void iCubShoulderConstr::appendMatrixRow(yarp::sig::Matrix &dest, const yarp::sig::Vector &row) { yarp::sig::Matrix tmp; // if dest is already filled with something if (dest.rows()) { // exit if lengths do not match if (row.length()!=dest.cols()) return; tmp.resize(dest.rows()+1,dest.cols()); // copy the content of dest in temp for (int i=0; i<dest.rows(); i++) for (int j=0; j<dest.cols(); j++) tmp(i,j)=dest(i,j); // reassign dest dest=tmp; } else dest.resize(1,row.length()); // append the last row for (int i=0; i<dest.cols(); i++) dest(dest.rows()-1,i)=row[i]; }
void Quaternion::fromRotationMatrix(const yarp::sig::Matrix &R) { if ((R.rows()<3) || (R.cols()<3)) { yError("fromRotationMatrix() failed, matrix should be >= 3x3"); yAssert(R.rows() >= 3 && R.cols() >= 3); } double tr = R(0, 0) + R(1, 1) + R(2, 2); if (tr>0.0) { double sqtrp1 = sqrt(tr + 1.0); double sqtrp12 = 2.0*sqtrp1; internal_data[0] = 0.5*sqtrp1; internal_data[1] = (R(2, 1) - R(1, 2)) / sqtrp12; internal_data[2] = (R(0, 2) - R(2, 0)) / sqtrp12; internal_data[3] = (R(1, 0) - R(0, 1)) / sqtrp12; } else if ((R(1, 1)>R(0, 0)) && (R(1, 1)>R(2, 2))) { double sqdip1 = sqrt(R(1, 1) - R(0, 0) - R(2, 2) + 1.0); internal_data[2] = 0.5*sqdip1; if (sqdip1>0.0) sqdip1 = 0.5 / sqdip1; internal_data[0] = (R(0, 2) - R(2, 0))*sqdip1; internal_data[1] = (R(1, 0) + R(0, 1))*sqdip1; internal_data[3] = (R(2, 1) + R(1, 2))*sqdip1; } else if (R(2, 2)>R(0, 0)) { double sqdip1 = sqrt(R(2, 2) - R(0, 0) - R(1, 1) + 1.0); internal_data[3] = 0.5*sqdip1; if (sqdip1>0.0) sqdip1 = 0.5 / sqdip1; internal_data[0] = (R(1, 0) - R(0, 1))*sqdip1; internal_data[1] = (R(0, 2) + R(2, 0))*sqdip1; internal_data[2] = (R(2, 1) + R(1, 2))*sqdip1; } else { double sqdip1 = sqrt(R(0, 0) - R(1, 1) - R(2, 2) + 1.0); internal_data[1] = 0.5*sqdip1; if (sqdip1>0.0) sqdip1 = 0.5 / sqdip1; internal_data[0] = (R(2, 1) - R(1, 2))*sqdip1; internal_data[2] = (R(1, 0) + R(0, 1))*sqdip1; internal_data[3] = (R(0, 2) + R(2, 0))*sqdip1; } }
bool Matrix::setSubmatrix(const yarp::sig::Matrix &m, int r, int c) { if((c<0) || (c+m.cols()>ncols) || (r<0) || (r+m.rows()>nrows)) return false; for(int i=0;i<m.rows();i++) for(int j=0;j<m.cols();j++) (*this)[r+i][c+j] = m(i,j); return true; }
yarp::sig::Vector iCub::skinDynLib::toVector(yarp::sig::Matrix m) { Vector res(m.rows()*m.cols(),0.0); for (int r = 0; r < m.rows(); r++) { res.setSubvector(r*m.cols(),m.getRow(r)); } return res; }
bool KDLtoYarp(const KDL::Rotation & kdlRotation, yarp::sig::Matrix & yarpMatrix3_3) { if( yarpMatrix3_3.rows() != 3 || yarpMatrix3_3.cols() != 3 ) { yarpMatrix3_3.resize(3,3); } //Both kdl and yarp store the rotation matrix in row major order memcpy(yarpMatrix3_3.data(),kdlRotation.data,3*3*sizeof(double)); return true; }
bool yarpWholeBodyModelV1::convertBasePose(const Frame &xBase, yarp::sig::Matrix & H_world_base) { if( H_world_base.cols() != 4 || H_world_base.rows() != 4 ) H_world_base.resize(4,4); xBase.get4x4Matrix(H_world_base.data()); return true; }
