bool LinkageWorker::Run() { if (!OnInitialize()) { return false; } HealthTimer *health = new HealthTimer(this); if (!RegisterTimer(1000000000LL, health, true)) { delete health; return false; } bool result = true; while (!_quit) { if (!ev_run(_loop, 0)) { CLOG.Error("Linkage: ev_run() returned false."); result = false; break; } } OnShutdown(); for (events_t::iterator p = _events.begin(); p != _events.end(); ++p) { DoRelease(p->second, false); } for (timers_t::iterator p = _timers.begin(); p != _timers.end(); ++p) { DoRelease(*p, false); } _events.clear(); _timers.clear(); return result; }
void Actor::Initialize() { OnInitialize(); EachChildren([](Actor& actor) { actor.Initialize(); }); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Initialize the window and the GL components if (!OnInitInstance() || !GL_Initialize()) { return 1; } // Initialize the application OnInitialize(); while(mAppRunning == true) { MSG message = {0}; bool result = PeekMessage(&message, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE); if (result == true) { TranslateMessage(&message); DispatchMessage(&message); } OnFrame(); } system("pause"); OnDestroyInstance(); return 0; }
BOOL CTextInfoForm::DoCreateDialog(CWnd* parent) { BOOL ret = Create(IDD, parent); if (!ret) return FALSE; // prepare titlebar title.ModifyStyle(0, WS_CLIPCHILDREN); title.ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT); CRect rc; rc.SetRect(0, 0, 60, 23); btn_copy.Create(_T("&Copy"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, rc, &title, IDC_BUTTON_COPYTEXT); btn_copy.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4, 4, rc.Width(), rc.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER); btn_copy.SetFont(GetFont()); btn_save.Create(_T("&Save"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, rc, &title, IDC_BUTTON_SAVE); btn_save.SetWindowPos(NULL, 8 + rc.Width(), 4, rc.Width(), rc.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER); btn_save.SetFont(GetFont()); rc.SetRect(0, 0, 150, 23); combo_reporttype.Create(WS_TABSTOP | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, rc, &title, IDC_COMBO_REPORTTYPE); combo_reporttype.SetFont(GetFont()); // Force a second resize to give the combo box a chance to position itself once it's fully created // Would not be an issue if the setup above was done in OnInitDialog... SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE); // resize down to zero SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); // resize down to zero RestorePosition(); // then restore position or set default position OnInitialize(); return TRUE; };
_CLASS_GEN(Algorithm)::_CLASS_GEN(Algorithm)() { mIsBusy = false; mSettings = nullptr; mLogger = nullptr; OnInitialize(); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function: Execute // // Description: // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UINT BOINCCABase::Execute() { UINT uiReturnValue = 0; OnInitialize(); if ( TRUE == MsiGetMode( m_hMSIHandle, MSIRUNMODE_SCHEDULED ) ) { uiReturnValue = OnInstall(); } else if ( TRUE == MsiGetMode( m_hMSIHandle, MSIRUNMODE_COMMIT ) ) { uiReturnValue = OnCommit(); } else if ( TRUE == MsiGetMode( m_hMSIHandle, MSIRUNMODE_ROLLBACK ) ) { uiReturnValue = OnRollback(); } else { uiReturnValue = OnExecution(); } OnCleanup(); return uiReturnValue; }
void CApplication::Initialize(const char* pAppName, int hInstance, int iWinWidth, int iWinHeight) { // Initialize error log CLog::Get()->Initialize(); // Write to log CLog::Get()->Write(ELogMessageType_MESSAGE, "[Application] Initializing: %s...", pAppName); glutInitWindowSize(iWinWidth, iWinHeight); glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); // Cache the windows dimension mWinWidth = iWinWidth; mWinHeight = iWinHeight; mWindow = glutCreateWindow(pAppName); glutSetCursor(GLUT_CURSOR_NONE); // Do any additional initialization here OnInitialize(); // Write to log CLog::Get()->Write(ELogMessageType_MESSAGE, "[Application] %s initialized", pAppName); }
