MenuUtils& addPair(pair<string,string> pair_value){ cnt_list.push_back(pair_value); return *this; }
/* Loads the conn.hist file into memory */ void load_connhistory( void ) { ifstream stream; conn_data *conn; size_t conncount = 0; connlist.clear( ); CH_FILE ); if( !stream.is_open( ) ) return; do { string key, value; char buf[MIL]; stream >> key; stream.getline( buf, MIL ); value = buf; strip_lspace( key ); strip_lspace( value ); strip_tilde( value ); if( key.empty( ) ) continue; if( key == "#CONN" ) conn = new conn_data; else if( key == "User" ) conn->user = value; else if( key == "When" ) conn->when = value; else if( key == "Host" ) conn->host = value; else if( key == "Level" ) conn->level = atoi( value.c_str( ) ); else if( key == "Type" ) conn->type = atoi( value.c_str( ) ); else if( key == "Invis" ) conn->type = atoi( value.c_str( ) ); else if( key == "End" ) { if( conncount < MAX_CONNHISTORY ) { ++conncount; connlist.push_back( conn ); } else { bug( "%s: more connection histories than MAX_CONNHISTORY %zd", __FUNCTION__, MAX_CONNHISTORY ); stream.close( ); return; } } else bug( "%s: Bad line in connection history file: %s %s", __FUNCTION__, key.c_str( ), value.c_str( ) ); } while( !stream.eof( ) ); stream.close( ); }
/* * write triangulation to OFF-file */ void writeOFFFile() { int i; string offFilenameStr = ""; const char *offFilename = offFilenameStr.c_str(); ofstream fileOut(offFilename); if (fileOut.is_open()) { // count triangles int triangleCount = 0; for (list<Triangle>::iterator iter = dtTriangles.begin(); iter != dtTriangles.end(); iter++) { Triangle *currTri = &*iter; if (currTri->exists()) triangleCount++; } // write OFF header fileOut << "OFF" << endl; fileOut << (int)dt->number_of_vertices() << " " << triangleCount << " 0" << endl; // TODO: some vertex indices are higher than vertexCount: (up to 200 in ts-dragon): why? and if there are holes, need to compact them for triangle writing! // write vertex list for (Dt::Finite_vertices_iterator vhIter = dt->finite_vertices_begin(); vhIter != dt->finite_vertices_end(); vhIter++) { DVertex currVH = vhIter; int vIndex = currVH->info().index(); if (vIndex != -1) { Vector3D vec = v[vIndex].vec; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) fileOut << vec[i] << " "; fileOut << endl; // DEBUG if (vIndex >= (int)dt->number_of_vertices()) { cout << "v #" << vIndex << ">= " << (int)dt->number_of_vertices() << "(vertexcount)!" << endl; assert(false); } } } // write triangle list for (list<Triangle>::iterator iter = dtTriangles.begin(); iter != dtTriangles.end(); iter++) { Triangle *currTri = &*iter; if (currTri->exists()) { fileOut << "3 "; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) fileOut << currTri->vertex(i)->info().index() << " "; fileOut << endl; } } fileOut.close(); } else cout << "ERROR: could not write OFF file " << offFilenameStr << endl; }
// list of events is passed from main input handler. we remove the events we handle and leave the rest to be handled // by the next input handler. the order of input handlers is in input.cpp void UI::HandleInput( list<InputEvent> & events ) { // Go through all input events to see if they apply to any top-level widget. top-level widgets // (like windows) will then take the input and pass it to any children (like the ok button in the window) // where appropriate list<InputEvent>::iterator i = events.begin(); while( i != events.end() ) { bool eventWasHandled = false; switch( i->type ) { case KEY: switch(i->kstate) { case KEYTYPED: if( keyboardFocus ) { bool handled = keyboardFocus->KeyPress( i->key ); // if the input was handled, we need to remove it from the queue so no other // subsystem sees it and acts on it if( handled ) { events.erase(i); i = events.begin(); } } break; default: break; } break; case MOUSE: int x, y; // mouse coordinates associated with the mouse event x = i->mx; y = i->my; switch(i->mstate) { case MOUSEMOTION: // if a widget has mouse focus, we are dragging if( mouseFocus ) { int dx, dy; // original point of click for the drag dx = mouseFocus->GetDragX(); dy = mouseFocus->GetDragY(); mouseFocus->SetX( x - dx ); mouseFocus->SetY( y - dy ); eventWasHandled = true; } break; case MOUSEUP: // release focus if needed if( mouseFocus ) { // let the focused widget know it's no longer focused mouseFocus->UnfocusMouse(); mouseFocus = NULL; eventWasHandled = true; } break; case MOUSEDOWN: Widget *focusedWidget = DetermineMouseFocus( x, y ); // did they click a different widget than the one already in