static inline void uart_stm32_set_stopbits(struct device *dev, u32_t stopbits)
	USART_TypeDef *UartInstance = UART_STRUCT(dev);

	if (IS_LPUART_INSTANCE(UartInstance)) {
		LL_LPUART_SetStopBitsLength(UartInstance, stopbits);
	} else {
		LL_USART_SetStopBitsLength(UartInstance, stopbits);
	LL_USART_SetStopBitsLength(UartInstance, stopbits);
#endif	/* CONFIG_LPUART_1 */
  * @brief  Initialize LPUART registers according to the specified
  *         parameters in LPUART_InitStruct.
  * @note   As some bits in LPUART configuration registers can only be written when the LPUART is disabled (USART_CR1_UE bit =0),
  *         LPUART IP should be in disabled state prior calling this function. Otherwise, ERROR result will be returned.
  * @note   Baud rate value stored in LPUART_InitStruct BaudRate field, should be valid (different from 0).
  * @param  LPUARTx LPUART Instance
  * @param  LPUART_InitStruct pointer to a @ref LL_LPUART_InitTypeDef structure
  *         that contains the configuration information for the specified LPUART peripheral.
  * @retval An ErrorStatus enumeration value:
  *          - SUCCESS: LPUART registers are initialized according to LPUART_InitStruct content
  *          - ERROR: Problem occurred during LPUART Registers initialization
ErrorStatus LL_LPUART_Init(USART_TypeDef *LPUARTx, LL_LPUART_InitTypeDef *LPUART_InitStruct)
  ErrorStatus status = ERROR;
  uint32_t periphclk = LL_RCC_PERIPH_FREQUENCY_NO;

  /* Check the parameters */

  /* LPUART needs to be in disabled state, in order to be able to configure some bits in
     CRx registers. Otherwise (LPUART not in Disabled state) => return ERROR */
  if (LL_LPUART_IsEnabled(LPUARTx) == 0U)
    /*---------------------------- LPUART CR1 Configuration -----------------------
     * Configure LPUARTx CR1 (LPUART Word Length, Parity and Transfer Direction bits) with parameters:
     * - DataWidth:          USART_CR1_M bits according to LPUART_InitStruct->DataWidth value
     * - Parity:             USART_CR1_PCE, USART_CR1_PS bits according to LPUART_InitStruct->Parity value
     * - TransferDirection:  USART_CR1_TE, USART_CR1_RE bits according to LPUART_InitStruct->TransferDirection value
               (USART_CR1_M | USART_CR1_PCE | USART_CR1_PS | USART_CR1_TE | USART_CR1_RE),
               (LPUART_InitStruct->DataWidth | LPUART_InitStruct->Parity | LPUART_InitStruct->TransferDirection));

    /*---------------------------- LPUART CR2 Configuration -----------------------
     * Configure LPUARTx CR2 (Stop bits) with parameters:
     * - Stop Bits:          USART_CR2_STOP bits according to LPUART_InitStruct->StopBits value.
    LL_LPUART_SetStopBitsLength(LPUARTx, LPUART_InitStruct->StopBits);

    /*---------------------------- LPUART CR3 Configuration -----------------------
     * Configure LPUARTx CR3 (Hardware Flow Control) with parameters:
     * - HardwareFlowControl: USART_CR3_RTSE, USART_CR3_CTSE bits according to LPUART_InitStruct->HardwareFlowControl value.
    LL_LPUART_SetHWFlowCtrl(LPUARTx, LPUART_InitStruct->HardwareFlowControl);

    /*---------------------------- LPUART BRR Configuration -----------------------
     * Retrieve Clock frequency used for LPUART Peripheral
    periphclk = LL_RCC_GetLPUARTClockFreq(LL_RCC_LPUART1_CLKSOURCE);

    /* Configure the LPUART Baud Rate :
       - valid baud rate value (different from 0) is required
       - Peripheral clock as returned by RCC service, should be valid (different from 0).
    if ((periphclk != LL_RCC_PERIPH_FREQUENCY_NO)
        && (LPUART_InitStruct->BaudRate != 0U))
      status = SUCCESS;

      /* Check BRR is greater than or equal to 0x300 */

  return (status);