Exemple #1
 * Function Name : hc_parse_trans
 * This function checks the status of the transmitted or received packet
 * and copy the data from the SL811HS register into a buffer.
 * 1) Check the status of the packet 
 * 2) If successful, and IN packet then copy the data from the SL811HS register
 *    into a buffer
 * Input:  hci = data structure for the host controller
 *         actbytes = pointer to actual number of bytes
 *         data = data buffer
 *         cc = packet status
 *         length = the urb transmit length
 *         pid = packet ID
 *         urb_state = the current stage of USB transaction
 * Return: 0 
static inline int hc_parse_trans (hci_t * hci, int *actbytes, __u8 * data,
				  int *cc, int *toggle, int length, int pid,
				  int urb_state)
	__u8 addr;
	__u8 len;

	DBGFUNC ("enter hc_parse_trans\n");

	/* get packet status; convert ack rcvd to ack-not-rcvd */

	*cc = (int) SL811Read (hci, SL11H_PKTSTATREG);

	if (*cc &
		if (*cc & SL11H_STATMASK_OVF)
			DBGERR ("parse trans: error recv ack, cc = 0x%x, TX_BASE_Len = "
				"0x%x, TX_count=0x%x\n", *cc,
				SL811Read (hci, SL11H_BUFLNTHREG),
				SL811Read (hci, SL11H_XFERCNTREG));

	} else {
		DBGVERBOSE ("parse trans: recv ack, cc = 0x%x, len = 0x%x, \n",
			    *cc, length);

		/* Successful data */
		if ((pid == PID_IN) && (urb_state != US_CTRL_SETUP)) {

			/* Find the base address */
			addr = SL811Read (hci, SL11H_BUFADDRREG);

			/* Find the Transmit Length */
			len = SL811Read (hci, SL11H_BUFLNTHREG);

			/* The actual data length = xmit length reg - xfer count reg */
			*actbytes = len - SL811Read (hci, SL11H_XFERCNTREG);

			if ((data != NULL) && (*actbytes > 0)) {
				SL811BufRead (hci, addr, data, *actbytes);

			} else if ((data == NULL) && (*actbytes <= 0)) {
				DBGERR ("hc_parse_trans: data = NULL or actbyte = 0x%x\n",
				return 0;
		} else if (pid == PID_OUT) {
			*actbytes = length;
		} else {
			// printk ("ERR:parse_trans, pid != IN or OUT, pid = 0x%x\n", pid);
		*toggle = !*toggle;

	return 0;
Exemple #2
// usbXfer:
// successful transfer = return TRUE
// fail transfer = return FALSE
  u_int8 usbXfer(void)
	  u_int8	xferLen, data0, data1,cmd;
	  u_int8 intr,result,remainder,dataX,bufLen,addr,timeout;
	// Default setting for usb trasnfer
	//result 	  = SL811Read(EP0Status);	
	data0 = EP0_Buf;					// DATA0 buffer address
	data1 = data0 + (  u_int8)usbstack.wPayload;	// DATA1 buffer address
	// Define data transfer payload
	if (usbstack.wLen >= usbstack.wPayload)  		// select proper data payload
		xferLen = usbstack.wPayload;			// limit to wPayload size 
	else							// else take < payload len
		xferLen = usbstack.wLen;			//	
	// For IN token
	if (usbstack.pid==PID_IN)				// for current IN tokens
	{												//
		cmd = sDATA0_RD;			// FS/FS on Hub, sync to sof
	// For OUT token
	else if(usbstack.pid==PID_OUT)				// for OUT tokens
		if(xferLen)									// only when there are	
			SL811BufWrite(data0,usbstack.buffer,xferLen); 	// data to transfer on USB
		cmd = sDATA0_WR;						// FS/FS on Hub, sync to sof
	// implement data toggle
		bXXGFlags.bData1 = uDev.bData1[usbstack.endpoint];
        	uDev.bData1[usbstack.endpoint] = (uDev.bData1[usbstack.endpoint] ? 0 : 1); // DataToggle
          		cmd |= 0x40;                              // Set Data1 bit in command
	// For SETUP/OUT token
	else											// for current SETUP/OUT tokens
		if(xferLen)									// only when there are	
			SL811BufWrite(data0,(  u_int8 *)&usbstack.setup,xferLen); 	// data to transfer on USB
		cmd = sDATA0_WR;						// FS/FS on Hub, sync to sof
	// For EP0's IN/OUT token data, start with DATA1
	// Control Endpoint0's status stage.
	// For data endpoint, IN/OUT data, start ????
	if (usbstack.endpoint == 0 && usbstack.pid != PID_SETUP) 	// for Ep0's IN/OUT token
		cmd |= 0x40; 					// always set DATA1
	// Arming of USB data transfer for the first pkt
	SL811Write(EP0Status,((usbstack.endpoint&0x0F)|usbstack.pid));	// PID + EP address
	SL811Write(EP0Counter,usbstack.usbaddr);					// USB address
	SL811Write(EP0Address,data0);					// buffer address, start with "data0"
	SL811Write(EP0XferLen,xferLen);					// data transfer length
	SL811Write(IntStatus,INT_CLEAR); 				// clear interrupt status
	SL811Write(EP0Control,cmd);						// Enable ARM and USB transfer start here
	// Main loop for completing a wLen data trasnfer
		//---------------Wait for done interrupt------------------
		while(TRUE)												// always ensure requested device is
		{														// inserted at all time, then you will
			intr = SL811Read(IntStatus);	
								// wait for interrupt to be done, and 
			if((intr & USB_DETECT) || (intr & INSERT_REMOVE))	// proceed to parse result from slave 
			{													// device.
				bXXGFlags.DATA_STOP = TRUE;								// if device is removed, set DATA_STOP
				return FALSE;									// flag true, so that main loop will 
			}													// know this condition and exit gracefully
			if(intr & USB_A_DONE)								
				break;											// interrupt done !!!