focus? if( mouseFocus != focusedWidget ) { // A new widget now has focus if( mouseFocus ) mouseFocus->UnfocusMouse(); mouseFocus = focusedWidget; if( mouseFocus ) { mouseFocus->FocusMouse( x - mouseFocus->GetX(), y - mouseFocus->GetY() ); } } // mouse down also changes keyboard focus (e.g. clicked on a new text field) if( keyboardFocus != focusedWidget ) { if( keyboardFocus ) keyboardFocus->UnfocusKeyboard(); keyboardFocus = focusedWidget; if( keyboardFocus ) { keyboardFocus->FocusKeyboard(); } } // pass the event to the widget if( mouseFocus ) { mouseFocus->MouseDown( x - mouseFocus->GetX(), y - mouseFocus->GetY() ); eventWasHandled = true; } break; } break; } if( eventWasHandled ) { i = events.erase( i ); } else { i++; } } }
foreachvalue (const Owned<Store>& store, stores) { recovers.push_back(store->recover()); }
void GenPermutation(vector<string> &prefix_set, int start, list<string> &result, int freq, int suffix_len) { if(start==prefix_set.size()-1) { result.push_back(prefix_set[start]); if(result.size()<=suffix_len) return; list<string>::iterator it; printf("{"); for(it=result.begin(); it!=result.end(); it++) printf("%s ",it->c_str()); printf("}#%d \n",freq); result.pop_back(); if(result.size()>suffix_len) { printf("{"); int i; for(i=0, it=result.begin(); it!=result.end(); i++,it++) { printf("%s",it->c_str()); if(i!=result.size()-1) printf(","); } printf("}#%d\n",freq); } return; } result.push_back(prefix_set[start]); GenPermutation(prefix_set, start+1, result, freq, suffix_len); result.pop_back(); GenPermutation(prefix_set, start+1, result, freq, suffix_len); }
void waves(int numwave) { if(numwave == 1) { wave_apuntador = &wave1_complete; show_dialogs(); } else if(numwave == 2) wave_apuntador = &wave2_complete; while((*wave_apuntador) != true) { segundos++; //cout << "Segundos: " << segundos << endl; frame++; if(frame%50==0) { if(numwave == 1) personajes.push_back(new Hollow (rand()%880,rand() % 570,renderer,&personajes)); else if(numwave == 2) { personajes.push_back(new Hollow2 (rand()%880,rand() % 570,renderer,&personajes)); personajes.push_back(new Hollow3 (rand()%880,rand() % 570,renderer,&personajes)); } } while(SDL_PollEvent(&Event)) { if(Event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if(Event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { esc = true; return; } } if(Event.type == SDL_QUIT) { exit(0); } } for(list<Personaje*>::iterator i = personajes.begin(); i!=personajes.end(); i++) { (*i)->logic((Uint8*)SDL_GetKeyboardState( NULL )); if((*i)->id == "Personaje") { pos_x = (*i)->rectangulo.x; pos_y = (*i)->rectangulo.y; if((*i)->HP == 0) { (*i)->reset(); return; } else if((*i)->contador_puntos == 400)//100 { *wave_apuntador = true; (*i)->reset(); } } } SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, game_background, NULL, &rect_background); //SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, *dialogo_actual, NULL, &rect_text); for(list<Personaje*>::iterator i = personajes.begin(); i!=personajes.end(); i++) (*i)->render(renderer); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); SDL_Delay(16.66); if(segundos == 2300 && (*wave_apuntador) != true)//800 { esc = true; return; } } }
void VrmlNodeMultiTouchSensor::removeMultiTouchNode(VrmlNodeMultiTouchSensor *node) { multiTouchSensors.remove(node); }
AnswerSet operator()(const list<AspFluent>& plan) { return AnswerSet(plan.begin(), plan.end()); }
void trim_cache(list<VPtr> *to_release) { while (size > max_size) { to_release->push_back(lru.back().second); lru_remove(lru.back().first); } }
void VrmlNodeMultiTouchSensor::addMultiTouchNode(VrmlNodeMultiTouchSensor *node) { multiTouchSensors.push_front(node); }
void show(list<Stack>& list, string msg) { cout << msg << ", function show" << endl; for (auto iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ++iter) { cout << "element: " << *iter << endl; } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // <OnNotification> // Callback that is triggered when a value, group or node changes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OnNotification ( Notification const* _notification, void* _context ) { qpid::types::Variant::Map eventmap; // Must do this inside a critical section to avoid conflicts with the main thread pthread_mutex_lock( &g_criticalSection ); switch( _notification->GetType() ) { case Notification::Type_ValueAdded: { if( NodeInfo* nodeInfo = GetNodeInfo( _notification ) ) { // Add the new value to our list nodeInfo->m_values.push_back( _notification->GetValueID() ); uint8 