int main(void) { RCC_Configuration(); //配置RCC initDesireAngles(); TIMER4_Enable(); //定时器4 TIMER4_Configuration(); //配置中断 USART1_GPIO_Config(); //配置GPIO USART1_NVIC_Config(); //配置中断 USART1_Configuration(); //配置串口1 USART2_GPIO_Config(); USART2_Configuration(); I2C_GPIO_Config(); //配置IIC使用端口 Delayms(10); //延时 Init_MPU6050(); //初始化MPU6050 PWM_Configuration(); while(1) { } //回车 }
void rt_init_thread_entry(void* parameter) { /* init board */ // rt_hw_led_init(); I2C_init(); pwm_init(); Init_MPU6050(); HMC5883L_Initialize(); // at_application_init(); #ifdef RT_USING_COMPONENTS_INIT /* initialization RT-Thread Components */ rt_components_init(); #endif #ifdef RT_USING_FINSH finsh_set_device(RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME); #endif /* RT_USING_FINSH */ /* Filesystem Initialization */ #if defined(RT_USING_DFS) && defined(RT_USING_DFS_ELMFAT) /* mount sd card fat partition 1 as root directory */ if (dfs_mount("sd0", "/", "elm", 0, 0) == 0) { rt_kprintf("File System initialized!\n"); } else rt_kprintf("File System initialzation failed!\n"); #endif /* RT_USING_DFS */ at_application_init(); BT_application_init(); imu_application_init(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hauptprogramm //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (void) { // I2C initialisieren I2C_LowLevel_Init(I2C1, I2C_Clockspeed , I2C_OwnAddress); // I2C initialisieren -> Kanal 1, clockspeed, Materadresse // Systick timer initialisieren InitSysTick(); // SysTick timer initialisieren (Ladewert, Clockspeed) // Timer2 initialisieren InitTIM2_PWM(); // Timer 2 initialisieren -> notwendig um PWM Signal auszugeben // Aktiviere Port C für Motor Polarität RCC->APB2ENR |= (1UL << 4); // Enable GPIOC GPIOC->CRL = 0x33333333; // PortC 0..7 als Output -> Output Mode, max speed 50MHz ; General purpose output Open-drain // MPU-6050 initialisieren Init_MPU6050(); // Beschleunigungswerte und Drehraten vom MPU-6050 lesen i2cData[0] = 0x3B; I2C_Write(I2C1, i2cData, 1, I2C_MPUAddress); I2C_Read(I2C1, i2cDataRead, 14, I2C_MPUAddress); // Daten ordnen und abspeichern accY = ((i2cDataRead[2] << 8) | i2cDataRead[3]); accZ = ((i2cDataRead[4] << 8) | i2cDataRead[5]); gyroX = ((i2cDataRead[8] << 8) | i2cData[9]); //Kalibrierung von accY, accZ und gyroX - Werte wurden in einem Versuch ermittelt accY = accY - 150; accZ = accZ - 451.63; gyroX = gyroX + 273.25; //Winkel initialisieren accYangle = (atan2(accY, accZ))*RAD_TO_DEG; // Winkel aus Beschleunigungswerten berechnen setAngle(accYangle); // Kalman-(Start)Winkel setzen gyroAngle = accYangle; // Drehratenwinkel initialisieren compAngle = accYangle; // Komplementärwinkel initialisieren SysTick->CTRL |= 0x01; // Systick timer einschalten - sonst würde dieser bereits vor der Inittialisierung auslösen //while-Schleife um auf den Interrupt des Systick timers zu warten while(1) { }//while }//int main
