Exemple #1
std::string Game_Actor::GetClassName() const {
    if (!GetClass()) {
        return "";
    return GetClass()->name;
Exemple #2
	ReturnPointer<JObject> JField::GetReflection()
		return autonew JObject(GetVM(), GetVM()->GetEnv()->ToReflectedField(GetClass()->GetClass(), GetField(), false));
void AActor::SetActorLabelInternal( const FString& NewActorLabelDirty, bool bMakeGloballyUniqueFName )
	// Clean up the incoming string a bit
	FString NewActorLabel = NewActorLabelDirty;

	// First, update the actor label
		// Has anything changed?
		if( FCString::Strcmp( *NewActorLabel, *GetActorLabel() ) != 0 )
			// Store new label
			ActorLabel = NewActorLabel;

	// Next, update the actor's name
		// Generate an object name for the actor's label
		const FName OldActorName = GetFName();
		FName NewActorName = MakeObjectNameFromActorLabel( GetActorLabel(), OldActorName );

		// Has anything changed?
		if( OldActorName != NewActorName )
			// Try to rename the object
			UObject* NewOuter = NULL;		// Outer won't be changing
			ERenameFlags RenFlags = bMakeGloballyUniqueFName ? (REN_DontCreateRedirectors | REN_ForceGlobalUnique) : REN_DontCreateRedirectors;
			bool bCanRename = Rename( *NewActorName.ToString(), NewOuter, REN_Test | REN_DoNotDirty | REN_NonTransactional | RenFlags );
			if( bCanRename )
				// NOTE: Will assert internally if rename fails
				const bool bWasRenamed = Rename( *NewActorName.ToString(), NewOuter, RenFlags );
				// Unable to rename the object.  Use a unique object name variant.
				NewActorName = MakeUniqueObjectName( bMakeGloballyUniqueFName ? ANY_PACKAGE : GetOuter(), GetClass(), NewActorName );

				bCanRename = Rename( *NewActorName.ToString(), NewOuter, REN_Test | REN_DoNotDirty | REN_NonTransactional | RenFlags );
				if( bCanRename )
					// NOTE: Will assert internally if rename fails
					const bool bWasRenamed = Rename( *NewActorName.ToString(), NewOuter, RenFlags );
					// Unable to rename the object.  Oh well, not a big deal.

	FPropertyChangedEvent PropertyEvent( FindField<UProperty>( AActor::StaticClass(), "ActorLabel" ) );

Exemple #4
// Split from the basic MakePet to allow backward compatiblity with existing code while also
// making it possible for petpower to be retained without the focus item having to
// stay equipped when the character zones. petpower of -1 means that the currently equipped petfocus
// of a client is searched for and used instead.
void Mob::MakePoweredPet(uint16 spell_id, const char* pettype, int16 petpower,
		const char *petname, float in_size) {
	// Sanity and early out checking first.
	bool scale_pet = false;
	if(HasPet() || pettype == nullptr)

	//lookup our pets table record for this type
	PetRecord record;
	if(!database.GetPoweredPetEntry(pettype, petpower, &record)) {
		Message(CC_Red, "Unable to find data for pet %s", pettype);
		Log.Out(Logs::General, Logs::Error, "Unable to find data for pet %s, check pets table.", pettype);

	//find the NPC data for the specified NPC type
	const NPCType *base = database.GetNPCType(record.npc_type);
	if(base == nullptr) {
		Message(CC_Red, "Unable to load NPC data for pet %s", pettype);
		Log.Out(Logs::General, Logs::Error, "Unable to load NPC data for pet %s (NPC ID %d), check pets and npc_types tables.", pettype, record.npc_type);