basic = Manager::Get()->GetNodeBasic(_notification->GetHomeId(),_notification->GetNodeId()); uint8 generic = Manager::Get()->GetNodeGeneric(_notification->GetHomeId(),_notification->GetNodeId()); uint8 specific = Manager::Get()->GetNodeSpecific(_notification->GetHomeId(),_notification->GetNodeId()); ValueID id = _notification->GetValueID(); string label = Manager::Get()->GetValueLabel(id); stringstream tempstream; tempstream << (int) _notification->GetNodeId(); tempstream << "/"; tempstream << (int) id.GetInstance(); string nodeinstance = tempstream.str(); tempstream << "-"; tempstream << label; string tempstring = tempstream.str(); ZWaveNode *device; if (basic == BASIC_TYPE_CONTROLLER) { if ((device = devices.findId(nodeinstance)) != NULL) { device->addValue(label, id); device->setDevicetype("remote"); } else { device = new ZWaveNode(nodeinstance, "remote"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } } else switch(id.GetCommandClassId()) { case COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL: if (label == "Level") { if ((device = devices.findId(nodeinstance)) != NULL) { device->addValue(label, id); device->setDevicetype("dimmer"); } else { device = new ZWaveNode(nodeinstance, "dimmer"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } // Manager::Get()->EnablePoll(id); } break; case COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY: if (label == "Switch") { if ((device = devices.findId(nodeinstance)) != NULL) { device->addValue(label, id); } else { device = new ZWaveNode(nodeinstance, "switch"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } // Manager::Get()->EnablePoll(id); } break; case COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_BINARY: if (label == "Sensor") { if ((device = devices.findId(tempstring)) != NULL) { device->addValue(label, id); } else { device = new ZWaveNode(tempstring, "binarysensor"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } // Manager::Get()->EnablePoll(id); } break; case COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL: if (label == "Luminance") { device = new ZWaveNode(tempstring, "brightnesssensor"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } else if (label == "Temperature") { if (generic == GENERIC_TYPE_THERMOSTAT) { if ((device = devices.findId(nodeinstance)) != NULL) { device->addValue(label, id); } else { device = new ZWaveNode(nodeinstance, "thermostat"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } } else { device = new ZWaveNode(tempstring, "temperaturesensor"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } } else { printf("WARNING: unhandled label for SENSOR_MULTILEVEL: %s - adding generic multilevelsensor\n",label.c_str()); if ((device = devices.findId(nodeinstance)) != NULL) { device->addValue(label, id); } else { device = new ZWaveNode(nodeinstance, "multilevelsensor"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } } // Manager::Get()->EnablePoll(id); break; case COMMAND_CLASS_METER: if (label == "Power") { device = new ZWaveNode(tempstring, "powermeter"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } else if (label == "Energy") { device = new ZWaveNode(tempstring, "energymeter"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } else { printf("WARNING: unhandled label for CLASS_METER: %s - adding generic multilevelsensor\n",label.c_str()); if ((device = devices.findId(nodeinstance)) != NULL) { device->addValue(label, id); } else { device = new ZWaveNode(nodeinstance, "multilevelsensor"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } } // Manager::Get()->EnablePoll(id); break; case COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC_WINDOW_COVERING: // if (label == "Open") { if ((device = devices.findId(nodeinstance)) != NULL) { device->addValue(label, id); device->setDevicetype("drapes"); } else { device = new ZWaveNode(nodeinstance, "drapes"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } // Manager::Get()->EnablePoll(id); // } break; case COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT: if (polling) Manager::Get()->EnablePoll(id); case COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_MODE: case COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE: case COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_FAN_STATE: case COMMAND_CLASS_THERMOSTAT_OPERATING_STATE: cout << "adding thermostat label: " << label << endl; if ((device = devices.findId(nodeinstance)) != NULL) { device->addValue(label, id); device->setDevicetype("thermostat"); } else { device = new ZWaveNode(nodeinstance, "thermostat"); device->addValue(label, id); devices.add(device); agoConnection->addDevice(device->getId().c_str(), device->getDevicetype().c_str()); } break; default: printf("Notification: Unassigned Value Added Home 0x%08x Node %d Genre %d Class %x Instance %d Index %d Type %d - Label: %s\n", _notification->GetHomeId(), _notification->GetNodeId(), id.GetGenre(), id.GetCommandClassId(), id.GetInstance(), id.GetIndex(), id.GetType(),label.c_str()); // printf("Notification: Unassigned Value Added Home 0x%08x Node %d Genre %d Class %x Instance %d Index %d Type %d - ID: %" PRIu64 "\n", _notification->GetHomeId(), _notification->GetNodeId(), id.GetGenre(), id.GetCommandClassId(), id.GetInstance(), id.GetIndex(), id.GetType(),id.GetId()); } } break; } case Notification::Type_ValueRemoved: { if( NodeInfo* nodeInfo = GetNodeInfo( _notification ) ) { // Remove the value from out list for( list<ValueID>::iterator it = nodeInfo->m_values.begin(); it != nodeInfo->m_values.end(); ++it ) { if( (*it) == _notification->GetValueID() ) { nodeInfo->m_values.erase( it ); break; } } } break; } case Notification::Type_ValueChanged: { if( NodeInfo* nodeInfo = GetNodeInfo( _notification ) ) { // One of the node values has changed // TBD... // nodeInfo = nodeInfo; ValueID id = _notification->GetValueID(); string str; printf("Notification: Value Changed Home 0x%08x Node %d Genre %d Class %d Instance %d Index %d Type %d\n", _notification->GetHomeId(), _notification->GetNodeId(), id.GetGenre(), id.GetCommandClassId(), id.GetInstance(), id.GetIndex(), id.GetType()); if (Manager::Get()->GetValueAsString(id, &str)) { qpid::types::Variant cachedValue; cachedValue.parse(str); valueCache[id] = cachedValue; string label = Manager::Get()->GetValueLabel(id); string units = Manager::Get()->GetValueUnits(id); // TODO: send proper types and don't convert everything to string string level = str; string eventtype = ""; if (str == "True") level="255"; if (str == "False") level="0"; printf("Value: %s Label: %s Unit: %s\n",str.c_str(),label.c_str(),units.c_str()); if ((label == "Basic") || (label == "Switch") || (label == "Level")) { eventtype="event.device.statechanged"; } if (label == "Luminance") { eventtype="event.environment.brightnesschanged"; } if (label == "Temperature") { eventtype="event.environment.temperaturechanged"; if (units=="F" && unitsystem==0) { units="C"; str = float2str((atof(str.c_str())-32)*5/9); level = str; } else if (units =="C" && unitsystem==1) { units="F"; str = float2str(atof(str.c_str())*9/5 + 32); level = str; } } if (label == "Relative Humidity") { eventtype="event.environment.humiditychanged"; } if (label == "Battery Level") { eventtype="event.device.batterylevelchanged"; } if (label == "Alarm Level") { eventtype=""; } if (label == "Alarm Type") { eventtype=""; } if (label == "Sensor") { eventtype=""; } if (label == "Energy") { eventtype="event.environment.energychanged"; } if (label == "Power") { eventtype="event.environment.powerchanged"; } if (label == "Mode") { eventtype="event.environment.modechanged"; } if (label == "Fan Mode") { eventtype="event.environment.fanmodechanged"; } if (label == "Fan State") { eventtype="event.environment.fanstatechanged"; } if (label == "Operating State") { eventtype="event.environment.operatingstatechanged"; } if (label == "Cooling 1") { eventtype="event.environment.coolsetpointchanged"; } if (label == "Heating 1") { eventtype="event.environment.heatsetpointchanged"; } if (label == "Fan State") { eventtype="event.environment.fanstatechanged"; } if (eventtype != "") { ZWaveNode *device = devices.findValue(id); if (device != NULL) { if (debug) printf("Sending %s event from child %s\n",eventtype.c_str(), device->getId().c_str()); agoConnection->emitEvent(device->getId().c_str(), eventtype.c_str(), level.c_str(), units.c_str()); } } } } break; } case Notification::Type_Group: { if( NodeInfo* nodeInfo = GetNodeInfo( _notification ) ) { // One of the node's association groups has changed // TBD... nodeInfo = nodeInfo; eventmap["description"]="Node association added"; eventmap["state"]="associationchanged"; eventmap["nodeid"] = _notification->GetNodeId(); eventmap["homeid"] = _notification->GetHomeId(); agoConnection->emitEvent("zwavecontroller", "event.zwave.associationchanged", eventmap); } break; } case Notification::Type_NodeAdded: { // Add the new node to our list NodeInfo* nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(); nodeInfo->m_homeId = _notification->GetHomeId(); nodeInfo->m_nodeId = _notification->GetNodeId(); nodeInfo->m_polled = false; g_nodes.push_back( nodeInfo ); // todo: announce node eventmap["description"]="Node added"; eventmap["state"]="nodeadded"; eventmap["nodeid"] = _notification->GetNodeId(); eventmap["homeid"] = _notification->GetHomeId(); agoConnection->emitEvent("zwavecontroller", "event.zwave.networkchanged", eventmap); break; } case Notification::Type_NodeRemoved: { // Remove the node from our list uint32 const homeId = _notification->GetHomeId(); uint8 const nodeId = _notification->GetNodeId(); eventmap["description"]="Node removed"; eventmap["state"]="noderemoved"; eventmap["nodeid"] = _notification->GetNodeId(); eventmap["homeid"] = _notification->GetHomeId(); agoConnection->emitEvent("zwavecontroller", "event.zwave.networkchanged", eventmap); for( list<NodeInfo*>::iterator it = g_nodes.begin(); it != g_nodes.end(); ++it ) { NodeInfo* nodeInfo = *it; if( ( nodeInfo->m_homeId == homeId ) && ( nodeInfo->m_nodeId == nodeId ) ) { g_nodes.erase( it ); break; } } break; } case Notification::Type_NodeEvent: { if( NodeInfo* nodeInfo = GetNodeInfo( _notification ) ) { // We have received an event from the node, caused by a // basic_set or hail message. ValueID id = _notification->GetValueID(); string label = Manager::Get()->GetValueLabel(id); stringstream level; level << (int) _notification->GetByte(); string eventtype = "event.device.statechanged"; ZWaveNode *device = devices.findValue(id); if (device != NULL) { if (debug) printf("Sending %s event from child %s\n",eventtype.c_str(), device->getId().c_str()); agoConnection->emitEvent(device->getId().c_str(), eventtype.c_str(), level.str().c_str(), ""); } else { cout << "no agocontrol device found for node event - Label: " << label << " Level: " << level << endl; } } break; } case Notification::Type_SceneEvent: { if( NodeInfo* nodeInfo = GetNodeInfo( _notification ) ) { int scene = _notification->GetSceneId(); ValueID id = _notification->GetValueID(); string label = Manager::Get()->GetValueLabel(id); stringstream tempstream; tempstream << (int) _notification->GetNodeId(); tempstream << "/1"; string nodeinstance = tempstream.str(); string eventtype = "event.device.statechanged"; ZWaveNode *device; if ((device = devices.findId(nodeinstance)) != NULL) { if (debug) printf("Sending %s for scene %d event from child %s\n", eventtype.c_str(), scene, device->getId().c_str()); agoConnection->emitEvent(device->getId().c_str(), eventtype.c_str(), scene, ""); } else { cout << "WARNING: no agocontrol device found for scene event" << endl; cout << "Node: " << nodeinstance << " Scene: " << scene << endl; } } break; } case Notification::Type_PollingDisabled: { if( NodeInfo* nodeInfo = GetNodeInfo( _notification ) ) { nodeInfo->m_polled = false; } break; } case Notification::Type_PollingEnabled: { if( NodeInfo* nodeInfo = GetNodeInfo( _notification ) ) { nodeInfo->m_polled = true; } break; } case Notification::Type_DriverReady: { g_homeId = _notification->GetHomeId(); break; } case Notification::Type_DriverFailed: { g_initFailed = true; pthread_cond_broadcast(&initCond); break; } case Notification::Type_AwakeNodesQueried: case Notification::Type_AllNodesQueried: case Notification::Type_AllNodesQueriedSomeDead: { pthread_cond_broadcast(&initCond); break; } case Notification::Type_DriverReset: case Notification::Type_Notification: case Notification::Type_NodeNaming: case Notification::Type_NodeProtocolInfo: case Notification::Type_NodeQueriesComplete: case Notification::Type_EssentialNodeQueriesComplete: { break; } default: { cout << "WARNING: Unhandled OpenZWave Event: " << _notification->GetType() << endl; } } pthread_mutex_unlock( &g_criticalSection ); }
void clear(){ cnt_list.clear(); }
void push_point(m2::PointD const & pt) { /// @todo Filter for equal points. m_points.back().push_back(this->convert_point(pt)); }
void Shape::addPoints(list<vec3> p) { list<vec3>::iterator i; for (i = p.begin(); i != p.end(); i++) { points.push_back(*i); } }
