Exemple #1
NineSurface9_ctor( struct NineSurface9 *This,
                   struct NineUnknownParams *pParams,
                   struct NineUnknown *pContainer,
                   struct pipe_resource *pResource,
                   void *user_buffer,
                   uint8_t TextureType,
                   unsigned Level,
                   unsigned Layer,
                   D3DSURFACE_DESC *pDesc )
    HRESULT hr;
    union pipe_color_union rgba = {0};
    struct pipe_surface *surf;
    struct pipe_context *pipe = pParams->device->pipe;
    bool allocate = !pContainer && pDesc->Format != D3DFMT_NULL;
    D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE multisample_type;

    DBG("This=%p pDevice=%p pResource=%p Level=%u Layer=%u pDesc=%p\n",
        This, pParams->device, pResource, Level, Layer, pDesc);

    /* Mark this as a special surface held by another internal resource. */
    pParams->container = pContainer;
    /* Make sure there's a Desc */

    /* D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC isn't allowed on managed buffers */
    user_assert(!(pDesc->Usage & D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC) ||
                (pDesc->Pool != D3DPOOL_MANAGED), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL);

    assert(allocate || pResource || user_buffer ||
           pDesc->Format == D3DFMT_NULL);
    assert(!allocate || (!pResource && !user_buffer));
    assert(!pResource || !user_buffer);
    assert(!user_buffer || pDesc->Pool != D3DPOOL_DEFAULT);
    assert(!pResource || pDesc->Pool == D3DPOOL_DEFAULT);
    /* Allocation only from create_zs_or_rt_surface with params 0 0 0 */
    assert(!allocate || (Level == 0 && Layer == 0 && TextureType == 0));

    This->data = (uint8_t *)user_buffer;

    multisample_type = pDesc->MultiSampleType;

    /* Map MultiSampleQuality to MultiSampleType */
    hr = d3dmultisample_type_check(pParams->device->screen,
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        return hr;

    /* TODO: this is (except width and height) duplicate from
     * container info (in the pContainer case). Some refactoring is
     * needed to avoid duplication */
    This->base.info.screen = pParams->device->screen;
    This->base.info.target = PIPE_TEXTURE_2D;
    This->base.info.width0 = pDesc->Width;
    This->base.info.height0 = pDesc->Height;
    This->base.info.depth0 = 1;
    This->base.info.last_level = 0;
    This->base.info.array_size = 1;
    This->base.info.nr_samples = multisample_type;
    This->base.info.usage = PIPE_USAGE_DEFAULT;
    This->base.info.bind = PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW; /* StretchRect */

    if (pDesc->Usage & D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET) {
        This->base.info.bind |= PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET;
    } else if (pDesc->Usage & D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL) {
        This->base.info.bind = d3d9_get_pipe_depth_format_bindings(pDesc->Format);
        if (TextureType)
            This->base.info.bind |= PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW;

    This->base.info.flags = 0;
    This->base.info.format = d3d9_to_pipe_format_checked(This->base.info.screen,
                                                         pDesc->Pool == D3DPOOL_SCRATCH);

    if (This->base.info.format == PIPE_FORMAT_NONE && pDesc->Format != D3DFMT_NULL)
        return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL;

    if (allocate && compressed_format(pDesc->Format)) {
        const unsigned w = util_format_get_blockwidth(This->base.info.format);
        const unsigned h = util_format_get_blockheight(This->base.info.format);

        /* Note: In the !allocate case, the test could fail (lower levels of a texture) */
        user_assert(!(pDesc->Width % w) && !(pDesc->Height % h), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL);