bool isEqual(const yarp::sig::Matrix& m1, const yarp::sig::Matrix& m2, double precision) { if (m1.cols() != m2.cols() || m1.rows() != m2.rows()) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < m1.rows(); i++) { if (!isEqual(m1.getRow(i), m2.getRow(i), precision)) { return false; } } return true; }
yarp::sig::Matrix localSE3inv(const yarp::sig::Matrix &H, unsigned int verbose) { if ((H.rows()<4) || (H.cols()<4)) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"localSE3inv() failed\n"); return yarp::sig::Matrix(0,0); } yarp::sig::Matrix invH(4,4); yarp::sig::Vector p(3); yarp::sig::Matrix Rt=H.submatrix(0,2,0,2).transposed(); p[0]=H(0,3); p[1]=H(1,3); p[2]=H(2,3); p=Rt*p; for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++) for (unsigned int j=0; j<3; j++) invH(i,j)=Rt(i,j); invH(0,3)=-p[0]; invH(1,3)=-p[1]; invH(2,3)=-p[2]; invH(3,3)=1.0; return invH; }
bool idynInertia2kdlRotationalInertia(const yarp::sig::Matrix & idynInertia,KDL::RotationalInertia & kdlRotationalInertia) { if(idynInertia.cols() != 3 || idynInertia.rows() != 3 ) return false; //if(idynInertia(0,1) != idynInertia(1,0) || idynInertia(0,2) != idynInertia(2,0) || idynInertia(1,2) != idynInertia(2,1)) return false; kdlRotationalInertia = KDL::RotationalInertia(idynInertia(0,0),idynInertia(1,1),idynInertia(2,2),idynInertia(0,1),idynInertia(0,2),idynInertia(1,2)); return true; }
bool Matrix_write(const std::string file_name, const yarp::sig::Matrix & mat) { FILE * fp; uint32_t rows,cols; double elem; rows = mat.rows(); cols = mat.cols(); fp = fopen(file_name.c_str(),"wb"); if( fp == NULL ) return false; //writing dimensions informations fwrite(&rows,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp); fwrite(&cols,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp); for(size_t i=0;i<rows;i++) { for(size_t j=0;j<cols;j++ ) { elem = mat(i,j); fwrite(&elem,sizeof(double),1,fp); } } /* if( gsl_matrix_fwrite(fp,(gsl_matrix*)mat.getGslMatrix()) == GSL_EFAILED ) { fclose(fp); return false; }*/ fclose(fp); return true; }
Vector yarp::math::dcm2ypr(const yarp::sig::Matrix &R) { yAssert((R.rows() >= 3) && (R.cols() >= 3)); Vector v(3); // yaw pitch roll if (R(0, 2)<1.0) { if (R(0, 2)>-1.0) { v[0] = atan2(-R(0, 1), R(0, 0)); v[1] = asin(R(0, 2)); v[2] = atan2(-R(1, 2), R(2, 2)); } else // == -1 { // Not a unique solution: psi-phi=atan2(-R12,R11) v[0] = 0.0; v[1] = -M_PI / 2.0; v[2] = -atan2(R(1, 0), R(1, 1)); } } else // == +1 { // Not a unique solution: psi+phi=atan2(-R12,R11) v[0] = 0.0; v[1] = M_PI / 2.0; v[2] = atan2(R(1, 0), R(1, 1)); } return v; }