bool ZBrain::EscapeFromStuckIn(list<rvector>& wayPointList) { // 길찾기 코드의 허점이 드러나는 맵 지점들이 있다.. 그런 곳에서는 몹이 이동하지를 못한다 // 그런곳을 탈출하기 위해 땜빵을 한다. true 리턴하면 웨이포인트를 여기서 지정했다는 의미. DWORD currTime = timeGetTime(); // 오랜시간 같은 곳에 멈춰있다면 아예 워프해버린다 if (currTime - m_dwExPositionTimeForWarp > 2000) { rvector diff = m_exPositionForWarp - m_pBody->GetPosition(); ResetStuckInStateForWarp(); if (MagnitudeSq(diff) < 100) { OutputDebugString("NPC NEED WARP....\n"); RNavigationMesh* pNavMesh = ZGetGame()->GetWorld()->GetBsp()->GetNavigationMesh(); if (pNavMesh) { // 근방의 랜덤지점을 정한다 // 랜덤 방향 얻기 float angle = (rand() % (314*2)) * 0.01f; D3DXMATRIX matRot; D3DXMatrixRotationZ(&matRot, angle); rvector dir(200, 0, 0); // 이동할 거리 dir = dir * matRot; rvector newpos = m_pBody->GetPosition() + dir; // 가장 가까운 네비게이션노드의 센터로 옮긴다 (네비게이션노드가 크게 잡혀 있는 맵에선 워프가 심하게 눈에 띌수 있음..) RNavigationNode* pNavNode = pNavMesh->FindClosestNode(newpos); if (pNavNode) { m_pBody->SetPosition( pNavNode->CenterVertex()); OutputDebugString("NPC WARP DONE!\n"); return false; } } } } // 짧은시간 같은 곳에 멈춰있다면 앞으로 한발짝 정도 움직여서 탈출시도 if (currTime - m_dwExPositionTime > 1000) { rvector diff = m_exPosition - m_pBody->GetPosition(); ResetStuckInState(); if (MagnitudeSq(diff) < 100) { wayPointList.clear(); // 기본적으로 앞쪽으로 방향을 잡되 좌우로 랜덤하게 방향을 준다 rvector dir = m_pBody->GetDirection(); rmatrix matRot; D3DXMatrixRotationZ(&matRot, (rand()%314 - 157) * 0.01f); // 3.14 즉 반바퀴 범위 내에서 방향을 틀게 함 Normalize(dir); dir *= m_pBody->GetCollRadius() * 0.8f; wayPointList.push_back(m_pBody->GetPosition() + dir); PushWayPointsToTask(); return true; } } return false; }
void CMessageModel::getMsgByMsgId(uint32_t nUserId, uint32_t nPeerId, const list<uint32_t> &lsMsgId, list<IM::BaseDefine::MsgInfo> &lsMsg) { if(lsMsgId.empty()) { return ; } uint32_t nRelateId = CRelationModel::getInstance()->getRelationId(nUserId, nPeerId, false); if(nRelateId == INVALID_VALUE) { log("invalid relation id between %u and %u", nUserId, nPeerId); return; } CDBManager* pDBManager = CDBManager::getInstance(); CDBConn* pDBConn = pDBManager->GetDBConn("teamtalk_slave"); if (pDBConn) { string strTableName = "IMMessage_" + int2string(nRelateId % 8); string strClause ; bool bFirst = true; for(auto it= lsMsgId.begin(); it!=lsMsgId.end();++it) { if (bFirst) { bFirst = false; strClause = int2string(*it); } else { strClause += ("," + int2string(*it)); } } string strSql = "select * from " + strTableName + " where relateId=" + int2string(nRelateId) + " and status=0 and msgId in (" + strClause + ") order by created desc, id desc limit 100"; CResultSet* pResultSet = pDBConn->ExecuteQuery(strSql.c_str()); if (pResultSet) { while (pResultSet->Next()) { IM::BaseDefine::MsgInfo msg; msg.set_msg_id(pResultSet->GetInt("msgId")); msg.set_from_session_id(pResultSet->GetInt("fromId")); msg.set_create_time(pResultSet->GetInt("created")); IM::BaseDefine::MsgType nMsgType = IM::BaseDefine::MsgType(pResultSet->GetInt("type")); if(IM::BaseDefine::MsgType_IsValid(nMsgType)) { msg.set_msg_type(nMsgType); msg.set_msg_data(pResultSet->GetString("content")); lsMsg.push_back(msg); } else { log("invalid msgType. userId=%u, peerId=%u, msgType=%u, msgId=%u", nUserId, nPeerId, nMsgType, msg.msg_id()); } } delete pResultSet; } else { log("no result set for sql:%s", strSql.c_str()); } pDBManager->RelDBConn(pDBConn); if(!lsMsg.empty()) { CAudioModel::getInstance()->readAudios(lsMsg); } } else { log("no db connection for teamtalk_slave"); } }
Double TEncRCPic::estimatePicLambda( list<TEncRCPic*>& listPreviousPictures, SliceType eSliceType) { Double alpha = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_alpha; Double beta = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_beta; Double bpp = (Double)m_targetBits/(Double)m_numberOfPixel; Double estLambda; if (eSliceType == I_SLICE) { estLambda = calculateLambdaIntra(alpha, beta, pow(m_totalCostIntra/(Double)m_numberOfPixel, BETA1), bpp); } else { estLambda = alpha * pow( bpp, beta ); } Double lastLevelLambda = -1.0; Double lastPicLambda = -1.0; Double lastValidLambda = -1.0; list<TEncRCPic*>::iterator it; for ( it = listPreviousPictures.begin(); it != listPreviousPictures.end(); it++ ) { if ( (*it)->getFrameLevel() == m_frameLevel ) { lastLevelLambda = (*it)->getPicActualLambda(); } lastPicLambda = (*it)->getPicActualLambda(); if ( lastPicLambda > 0.0 ) { lastValidLambda = lastPicLambda; } } if ( lastLevelLambda > 0.0 ) { lastLevelLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 10000.0, lastLevelLambda ); estLambda = Clip3( lastLevelLambda * pow( 2.0, -3.0/3.0 ), lastLevelLambda * pow( 2.0, 3.0/3.0 ), estLambda ); } if ( lastPicLambda > 0.0 ) { lastPicLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 2000.0, lastPicLambda ); estLambda = Clip3( lastPicLambda * pow( 2.0, -10.0/3.0 ), lastPicLambda * pow( 2.0, 10.0/3.0 ), estLambda ); } else if ( lastValidLambda > 0.0 ) { lastValidLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 2000.0, lastValidLambda ); estLambda = Clip3( lastValidLambda * pow(2.0, -10.0/3.0), lastValidLambda * pow(2.0, 10.0/3.0), estLambda ); } else { estLambda = Clip3( 0.1, 10000.0, estLambda ); } if ( estLambda < 0.1 ) { estLambda = 0.1; } m_estPicLambda = estLambda; Double totalWeight = 0.0; // initial BU bit allocation weight for ( Int i=0; i<m_numberOfLCU; i++ ) { Double alphaLCU, betaLCU; if ( m_encRCSeq->getUseLCUSeparateModel() ) { alphaLCU = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, i ).m_alpha; betaLCU = m_encRCSeq->getLCUPara( m_frameLevel, i ).m_beta; } else { alphaLCU = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_alpha; betaLCU = m_encRCSeq->getPicPara( m_frameLevel ).m_beta; } m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight = m_LCUs[i].m_numberOfPixel * pow( estLambda/alphaLCU, 1.0/betaLCU ); if ( m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight < 0.01 ) { m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight = 0.01; } totalWeight += m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight; } for ( Int i=0; i<m_numberOfLCU; i++ ) { Double BUTargetBits = m_targetBits * m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight / totalWeight; m_LCUs[i].m_bitWeight = BUTargetBits; } return estLambda; }
void CMessageModel::getMessageDuringTime(uint32_t nUserId, uint32_t nPeerId, uint32_t nStartTime, uint32_t nEndTime, uint32_t nOffset, uint32_t nCount, list<IM::BaseDefine::MsgInfo>& lsMsg) { uint32_t nRelateId = CRelationModel::getInstance()->getRelationId(nUserId, nPeerId, false); if (nRelateId != INVALID_VALUE) { CDBManager* pDBManager = CDBManager::getInstance(); CDBConn* pDBConn = pDBManager->GetDBConn("teamtalk_slave"); if (pDBConn) { string strTableName = "IMMessage_" + int2string(nRelateId % 8); string strSql; if (nCount == 0) { strSql = "select * from " + strTableName + " force index (idx_relateId_status_created) where relateId= " + int2string(nRelateId) + " and status = 0 and created >= " + int2string(nStartTime) + " and created <= " + int2string(nEndTime) + " order by created desc"; } else { strSql = "select * from " + strTableName + " force index (idx_relateId_status_created) where relateId= " + int2string(nRelateId) + " and status = 0 and created >= " + int2string(nStartTime) + " and created <= " + int2string(nEndTime) + " order by created desc limit " + int2string(nOffset) + "," + int2string(nCount); } CResultSet* pResultSet = pDBConn->ExecuteQuery(strSql.c_str()); if (pResultSet) { while (pResultSet->Next()) { IM::BaseDefine::MsgInfo cMsg; cMsg.set_msg_id(pResultSet->GetInt("msgId")); cMsg.set_from_session_id(pResultSet->GetInt("fromId")); cMsg.set_create_time(pResultSet->GetInt("created")); IM::BaseDefine::MsgType nMsgType = IM::BaseDefine::MsgType(pResultSet->GetInt("type")); if(IM::BaseDefine::MsgType_IsValid(nMsgType)) { cMsg.set_msg_type(nMsgType); cMsg.set_msg_data(pResultSet->GetString("content")); lsMsg.push_back(cMsg); } else { log("invalid msgType. userId=%u, peerId=%u, startTime=%u, endTime=%u, offset=%u, size=%u, msgType=%u, msgId=%u", nUserId, nPeerId, nStartTime, nEndTime, nOffset, nCount, nMsgType, pResultSet->GetInt("msgId")); } } delete pResultSet; } else { log("no result set: %s", strSql.c_str()); } pDBManager->RelDBConn(pDBConn); if (!lsMsg.empty()) { CAudioModel::getInstance()->readAudios(lsMsg); } } else { log("no db connection for teamtalk_slave"); } } else { log("no relation between %lu and %lu", nUserId, nPeerId); } }
/** returns RESULT_xxx after applying that result to our totals, and logging timing information */ int run(const string& description, const memory<unsigned char>& v) { //printf("START: %p\nEND: %p\n", v.begin(), v.end()); int we_accept = 0, other_accept = 0, we_reject = 0, other_reject = 0; // if debug output is coming, print header bool headerPrinted = (verbosity >= 3); if(headerPrinted) printf("\n\n###\n%s\n", description.c_str()); // run everything and accumulate results vector<bool> results; for(Validator* p : validators) { vector<double> timings(repeatCount); bool r; // result for(int i = 0; i < repeatCount; ++i) { p->prepare(v.size()); ticks t0 = getticks(); bool thisResult = p->validate(v); ticks t1 = getticks(); timings[i] = elapsed(t1, t0); // safety - bomb out if we get different results from different runs if(i == 0) { results.push_back(thisResult); r = thisResult; } else if(r != thisResult) { printf("ERROR: inconsistent results from runs by same validator against same data\n"); exit(1); } } timingResults.push_back(TimingResult(p, description, v.size(), timings)); if(r) { if(p->ours()) we_accept++; else