	int act_power = 0; // The actual pet power we'll use.
	if (petpower == -1) {
		if (this->IsClient()) {
			//Message(CC_Red, "We are a client time to check for focus items");
			uint16 focusItemId;
			FocusPetItem petItem;
			// Loop over all the focus items and figure out which on is the best to use
			// It will step down from PoP - Classic looking for the best focus item to use based on pet level
			int16 slot = 0;
			for(int i=0; i < FocusPetItemSize; i++) {
				petItem = Pet::focusItems[i];
				// Look in out inventory
				int16 slot_id = this->CastToClient()->GetInv().HasItem(petItem.item_id, 1, invWhereWorn);
				if(slot_id != INVALID_INDEX) {
					//skip this focus item if its effect is out of rage for the pet we are casting
					if(base->level >= petItem.min_level && base->level <= petItem.max_level) {
						if(EQDEBUG>8) Message(CC_Red, "Found Focus Item: %d in Inventory: %d", petItem.item_id, slot_id);
						if(EQDEBUG>8) Message(CC_Red, "Npc spell levels: %d (%d - %d)", base->level, petItem.min_level, petItem.max_level);
						slot = slot_id;
						focusItemId = petItem.item_id;
					} else {
						if(EQDEBUG>8) Message(CC_Red, "Moving on Pet base level is out of range: %d (%d - %d)", base->level, petItem.min_level, petItem.max_level);
			// we have a focus item
				FocusPetType focusType;
				// Symbol or Gloves can be used by all NEC, MAG, BST
				if(petItem.pet_type == FocusPetType::ALL)
					//Message(CC_Red, "Type is ALL");
					focusType = FocusPetType::ALL;
				} else {
					// make sure we can use the focus item as the class .. client should never let us fail this but for sanity!
					if (GetClass() == MAGICIAN) {
						if(EQDEBUG>8) Message(CC_Red, "Looking up mage");
						if(EQDEBUG>8) Message(CC_Red, "Looking up if spell: %d is allowed ot be focused", spell_id);
						focusType = Pet::GetPetItemPetTypeFromSpellId(spell_id);
						if(EQDEBUG>8) Message(CC_Red, "FocusType fround %i", focusType);
					} else if (GetClass() == NECROMANCER) {
						if(EQDEBUG>8) Message(CC_Red, "We are a necro");
						focusType = FocusPetType::NECRO;
				// Sets the power to be what the focus item has as a mod
				if(EQDEBUG>8) {
					Message(CC_Red, "Pet Item Type ALL is  %i", FocusPetType::ALL);
					Message(CC_Red, "Pet Item Type FIRE is  %i", FocusPetType::FIRE);
					Message(CC_Red, "Pet Item Type WATER is  %i", FocusPetType::WATER);
					Message(CC_Red, "Pet Item Type AIR is  %i", FocusPetType::AIR);
					Message(CC_Red, "Pet Item Type EARTH is  %i", FocusPetType::EARTH);
					Message(CC_Red, "Pet Item Type NECRO is  %i", FocusPetType::NECRO);
				if(EQDEBUG>8) Message(CC_Red, "Pet Item Type  %i", petItem.pet_type);
				if (focusType == petItem.pet_type) {
					if(EQDEBUG>8) Message(CC_Red, "Setting power to: %d", petItem.power);
					act_power = petItem.power;
					scale_pet = true;
				if(act_power > 0)
					if(EQDEBUG>8) Message(CC_Yellow, "Debug: You have cast a powered pet. Unadjusted pet power is: %i. HasItem returned: %i.", act_power, slot);

					if(focusType == FocusPetType::NECRO ||focusType == FocusPetType::EARTH || focusType == FocusPetType::AIR
					|| focusType == FocusPetType::FIRE || focusType == FocusPetType::WATER)
						if(act_power > 10)
							act_power = 10;
						if(act_power > 25)
							act_power = 25;
	else if (petpower > 0) {
		act_power = petpower;
		scale_pet = true;

	if(EQDEBUG>8) Message(CC_Red, "Power is: %d", act_power);
	// optional rule: classic style variance in pets. Achieve this by
	// adding a random 0-4 to pet power, since it only comes in increments
	// of five from focus effects.

	//we copy the npc_type data because we need to edit it a bit
	NPCType *npc_type = new NPCType;
	memcpy(npc_type, base, sizeof(NPCType));

	// If pet power is set to -1 in the DB, use stat scaling
	if (this->IsClient() && record.petpower == -1)
		if(scale_pet) {
			float scale_power = (float)act_power / 100.0f;
			if(scale_power > 0)
				npc_type->max_hp  = (int16) (npc_type->max_hp * (1 + scale_power));
				npc_type->cur_hp  = npc_type->max_hp;
				npc_type->AC	  = (int16) (npc_type->AC * (1 + scale_power));
				npc_type->level  += (int16) 1 + ((int16)act_power / 25); // gains an additional level for every 25 pet power
				npc_type->min_dmg = (int16) (npc_type->min_dmg * (1 + (scale_power / 2)));
				npc_type->max_dmg = (int16) (npc_type->max_dmg * (1 + (scale_power / 2)));
				npc_type->size	  = (npc_type->size * (1 + scale_power));
			record.petpower = act_power;

