator_type,
                             typename std::basic_string<char_type>::const_iterator,
                             std::basic_string<char_type> > tokenizer;
    typedef typename boost::tokenizer<char_separator_type,
                             typename std::basic_string<char_type>::const_iterator,
                             typename std::basic_string<char_type> >::iterator tokenizer_iterator;
    char_type sep_chars[5] = {'-',':',',','.'};
    char_separator_type sep(sep_chars);
    tokenizer tok(s,sep);
    for(tokenizer_iterator beg=tok.begin(); beg!=tok.end();++beg){
      switch(pos) {
      case 0: {
        hour = boost::lexical_cast<int>(*beg);
      case 1: {
        min = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*beg);
      case 2: {
        sec = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*beg);
      case 3: {
        int digits = static_cast<int>(beg->length());
        //Works around a bug in MSVC 6 library that does not support
        //operator>> thus meaning lexical_cast will fail to compile.
#if (defined(BOOST_MSVC) && (_MSC_VER < 1300))
        // msvc wouldn't compile 'time_duration::num_fractional_digits()' 
        // (required template argument list) as a workaround a temp 
        // time_duration object was used
        time_duration td(hour,min,sec,fs);
        int precision = td.num_fractional_digits();
        // _atoi64 is an MS specific function
        if(digits >= precision) {
          // drop excess digits
          fs = _atoi64(beg->substr(0, precision).c_str());
        else {
          fs = _atoi64(beg->c_str());
        int precision = time_duration::num_fractional_digits();
        if(digits >= precision) {
          // drop excess digits
          fs = boost::lexical_cast<boost::int64_t>(beg->substr(0, precision));
        else {
          fs = boost::lexical_cast<boost::int64_t>(*beg);
        if(digits < precision){
          // trailing zeros get dropped from the string, 
          // "1:01:01.1" would yield .000001 instead of .100000
          // the power() compensates for the missing decimal places
          fs *= power(10, precision - digits); 
      default: break;
    if(is_neg) {
      return -time_duration(hour, min, sec, fs);
    else {
      return time_duration(hour, min, sec, fs);