//--------------------------------------------------------- bool eigenToYarpMatrix(const Eigen::MatrixXd& eigenMatrix, yarp::sig::Matrix& yarpMatrix) { if((yarpMatrix.cols() == 0)||(yarpMatrix.rows() == 0)) { cout<<"ERROR: input matrix is empty (eigenToYarpMatrix)"<<endl; return false; } //resize and fill eigen vector with yarp vector elements yarpMatrix.resize(eigenMatrix.rows(),eigenMatrix.cols()); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < yarpMatrix.rows(); i++) for(unsigned int j = 0; j < yarpMatrix.cols(); j++) yarpMatrix(i,j) = eigenMatrix(i,j); return true; };
bool idynMatrix2kdlRotation(const yarp::sig::Matrix & idynMatrix, KDL::Rotation & kdlRotation) { if(idynMatrix.cols() != 3 || idynMatrix.rows() != 3) return false; kdlRotation = KDL::Rotation(idynMatrix(0,0),idynMatrix(0,1),idynMatrix(0,2), idynMatrix(1,0),idynMatrix(1,1),idynMatrix(1,2), idynMatrix(2,0),idynMatrix(2,1),idynMatrix(2,2)); return true; }
void RobotInterface::getVelocityState(yarp::sig::Matrix& outputVelocity) { outputVelocity.resize(velocityState.rows(), velocityState.cols()); for(int i = 0; i < outputVelocity.rows(); i++) { for(int d = 0; d < outputVelocity.cols(); d++) outputVelocity(i, d) = velocityState(i, d); } }
void RobotInterface::getPositionState(yarp::sig::Matrix& outputPosition) { outputPosition.resize(positionState.rows(), positionState.cols()); for(int i = 0; i < outputPosition.rows(); i++) { for(int d = 0; d < outputPosition.cols(); d++) outputPosition(i, d) = positionState(i, d); } }
void RobotInterface::getPressureState(yarp::sig::Matrix& outputPressure) { outputPressure.resize(pressureState.rows(), pressureState.cols()); for(int i = 0; i < outputPressure.rows(); i++) { for(int d = 0; d < outputPressure.cols(); d++) outputPressure(i, d) = pressureState(i, d); } }
void DictionaryLearning::printMatrixYarp(const yarp::sig::Matrix &A) { cout << endl; for (int i=0; i<A.rows(); i++) for (int j=0; j<A.cols(); j++) cout<<A(i,j)<<" "; cout<<endl; cout << endl; }
bool Kalman::set_R(const yarp::sig::Matrix &_R) { if ((_R.cols()==R.cols()) && (_R.rows()==R.rows())) { R=_R; return true; } else return false; }
bool idynMatrix2kdlFrame(const yarp::sig::Matrix & idynMatrix, KDL::Frame & kdlFrame) { if( idynMatrix.cols() != 4 || idynMatrix.rows() != 4 ) return false; KDL::Rotation kdlRotation; KDL::Vector kdlVector; idynMatrix2kdlRotation(idynMatrix.submatrix(0,2,0,2),kdlRotation); idynVector2kdlVector(idynMatrix.subcol(0,3,3),kdlVector); kdlFrame = KDL::Frame(kdlRotation,kdlVector); return true; }
bool Kalman::set_B(const yarp::sig::Matrix &_B) { if ((_B.cols()==B.cols()) && (_B.rows()==B.rows())) { B=_B; return true; } else return false; }
bool Kalman::set_Q(const yarp::sig::Matrix &_Q) { if ((_Q.cols()==Q.cols()) && (_Q.rows()==Q.rows())) { Q=_Q; return true; } else return false; }
bool Kalman::set_A(const yarp::sig::Matrix &_A) { if ((_A.cols()==A.cols()) && (_A.rows()==A.rows())) { A=_A; At=A.transposed(); return true; } else return false; }