int main(void) { int16_t data[9]; int16_t result[3]; int i=0; SystemInit(); delay_init(72); GPIO_Configuration(); Initial_UART1(115200L); I2C_GPIO_Config(); NVIC_Configuration(); delay_ms(10); Init_MPU6050(); delay_ms(10); HMC5883L_Init(); delay_ms(10); IMU_init(); Initial_Timer3(); system_microsec=micros(); while(1) { //delay_ms(10); //if(micros()-system_microsec>upload_time) { Read_MPU6050_ACC(&data[0]); Read_MPU6050_GYRO(&data[3]); HMC5883L_Read(&data[6]); IMU_getYawPitchRoll(result,data); UART1_Put_Char(0xff); UART1_Put_Char(0xaa); /*out_int16_t(&data[0]); out_int16_t(&data[1]); out_int16_t(&data[2]); out_int16_t(&data[3]); out_int16_t(&data[4]); out_int16_t(&data[5]); out_int16_t(&data[6]); out_int16_t(&data[7]); out_int16_t(&data[8]); */ out_int16_t(&result[0]); out_int16_t(&result[1]); out_int16_t(&result[2]); //out_int16_t(&_hlt); //system_microsec = micros(); } } }
int main(){ DDRD = 0xF0; DDRC = 0x00; int i=0; int wifiout = 100; //value to display on chart in Thingspeak. int16_t xa1, ya1, za1; int16_t xi1 = 0; int16_t yi1 = 0; int16_t zi1 = 0; //gyro /*int16_t gyrox, gyroy, gyroz; int16_t gix = 0; //45 int16_t giy = 0; //47 int16_t giz = 0; //49*/ //declare average calibrated accelerometer values //initialize calibarition values //declare accelerometer value strings usart_init();//initialize usart //USART_tx_string(test); i2c_init(); // init I2C interface _delay_ms(2000); // Wait for 200 ms. Init_MPU6050(MPU60501); // sensor init _delay_ms(2000); // Wait for 200 ms. //snprintf(outs,sizeof(outs),"6050 initialized \n\r"); //USART_tx_string(outs); //resetting and setting up modes of wifi module _delay_ms(1000); snprintf(ATs,sizeof(ATs), "AT+RST\r"); USART_tx_string(ATs); _delay_ms(2000); snprintf(ATs,sizeof(ATs), "AT+CIPMODE=0\r"); USART_tx_string(ATs); _delay_ms(1000); snprintf(ATs,sizeof(ATs), "AT+CIPMUX=1\r"); USART_tx_string(ATs); _delay_ms(2000); //Start infinite loop while(1){ //grab 3 values, average, and divide by MSB //now multiplied by 2 because doubles dont want to print. This way at lease we get usabel values. // read raw X acceleration from fifo xa1 = MPU6050_signed_readreg(MPU60501,0x3B)+MPU6050_signed_readreg(MPU60501,0x3B)+MPU6050_signed_readreg(MPU60501,0x3B); xa1 = (2.00*(xa1/3.00))/2048.00; // read raw Y acceleration from fifo ya1 = MPU6050_signed_readreg(MPU60501,0x3D)+MPU6050_signed_readreg(MPU60501,0x3D)+MPU6050_signed_readreg(MPU60501,0x3D); ya1 = (2.00*(ya1/3.00))/2048.00; // read raw Z acceleration from fifo za1 = MPU6050_signed_readreg(MPU60501,0x3F)+MPU6050_signed_readreg(MPU60501,0x3F)+MPU6050_signed_readreg(MPU60501,0x3F); za1 = (2.00*(za1/3.00))/2048.00; //print out the values /*snprintf(outs,sizeof(outs),"Xaxis: %2d\n\r", xa1); USART_tx_string(outs); snprintf(outs,sizeof(outs),"Yaxis: %2d\n\r", ya1); USART_tx_string(outs); snprintf(outs,sizeof(outs),"Zaxis: %2d\n\r", za1); USART_tx_string(outs); _delay_ms(1000);*/ if ((za1 == 1) && (xa1 == 0) && (ya1 == 0)) { wifiout = wifiout; //while flat, keep last mode } else if (ya1 == 0) { wifiout = 0; //application: to see if phone is in landscape mode, vertical } else if (xa1 == 0) { wifiout = 100; //application, to see if phone is in portrait mode, horizontal } //Send to WIFI MODULE //every 25 secs //send code //za1 = 101; _delay_ms(100); snprintf(ATs,sizeof(ATs), "AT+CIPSTART=0,\"TCP\",\"\",80\r"); USART_tx_string(ATs); _delay_ms(2000); snprintf(ATs,sizeof(ATs), "AT+CIPSEND=0,125\r"); USART_tx_string(ATs); _delay_ms(1000); snprintf(ATs,sizeof(ATs), "GET HTTP/1.0\n\r", wifiout); USART_tx_string(ATs); snprintf(ATs,sizeof(ATs), "\n\r"); while (i < 22) { i++; //needed to push data through. USART_tx_string(ATs); _delay_ms(1000); } i=0; _delay_ms(100); } return 0; }