	//Live AA - Elemental Durability
	int16 MaxHP = aabonuses.PetMaxHP + itembonuses.PetMaxHP + spellbonuses.PetMaxHP;

	if (MaxHP){
		npc_type->max_hp += (npc_type->max_hp*MaxHP)/100;
		npc_type->cur_hp = npc_type->max_hp;

	//TODO: think about regen (engaged vs. not engaged)

	// Pet naming:
	// 0 - `s pet
	// 1 - `s familiar
	// 2 - `s Warder
	// 3 - Random name if client, `s pet for others
	// 4 - Keep DB name

	if (petname != nullptr) {
		// Name was provided, use it.
		strn0cpy(npc_type->name, petname, 64);
	} else if (record.petnaming == 0) {
		strcpy(npc_type->name, this->GetCleanName());
		npc_type->name[25] = '\0';
		strcat(npc_type->name, "`s_pet");
	} else if (record.petnaming == 1) {
		strcpy(npc_type->name, this->GetName());
		npc_type->name[19] = '\0';
		strcat(npc_type->name, "`s_familiar");
	} else if (record.petnaming == 2) {
		strcpy(npc_type->name, this->GetName());
		npc_type->name[21] = 0;
		strcat(npc_type->name, "`s_warder");
	} else if (record.petnaming == 4) {
		// Keep the DB name
	} else if (record.petnaming == 3 && IsClient()) {
		strcpy(npc_type->name, GetRandPetName());
	} else {
		strcpy(npc_type->name, this->GetCleanName());
		npc_type->name[25] = '\0';
		strcat(npc_type->name, "`s_pet");

	//handle beastlord pet appearance
	if(record.petnaming == 2)
		case VAHSHIR:
			npc_type->race = TIGER;
			npc_type->size *= 0.8f;
		case TROLL:
			npc_type->race = ALLIGATOR;
			npc_type->size *= 2.5f;
		case OGRE:
			npc_type->race = BEAR;
			npc_type->texture = 3;
			npc_type->gender = 2;
			npc_type->race = WOLF;
			npc_type->texture = 2;
		case IKSAR:
			npc_type->race = WOLF;
			npc_type->texture = 0;
			npc_type->gender = 1;
			npc_type->luclinface = 0;
			npc_type->race = WOLF;
			npc_type->texture = 0;

	// handle monster summoning pet appearance
	if(record.monsterflag) {

		uint32 monsterid = 0;

		// get a random npc id from the spawngroups assigned to this zone
		auto query = StringFormat("SELECT npcID "
									"FROM (spawnentry INNER JOIN spawn2 ON spawn2.spawngroupID = spawnentry.spawngroupID) "
									"INNER JOIN npc_types ON npc_types.id = spawnentry.npcID "
									"WHERE spawn2.zone = '%s' AND npc_types.bodytype NOT IN (11, 33, 66, 67) "
									"AND npc_types.race NOT IN (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 44, "
									"55, 67, 71, 72, 73, 77, 78, 81, 90, 92, 93, 94, 106, 112, 114, 127, 128, "
									"130, 139, 141, 183, 236, 237, 238, 239, 254, 266, 329, 330, 378, 379, "
									"380, 381, 382, 383, 404, 522) "
									"ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1", zone->GetShortName());
		auto results = database.QueryDatabase(query);
		if (!results.Success()) {
			// if the database query failed

		if (results.RowCount() != 0) {
			auto row = results.begin();
			monsterid = atoi(row[0]);

		// since we don't have any monsters, just make it look like an earth pet for now
		if (monsterid == 0)
			monsterid = 567;

		// give the summoned pet the attributes of the monster we found
		const NPCType* monster = database.GetNPCType(monsterid);
		if(monster) {
			npc_type->race = monster->race;
			npc_type->size = monster->size;
			npc_type->texture = monster->texture;
			npc_type->gender = monster->gender;
			npc_type->luclinface = monster->luclinface;
			npc_type->helmtexture = monster->helmtexture;
		} else
			Log.Out(Logs::General, Logs::Error, "Error loading NPC data for monster summoning pet (NPC ID %d)", monsterid);