int __stdcall ModuleEntry ( int nFunctionID, void *pParams ) { switch ( nFunctionID ) { case FID_INITIALIZE: return OnInitialize ((StartupInfo*)pParams); case FID_FINALIZE: return OnFinalize (); case FID_QUERYARCHIVE: return OnQueryArchive ((QueryArchiveStruct*)pParams); case FID_STARTOPERATION: return OnStartOperation ((OperationStruct*)pParams); case FID_ENDOPERATION: return OnEndOperation ((OperationStruct*)pParams); case FID_GETARCHIVEMODULEINFO: return OnGetArchiveModuleInfo ((ArchiveModuleInfo*)pParams); case FID_GETARCHIVEITEM: return OnGetArchiveItem((GetArchiveItemStruct*)pParams); case FID_FREEARCHIVEITEM: return OnFreeArchiveItem((FreeArchiveItemStruct*)pParams); case FID_EXTRACT: return OnExtract ((ExtractStruct*)pParams); case FID_TEST: return OnTest ((TestStruct*)pParams); case FID_GETDEFAULTCOMMAND: return OnGetDefaultCommand ((GetDefaultCommandStruct*)pParams); case FID_DELETE: return OnDelete ((DeleteStruct*)pParams); case FID_ADD: return OnAdd ((AddStruct*)pParams); case FID_CREATEARCHIVE: case FID_OPENARCHIVE: return OnOpenCreateArchive ((OpenCreateArchiveStruct*)pParams); case FID_CONFIGUREFORMAT: return OnConfigureFormat((ConfigureFormatStruct*)pParams); case FID_CLOSEARCHIVE: return OnCloseArchive((CloseArchiveStruct*)pParams); } return NAERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED; }
void Scene::Initialize() { if (!m_IsInitialized) { OnInitialize(); m_IsInitialized = true; } }
void WorldPlugin::Initialize(World *world, std::string name, std::string type, YAML::Node &plugin_reader, YamlReader &world_config) { world_ = world; name_ = name; type_ = type; world_config_ = world_config; plugin_type_ = PluginType::World; OnInitialize(plugin_reader); }
BOOL CDecPerformanceForm::DoCreateDialog(CWnd* parent) { BOOL ret = Create(IDD, parent); if (!ret) return FALSE; // prepare titlebar title.ModifyStyle(0, WS_CLIPCHILDREN); title.ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT); OnInitialize(); return TRUE; };
void HCriticalPaths::Initialize(int pathsLimit) { m_initialized = true; if(m_ld->Timing.ncpLimit < pathsLimit) Grow(pathsLimit); m_ld->Timing.cpFirstPointIdx[0] = 0; m_ld->Timing.cpAfterLastPointIdx[0] = 0; m_ld->Timing.cpExtractionType[0] = PathExtractionType_Arrival; m_ld->Timing.ncpEnd = 1; OnInitialize(pathsLimit); }
bool CProtocolCore::Initialize() { /* m_pStopState = new StateStop; m_pPausedState = new StatePaused; m_pPlayingState = new StatePlaying; m_pCurrState = m_pStopState; */ return OnInitialize(); }
int __stdcall PluginEntry ( int nFunctionID, void *pParams ) { switch ( nFunctionID ) { case FID_INITIALIZE: return OnInitialize ((StartupInfo*)pParams); case FID_FINALIZE: return OnFinalize (); case FID_QUERYARCHIVE: return OnQueryArchive ((QueryArchiveStruct*)pParams); case FID_OPENARCHIVE: return OnOpenArchive ((OpenArchiveStruct*)pParams); case FID_CLOSEARCHIVE: return OnCloseArchive ((CloseArchiveStruct*)pParams); case FID_FINALIZEARCHIVE: return OnFinalizeArchive ((AceArchive*)pParams); case FID_GETARCHIVEPLUGININFO: return OnGetArchivePluginInfo ((ArchivePluginInfo*)pParams); case FID_GETARCHIVEITEM: return OnGetArchiveItem ((GetArchiveItemStruct*)pParams); case FID_GETARCHIVEFORMAT: return OnGetArchiveFormat ((GetArchiveFormatStruct*)pParams); case FID_EXTRACT: return OnExtract ((ExtractStruct*)pParams); case FID_GETDEFAULTCOMMAND: return OnGetDefaultCommand ((GetDefaultCommandStruct*)pParams); case FID_ADD: return OnAdd ((AddStruct*)pParams); case FID_DELETE: return OnDelete ((DeleteStruct*)pParams); case FID_CREATEARCHIVE: return OnCreateArchive ((CreateArchiveStruct*)pParams); } return NAERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED; }
APP_ERRORS CApplication::Run() { MakeWindow(); initVideoModes(); if( !m_Renderer.Initialize(m_Window) ) { m_Quit = true; m_error = FAILED_INIT_RENDERER; } OnInitialize(); MainLoop(); return m_error; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- void BaseTween::Initialize() { if(m_currentTime + m_dt >= m_delay) { OnInitialize(); m_flags.ChangeMask(eIsInit, true); m_flags.ChangeMask(eIsIteratingStep, true); m_step = 0; m_dt -= (m_delay - m_currentTime); m_currentTime = 0.0f; CallCallback(eTweenBegin); CallCallback(eTweenStart); } }