    /* Get true format */
    This->format_conversion = d3d9_to_pipe_format_checked(This->base.info.screen,
    if (This->base.info.format != This->format_conversion) {
        This->data_conversion = align_calloc(
                                             0), 32);
        if (!This->data_conversion)
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        This->stride_conversion = nine_format_get_stride(This->format_conversion,

    if ((allocate && pDesc->Pool != D3DPOOL_DEFAULT) || pDesc->Format == D3DFMT_NULL) {
        /* Ram buffer with no parent. Has to allocate the resource itself */
        This->data = align_calloc(
                                             0), 32);
        if (!This->data)
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    hr = NineResource9_ctor(&This->base, pParams, pResource,
                            allocate && (pDesc->Pool == D3DPOOL_DEFAULT),
                            D3DRTYPE_SURFACE, pDesc->Pool, pDesc->Usage);

    if (FAILED(hr))
        return hr;

    This->pipe = This->base.base.device->pipe;
    This->transfer = NULL;

    This->texture = TextureType;
    This->level = Level;
    This->level_actual = Level;
    This->layer = Layer;
    This->desc = *pDesc;

    This->stride = nine_format_get_stride(This->base.info.format, pDesc->Width);

    if (This->base.resource && (pDesc->Usage & D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC))
        This->base.resource->flags |= NINE_RESOURCE_FLAG_LOCKABLE;

    /* TODO: investigate what else exactly needs to be cleared */
    if (This->base.resource && (pDesc->Usage & D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET)) {
        surf = NineSurface9_GetSurface(This, 0);
        pipe->clear_render_target(pipe, surf, &rgba, 0, 0, pDesc->Width, pDesc->Height, false);


    return D3D_OK;
Exemple #2
static HRESULT
NineTexture9_ctor( struct NineTexture9 *This,
                   struct NineUnknownParams *pParams,
                   UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Levels,
                   DWORD Usage,
                   D3DFORMAT Format,
                   D3DPOOL Pool,
                   HANDLE *pSharedHandle )
    struct pipe_screen *screen = pParams->device->screen;
    struct pipe_resource *info = &This->base.base.info;
    enum pipe_format pf;
    unsigned *level_offsets;
    unsigned l;
    D3DSURFACE_DESC sfdesc;
    HRESULT hr;
    void *user_buffer = NULL, *user_buffer_for_level;

    DBG("(%p) Width=%u Height=%u Levels=%u Usage=%s Format=%s Pool=%s "
        "pSharedHandle=%p\n", This, Width, Height, Levels,
        d3dformat_to_string(Format), nine_D3DPOOL_to_str(Pool), pSharedHandle);

    user_assert(Width && Height, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL);

    /* pSharedHandle: can be non-null for ex only.
     * D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM: Levels must be 1
     * D3DPOOL_DEFAULT: no restriction for Levels
     * Other Pools are forbidden. */
    user_assert(!pSharedHandle || pParams->device->ex, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL);
    user_assert(!pSharedHandle ||
                (Pool == D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM && Levels == 1) ||
                Pool == D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL);

    user_assert(!(Usage & D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP) ||
                (Pool != D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM && Pool != D3DPOOL_SCRATCH && Levels <= 1),

    /* TODO: implement pSharedHandle for D3DPOOL_DEFAULT (cross process
     * buffer sharing).
     * Gem names may have fit but they're depreciated and won't work on render-nodes.
     * One solution is to use shm buffers. We would use a /dev/shm file, fill the first
     * values to tell it is a nine buffer, the size, which function created it, etc,
     * and then it would contain the data. The handle would be a number, corresponding to
     * the file to read (/dev/shm/nine-share-4 for example would be 4).
     * Wine just ignores the argument, which works only if the app creates the handle
     * and won't use it. Instead of failing, we support that situation by putting an
     * invalid handle, that we would fail to import. Please note that we don't advertise
     * the flag indicating the support for that feature, but apps seem to not care.

    if (pSharedHandle && Pool == D3DPOOL_DEFAULT) {
        if (!*pSharedHandle) {
            DBG("Creating Texture with invalid handle. Importing will fail\n.");
            *pSharedHandle = (HANDLE)1; /* Wine would keep it NULL */
            pSharedHandle = NULL;
        } else {
            ERR("Application tries to use cross-process sharing feature. Nine "
                "doesn't support it");
            return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL;