	//this takes ownership of the npc_type data
	Pet *npc = new Pet(npc_type, this, (PetType)record.petcontrol, spell_id, record.petpower);

	// Now that we have an actual object to interact with, load
	// the base items for the pet. These are always loaded
	// so that a rank 1 suspend minion does not kill things
	// like the special back items some focused pets may receive.
	uint32 petinv[EmuConstants::EQUIPMENT_SIZE];
	memset(petinv, 0, sizeof(petinv));
	const Item_Struct *item = 0;

	if (database.GetBasePetItems(record.equipmentset, petinv)) {
		for (int i = 0; i<EmuConstants::EQUIPMENT_SIZE; i++)
			if (petinv[i]) {
				item = database.GetItem(petinv[i]);
				npc->AddLootDrop(item, &npc->itemlist, 0, 1, 127, true, true);


	// finally, override size if one was provided
	if (in_size > 0.0f)
		npc->size = in_size;

	entity_list.AddNPC(npc, true, true);
	// We need to handle PetType 5 (petHatelist), add the current target to the hatelist of the pet
Exemple #5
void AActor::Die (AActor *source, AActor *inflictor, int dmgflags)
	// Handle possible unmorph on death
	bool wasgibbed = (health < GibHealth());

	AActor *realthis = NULL;
	int realstyle = 0;
	int realhealth = 0;
	if (P_MorphedDeath(this, &realthis, &realstyle, &realhealth))
		if (!(realstyle & MORPH_UNDOBYDEATHSAVES))
			if (wasgibbed)
				int realgibhealth = realthis->GibHealth();
				if (realthis->health >= realgibhealth)
					realthis->health = realgibhealth -1; // if morphed was gibbed, so must original be (where allowed)l
			realthis->Die(source, inflictor, dmgflags);

	// [SO] 9/2/02 -- It's rather funny to see an exploded player body with the invuln sparkle active :) 
	effects &= ~FX_RESPAWNINVUL;
	//flags &= ~MF_INVINCIBLE;

	if (debugfile && this->player)
		static int dieticks[MAXPLAYERS];
		int pnum = int(this->player-players);
		dieticks[pnum] = gametic;
		fprintf (debugfile, "died (%d) on tic %d (%s)\n", pnum, gametic,

	// [RH] Notify this actor's items.
	for (AInventory *item = Inventory; item != NULL; )
		AInventory *next = item->Inventory;
		item = next;

	if (flags & MF_MISSILE)
	{ // [RH] When missiles die, they just explode
		P_ExplodeMissile (this, NULL, NULL);
	// [RH] Set the target to the thing that killed it. Strife apparently does this.
	if (source != NULL)
		target = source;

	if (!(flags4 & MF4_DONTFALL)) flags&=~MF_NOGRAVITY;
	flags |= MF_DROPOFF;
	if ((flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) || FindState(NAME_Raise) != NULL || IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn)))
	{	// [RH] Only monsters get to be corpses.
		// Objects with a raise state should get the flag as well so they can
		// be revived by an Arch-Vile. Batman Doom needs this.
		// [RC] And disable this if DONTCORPSE is set, of course.
		if(!(flags6 & MF6_DONTCORPSE)) flags |= MF_CORPSE;
	flags6 |= MF6_KILLED;

	// [RH] Allow the death height to be overridden using metadata.
	fixed_t metaheight = 0;
	if (DamageType == NAME_Fire)
		metaheight = GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaFixed (AMETA_BurnHeight);
	if (metaheight == 0)
		metaheight = GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaFixed (AMETA_DeathHeight);
	if (metaheight != 0)
		height = MAX<fixed_t> (metaheight, 0);
		height >>= 2;

	// [RH] If the thing has a special, execute and remove it
	//		Note that the thing that killed it is considered
	//		the activator of the script.
	// New: In Hexen, the thing that died is the activator,
	//		so now a level flag selects who the activator gets to be.
	// Everything is now moved to P_ActivateThingSpecial().
	if (special && (!(flags & MF_SPECIAL) || (flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER))
		&& !(activationtype & THINGSPEC_NoDeathSpecial))
		P_ActivateThingSpecial(this, source, true); 

	if (CountsAsKill())
	if (source && source->player)
		if (CountsAsKill())
		{ // count for intermission