bool IService::initialize(const std::map<std::string, std::string> &entries) { std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = entries.find("NetworkPoolSize"); if (it != entries.end()) m_thread_count = atoi(it->second.c_str()); OnConfigure(entries); if (!OnInitialize()) return false; return true; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { lua_State* L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs(L); gLuaLibOpenGL.Initialize(L); auxInitDisplayMode(AUX_SINGLE | AUX_RGBA); auxInitPosition(1366 - 550, 50, 500, 500); auxInitWindow("Lua bind OpenGL"); OnInitialize(); auxReshapeFunc(OnWindowSize); auxMainLoop(OnRend); lua_close(L); return 0; }
BOOL CFileTypesForm::DoCreateDialog(CWnd* parent) { BOOL ret = Create(IDD, parent); if (!ret) return FALSE; // prepare titlebar title.ModifyStyle(0, WS_CLIPCHILDREN); title.ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT); // create buttons CRect rc; rc.SetRect(0, 0, 60, 23); btn_copy.Create(_T("&Copy"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, rc, &title, IDC_BUTTON_COPY); btn_copy.SetFont(GetFont()); btn_copy.SetWindowPos(NULL, 4, 4, rc.Width(), rc.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER); btn_reload.Create(_T("&Reload"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, rc, &title, IDC_BUTTON_CLEAR); btn_reload.SetWindowPos(NULL, 8 + rc.Width(), 4, rc.Width(), rc.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOZORDER); btn_reload.SetFont(GetFont()); pages[0] = page_protocols = new CPageFileTypes(_T("Protocols")); pages[1] = page_extensions = new CPageFileTypes(_T("Extensions")); pages[2] = page_bytes = new CPageFileTypes(_T("Bytes")); // we need to set WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT for the tabs tab.ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT); TCITEM tci; tci.mask = TCIF_TEXT; tci.iImage = -1; for (DWORD i=0; i<pageCount; i++) { if (pages[i]) { pages[i]->Create(CPageFileTypes::IDD, &tab); tci.pszText = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)CString(pages[i]->title); tab.InsertItem(i, &tci); } } OnTabChanged(NULL, NULL); OnInitialize(); return TRUE; }
int __stdcall ModuleEntry ( int nFunctionID, void *pParams ) { switch ( nFunctionID ) { case FID_INITIALIZE: return OnInitialize ((StartupInfo*)pParams); case FID_FINALIZE: return OnFinalize (); case FID_QUERYARCHIVE: return OnQueryArchive ((QueryArchiveStruct*)pParams); case FID_OPENARCHIVE: return OnOpenArchive ((OpenArchiveStruct*)pParams); case FID_CLOSEARCHIVE: return OnCloseArchive ((CloseArchiveStruct*)pParams); case FID_FINALIZEARCHIVE: return OnFinalizeArchive ((RarArchive*)pParams); case FID_GETARCHIVEMODULEINFO: return OnGetArchiveModuleInfo ((ArchiveModuleInfo*)pParams); case FID_GETARCHIVEITEM: return OnGetArchiveItem ((GetArchiveItemStruct*)pParams); case FID_FREEARCHIVEITEM: return OnFreeArchiveItem((FreeArchiveItemStruct*)pParams); case FID_EXTRACT: return OnExtract ((ExtractStruct*)pParams); case FID_TEST: return OnTest ((TestStruct*)pParams); case FID_GETDEFAULTCOMMAND: return OnGetDefaultCommand ((GetDefaultCommandStruct*)pParams); } return NAERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED; }
int __stdcall ModuleEntry ( int nFunctionID, void *pParams ) { switch ( nFunctionID ) { case FID_INITIALIZE: return OnInitialize ((StartupInfo*)pParams); case FID_FINALIZE: return OnFinalize (); case FID_QUERYARCHIVE: return OnQueryArchive ((QueryArchiveStruct*)pParams); case FID_OPENARCHIVE: return OnOpenArchive ((OpenCreateArchiveStruct*)pParams); case FID_CLOSEARCHIVE: return OnCloseArchive ((CloseArchiveStruct*)pParams); case FID_GETARCHIVEMODULEINFO: return OnGetArchiveModuleInfo ((ArchiveModuleInfo*)pParams); case FID_GETARCHIVEITEM: return OnGetArchiveItem ((GetArchiveItemStruct*)pParams); case FID_FREEARCHIVEITEM: return OnFreeArchiveItem((FreeArchiveItemStruct*)pParams); case FID_EXTRACT: return OnExtract ((ExtractStruct*)pParams); case FID_STARTOPERATION: return OnStartOperation((OperationStruct*)pParams); case FID_ENDOPERATION: return OnEndOperation((OperationStruct*)pParams); case FID_GETARCHIVEINFO: return OnGetArchiveInfo((ArchiveInfoStruct*)pParams); } return NAERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED; }