other_accept++; } else { if(p->ours()) we_reject++; else other_reject++; } } // what's the overall result? apply to total. int result; if(we_accept + other_accept == 0) { result = RESULT_GOOD; goodReject++; } else if(we_reject + other_reject == 0) { result = RESULT_GOOD; goodAccept++; } else if(other_accept != 0 && other_reject != 0) { result = RESULT_CONFUSION; } else { result = RESULT_FAILURE; } totals[result]++; // print if necessary (due to error and/or verbosity level) if(verbosity >= 2 || result != RESULT_GOOD) { if(!headerPrinted) printf("%s -- ", description.c_str()); vector<bool>::const_iterator resultp = results.begin(); for(const Validator* p : validators) { printf("%s %s", p->name().c_str(), *resultp ? "accept, " : "reject, "); ++resultp; } switch(result) { case RESULT_GOOD: printf("good.\n"); break; case RESULT_CONFUSION: printf("CONFUSION!\n"); break; case RESULT_FAILURE: printf("FAILURE!\n"); break; } } return result; }
void increaseSalary(list<Employee*> elist,float n) { for (list<Employee*>::iterator it = elist.begin(); it != elist.end(); it++) (*it)->increaseSalary(n); }
bool judgementb(string a,list<string> b){ list<string>::iterator i; for(i=b.begin();i!=b.end();++i){ if(a==*i){return 1;break;}} return 0;}
void printDetails(list<Employee*> elist) { for (list<Employee*>::iterator it = elist.begin(); it != elist.end(); it++) (*it)->printDetails(); }
/* Removes a single conn entry */ conn_data::~conn_data( ) { connlist.remove( this ); }
int getArraySize(void) const {return stars.size();}
// creates edge and triangle structures and links them to existing vertex/tetrahedron structure, to permit storing attributes void createAggregateDataStructure(){ int i, j; // traverse all tetrahedra and create their triangles, edges and references to them stack<Cell> tetraStack; tetraStack.push(dt->infinite_cell()); // while stack not empty while (tetraStack.size() > 0){ // pop tetra from stack Cell ch =; tetraStack.pop(); Tetrahedron *currTetra = &ch->info(); // DEBUG // cout << "tetra " << COUT_CELL(ch) << endl; bool triangleCreated[4]; Edge *edge[6]; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) edge[i] = NULL; // reference its four triangles (create if not yet existing) for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { triangleCreated[i] = false; // look up at neighbor tetrahedron Cell oppCH = ch->neighbor(i); int oppIndex = oppCH->index(ch); Tetrahedron *oppTetra = &oppCH->info(); // test if triangle exists already Triangle *triangle = oppTetra->triangle(oppIndex); if (triangle == NULL){ triangleCreated[i] = true; // create new triangle //int vIndex[3]; //for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) // // vIndex[j] = (i + 1 + j) % 4; // vIndex[j] = tetraTriVertexIndices[i][j]; Triangle newTriangle(ch, i); dtTriangles.push_back(newTriangle); triangle = &dtTriangles.back(); // also push tetrahedron on stack as unhandled tetraStack.push(oppCH); // DEBUG // cout << "triangle " << *triangle << " created" << endl; } currTetra->setTriangle(i, triangle); // reference triangle oppTetra->setTriangle(oppIndex, triangle); // also in opposite tetrahedron } // reference its six edges (create if not yet existing) for (i = 0; i < 6; i++){ int edgeVIndex[2]; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) edgeVIndex[j] = ch->vertex(tetraEdgeVertexIndices[i][j])->info().index(); sort(edgeVIndex, edgeVIndex + 2); IntPair intPair(edgeVIndex[0], edgeVIndex[1]); map<IntPair, Edge>::iterator mapIter = dtEdgeMap.find(intPair); if (mapIter != dtEdgeMap.end()) edge[i] = &mapIter->second; else { Edge newEdge(ch, tetraEdgeVertexIndices[i][0], tetraEdgeVertexIndices[i][1]); dtEdgeMap.insert(pair<IntPair, Edge>(intPair, newEdge)); map<IntPair, Edge>::iterator mapIter = dtEdgeMap.find(intPair); edge[i] = &mapIter->second; } } // only set edges into newly created triangles for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (triangleCreated[i]) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) currTetra->triangle(i)->setEdge(j, edge[tetraTriEdgeIndices[i][j]]); } // DEBUG cout << "aggregate data structure: " << dtEdgeMap.size() << " edges, " << dtTriangles.size() << " triangles" << endl; }
bool IsExist() const { return !m_points.empty(); }
void Renderer::addEntities(const list<StaticEntity*>& entities) { this->entities.insert(this->entities.end(), entities.begin(), entities.end()); }
MenuUtils& addPair(string idx,string value){ cnt_list.push_back(pair<string,string>(idx,value)); return *this; }