bool Kalman::set_H(const yarp::sig::Matrix &_H) { if ((_H.cols()==H.cols()) && (_H.rows()==H.rows())) { H=_H; Ht=H.transposed(); return true; } else return false; }
void yarp2idyntree(const yarp::sig::Matrix & yarpMatrix, iDynTree::MatrixDynSize & idyntreeMatrix) { idyntreeMatrix.resize(yarpMatrix.rows(),yarpMatrix.cols()); for(size_t row=0; row < idyntreeMatrix.rows(); row++) { for(size_t col=0; col < idyntreeMatrix.cols(); col++) { idyntreeMatrix(row,col) = yarpMatrix(row,col); } } }
void printMatrixYarp(yarp::sig::Matrix &A) { cout << endl; for (int i=0; i<A.rows(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<A.cols(); j++) { cout<<A(i,j)<<" "; } cout<<endl; } cout << endl; }
iDynTree::Transform yarpTransform2idyntree(yarp::sig::Matrix transformYarp) { ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE(transformYarp.rows(),4); ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE(transformYarp.cols(),4); Rotation R(transformYarp(0,0),transformYarp(0,1),transformYarp(0,2), transformYarp(1,0),transformYarp(1,1),transformYarp(1,2), transformYarp(2,0),transformYarp(2,1),transformYarp(2,2)); Position p(transformYarp(0,3),transformYarp(1,3),transformYarp(2,3)); return iDynTree::Transform(R,p); }
void OpenSoT::SubTask::setWeight(const yarp::sig::Matrix &W) { assert(W.rows() == this->getTaskSize()); assert(W.cols() == W.rows()); this->_W = W; yarp::sig::Matrix fullW = _taskPtr->getWeight(); for(unsigned int r = 0; r < this->getTaskSize(); ++r) for(unsigned int c = 0; c < this->getTaskSize(); ++c) fullW(this->_subTaskMap.getRowsVector()[r], this->_subTaskMap.getRowsVector()[c]) = this->_W(r,c); _taskPtr->setWeight(fullW); }
bool idynDynamicalParameters2kdlRigidBodyInertia(const double idynmass,const yarp::sig::Vector & idynrC,const yarp::sig::Matrix & idynI,KDL::RigidBodyInertia & kdlRigidBodyInertia) { if(idynrC.size() != 3 || idynI.cols() != 3 || idynI.rows() != 3 ) return false; KDL::Vector kdlrC; KDL::RotationalInertia kdlRotationalInertia; int ret = idynVector2kdlVector(idynrC,kdlrC); assert(ret); //printMatrix("idynI",idynI); if( !idynInertia2kdlRotationalInertia(idynI,kdlRotationalInertia) ) return false; kdlRigidBodyInertia = KDL::RigidBodyInertia(idynmass,kdlrC,kdlRotationalInertia); return true; }
bool KDLtoYarp_position(const KDL::Frame & kdlFrame, yarp::sig::Matrix & yarpMatrix4_4 ) { yarp::sig::Matrix R(3,3); yarp::sig::Vector p(3); KDLtoYarp(kdlFrame.M,R); KDLtoYarp(kdlFrame.p,p); if( yarpMatrix4_4.rows() != 4 || yarpMatrix4_4.cols() != 4 ) { yarpMatrix4_4.resize(4,4); } yarpMatrix4_4.zero(); yarpMatrix4_4.setSubmatrix(R,0,0); yarpMatrix4_4.setSubcol(p,0,3); yarpMatrix4_4(3,3) = 1; return true; }
bool Matrix::operator==(const yarp::sig::Matrix &r) const { //check dimensions first if ( (rows()!=r.rows()) || (cols()!=r.cols())) return false; const double *tmp1=data(); const double *tmp2=r.data(); int c=rows()*cols(); while(c--) { if (*tmp1++!=*tmp2++) return false; } return true; }