void InkCollector::Initialize() { // Possibly, we can use mConnectionPoint for checking, // But if errors exist (perhaps COM object is unavailable), // Initialize() will be called more times. static bool sInkCollectorCreated = false; if (sInkCollectorCreated) { return; } sInkCollectorCreated = true; // COM could get uninitialized due to previous initialization. mComInitialized = SUCCEEDED(::CoInitialize(nullptr)); // Set up instance of InkCollectorEvent. mInkCollectorEvent = new InkCollectorEvent(); // Set up a free threaded marshaler. if (FAILED(::CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler(mInkCollectorEvent, getter_AddRefs(mMarshaller)))) { return; } // Create the ink collector. if (FAILED(::CoCreateInstance(CLSID_InkCollector, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IInkCollector, getter_AddRefs(mInkCollector)))) { return; } // Set up connection between sink and InkCollector. RefPtr<IConnectionPointContainer> connPointContainer; // Get the connection point container. if (SUCCEEDED(mInkCollector->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, getter_AddRefs(connPointContainer)))) { // Find the connection point for Ink Collector events. if (SUCCEEDED(connPointContainer->FindConnectionPoint(__uuidof(_IInkCollectorEvents), getter_AddRefs(mConnectionPoint)))) { // Hook up sink to connection point. if (SUCCEEDED(mConnectionPoint->Advise(mInkCollectorEvent, &mCookie))) { OnInitialize(); } } } }
void HPlacementRows::Initialize(int rowsLimit) { CHECKIFINITIALIZED(); Grow(rowsLimit); m_ld->DetailedPlacement.rowName[0] = "NULL"; m_ld->DetailedPlacement.rowSite[0] = 0; m_ld->DetailedPlacement.rowSiteOrient[0] = Orientation_Default; m_ld->DetailedPlacement.rowStepX[0] = 0; m_ld->DetailedPlacement.rowStepY[0] = 0; m_ld->DetailedPlacement.rowX[0] = 0; m_ld->DetailedPlacement.rowXSitesNum[0] = 0; m_ld->DetailedPlacement.rowY[0] = 0; m_ld->DetailedPlacement.rowYSitesNum[0] = 0; m_ld->DetailedPlacement.rowNextRow[0] = 0; m_ld->DetailedPlacement.rowPreviousRow[0] = 0; m_ld->DetailedPlacement.nRows = 1; OnInitialize(rowsLimit); }
//============================================================ // <T>服务器加载操作。</T> // // @return 处理结果 //============================================================ TResult FServer::Launch(){ // 构造 MO_INFO("'%s' server construct.", (TCharC*)_name); OnConstruct(); // 加载所有设置 MO_INFO("'%s' server load config.", (TCharC*)_name); OnLoadConfig(); // 初始化 MO_INFO("'%s' server initialize.", (TCharC*)_name); OnInitialize(); // 加载所有模块 MO_INFO("'%s' server load modules.", (TCharC*)_name); OnLoadModules(); // 加载所有监视器 MO_INFO("'%s' server load monitors.", (TCharC*)_name); OnLoadMonitors(); // 加载所有服务 MO_INFO("'%s' server load services.", (TCharC*)_name); OnLoadServices(); return ESuccess; }
void Application::Run() { // Initialization Initialize(); OnInitialize(); // Main Loop while (!mQuit) { // Update simulation sub-systems. mGameClock.Update(); mRenderer->Update(); mAnimationSystem.Update(); // Update the application. OnUpdate(); } // Shutdown OnShutdown(); Shutdown(); }
// this is the main message handler for the program LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(message) { case WM_DESTROY: { ::exit(0); PostQuitMessage(0); return 0; } case WM_SIZE: { // If the device is not NULL and the WM_SIZE message is not a // SIZE_MINIMIZED event, resize the device's swap buffers to match // the new window size. if( d3ddev != NULL && wParam != SIZE_MINIMIZED ) { OnRelease(); ScreenX = LOWORD(lParam); ScreenY = HIWORD(lParam); d3dpp.BackBufferWidth = LOWORD(lParam); d3dpp.BackBufferHeight = HIWORD(lParam); //if( d3ddev->Reset( &d3dpp ) // == D3DERR_INVALIDCALL ) //{ //error //} ; OnInitialize(false); } } break; } return DefWindowProc (hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