		SL811Write(IntStatus,INT_CLEAR); 						// clear interrupt status
		result 	  = SL811Read(EP0Status);						// read EP0status register
		remainder = SL811Read(EP0Counter);						// remainder value in last pkt xfer

		if (result & EP0_ACK)									// Transmission ACK

			if(usbstack.pid == PID_SETUP)								// do nothing for SETUP/OUT token 
				break;											// exit while(1) immediately

			// OUT TOKEN				
			else if(usbstack.pid == PID_OUT)

			// IN TOKEN
			else if(usbstack.pid == PID_IN)
			{													// for IN token only
				usbstack.wLen  -= (WORD)xferLen;	// update remainding wLen value
				cmd   ^= 0x40;    			// toggle DATA0/DATA1
				dataX++;				// point to next dataX

				// If host requested for more data than the slave 
				// have, and if the slave's data len is a multiple
				// of its endpoint payload size/last xferLen. Do 
				// not overwrite data in previous buffer.
				if(remainder==xferLen)			// empty data detected
					bufLen = 0;			// do not overwriten previous data
				else					// reset bufLen to zero
					bufLen = xferLen;		// update previous buffer length
				// Arm for next data transfer when requested data 
				// length have not reach zero, i.e. wLen!=0, and
				// last xferlen of data was completed, i.e.
				// remainder is equal to zero, not a short pkt
				if(!remainder && usbstack.wLen)							// remainder==0 when last xferLen
				{												// was all completed or wLen!=0
					addr    = (dataX & 1) ? data1:data0; 		// select next address for data
					xferLen = (u_int8)(usbstack.wLen>=usbstack.wPayload) ? usbstack.wPayload:usbstack.wLen;	// get data length required
					//if (FULL_SPEED)								// sync with SOF transfer
					cmd |= 0x20;							// always sync SOF when FS, regardless 
					SL811Write(EP0XferLen, xferLen); 			// select next xfer length
					SL811Write(EP0Address, addr);           	// data buffer addr 
					SL811Write(IntStatus,INT_CLEAR);			// is a LS is on Hub.
					SL811Write(EP0Control,cmd);					// Enable USB transfer and re-arm

				// Copy last IN token data pkt from prev transfer
				// Check if there was data available during the
				// last data transfer
					SL811BufRead(((dataX&1)?data0:data1), usbstack.buffer, bufLen);
					usbstack.buffer += bufLen;								

				// Terminate on short packets, i.e. remainder!=0
				// a short packet or empty data packet OR when 
				// requested data len have completed, i.e.wLen=0
				// For a LOWSPEED device, the 1st device descp,
				// wPayload is default to 64-u_int8, LS device will
				// only send back a max of 8-u_int8 device descp,
				// and host detect this as a short packet, and 
				// terminate with OUT status stage
				if(remainder || !usbstack.wLen)
			}// PID IN							
		if (result & EP0_NAK)									// NAK Detected
			if(usbstack.endpoint==0)										// on ep0 during enumeration of LS device
			{													// happen when slave is not fast enough,
				SL811Write(IntStatus,INT_CLEAR);				// clear interrupt status, need to
				SL811Write(EP0Control,cmd);						// re-arm and request for last cmd, IN token
                		result = 0;                                     // respond to NAK status only
			else												// normal data endpoint, exit now !!! , non-zero ep
				break;											// main loop control the interval polling
		if (result & EP0_TIMEOUT)								// TIMEOUT Detected
			if(usbstack.endpoint==0)										// happens when hub enumeration
				if(++timeout >= TIMEOUT_RETRY)
					break;										// exit on the timeout detected	
				SL811Write(IntStatus,INT_CLEAR);				// clear interrupt status, need to
				SL811Write(EP0Control,cmd);						// re-arm and request for last cmd again
			{													// all other data endpoint, data transfer 
				bXXGFlags.TIMEOUT_ERR = TRUE;								// failed, set flag to terminate transfer
				break;											// happens when data transfer on a device
			}													// through the hub

		if (result & EP0_STALL)  								// STALL detected
			return TRUE;										// for unsupported request.
		if (result & EP0_OVERFLOW)  							// OVERFLOW detected
		if (result & EP0_ERROR)  								// ERROR detected
	}	// end of While(1)
	if (result & EP0_ACK) 	// on ACK transmission
		return TRUE;		// return OK

	return FALSE;			// fail transmission
