Exemple #1
// NOTE: An overload of this method with a similar signature exists!
wxPoint MapTerrainT::TraceRay(const Vector3fT& Source, const Vector3fT& Direction) const
    VB_Trace3T<double> TraceResult(1.0);

    m_Terrain.TraceBoundingBox(BoundingBox3T<double>(Vector3dT(), Vector3dT()), Source.AsVectorOfDouble(), Direction.AsVectorOfDouble(), TraceResult);

    if (TraceResult.Fraction==1.0) return wxPoint(-1, -1);

    Vector3fT HitPos(Source+Direction*TraceResult.Fraction);

    float TerrainXLength=m_TerrainBounds.Max.x-m_TerrainBounds.Min.x;
    float TerrainYLength=m_TerrainBounds.Max.y-m_TerrainBounds.Min.y;

    Vector3fT HitPosRelative(HitPos.x-m_TerrainBounds.Min.x, HitPos.y-m_TerrainBounds.Min.y, 0.0f);

    wxPoint HeightDataPos(Round(HitPosRelative.x/float(TerrainXLength)*float(m_Resolution-1)), Round(HitPosRelative.y/float(TerrainYLength)*float(m_Resolution-1)));

    // Flip tools y position.

    // If height data position lies outside height data boundaries return undefined position.
    if (HeightDataPos.x<0 || HeightDataPos.y<0 || (unsigned long)HeightDataPos.x>m_Resolution-1 || (unsigned long)HeightDataPos.y>m_Resolution-1)
        return wxPoint(-1, -1);

    return HeightDataPos;
Exemple #2
// NOTE: An overload of this method with a similar signature exists!
bool MapTerrainT::TraceRay(const Vector3fT& RayOrigin, const Vector3fT& RayDir, float& Fraction, unsigned long& FaceNr) const
    // If possible (RayOrigin is not in cull bounding-box), do a quick bounding-box check first.
    if (!GetBB().Contains(RayOrigin) && !MapPrimitiveT::TraceRay(RayOrigin, RayDir, Fraction, FaceNr)) return false;

    const double       RayLength=1000000.0;
    VB_Trace3T<double> Trace(1.0);

    m_Terrain.TraceBoundingBox(BoundingBox3dT(Vector3dT()), RayOrigin.AsVectorOfDouble(), RayDir.AsVectorOfDouble()*RayLength, Trace);

    if (Trace.Fraction==1.0) return false;

    return true;
Exemple #3
EntFuncLadderT::EntFuncLadderT(const EntityCreateParamsT& Params)
    : BaseEntityT(Params,
                  EntityStateT(VectorT(),   // Origin
                               VectorT(),   // Velocity
                               0,           // Heading
                               0,           // Pitch
                               0,           // Bank
                               0,           // ModelIndex
                               0,           // ModelSequNr
                               0.0,         // ModelFrameNr
                               0,           // Health
                               0,           // Armor
                               0,           // HaveItems
                               0,           // HaveWeapons
                               0,           // ActiveWeaponSlot
                               0,           // ActiveWeaponSequNr
                               0.0))        // ActiveWeaponFrameNr
   // RootNode(Params.RootNode)
    assert(CollisionModel!=NULL);   // A ladder entity without collision model is useless.

    // Registering the clip model with the clip world is very important, so that we cannot run "into" ladder brushes.
    // !!! Note that ladder brushes are currently always at the origin (0, 0, 0).
    // !!! That is the only reason why we don't need to call e.g. ClipModel.SetOrigin()
    // !!! AND don't need to provide the Cl_UnserializeFrom() method!

    // Corresponding to this entities CollisionModelT, use the related btCollisionShape
    // for adding a btRigidBody (which "is a" btCollisionObject) to the PhysicsWorld.
    btCollisionShape* LadderShape=CollisionModel->GetBulletAdapter();

    m_RigidBody=new btRigidBody(btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo(0, NULL /*MotionState*/, LadderShape, btVector3(0, 0, 0)));
    m_RigidBody->setUserPointer(this);  // This entity is associated to the m_RigidBody.

Exemple #4
inline Vector3dT convd(const btVector3& v) { return Vector3dT(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()); }