bool LinkageWorker::Run() { if (!OnInitialize()) { return false; } HealthTimer *health = new HealthTimer(this); if (!RegisterTimer(1000000000LL, health, true)) { delete health; return false; } _running_thread_id = get_current_thread_id(); LOG(VERBOSE) << "Linkage: enter event loop [" << _running_thread_id << "]"; bool result = true; while (!_quit) { if (!ev_run(_loop, 0)) { CLOG.Error("Linkage: ev_run() returned false."); result = false; break; } } LOG(VERBOSE) << "Linkage: leave event loop [" << _running_thread_id << "]"; _running_thread_id = 0; OnShutdown(); for (events_t::iterator p = _events.begin(); p != _events.end(); ++p) { DoRelease(p->second, false); } for (timers_t::iterator p = _timers.begin(); p != _timers.end(); ++p) { DoRelease(*p, false); } _events.clear(); _timers.clear(); return result; }
BOOL CLookupForm::DoCreateDialog(CWnd* parent) { BOOL ret = Create(IDD, parent); if (!ret) return FALSE; // prepare titlebar m_title.ModifyStyle(0, WS_CLIPCHILDREN); m_title.ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT); CRect rc; rc.SetRect(0, 0, 60, 23); m_btnSearch.Create(_T("&Search"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_TABSTOP, rc, &m_title, IDC_BUTTON_SEARCH); m_btnSearch.SetFont(GetFont()); rc.SetRect(0, 0, 250, 23); m_editSearch.Create(ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP, rc, &m_title, IDC_EDIT_SEARCH); m_editSearch.SetFont(GetFont()); m_editSearch.SetFocus(); OnInitialize(); return TRUE; };
/*! Initialise the tracking by extracting KLT keypoints on the provided image. \param I : Grey level image used as input. This image should have only 1 channel. \param mask : Image mask used to restrict the keypoint detection area. If mask is NULL, all the image will be considered. \exception vpTrackingException::initializationError : If the image I is not initialized, or if the image or the mask have bad coding format. */ void vpKltOpencv::initTracking(const IplImage *I, const IplImage *mask) { if (!I) { throw(vpException(vpTrackingException::initializationError, "Image Not initialized")) ; } if (I->depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U || I->nChannels != 1) { throw(vpException(vpTrackingException::initializationError, "Bad Image format")) ; } if (mask) { if (mask->depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U || I->nChannels != 1) { throw(vpException(vpTrackingException::initializationError, "Bad Image format")) ; } } //Creation des buffers CvSize Sizeim, SizeI; SizeI = cvGetSize(I); bool b_imOK = true; if(image != NULL){ Sizeim = cvGetSize(image); if(SizeI.width != Sizeim.width || SizeI.height != Sizeim.height) b_imOK = false; } if(image == NULL || prev_image == NULL || pyramid==NULL || prev_pyramid ==NULL || !b_imOK){ reset(); image = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(I), 8, 1);image->origin = I->origin; prev_image = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(I), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); pyramid = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(I), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); prev_pyramid = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(I), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); }else{ swap_temp = 0; countFeatures = 0; countPrevFeatures = 0; flags = 0; initialized = 0; globalcountFeatures = 0; } initialized = 1; //Import cvCopy(I, image, 0); //Recherche de points d'interets countFeatures = maxFeatures; countPrevFeatures = 0; IplImage* eig = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image), 32, 1); IplImage* temp = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image), 32, 1); cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(image, eig, temp, features, &countFeatures, quality, min_distance, mask, block_size, use_harris, harris_free_parameter); cvFindCornerSubPix(image, features, countFeatures, cvSize(win_size, win_size), cvSize(-1,-1),cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER| CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03)); cvReleaseImage(&eig); cvReleaseImage(&temp); if (OnInitialize) OnInitialize(_tid); //printf("Number of features at init: %d\n", countFeatures); for (int boucle=0; boucle<countFeatures;boucle++) { featuresid[boucle] = globalcountFeatures; globalcountFeatures++; if (OnNewFeature){ OnNewFeature(_tid, boucle, featuresid[boucle], features[boucle].x, features[boucle].y); } } }
void Node::Initialize() { OnInitialize(); }