		// Don't count any frags at level start, because they're just telefrags
		// resulting from insufficient deathmatch starts, and it wouldn't be
		// fair to count them toward a player's score.
		if (player && level.maptime)
			source->player->frags[player - players]++;
			if (player == source->player)	// [RH] Cumulative frag count
				char buff[256];

				if (deathmatch && player->spreecount >= 5 && cl_showsprees)
					SexMessage (GStrings("SPREEKILLSELF"), buff,
						player->userinfo.GetGender(), player->userinfo.GetName(),
					StatusBar->AttachMessage (new DHUDMessageFadeOut (SmallFont, buff,
							1.5f, 0.2f, 0, 0, CR_WHITE, 3.f, 0.5f), MAKE_ID('K','S','P','R'));
				if ((dmflags2 & DF2_YES_LOSEFRAG) && deathmatch)

				if (source->player->morphTics)
				{ // Make a super chicken
					source->GiveInventoryType (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2));
				if (deathmatch && cl_showsprees)
					const char *spreemsg;
					char buff[256];

					switch (source->player->spreecount)
					case 5:
						spreemsg = GStrings("SPREE5");
					case 10:
						spreemsg = GStrings("SPREE10");
					case 15:
						spreemsg = GStrings("SPREE15");
					case 20:
						spreemsg = GStrings("SPREE20");
					case 25:
						spreemsg = GStrings("SPREE25");
						spreemsg = NULL;

					if (spreemsg == NULL && player->spreecount >= 5)
						if (!AnnounceSpreeLoss (this))
							SexMessage (GStrings("SPREEOVER"), buff, player->userinfo.GetGender(),
								player->userinfo.GetName(), source->player->userinfo.GetName());
							StatusBar->AttachMessage (new DHUDMessageFadeOut (SmallFont, buff,
								1.5f, 0.2f, 0, 0, CR_WHITE, 3.f, 0.5f), MAKE_ID('K','S','P','R'));
					else if (spreemsg != NULL)
						if (!AnnounceSpree (source))
							SexMessage (spreemsg, buff, player->userinfo.GetGender(),
								player->userinfo.GetName(), source->player->userinfo.GetName());
							StatusBar->AttachMessage (new DHUDMessageFadeOut (SmallFont, buff,
								1.5f, 0.2f, 0, 0, CR_WHITE, 3.f, 0.5f), MAKE_ID('K','S','P','R'));

			// [RH] Multikills
			if (player != source->player)
				if (source->player->lastkilltime > 0)
					if (source->player->lastkilltime < level.time - 3*TICRATE)
						source->player->multicount = 1;

					if (deathmatch &&
						source->CheckLocalView (consoleplayer) &&
						const char *multimsg;

						switch (source->player->multicount)
						case 1:
							multimsg = NULL;
						case 2:
							multimsg = GStrings("MULTI2");
						case 3:
							multimsg = GStrings("MULTI3");
						case 4:
							multimsg = GStrings("MULTI4");
							multimsg = GStrings("MULTI5");
						if (multimsg != NULL)
							char buff[256];

							if (!AnnounceMultikill (source))
								SexMessage (multimsg, buff, player->userinfo.GetGender(),
									player->userinfo.GetName(), source->player->userinfo.GetName());
								StatusBar->AttachMessage (new DHUDMessageFadeOut (SmallFont, buff,
									1.5f, 0.8f, 0, 0, CR_RED, 3.f, 0.5f), MAKE_ID('M','K','I','L'));
				source->player->lastkilltime = level.time;

			// [RH] Implement fraglimit
			if (deathmatch && fraglimit &&
				fraglimit <= D_GetFragCount (source->player))
				Printf ("%s\n", GStrings("TXT_FRAGLIMIT"));
				G_ExitLevel (0, false);
	else if (!multiplayer && CountsAsKill())
		// count all monster deaths,
		// even those caused by other monsters
	if (player)
		// [RH] Death messages
		ClientObituary (this, inflictor, source, dmgflags);

		// Death script execution, care of Skull Tag
		FBehavior::StaticStartTypedScripts (SCRIPT_Death, this, true);

		// [RH] Force a delay between death and respawn
		player->respawn_time = level.time + TICRATE;