        Levels = 0;

    pf = d3d9_to_pipe_format_checked(screen, Format, PIPE_TEXTURE_2D, 0,
                                     PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW, FALSE,
                                     Pool == D3DPOOL_SCRATCH);

    if (Format != D3DFMT_NULL && pf == PIPE_FORMAT_NONE)
        return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL;

    if (compressed_format(Format)) {
        const unsigned w = util_format_get_blockwidth(pf);
        const unsigned h = util_format_get_blockheight(pf);

        user_assert(!(Width % w) && !(Height % h), D3DERR_INVALIDCALL);

    info->screen = screen;
    info->target = PIPE_TEXTURE_2D;
    info->format = pf;
    info->width0 = Width;
    info->height0 = Height;
    info->depth0 = 1;
    if (Levels)
        info->last_level = Levels - 1;
        info->last_level = util_logbase2(MAX2(Width, Height));
    info->array_size = 1;
    info->nr_samples = 0;
    info->nr_storage_samples = 0;
    info->bind = PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW;
    info->usage = PIPE_USAGE_DEFAULT;
    info->flags = 0;

        info->bind |= PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET;
        info->bind |= PIPE_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL;

    if (Usage & D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC) {
        info->usage = PIPE_USAGE_DYNAMIC;

        DBG("Application asked for Software Vertex Processing, "
            "but this is unimplemented\n");

    if (pSharedHandle && *pSharedHandle) { /* Pool == D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM */
        user_buffer = (void *)*pSharedHandle;
        level_offsets = alloca(sizeof(unsigned) * (info->last_level + 1));
        (void) nine_format_get_size_and_offsets(pf, level_offsets,
                                                Width, Height,
    } else if (Pool != D3DPOOL_DEFAULT) {
        /* TODO: For D3DUSAGE_AUTOGENMIPMAP, it is likely we only have to
         * allocate only for the first level, since it is the only lockable
         * level. Check apps don't crash if we allocate smaller buffer (some
         * apps access sublevels of texture even if they locked only first
         * level) */
        level_offsets = alloca(sizeof(unsigned) * (info->last_level + 1));
        user_buffer = align_calloc(
            nine_format_get_size_and_offsets(pf, level_offsets,
                                             Width, Height,
                                             info->last_level), 32);
        This->managed_buffer = user_buffer;
        if (!This->managed_buffer)
            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    This->surfaces = CALLOC(info->last_level + 1, sizeof(*This->surfaces));
    if (!This->surfaces)
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    hr = NineBaseTexture9_ctor(&This->base, pParams, NULL, D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE, Format, Pool, Usage);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        return hr;
    This->base.pstype = (Height == 1) ? 1 : 0;

    /* Create all the surfaces right away.
     * They manage backing storage, and transfers (LockRect) are deferred
     * to them.
    sfdesc.Format = Format;
    sfdesc.Type = D3DRTYPE_SURFACE;
    sfdesc.Usage = Usage;
    sfdesc.Pool = Pool;
    sfdesc.MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_NONE;
    sfdesc.MultiSampleQuality = 0;

    for (l = 0; l <= info->last_level; ++l) {
        sfdesc.Width = u_minify(Width, l);
        sfdesc.Height = u_minify(Height, l);
        /* Some apps expect the memory to be allocated in
         * continous blocks */
        user_buffer_for_level = user_buffer ? user_buffer +
            level_offsets[l] : NULL;

        hr = NineSurface9_new(This->base.base.base.device, NineUnknown(This),
                              This->base.base.resource, user_buffer_for_level,
                              D3DRTYPE_TEXTURE, l, 0,
                              &sfdesc, &This->surfaces[l]);
        if (FAILED(hr))
            return hr;

    /* Textures start initially dirty */
    This->dirty_rect.width = Width;
    This->dirty_rect.height = Height;
    This->dirty_rect.depth = 1; /* widht == 0 means empty, depth stays 1 */

    if (pSharedHandle && !*pSharedHandle) {/* Pool == D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM */
        *pSharedHandle = This->surfaces[0]->data;

    return D3D_OK;