Exemple #1
 void visit(PyClass& cl) const 
   .def(bp::init<>("Default constructor"))
         "Initialize from linear and angular components (dont mix the order)."))
   .def(bp::init<Vector6>((bp::arg("Vector 6d")),"Init from a vector 6[f,n]"))
   .def(bp::init<Force>((bp::arg("other")),"Copy constructor."))
                 "Linear part of a *this, corresponding to the linear velocity in case of a Spatial velocity.")
                 "Angular part of a *this, corresponding to the angular velocity in case of a Spatial velocity.")
                 "Returns the components of *this as a 6d vector.")
   .def("se3Action",&Force::template se3Action<Scalar,Options>,
        bp::args("M"),"Returns the result of the dual action of M on *this.")
   .def("se3ActionInverse",&Force::template se3ActionInverse<Scalar,Options>,
        bp::args("M"),"Returns the result of the dual action of the inverse of M on *this.")
        "Set the linear and angular components of *this to zero.")
        "Set the linear and angular components of *this to random values.")
   .def(bp::self + bp::self)
   .def(bp::self += bp::self)
   .def(bp::self - bp::self)
   .def(bp::self -= bp::self)
   .def(bp::self == bp::self)
   .def(bp::self != bp::self)
   .def(bp::self * Scalar())
   .def(Scalar() * bp::self)
   .def(bp::self / Scalar())
   .def("isApprox",(bool (Force::*)(const Force & other, const Scalar & prec) const) &Force::isApprox,bp::args("other","prec"),"Returns true if *this is approximately equal to other, within the precision given by prec.")
   .def("isApprox",isApprox,bp::args("other"),"Returns true if *this is approximately equal to other.")
   .def("Random",&Force::Random,"Returns a random Force.")
   .def("Zero",&Force::Zero,"Returns a zero Force.")
 bool OSExchangeDataProviderWin::GetPickledData(CLIPFORMAT format,
     Pickle* data) const
     FORMATETC format_etc =
     bool success = false;
     STGMEDIUM medium;
     if(SUCCEEDED(source_object_->GetData(&format_etc, &medium)))
         if(medium.tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL)
             base::win::ScopedHGlobal<char> c_data(medium.hGlobal);
             DCHECK_GT(c_data.Size(), 0u);
             // Need to subtract 1 as SetPickledData adds an extra byte to the end.
             *data = Pickle(c_data.get(), static_cast<int>(c_data.Size()-1));
             success = true;
     return success;