		//Added by MC: Respawn bots
		if (bglobal.botnum && consoleplayer == Net_Arbitrator && !demoplayback)
			if (player->isbot)
				player->t_respawn = (pr_botrespawn()%15)+((bglobal.botnum-1)*2)+TICRATE+1;

			//Added by MC: Discard enemies.
			for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
				if (players[i].isbot && this == players[i].enemy)
					if (players[i].dest ==  players[i].enemy)
						players[i].dest = NULL;
					players[i].enemy = NULL;

			player->spreecount = 0;
			player->multicount = 0;

		// count environment kills against you
		if (!source)
			player->frags[player - players]++;
			player->fragcount--;	// [RH] Cumulative frag count
		flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
		player->playerstate = PST_DEAD;
		P_DropWeapon (player);
		if (this == players[consoleplayer].camera && automapactive)
			// don't die in auto map, switch view prior to dying
			AM_Stop ();

		// [GRB] Clear extralight. When you killed yourself with weapon that
		// called A_Light1/2 before it called A_Light0, extraligh remained.
		player->extralight = 0;

	// [RH] If this is the unmorphed version of another monster, destroy this
	// actor, because the morphed version is the one that will stick around in
	// the level.
	if (flags & MF_UNMORPHED)
		Destroy ();

	FState *diestate = NULL;
	int gibhealth = GibHealth();
	int iflags4 = inflictor == NULL ? 0 : inflictor->flags4;
	bool extremelydead = ((health < gibhealth || iflags4 & MF4_EXTREMEDEATH) && !(iflags4 & MF4_NOEXTREMEDEATH));

	// Special check for 'extreme' damage type to ensure that it gets recorded properly as an extreme death for subsequent checks.
	if (DamageType == NAME_Extreme)
		extremelydead = true;
		DamageType = NAME_None;

	// find the appropriate death state. The order is:
	// 1. If damagetype is not 'none' and death is extreme, try a damage type specific extreme death state
	// 2. If no such state is found or death is not extreme try a damage type specific normal death state
	// 3. If damagetype is 'ice' and actor is a monster or player, try the generic freeze death (unless prohibited)
	// 4. If no state has been found and death is extreme, try the extreme death state
	// 5. If no such state is found or death is not extreme try the regular death state.
	// 6. If still no state has been found, destroy the actor immediately.

	if (DamageType != NAME_None)
		if (extremelydead)
			FName labels[] = { NAME_Death, NAME_Extreme, DamageType };
			diestate = FindState(3, labels, true);
		if (diestate == NULL)
			diestate = FindState (NAME_Death, DamageType, true);
			if (diestate != NULL) extremelydead = false;
		if (diestate == NULL)
			if (DamageType == NAME_Ice)
			{ // If an actor doesn't have an ice death, we can still give them a generic one.

				if (!deh.NoAutofreeze && !(flags4 & MF4_NOICEDEATH) && (player || (flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER)))
					diestate = FindState(NAME_GenericFreezeDeath);
					extremelydead = false;
	if (diestate == NULL)
		// Don't pass on a damage type this actor cannot handle.
		// (most importantly, prevent barrels from passing on ice damage.)
		// Massacre must be preserved though.
		if (DamageType != NAME_Massacre)
			DamageType = NAME_None;	

		if (extremelydead)
		{ // Extreme death
			diestate = FindState (NAME_Death, NAME_Extreme, true);
		if (diestate == NULL)
		{ // Normal death
			extremelydead = false;
			diestate = FindState (NAME_Death);

	if (extremelydead)
		// We'll only get here if an actual extreme death state was used.

		// For players, mark the appropriate flag.
		if (player != NULL)
			player->cheats |= CF_EXTREMELYDEAD;
		// If a non-player, mark as extremely dead for the crash state.
		else if (health >= gibhealth)
			health = gibhealth - 1;

	if (diestate != NULL)
		SetState (diestate);

		if (tics > 1)
			tics -= pr_killmobj() & 3;
			if (tics < 1)
				tics = 1;
float AShooterCharacter::GetMaxHealth() const
	// Retrieve the default value of the health property that is assigned on instantiation.
	return GetClass()->GetDefaultObject<AShooterCharacter>()->Health;
Exemple #7
UTexture* UUIActionCommand::GetIcon()
  error( FS( "GetIcon not implemented in %s", *GetClass()->GetName() ) );
  return 0;